Spirited WDW Observations, News and Provocative Comments


Well-Known Member
Ah...Confirmed what I already knew, and suspected. I still am taking a wait and see approach. Seeing that he's being groomed for CEO and a successor to Iger, I don't think he can be THAT bad. I quite like Iger and what he's done with the rest of the company...he just needs to turn to WDW.

I like Iger too and i think he's doing a decent job, i just want a P&R head that has worked in the parks. Someone who knows what Disney magic really is.

Lets make him (Staggs) friends with Goofy or Tigger for a week.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I like Iger too and i think he's doing a decent job, i just want a P&R head that has worked in the parks. Someone who knows what Disney magic really is.

Lets make him (Staggs) friends with Goofy or Tigger for a week.

Yes, please. :lol:

Lasseter or McPhee would be splendid.Now that McPhee is in this new spot though, I am a bit more hopeful for WDW.


Active Member
I feel that they have lost sight of their original focuses.

They have not!!! :mad:

I agree. I love Disney and will continue to go back there. But just because I continue to go back doesn't mean I always agree with how things are being done.

You do know that you continue to become just as bad as all those other naysayers, right, Drew?

Please stop going down that road, for God's sake! :mad:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Well, I'll go with your attitude of hoping for the best and that he's a numbers guy that will somehow make the ideas work with the money he has.

Only way to stay afloat! :lol:

And yes, much before FLE, I was wrong about that.

Perhaps a certain day in October in a year or two will really be the "beginning".


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally Posted by PhotoDave219
I think MK is in good hands with him at the moment..

Debatable. He`s watching what he does now more with Burbank looking over his shoulder, but Space Mountain can be blamed squarely at him along with countless other items. PotC? His. The HM was also his, and shows what he is capable of when he wants, but this was a pet project close to him personally so it wasn`t ever going to fail.

I, obviously, am not a fan of Phil's. But I hear he is a regular reader/fan of mine, so he obviously isn't completely lacking in taste. He also was nice to me when we met back in 1990 and neither one of us knew the other ... or what the future held!

But I also know he's had plenty of hands-on management decisions that have lowered the quality of a MK visit. Bottom line is he's been in the job for a very long time by Disney standards. It's time for them to move him to another position he is ill-equipped for.

Pirates definitely was his 'fault' and it just shouldn't have been allowed.
Space was as well, but only to a point. ... Because ultimately, folks above him should have done the playcalling on the redo, much like folks way above him pushed the F-Land project through. So, while I blame him in a big way, people above should have stopped and just said 'Space Mountain is decrepit and stuck in the 1970s and we have a chance to make it an amazing cutting edge experience that folks will talk about from the second they get home, so we're shutting it down for two years and doing this right'. ... They didn't.

But I also refuse to give Phil much credit on Mansion. Eric's team was largely responsible and despite a rather small budget, did great things. I guess the best I can say on that subject was Phil just stayed out of the way.

Still, there's no way I can say MK is in good hands. There's only one park at WDW I feel is being run by folks who get it and care ... and their hands are being tied by folks above. Out of all the park VPs, Phil has the most power. Should they be equal? Yes. But he's been there for so long while all the others have new guys. He also has the No. 1 theme park in the world and loves having that hanging over his head (tempted to drop in an off-color remark here but will restrain myself) ... and that gives him a bit of leeway the others simply don't get. :xmas:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I don't want to bother everyone with even more DLP talk (it already seems to confuse people on the topic about which studios are talked about), but I wanted to do a few short replies since I appreciated your input! :wave:

You aren't bothering me and I started the thread, so feel free to take the conversation wherever it flows to. Threads die when there's nothing new to talk about ... besides, I'd rather talk about DLP now. I'll sound much more positive.

The Pixar area was already open and it was the only part of the studios I liked! It is actually pretty cute and we got to meet Remy. :king: Tower was a building site. So I am a bit optimistic regarding improvement there!

It is the only part that doesn't feel so cold and sterile. But I don't know how much they can do. The layout of the park and decision to make mostly large soundstage buildings has kind of hamstrung them now.

Tower is same version as in DCA as it was 'borrowed' quickly when DCA faultered at opening. A different version in a different location was supposed to be built around 2006-07.

Anyway, back to DSP ... the one thing that's going to really hurt is the lack of water and greenery. DLP is so lush and DSP is so not.

Hope your friend has a great vacation here in Germany!

So far, so good. I think ... she is in Nuremberg now for NYE. Was skiing somewhere. Also was in Munich and is headed to Berlin for three days before heading back to FLA. ... She's been to Germany once before, but none of the above.

Since I am not a fan of stage shows, I really don't mind that they aren't improving in this regard! And on the merchandise: this was actually one thing we liked in 2007. I was impressed by the choice in Disney women's clothing which was very wearable.

I love shows, well, good ones. Those two were really wonderful. Better than anything at WDW, so I do miss them.

And I don't (normally) wear women's clothing so I can't comment on that!:ROFLOL:

Thanks for your comment, it does really sound very promising! To be fair, 2007 was much better than 2003 and if things are as you say, I think 2010 might see me on a short trip to Paris again!! You are right that DLP is just breathtakingly beautiful - I mainly go to the MK at WDW only for Splash Mountain and the TTA.

I'd go. And I think I will! And I'm a lot further away!

As for MK, I largely go out of habit. Although I really did have a great time there a few weeks ago ... I think the cool weather and empty park definitely had something to do with that.

But largely, my WDW trips are about EPCOT, DAK and resorts, and then everything else. Dining used to be way up there, but that's all changed since the DDP took over.

I agree. I think that might be the reason why I actually rather liked DCA when I first saw it - I was expecting a disaster like the WDS.

Yeah. DCA isn't close to the cold empty feeling of DSP and never has come close. And HKDL (another park 'built on the cheap') is like a masterpiece in comparison too.

Unfortunately, yes. One thing I love about WDW is the friendliness of CMs and guests. It seems that continental Europeans and theme parks don't go well together...

I dunno ... I hear about this a lot and I have to say that DLP CMs were universally good to GREAT on my last trip. I filled out four compliment cards at City Hall and could have done 40 (btw, they were shocked that we were doing so). I get the idea that Europeans feel the French have 'tudes and go in with 'tudes themselves (especially the UKers who are still fighting wars from the middle ages!) ... CMs were just so friendly, so helpful and (dare I say it, as an American used to seeing 300-pound slovenly WDW CMs, very attractive ... both female and male!)

The worst guests seemed to come from Spain. I'd compare the way the French and British (see, they have something in common) bitched about them to the way Brazilians are ripped by WDW regulars, as they tend to be loud, tend to treat queues as suggestions and are often not pleasant to be around. Yet, one of the nicest families we met were standing in a queue for Crush's Coaster with us and we talked for about 45 minutes (part English, part Spanish), so I just don't like to paint groups with broad brushes. ... I mean, even I admit I like some Disney execs!:eek::animwink::xmas:


Well-Known Member
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Originally Posted by Pumbas Nakasak
Numbers guys know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.

Very, very well stated.


And that's why Staggs scares me. He IS a numbers guy. Just like Rasulo.
He did get started in Strat Planning, which was hated and derided by so many in so many divisions of the company under Eisner.

Worse, Iger has said largely that nothing will change. That his vision is Jay's vision and will be Tom's vision. ... I don't like a lot (not all by any means) of that vision.

Good points that I've heard though:
He isn't a total like JR and, indeed, is pretty well-liked;
He has kids (unlike JR) and you'd guess that seeing the parks through his kids eyes may clue him in a bit on what works and what doesn't;
He values the input of others (unlike JR);
He seems to think (although many say this won't happen no matter what) that if he does this job well, he sets himself up to be No. 2 at Disney and someday, No.1.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sorry for the lateness, just saw this.

The WDCC at the WoD were Pirates of the Caribbean indeed, just 2 (the pirate on the bridge, and the Redhead/auctioner set). This was Dec. 5. We also headed to Poperty control, and they has only the Auctioneer/rehead set for $20.

I would have liked to get all of them (although I would have had to leave them with a friend in O-town since I had no room left), but with only two there wasn't any choice. I really wanted the skeleton pirate at the wheel, but those were long gone.

A CM at PC told us these were the only ones they were getting, yet I can't help but think that WDCC sales are way down in this economy and other series/pieces will be winding up there.

And the 50%, we didn't know until we heard the CM announcing it, and another CM told us in a shop. I agree, very foolish with no signs, but WDW doesn't seem to know how to handle much anymore, does it. ;)

No, they don't.

What's surprising is the 2009 stuff at WDW now at 50% is actually better than the 2008 stuff that the outlet store near me is still selling with most in the 30-40% range (I'd be selling anything with 2008 on it at 80-90% off myself, but I'm not in retailing ... just spent a lifetime buying stuff!)

Oh, and again, nice to see you here yoyo and a very happy and healthy 2010! :xmas::wave::xmas:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally Posted by PhotoDave219
I like Iger too and i think he's doing a decent job, i just want a P&R head that has worked in the parks. Someone who knows what Disney magic really is.

Lets make him (Staggs) friends with Goofy or Tigger for a week.

Yes, please. :lol:

Lasseter or McPhee would be splendid.Now that McPhee is in this new spot though, I am a bit more hopeful for WDW.

The reality is the days of having someone who knows the parks running them is long past.

And John Lasseter is exactly where he belongs -- and wants to be. I like him sticking his nose around at WDI, but I don't see him as the type of guy to take on a job like that. He's a creative.

As for Jim MacPhee, his experience is great at WDW ... but not beyond. Not saying he couldn't run P&R, but he wouldn't be one of my top choices. I want to see what he can and does do in his new role! :xmas:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Originally Posted by PhotoDave219
I like Iger too and i think he's doing a decent job, i just want a P&R head that has worked in the parks. Someone who knows what Disney magic really is.

Lets make him (Staggs) friends with Goofy or Tigger for a week.

The reality is the days of having someone who knows the parks running them is long past.

And John Lasseter is exactly where he belongs -- and wants to be. I like him sticking his nose around at WDI, but I don't see him as the type of guy to take on a job like that. He's a creative.

As for Jim MacPhee, his experience is great at WDW ... but not beyond. Not saying he couldn't run P&R, but he wouldn't be one of my top choices. I want to see what he can and does do in his new role! :xmas:
I do think he'll be good for the quality of the parks, and might take a position that listens to the fan base a bit more. His work for EPCOT's 25th (Albeit just a day, and not nearly what it could and should have been...sounds like the 40th.) spoke volumes about what he wanted to do. Not like Brad Rex who flat out said "NO." :rolleyes::lol:

Just want to ask you one thing...Why not Lasseter? His creativity and zela for the parks would be perfect.
Well if Staggs listens to MacPhee.... it COULD work. Mebbie....
And his kids...

...And has Eisner values....


This is too intricate for my taste.

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