Spirited WDW Observations, News and Provocative Comments


Well-Known Member
I would have liked to get all of them (although I would have had to leave them with a friend in O-town since I had no room left), but with only two there wasn't any choice. I really wanted the skeleton pirate at the wheel, but those were long gone.

A CM at PC told us these were the only ones they were getting, yet I can't help but think that WDCC sales are way down in this economy and other series/pieces will be winding up there.

Oh, and again, nice to see you here yoyo and a very happy and healthy 2010! :xmas::wave::xmas:

They didn't have that many in the WoD, but people seem to be grabbing at them like they were going to save their lives. I got one of the last 3! And it would be nice to see some others discounted too, from a personal perspective. I do think the economy is the reason, but it seems once Disney starts discounting, they have a difficult time stopping.

And I hope you have a happy, healthy 2010 as well! I don't post here much, but I read it almost daily, and I'm definitely one of your followers WDW1974! I always look forward to your insights and observations. :wave:


Active Member
You mean the projections displayed on the Tower in Paris for the grand opening?No. They were custom installed just for the press launch in Paris. There were 6 of them in all, and it looked spectacular.

Aww, That show blew my mind- and I only saw a Youtube video of it! I wish they just kept it and did it nightly so WDS would have a nighttime show :/ or even give em to DHS (;

I wonder where they are now...


Park History nut
Premium Member
Aww, That show blew my mind- and I only saw a Youtube video of it! I wish they just kept it and did it nightly so WDS would have a nighttime show :/ or even give em to DHS (;

I wonder where they are now...
I believe they were hired in for the event. I was there, and they looked even better than on video. I had never seen projections with a hundered ft + throw look so clear, so bright and so well defined. 3 were on the roof of Animagique, 3 on the roof of the Production Studio block.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Not the reason. Pixar has the market power of brand dominance. Like Oreo and cookies.

Yes, they do. But the fact they can't put out a crappy film is why. People recognize quality. Pixar is simply amazing.

Lasseter's name has been all over the past 3 WDFA films.

I don't know if I'd say that. But he has had considerable input in them, especially Bolt and PaTF. I enjoyed the former and haven't seen the latter ... yet.

But the sad fact is the general public views WDFA as a lower quality product whose great days are past. Winning them back after creating things like Atlantis, Home on the Range ... cheapquels like Fox and the Hound 2, Bambi 2 and Cinderella 3 (worst line in the history of Disney animation: Cindy ''maybe one of these days, I'll get this princess thing right.'') will be tough.

People view Pixar as a quality product for ALL ages that doesn't talk down to children and doesn't shield them from more adult themes (you know like what Disney once did). While Disney is viewed largely as what you pick up for $9.99 at Walmart and pop in the DVD player when you're cooking dinner or driving to grammy's and you want the kids to be amused.

It's sad, but that's largely it.

I honestly think if PaTF had Pixar's name attached it would be doing much better than what it is.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the encouragement. So I will try to help to keep the thread alive!

Thanks! It's a very busy work period for me, so I have no idea how much I'll be able to pop in!

I have heard that ToT is the same as in DCA. I really prefer the Orlando version where the elevator also travels horizontally... But i have read on DLP websites that the theming is a bit more thorough than at DCA. Did you notice any of that?

I think getting more of that Hollywood treatment would be good for the Studios in Paris. I think this is something that would get Europeans to come to the park. I once read that Frontierland is larger in DLP because of the strong love of the Europeans for the Wild West. This always made sense to me and I think it would work with the Hollywood theme for the Studios as well. Especially for the German tourist market which for some reason is nearly ignored by all DLP marketing.

I prefer Orlando's ToT myself. It is one case, IMHO, where WDW has the better version by a good deal. ... As to the theming, I can't really say there's a huge difference between DCA and DSP ... Paris is slightly better, but not great.

And you're absolutely correct about Europeans and the Wild West and Hollywood ... those themes are very strong across the Pond and Disney isn't oblivious to that fact.

Frontierland is a thing of beauty at DLP ... but Hollywood at DSP (like the real one) could use a lot of work!

I guess the only solution for much of the Paris Studios is to rebuilt huge chunks of it. In 2003 the only area we liked was the entrance outside Studio 1. :shrug:

I like Studio 1 ... a lot. But it doesn't work as the Main Street of DSP because it is so small and dark. The front of it is blah to me, to be honest. I like the Mickey fountain and the few craftsman touches, but it really just looks cheap to me overall.

That's funny, I live in Nuremberg and work in Berlin at the moment, she got to visit my two home cities! And I went to university in Munich. I hope she enjoyed all three cities, they are quite different from each other. At least she got to see Berlin covered in snow which is not a regular sight in winter...

That's what I've heard. She's either on the way back now or will be within the next few hours, so I'm looking forward to her stories.

I've traveled extensively in Europe, but never made it to Germany ... yet. It's on my 'must see' list!

Actually thinking back on you being dissapointed with the merchandise. You mentioned getting other things which sound like you are a bit of a collector. I think those collectibles are much less common here in Europe in general. I would say that most Europeans see shopping much less of a vacation activity than Americans (I even read about a study that was done on that) with the exception of the British. Souvenirs here tend to be much more practical things you can use in your every day life, but which are a nice memento of the vacation.

In 2007 I was impressed by the quality of design on the normal souvenir things like mugs and T-Shirts. Most WDW mugs and T-Shirts do look very cheesy to me and a bit cheap (of course the price does not reflect that). Especially those yearly designs look from my German point of view too much over the top. What I really liked at DLP was for example a sweater which had some pink flowers on the shoulder and between those was a tiny pink Tinkerbell. I love this sweater and wear it to the office on a regular basis. The Tinkerbell looks like just a nice design to everyone else there. My friend got a very stylish brown handbag which has a small Minnie on the strap. It's things like that which I thought were really great.

And which were improved from our point of view in comparison to our previous trips. 1995 still seemed to have much more varied and unique merchandise than later trips. So it was wonderful to see this coming back in 2007.

But it is much different from what a Disney collector would want to get.

I really see pretty much every resort having very little that I'd want anymore. I say it's worst at WDW, but that may not be fair since I am there more than the others. It's easier to see 'fresh' items in Paris that really aren't.

DL has the best selection for collectors, no doubt. And not surprising considering the market there.

But still, there's a whole lot of homogenization of products and lines. You shouldn't be able to buy the same items everywhere. And I don't want Disney-branded items everywhere either.

Ok, I guess you have me convinced by now that I need to go to DLP in 2010! I think I might even try to go during the summer season, I would love to see fireworks there!

That makes two of us. I have always visited DLP in spring or early fall and I have never seen pyro there, despite having an AP. I have heard they generally don't do great shows there because of local regulations, except on a few holidays.

On my upcoming trip in three weeks I will take my sister to WDW for her first time. She has been to DLP with me in the past and we are planning to spend very little time at the MK during our ten days: The rest of WDW will be much more exciting to her! I love AK and I think she will too - we are even booked on the Wild by Design tour there. And we will still enjoy the dining, but for us it comes with the special attraction of trying to eat "ethnic food" (i.e. American food) while at WDW.

DAK is great. And it shouldn't be hot weather when you're here. I'd take her to Sea World if she likes wild-life too. ... And yeah, if she's spent time at DLP, I can't see her being thrilled with MK.

And if by 'ethnic food' you mean chicken nuggets, burgers and plain pizza, she should be in heaven! :ROFLOL:

Ithink if they had built DCA instead of the Studios in paris, it would have been very successful, all this California theme would have been great for us Europeans!

And if they built DCA right to begin with in Anaheim, it would have likely been a lot more successful too!

To a certain extent I think you are right, if you expect negative experiences, those will be much more obvious than the good ones.

What I don't like about the French is that DLP used to be a very international park in the beginning and when they had those financial troubles, they started to focus much more on the local visitors and therefore put more empathize on French in the park. In 1995 it still felt like a place open to all Europeans, in later years it was a French park. I think this has improved again, at least with regard to English. So many things are now French and English.

Yep. There was a conscious effort starting about a decade ago to make DLP more of a French park. Even with the APs, they only put out the info/newsletters/emails in French, which is very unfriendly to the APers in the UK (they have a lot!), Holland, Germany, Italy, Spain ... and even the few of us in the USofA.

And I absolutely believe many believe they're going to get 'French 'tude' at DLP and wind up acting with tude on their own.

Much like here in the States when you hear that NYC isn't friendly when it is one of friendliest places. Sure, there's a certain attitude of the locals. But that exists everywhere you could think of.

With some places ... like Paris and NYC ... it takes on a life of its own.

One thing which I miss at DLP is however just that it is a multilingual park. At WDW you can talks to nearly everyone (wether guest or CM) in English without any problem. Different languages make communication much less easy and it takes away from possible interactions you can have. I think it is wonderful that you got to talk to this family in the Crush queue. But I think these interactions are much rarer at DLP than at WDW. And if I happen to have converstations with strangers here at home, it very often is Americans starting the conversation. :wave:

Yes. That's true. Much more likely to get into a conversation at WDW, but people will communicate or try if you do. I don't expect everyone to be proficient in English in Paris ...hell, that's tough in Orlando!


Well-Known Member
People view Pixar as a quality product for ALL ages that doesn't talk down to children and doesn't shield them from more adult themes (you know like what Disney once did). While Disney is viewed largely as what you pick up for $9.99 at Walmart and pop in the DVD player when you're cooking dinner or driving to grammy's and you want the kids to be amused.

It's sad, but that's largely it.

I honestly think if PaTF had Pixar's name attached it would be doing much better than what it is.

What's your take on A Christmas Carol? They sold that as a Children's/Family movie, but I think there's a case to be made that it should have been rated PG13.


Park History nut
Premium Member
That makes two of us. I have always visited DLP in spring or early fall and I have never seen pyro there, despite having an AP. I have heard they generally don't do great shows there because of local regulations, except on a few holidays
True, don`t expect 9" shells or anything. Wishes compared to the original, well, didn`t. However, as a full multimedia show to end the day off it was great. Prior to that FitS was a great show (with Tink flying to the castle!) and Enchanted looks very good and similar too. The regular DLP shows in general suffer from a bulk launch system - although timed to music, the displays are very much 10 seconds of this effect, then 10 seconds of that one, then 5 seconds of that one. What is surprising is how close you are to the launchers and pyro - although launched off the Fandland rooftops like in Orlando you feel a lot closer to it. See my FitS 2002 video at martinsvids.net for example.

One thing I will say; the Millenium show at DLP knocked spots of anything in Orlando. Truely staggering.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
True, don`t expect 9" shells or anything. Wishes compared to the original, well, didn`t. However, as a full multimedia show to end the day off it was great. Prior to that FitS was a great show (with Tink flying to the castle!) and Enchanted looks very good and similar too. The regular DLP shows in general suffer from a bulk launch system - although timed to music, the displays are very much 10 seconds of this effect, then 10 seconds of that one, then 5 seconds of that one. What is surprising is how close you are to the launchers and pyro - although launched off the Fandland rooftops like in Orlando you feel a lot closer to it. See my FitS 2002 video at martinsvids.net for example.

One thing I will say; the Millenium show at DLP knocked spots of anything in Orlando. Truely staggering.

How WAS that done, by the way? Saw it in your vids, and WOW!


Well-Known Member
Just got back from my 6 day stint. A few notes:

-I have a problem with fastpass and the associated abuse.
-food is expensive and of poor quality. Also, limited options.
-Merchandise is improving in certain instances, but this usually only applies to retro-inspired items.
-International guests outnumber bumpkins and are in many cases, worse. I imagine that discounts and the weakness of the dollar are the culprit.
-Some Boardwalk rooms are getting refurbed.
-Soarin' is NOT worth a 5 hour wait. Why do people stand (ha!) for this?
-Fantasy in the Sky blows Wishes out of the water.


Active Member
But the sad fact is the general public views WDFA as a lower quality product whose great days are past. Winning them back after creating things like Atlantis, Home on the Range ... cheapquels like Fox and the Hound 2, Bambi 2 and Cinderella 3 (worst line in the history of Disney animation: Cindy ''maybe one of these days, I'll get this princess thing right.'') will be tough.

That's just your assumption. :shrug:

And if they built DCA right to begin with in Anaheim, it would have likely been a lot more successful too!

It would of? :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
They didn't have that many in the WoD, but people seem to be grabbing at them like they were going to save their lives. I got one of the last 3! And it would be nice to see some others discounted too, from a personal perspective. I do think the economy is the reason, but it seems once Disney starts discounting, they have a difficult time stopping.

Yep. And they are in a massive spiral of discounting right now ... everything from resorts to admission (funny how no one's brought up, to my knowledge, the new four-day FLA resident ticket that's incredibly low ... like $96 a person) to food to ... yeah, merchandise.

My one regret -- other than only being able to get two of the WDCC figures -- is that Property Control had some great wine glasses for a $1 each. I thought they were pricey and I checked when I got home and indeed, four of them would set you back $50 in the real world.

And I hope you have a happy, healthy 2010 as well! I don't post here much, but I read it almost daily, and I'm definitely one of your followers WDW1974! I always look forward to your insights and observations. :wave:

I appreciate the kind words, but you should post here more often. We have an interesting mix, but it's always good to raise the cumulative IQ!!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I believe they were hired in for the event. I was there, and they looked even better than on video. I had never seen projections with a hundered ft + throw look so clear, so bright and so well defined. 3 were on the roof of Animagique, 3 on the roof of the Production Studio block.

I would have loved to have been there for that ... it looked like they did just a phenomenal job.

Lucky you!:)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
What's your take on A Christmas Carol? They sold that as a Children's/Family movie, but I think there's a case to be made that it should have been rated PG13.

I wish I could offer an opinion, but I never got around to seeing it.

I can say that many friends who have said likewise. The consensus also was that the technology sucked the very heart out of the story.

I think after waiting two hours in the hot october sun when that train tour came here, my zest for seeing it dropped.

I bet I'll be seeing it on DVD next Christmas.:xmas:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just got back from my 6 day stint. A few notes:

-I have a problem with fastpass and the associated abuse.

You aren't the only one. ... There is an answer, though. Go like I did when you truly don't need FP at all

-food is expensive and of poor quality. Also, limited options.

OK. We all know that. What I want to know is where you dined, what you had and your opinions on the meals!

-Merchandise is improving in certain instances, but this usually only applies to retro-inspired items.

Well, I for one and tired of RETRO. I know the fanbois like it ... and I admit to owning one of the first EPCOT retro tees that came out like five years ago and never sold and went to the outlets ... but I want NEW kewl stuff. I don't simply want them going back to old designs.

Think about how RETRO the crappy lines of today might be in 2023.

-International guests outnumber bumpkins and are in many cases, worse. I imagine that discounts and the weakness of the dollar are the culprit.

Likely. Although at the holidays you tend to get a large number of Americans who make Disney a tradition.

-Some Boardwalk rooms are getting refurbed.

I actually thought they were all done as I know they've started work on the villas (which weren't in that bad shape when I stayed in them last in 2007!)

-Soarin' is NOT worth a 5 hour wait. Why do people stand (ha!) for this?

Who in their right mind waits five hours for a theme park ride? Or even two?

Seriously ... even at the busiest times of year there are always times when you can get on attractions at minimal waits ... maybe first thing in the a.m. ...maybe at 12:43 a.m. ... but you can do it.

I consider a long wait anything over 20 minutes myself!

-Fantasy in the Sky blows Wishes out of the water.

I assume you mean the NYE show at MK? I haven't seen it.
I do find it amusing they're using the old FitS name, which ,of course, was the old regular pyro show at MK for many years.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from my 6 day stint. A few notes:

-I have a problem with fastpass and the associated abuse.

What do you mean by the abuse?

Who in their right mind waits five hours for a theme park ride? Or even two?

Seriously ... even at the busiest times of year there are always times when you can get on attractions at minimal waits ... maybe first thing in the a.m. ...maybe at 12:43 a.m. ... but you can do it.

I consider a long wait anything over 20 minutes myself!

Yeah, the only problem is New Year's eve, it's almost impossible to tour without a ridiculous wait. You could get there earlier in the day and grab a few fastpasses for later in the day. That being said, when I tour, I'm like you, 20-30 minutes is my limit.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Just got back from my 6 day stint. A few notes:

-I have a problem with fastpass and the associated abuse.
-food is expensive and of poor quality. Also, limited options.
-Merchandise is improving in certain instances, but this usually only applies to retro-inspired items.
-International guests outnumber bumpkins and are in many cases, worse. I imagine that discounts and the weakness of the dollar are the culprit.
-Some Boardwalk rooms are getting refurbed.
-Soarin' is NOT worth a 5 hour wait. Why do people stand (ha!) for this?
-Fantasy in the Sky blows Wishes out of the water.
I am greatly looking forward to the full thread. :D

Where is that, BTW? *cough* ;)


New Member
Yeah, the only problem is New Year's eve, it's almost impossible to tour without a ridiculous wait. You could get there earlier in the day and grab a few fastpasses for later in the day. That being said, when I tour, I'm like you, 20-30 minutes is my limit.

I think you're crazy if you try to do normal touring on NYE. Get several dining reservations, and find places to camp out.


New Member
I honestly think if PaTF had Pixar's name attached it would be doing much better than what it is.

I think they should release all Disney animated features under the Pixar label. Been saying that since they bought 'em. Wouldn't be that hard now either, considering JL is EP on everything anyway.

And this echoes my original point, which was that having John involved does not automatically ensure box office success (notice I didn't say artistic or critical success). Having the Pixar name (at this point in time, based on their unblemished history) does, comparitively.

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