Spirited Spring Break News, Observations & Thoughts ...


Well-Known Member
Just spoke with a friend who is quite good with numbers. He said MK on Easter Sunday was dead ... like never getting much beyond 35,000 folks dead.

Yeah, I was there in the afternoon-evening. There was a decent crowd, but nothing like a summer crowd. And the wait times at SM and BTMRR peaked at around 40-50 so not too bad.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yeah, I was there in the afternoon-evening. There was a decent crowd, but nothing like a summer crowd. And the wait times at SM and BTMRR peaked at around 40-50 so not too bad.

The wait times for other attractions were spared long wait times with all the guest standing in the Elsa and Anna Queue at Fairytale.


photo's mouse steps

Lots of Adults without Children in that queue, a phenomenon I can't wrap my brain around.
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Well-Known Member
The wait times for other attractions were spared long wait times with all the guest standing in the Elsa and Anna Queue at Fairytale.


Lots of Adults without Children in that queue, a phenomenon I can't wrap my brain around.

Obviously they are just holding a place in line while their children are elsewhere. Probably won't be long before they add interactive elements to the queue. Or add more of the enhanced m&gs to handle demand.

Edit: oops. sorry forgot this was the spirit thread. Sorry mods.

Fe Maiden

Well-Known Member
And snow days were being made up for this past week.

Where I've noticed the change is our kids' sports teams. Usually games and practices aren't scheduled for this week, but this year they've been fitting in practices since the pubs have shortened spring break and more families have been hanging around. Fortunately our kids go to catholic school so hell would freeze over before they would decide to shorten Easter break. And I have to give our principal credit, there were a few iffy days the township called for a full snow day where our school called for a 10am opening which means they count as fully attended days.


Well-Known Member
lol - well they may not be 100% accurate, but they have more of the real data than most of us bozos around here

Actually, you'd be surprised at how many folks here could give you a pretty accurate number on attendance down to the hundreds (the tens and ones are irrelevant at this volume) if they so desired. Of course, doing so would likely restrict numbers access even further, so don't expect to see them posting the numbers often.

Fe Maiden

Well-Known Member
The wait times for other attractions were spared long wait times with all the guest standing in the Elsa and Anna Queue at Fairytale.


Lots of Adults without Children in that queue, a phenomenon I can't wrap my brain around.

And look how happy everyone is! The bread line during the Great Depression was more upbeat than this. But as they say, you can't put a price on magic.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
The fb site has almost 200,000 likes with lots of active commenters. Gives you a good idea of the mental illness problem

Some of us have it "liked" only to keep tabs on the insanity of it all. Same with a few other lifestyle blogs/pages. Very rarely, they have an interesting picture or tidbit of information that I actually enjoy.

I also have the official WDW FB page 'liked' and when they posted that the (last) discounts were due to end in 24 hours so HURRY AND BOOK NOW! I commented with something along the lines of "why bother when the next discount specials are the exact same thing?" and was promptly called a hater by 100+ people before my comment was...somehow... magically erased from the comments section.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I have nothing but support for our military (if not the leadership that sends them into harm's way often for no good reason.)

And the harping is only in regard to the HUGE increase in jobs (terrorism can be really great for a company, if you are defense contractor, right? do you think anyone at high levels in that business isn't hoping for more bloodshed in Ukraine, so we won't slash budgets?) that has come about post-9/11. That is a fact. It is most definitely, after unemployment, the largest growth sector in the 21st century America and one that has slipped quietly along ... at least until the Snowden release.

Many of those jobs are ex-military, many are entry level to start, many don't require college educations ... in other words, many (not all certainly) of these new jobs (that do pay well enough to take your family to WDW and pay ridiculous prices) are from people who may well have been at a much lower socio-economic level had the world been a safer, better place in the 21st century.

Speaking as ex-military whos done rather well since my switch to the private sector, all I can say is my sartorial elegance is nothing to do with George @ Walmart and more to do with a desire not to dress like my father, a concept that seems alien to most in the former colony. But hey we cant all dress like pensioners.


Well-Known Member
Not much going down yet ... but there has been a change in Bob Iger's strategy, apparently ... I'm just waiting to see if anyone else is going to mention it before deciding when and what to place out.

There may be movement on something else, but until I get 2-3 sources to confirm, I am not putting it out.

Contrary to the dead Disney CEO, I do work my hardest to make sure the info I put out is accurate.

Thank you for the reply and for vetting your leads. Very interesting and I look forward to reading more once you're at the point that you can share.


Well-Known Member
Not at all. You can tell because usually the fathers get stuck with the job. You can't convince me that many adults are there for their own amusement. That would be frightening. :jawdrop:

..have you ever actually witnessed the types of peoples who do meet and greets? Especially the princesses, its VERY common for grown men to go...even solo. I witness this personally on several occasions.


Well-Known Member
low crowds during this time aren't unheard of and we don't really know how accurate 35k is either...Touring Plans has the historical crowd levels during Easter Sunday in 2011 (which was also late that year away from spring break) at a level 3, and level 2 in 2012 which is both very low... so the crowds this past weekend weren't a surprise. Most are just comparing to last year's crowds which fell during most school's spring breaks

Easter Sunday
2011 (Apr. 24th) - crowd level 3 out of 10
2012 (Apr. 8th) - crowd level 2 out of 10
2013 (Mar. 31st) - crowd level 8 out of 10

I was there in 2012 and it was not crowded.


Well-Known Member
..have you ever actually witnessed the types of peoples who do meet and greets? Especially the princesses, its VERY common for grown men to go...even solo. I witness this personally on several occasions.

Not doubting you at all. Different strokes I guess. As long as it is respectful I guess I can't judge them. But if it is becoming something mainstream I would find that more than troubling.

OK leaving this thread. But I am encouraged that Iger has been spending a lot of time at WDW. I'd assume that is a good thing for the future.

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