Spirited Spring Break News, Observations & Thoughts ...


Well-Known Member
..have you ever actually witnessed the types of peoples who do meet and greets? Especially the princesses, its VERY common for grown men to go...even solo. I witness this personally on several occasions.

You know, most people would think spending any amount of time discussing WDW on the internet would be weird. I don't think any of us are right to judge someone's interests. It's not for me, but why do I care what other people do? There's a lot of "pot calling the kettle black" in this thread and it's annoying.


Well-Known Member
That seems to be the picture they use when it's not Aurora/Snow White as the visiting princess. Whenever I see this, I usually wait in line to see if we can meet a surprise visitor. I'm pretty sure Jasmine was visiting when this was pictured.

I believe it's more when they cannot guarantee you will be meeting a given princess. Not enough friends to go around and share with all at that time.


Well-Known Member
You know, most people would think spending any amount of time discussing WDW on the internet would be weird. I don't think any of us are right to judge someone's interests. It's not for me, but why do I care what other people do? There's a lot of "pot calling the kettle black" in this thread and it's annoying.

Exactly where was I judging anyone? I just pointed out the mis-information that ALL of these are place holders for kids.


Well-Known Member
..have you ever actually witnessed the types of peoples who do meet and greets? Especially the princesses, its VERY common for grown men to go...even solo. I witness this personally on several occasions.

Spoken like someone without kids. You can't imagine what you'll go through to put a smile on your kids' face. The shear delight of seeing a little one with a character they love is an experience second to none.

The Mom

Premium Member
Spoken like someone without kids. You can't imagine what you'll go through to put a smile on your kids' face. The shear delight of seeing a little one with a character they love is an experience second to none.

He was just pointing out that not all of the adults in line are holding a place for children - some are, some aren't. Some adults like to have pictures taken with characters. Some have crossed into stalkish behaviors, and may have personality disorders, but others just think it's fun. That doesn't mean the latter group have any sort of mental illness, or are some sort of deviants.

Which is what too many people in this thread have implied - heck, stated outright in some cases.

Not nice.


Well-Known Member
Just spoke with a friend who is quite good with numbers. He said MK on Easter Sunday was dead ... like never getting much beyond 35,000 folks dead.

Not doubting you, I know you have very reliable sources, but as somebody who was there...that doesn't seem right at all. Despite the weather, MK was an absolute nightmare to navigate all vacation. The park was chaos on Wednesday and Thursday (except for EMH) and Easter itself was packed, at least the hours I was there. Keep in mind I have no numbers and my experience is totally anecdotale. The entire experience, coupled with how INCREDIBLY filthy the MK was, made me cautious about ever visiting the MK during peak hours. Morning was fine, but afternoon and evening was quite unejoyable. It was simply too crowded.

Epcot on the other hand, and even DHS/DAK were crowded but very very enjoyable. As was my stay at the Dolphin. As much as I love the other Epcot resorts, economically, it doesnt make any sense to stay at them when the Swan and Dolphin are right there, with the same amenities, for much, much less.
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Obviously they are just holding a place in line while their children are elsewhere. Probably won't be long before they add interactive elements to the queue. Or add more of the enhanced m&gs to handle demand.

I am hoping that is a sarcastic sentence.

My Sister-in-law was down there about a month ago and met them at Epcot and they were allowed to have 1 parent stay in line while the other took my niece to other attractions. So it is possible that some adults are doing that here as well.


Well-Known Member
He was just pointing out that not all of the adults in line are holding a place for children - some are, some aren't. Some adults like to have pictures taken with characters. Some have crossed into stalkish behaviors, and may have personality disorders, but others just think it's fun. That doesn't mean the latter group have any sort of mental illness, or are some sort of deviants.

Which is what too many people in this thread have implied - heck, stated outright in some cases.

Not nice.
My wife loves to go get her picture with characters and get autographs. There's nothing creepy about how she does it. She's just being a big kid and having fun.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. I've heard it's really difficult to get into the Polynesian Terrace and Diamond Horseshoe shows unless you stay on-site or speak Japanese. We will be staying on-site for a couple of nights next time, and since I suspect this is probably the only time we will ever stay on-site, I want to take advantage of being able to book through the hotel booking site once we get within 30 days of the reservation. Otherwise, we'd have to jump through the hoops you mention, and I just can't see it being worth that.

Disappointing to hear your reaction to the show and food. I could deal with it if either the food or the show were great and the other were subpar, but not both. Sarah is indifferent to these shows to begin with, but I've been pushing for them because this is probably literally the only opportunity we will have to do them. We still have a ton of time until we'll be back, but I wanted to start finding out info now, as it seems there is almost no information about these meals online. I guess I have more time to think about whether we ought to do one or both...

Your post makes me miss Tokyo even more. Envious that you got to spend 8 1/2 days there. (By the way, where else in Japan did you go?) I can't wait to be back at the two best Disney theme parks on the planet...

EDIT TO ADD: I just realized most of you won't give two hoots about this post. :hilarious: Sorry about that!!! Tom, this one's for you!!

We had been to Tokyo in 2008 and on that trip, we did a number of the "big" tourist type things... Tsukiji fish market, we went to the 5th station of Mt. Fuji (which is basically about halfway up), Hakone National Park, rode a bullet train, etc... So this trip we wanted to try to not repeat anything at all, which worked out great.

For example, one of the drawbacks of Mt. Fuji is it takes quite some time to get there. So this trip, we climbed Mt. Takao. It's about 45 minutes outside the city by train, which is easily do-able, and which takes you through different parts of the city you wouldn't see otherwise. At the base of the mountain is a small village with all sorts of cool food booths, and trinket shops, and the like. Really fun shopping. There's a ski-gondola ride you can take about half way up (which was great, and freaked out the kids), and from there it's about a 45 minute hike through shrines and temples, and forests, and amazing views. There are even a few small restaurants carved into the mountain side that you can stop at for noodles or what have you, as well as small vendors selling SNACKS (I know of your affinity for those!). There's even a monkey park along the way. And that's just on the path we chose. I believe there are 6 paths, all of which provide a different experience. One walks past waterfalls. One crosses a huge suspension bridge. That kind of thing. When you get to the top, when you look one direction you have a CLOSE view of Mt. Fuji, and from that same spot, if you turn around, you have an incredible view of Tokyo. It was absolutely worth the afternoon. I could imagine a shutterbug like you going NUTS.

Other than that, we went to Harajuku on a Sunday morning to see all the teenagers dressed in cosplay and check out all the trendy shops and eat crepes (it's what they do there... There are probably 20 crepe stands). We blinked and had been there 3 hours. Harajuku is where the Olympic village was in 1964, so the main stadium is nearby, plus a HUGE park with a massive shrine. We walked through it, and stumbled across a traditional Japanese wedding procession which was incredible to see.

We went up SkyTree Tower, which was incredible.

We spent a day in Ueno Park, which is where they have the Cherry Blossom Festival every year. We were about two weeks to early for that, but they were setting everything up, which was cool to see. Also in that park is their Zoo, which we spent a few hours in and our kids loved. They have pandas, but it was closed when we were there.

We ate at a lot of good restaurants, but I wanted to find a "fun" place for the kids... So I did my homework and found Ninja Asaksa, a ninja themed restaurant. It was a lot of fun, and one of the highest rated restaurants in Tokyo. To get to your table they lead you through all these secret passages and over secret drawbridges to your little private room that looks carved out of stone. The food was very high end, but also very dicey for a Westerner. We tried it all, but only probably ate half of it. :confused: It was a blast, but WAS NOT CHEAP. For 5 of us, it was $450. o_O

We did plenty of other stuff... For example we spent a good amount of time in Odaiba... But what I've described here are the things that I would recommend to anyone visiting Tokyo (if you haven't already!!).

The country and the people are just amazing. Wonderful. And those aren't words in my daily vocabulary. But there's just no other way to say it. Our 17 year old has said over and over that if she spoke Japanese, she absolutely would live there for a while when she gets out of school. And I believe her. Heck, I probably would too, if it were feasible.


Well-Known Member
Great to hear from you. Been meaning to drop an email, but this works for everyone here!

Did you venture beyond Tokyo at all or just around the city? I don't know that I'd do eight days at TDR, although I'd probably love that. I still think 4-5 days is the perfect amount IF it isn't crazy busy, which it wasn't for me.

Preach to the Spirit for he knows you speak the truth!

I just feel so bad for the fans who think the MK and EPCOT are as good as theme parks get. They have absolutely no clue what they are missing.

But I am also realistic. Most Americans can't afford a Tokyo trip. BUT ... most of the fans who are on forums like this talking about taking their 33rd trip to WDW (all staying on site, all dining at WDW etc), well, they can ... they just don't want to experience a foreign culture.

I am very much hoping to make it to Tokyo this fall. If I do it will be the last of four Disney resorts I see in 2014 ... what's that they say about 'leaving the best for last?'

Feel free to use this thread to spread as much love about TDR as you see fit. Seriously. Folks don't visit the foreign parks boards and I love talking about them.

I have wanted to do one as well (more Diamond Horseshoe for me), so I am a bit disappointed to hear your experience doing the Poly show. ... I have been told that the OLC basically views these shows as for the locals and sees no reason to make it easy (or even possible) for foreigners to book.

I have been told that if I want to go to one to just have one of my local friends book it on the Japanese website and that is, indeed, what I will do.

Matt is busy making Cedar Fair's parks higher caliber ... and he likely wants no part of Disney after the way he was treated during his tenure. ... As to the mentality, I say Disney helps foster it. From the ECVs and double wide strollers, which they absolutely could cut down the use of and make it tougher for those who use them to crowd control CMs who actually tell guests "NO' ... but I think the worst part is caused by Disney's greed. I think it causes people to feel entitled and greedy themselves because they are nickel and dimed to death.

Funny thing about Mansion and Pirates, I went on both multiple times on my little trip. Little to no waits for them at night as usual ... but 35-45 minute waits during the day (Small World too).

We did a lot of sightseeing too. I just replied to Tom's question about that, so check out that post. But on a trip like this, we absolutely go non-stop. We're one of those families that live by the mantra "we can sleep when we get home". Even our 5 year old (who did 2 weeks in Japan and 8 1/2 days at TDL without a stroller and didn't complain once) was pushing us to keep going every single day. It's funny... We probably took our time the most at the parks, just because we knew we had so much time there. But I could feel our pace quickening the last 3 or 4 days in the parks... Like we knew it was winding down.

You are so right to say that so many on this board COULD make a trip to TDL work if they really wanted to. You're so right. If people really knew what they would experience while over there, it would be such an easy decision to skip one (or maybe two) WDW trips in lieu of traveling to the other side of the planet. But it's a daunting proposition for so many that just haven't been anywhere where English isn't the primary language. It can be scary. I get it. But so is trying to plan for that first family WDW trip, isn't it?? Where will I eat? Where will I stay? How will I get around? It's a lot of the same questions. I want to say this out loud: If anyone reading this has thought about visiting TDL and hasn't gotten serious about it because they're nervous or unsure of what to expect or are just too worried about how to tackle it, PM me. I would be GLAD to help and offer any advice or answer any questions you might have. All of you are huge WDW fans. You all DESERVE to see the best and experience the best. I would be happy to help.

You're for sure right about the dinner shows. It was quickly obvious that they have purposely chosen not to implement anything for foreigners to book. It would take very little effort to offer an English version of their booking site, and they just don't. But did I let that stop me? No sir. In hindsight, do I WISH I would have let it stop me?? Possibly. :hilarious:

I completely agree with you that Disney helps foster that entitlement mentality. I think they're stuck in a vicious circle that I fear they can't (or won't) get out of. Doing so would mean numbers wouldn't increase at every annual review, and we all know they can't have that. They've gotta feed the beast. I'm reminded of a little plant that appeared during a "total eclipse of the sun"... The parallels are pretty interesting...



Well-Known Member
Not doubting you, I know you have very reliable sources, but as somebody who was there...that doesn't seem right at all. Despite the weather, MK was an absolute nightmare to navigate all vacation. The park was chaos on Wednesday and Thursday (except for EMH) and Easter itself was packed, at least the hours I was there. Keep in mind I have no numbers and my experience is totally anecdotale. The entire experience, coupled with how INCREDIBLY filthy the MK was, made me cautious about ever visiting the MK during peak hours. Morning was fine, but afternoon and evening was quite unejoyable. It was simply too crowded.

Epcot on the other hand, and even DHS/DAK were crowded but very very enjoyable. As was my stay at the Dolphin. As much as I love the other Epcot resorts, economically, it doesnt make any sense to stay at them when the Swan and Dolphin are right there, with the same amenities, for much, much less.

Im not understanding the number thing either, as the place has been unbelievable chaos like you said. And it doesnt seem to matter which day, whether it be a weekend or week day, its a zoo. Its just been impossible so I dont get it, but would love to understand the numbers and how they can say its been dead.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Not much going down yet ... but there has been a change in Bob Iger's strategy, apparently ... I'm just waiting to see if anyone else is going to mention it before deciding when and what to place out.

There may be movement on something else, but until I get 2-3 sources to confirm, I am not putting it out.

Contrary to the dead Disney CEO, I do work my hardest to make sure the info I put out is accurate.

Do you think the low capacity in the parks (filled parks) vs the low occupancy rates in the Disney branded hotels at WDW finally made him see red alert and change his posture on "sell as expensive as possible and always count pennies" ?

Astro Blaster

Well-Known Member
One other note on TDL...

They started enforcing FP return times 2 days before we arrived.

Makes me wonder what's in store for the resort over the next couple years...

My first hunch is that's because it's Japan. Timeliness is essential in Japanese culture. The trains run like clockwork. Even the sushi restaurant by my work will get rid of your reservation if you don't confirm when they call the day before, or if you're more than 5-10 minutes late.

Glad to hear you liked TDR and Japan, though. My trip to Japan a few years ago - which included 2 days in TDR - was probably the best of my life. I went with my Japanese-speaking cousins and Aunt so I got some local flair to go along with all the touristy stuff I did.

I need to go back and spend more time in TDR and Tokyo itself. Two days wasn't enough.


Well-Known Member
The wait times for other attractions were spared long wait times with all the guest standing in the Elsa and Anna Queue at Fairytale.


photo's mouse steps

Lots of Adults without Children in that queue, a phenomenon I can't wrap my brain around.

I've had an idea for years that will speed up character greetings... forget the hand written autographs and opt for a stamp with their signature (like Buzz does). It's hard enough for some of those characters to do that anyways and think about how many people per day go through those lines asking for both of them to sign their book and factor in the time it takes for both of them to do this v/s how quick it would be to stamp them and the time saved


Well-Known Member
I've had an idea for years that will speed up character greetings... forget the hand written autographs and opt for a stamp with their signature (like Buzz does). It's hard enough for spme of those characters to do that anyways and think about how many people per day go through those lines asking for both of then to sign their book times the time it takes for both of them to do this v/s how quick it would be to stamp them and the time saved

Except thats part of why people wait...for that interaction. Even without a signature, each interaction is a certain length..its part of the whole experience.


Well-Known Member
Except thats part of why people wait...for that interaction. Even without a signature, each interaction is a certain length..its part of the whole experience.

true but they get interaction regardless of a signed piece of paper...plus in my opinion if they want longer interaction, that is what some of the character meals can do

I don't hear people complaining about Buzz stamping their book and loss of interaction there

is it better to get 10 people through with longer interaction and a signed piece of paper or 100 with shorter interaction and a stamped autograph? I don't know

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