Spirited Special II: DHS Guardians Tower Not Dead; DL to Trade Nostalgia For Star Wars Pyro


Well-Known Member
Sounds like TDO doesn't even know what is going on. Is it too many people trying to plan, or simply no leadership to guide?


Well-Known Member
Man, what an awful set of options: either take and undo a resort classic in Tower of Terror (in a park that's currently dying from lack of entertainment options), or put it in Future World and essentially announce to the world "The EPCOT concept is officially dead, long live IPcot."

Meanwhile, as others have said, the obvious answer is right in front of them: take Rock n Roller Coaster, which while popular doesn't usually draw quite as much as Tower and has an outdated theme over it (much as I love the classic rock posters in the queue, my dad used to point to some and say "Hey, I was at that one"), and go right ahead and IP it up since the entire Studios park is going in that direction soon.

ALSO meanwhile, take Universe of Energy and put a much simpler concept in it, and probably save a bunch of money in the process. For any of you who read the fantastic Passport to Dreams Old and New blog, Foxy recently did a write up about all the original Future World pavilions and attractions, trying to get at the root of what they were, what made them tick, what made early EPCOT Center work, and what it should aim to be going forward (she didn't do some big brainstorm dream session, just broad parameters). I loved her idea for UoE: go basic. Keep the dinosaur diorama, but get rid of the moving theater, add in an Omnimover, and change it from a 45 minute theater show to a 15 minute ride. Get some companies involved in alternative energy to sponsor, and you've got yourself a nice simple ride that can eat up some crowds efficiently while folks on that side of the park wait for their Test Track fast passes or what have you.

Of course, that doesn't seem the be the direction corporate is going in, which is to homogenize and to just look at wait times as an indicator that they're doing something right. It's sad, though, since one other thing Foxy mentioned in that blog was that if they ever did want to get back to the original EPCOT spirit, a big thing they'd have to do would be to have some respect for the audience's ability to appreciate something different and new. Ok, people want IPs right now, lovely, but Disney's bread and butter for ages was giving audiences a bit of what they want, but a big sampling of things they never even knew could exist. And you know what? As others here are mentioning, if you look at how well science exhibits and various museums around the country are doing these days, turns out your average tourist family is actually quite willing to have an experience that, while certainly not rigorous in an academic sense, offer something that lights up different parts of the mind than usual.

She made one other great point that I wish corporate would realize, which is something most Floridians in the area already know: EPCOT is the greatest "hang out" park there is. You don't need enormous two hour line blockbusters, but you need a decent offering of attractions and little nooks and crannies around the park, from cool little hands-on science exhibits, to art installations that are there for art's sake, to even just some nice benches in some nicely manicured green areas. Doing that would keep people invested and interested in the park and create a welcoming atmosphere, all without having to spend untold millions to install some thematically inconsistent IP E-tickets.

I'm sorry for rambling, but all this talk has, admittedly, kind of gotten to me, even after a few weeks of making my peace with the idea. For a tl;dr version: you can't just serve up the public everything it says it wants on a silver platter, you doom yourself to diminishing returns and a lack of passion from your fanbase. You want them coming back forever? Yes, give them some of what they want, but don't be afraid to say "Hey, betcha didn't know you ever wanted THIS!" too.


Premium Member
Yup. Back with another summer special to ease you all into the dog days of August.

And where to start? How about we start with what isn't dead? What is that you ask?

Plans for WDW's ToT to be covered in the same horrendous overlay as will be happening in Anaheim that is. No, the project isn't dead. Just like the GotG takeover isn't a done deal for EPCOT yet. And, yes, I was one who agreed it was (but I didn't break that news as I am sure others here who follow such things will attest).

As near as I can tell, the folks working on the EPCOT GotG project are looking for a fan push to help them figuring (sadly, likely correctly) that there is no love lost for Ellen's mid-90s bastardization of the Universe of Energy. And that folks are far less likely to complain about killing one last remnant of EPCOT Center versus destroying about the only thing still worth visiting The Corpse of The Disney-MGM Studios for.

So ... what happened? Well, despite all the online chatter from folks who claim to have sources (but largely are repeating what they read on the Tweeter or simply feeding their flocks information that is coming directly from Disney's --UNI too! --publicity machine, WDW's Tower makeover was still happening as we got into June. Then, George K showed some testicular fortitude and actually stood up to Disney P&R Head Bob 'Chappie' Chapek. He told the bald wonder at selling Thor hammers and Captain America tees that WDW simply couldn't afford to lose any more capacity at a park that really has nothing at all to do, yet somehow still charges over $100 a day.

As a friend in a position to know picks up our tale, "George K. successfully pleaded to Chapek that DHS and WDW overall couldn't spare to lose a headliner E Ticket long-term before Avatar and Toy Story Land opens. As a point of reference, DCA has 22 different rides that have a combined capacity of 18,100 riders per hour, plus five theater attractions and a few walk-thru exhibits that have a combined capacity of 4,100 visitors per hour, and the four daily Frozen shows in the 2,000 seat Hyperion Theater that packs in 8,000 per day. DCA also has a daily parade and one or two World of Colors per night. DHS has only 5 rides, and even after the expansion of Midway Mania with a third track, those five rides now have a combined capacity of 8,400 riders per hour, plus a half dozen theater attractions and some walk-thrus that can get 3,600 visitors per hour when the staggered show times are smoothed out over a 12 hour operating day, no parade, and Fantasmic!.

That gives DCA a combined ride/theater capacity of 22,900 people per hour, plus a daily parade and World of Color. While DHS has a combined ride/theater capacity of 12,000 people per hour, no parade, but Fantasmic!.

Those sad DHS numbers were used by George K. to help convince Chapek that they can't spare closing Tower for an extended refurb until at least after Avatar and Toy Story Land both open. Chapek relented, but he loves the numbers and results coming out of the Anaheim operation and he can't understand why WDW can't be more like DLR. Chapek is also salivating at the future growth potential for Anaheim after he helped greenlight additional big budget DLR park expansion beyond Star Wars recently with the Board of Directors."

So, that is why Tower is "saved" at WDW. For however long remains to be seen. If the EPCOT project gets the green light, then it will likely be for many years to come. If not however ... change is still on the table.

And speaking of change ... and what likely will have DLR Prez Michael Colglazier throwing things at his computer when he hits the office tomorrow morning, it is coming to Anaheim in another major way (Paris too, but we'll get to that in a bit).


We all know (or should, we are fanbois after all! This stuff is important! Not like war and terrorism and elections and global warming!) that the spectacular DL 60th Anniversary fireworks show Forever is sorta a contradiction as it is going away forever in about five weeks. Originally, I had heard the plan was to bring back a retooled Remember Dreams Come True (yes, the 50th Anniversary pyro show that is much beloved by locals) with larger components for Star Wars and other new segments (likely Frozen and Marvel because as Robert A. Iger will tell you they were beloved to Walt).

That has all changed. The Bobs (Iger and Chappie) have concluded that DL has been spending too much time living in the past and focusing on nostalgia when what really counts is the future. And that future, of course, is Star Wars. And even though we are 2.5 years out from the opening of the SWE in the absolute best case, the Bobs want to start drilling things home.

(Yes, I realize that all of SW took place A Long Time Ago ...)

So ... get ready for The Force in the Sky (Star Wars Awakens). No, not sure what the title will be, but that sounds about right for what Disney is looking to do. Yes, 2017's new pyro and projection show (not sure on a debut date just yet, whether it will be early in the year or late spring) will be some version of what you see at DHS today and what you will see at WDSP also in 2017. The budget for the Paris version is quite healthy, so one would assume the same for Anaheim. Of course, despite what Star Wars fanbois will tell you, I do wonder how much material you have to work with. In other words, I wonder how different any of these shows will actually be ... it's all the same music, all the same characters, same emotional arcs etc. But that doesn't seem to matter as Iger really only cares about BLPs as some have come to call them in Burbank or Bob's Legacy Projects.

But these will not be special event fireworks or temporary. These will be Anaheim's new nightly show.
As for why Paris is showing them in its second gate the answer is simple: They can do much larger quantities and qualities of pyro due to its location versus the castle park. They have already been testing projections all over ... you guessed it, the ToT.

One other quick note, but west coast Potterland hasn't done anything to harm DL's numbers this summer. Indeed, folks are crowing in TDA that Potter has instead actually helped DLR sustain its great 2015 numbers. People on the left coast are wondering if those visiting Potter are adding a day to stays or opting for it versus other SoCal attractions not located in Anaheim.

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't congratulate one of my favourite Lifestlylers 'That Dude' Derek Burgan who just celebrated his third year of writing the best damn column on Disney Outlets in the blogosphere. When I want to know where I can find 2014 vinyls or shirts that never saw the light of day in a true Disney theme park retail outlet or just plain Disney trash that no one else would even think was worthy of a millisecond of their attention, I know That Dude will be there for me, and I smile as I spend $6.99 on Disney crap I don't really need and they refuse to do the humane thing and send to a landfill. Congrats!
Thanks for the update:)

I definitely prefer the lesser of 2 evils with GoTG going to Energy instead of ToT. I am just a fan with no inside info but I said in the other GoTG thread that I didn't think there was any way they could afford to lose ToT with all the construction going on at DHS. Your hourly ride capacity numbers are really eye opening. I never crunched the numbers before, but if the TEA reports are to be believed the hourly ride capacity is way too low already. That's a whole lot of people standing around or waiting in lines. It's really bordering on criminal that they still charge people over $100 for that park.

Virtual Toad

Well-Known Member
I just can't pin this on one guy. It's the whole 'appeal to the masses' thing. For a yuuuge entertainment company like Disney to succeed on the level they need to, and do it safely economics-wise, they HAVE TO appeal to as big a number of folks as they can. If they aim to uplift, be 'smart', or to try to educate, they'll risk shooting over a bunch of folks heads or interests and losing business. Basically they give the people what they want. Now, is it their role to 'lead and enrich'? Not if you are like most businesses and are only in it for the bucks. The damning thing in all of this that the general public seems to want a dumbed-down, fun only, payout from Disney and their vacation time. Obviously, when you look at what EPCOT was originally going to be and was for a long time, along with what the Studios was (sort of) and AK still is to a great degree, the public's 'wants' have generally changed. Now I know someone is going to say "Hey, not me/us." Well, kudos to you sir/madam, you are in a shrinking minority.

Yeah, but here's the thing. Mass media in our country, not so long ago, was used as a tool to promote the health, welfare and yes-- even nurture the intellect of our nation's citizens. I believe that people will ultimately consume whatever media is placed before them.

If WDW stopped cutting corners, stopped making the easy cash grab, stopped lazily reaching out for low-hanging fruit, and put forth an ounce of honest effort truly worthy of its resources, they could bring EPCOT back to its roots in a heartbeat. They could inspire a whole new generation of dreamers and doers and make a ton of $$$ in the process.

It's an effort that would require responsible investment in real talent and imagination. But the rewards are there for the taking. EPCOT has always been special, always been unique.

Believing that all people want is the lowest-common denominator is to sell the capacity and potential of the human spirit woefully short. Putting faith in the intellect, curiosity and passion of the human spirit has the potential to reap untold rewards for the company, our nation, and the future of our planet.

Virtual Toad

Well-Known Member
When I was ten, I would've picked EPCOT in a heartbeat. I think lots of ten year olds would pick a modern EPCOT over last week's space pulp any day. As attests the ever rising popularity of science museums, of popular children's exhibits in museums, and the insatiable appetite of ten year old boys for anything relating to dinosaurs/planets/space/wonders of the world or of technology.

My 7 and 11 year old sons are in the next room watching episode after episode of Cosmos as we speak.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I'm going to start needing some mood altering enhancements to read any more of your news....

Why oh why would you change one of the best rides in all 4 parks? We need to tattoo this on Chappie's forehead: "if it ain't broken, don't fix it"......and make him write it on the whiteboard 100 times....and repeat it while clicking his heals.....

It's official. Disney has lost all its creativity and originality. Just like Hollywood....which has decided to remake the best western ever.



Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Would you rather go back to post Iger? Hopefully the new CO is better and fufills what Disney used to stand for.

I doubt that. The BOD has been very pleased with what Iger has done to stock prices (well, up until a few weeks ago). I expect the new CEO to be more Igerish.

Can someone find a sports team for the man to run, pronto? Just don't make it my Dodgers, Rams or Niners, please. Oh, and make sure there's a spot for the other Bob.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
It's too late for that. Whether the Guardians project is approved or not, Epcot, as we know it, will cease to exist very soon. We're already seeing that change with Maelstrom->Frozen. From what it sounds, and the actions by the company, there is little, if any, resistance from execs to shove IPs anywhere the eye can see. Therefore, it's only a matter of time. I wouldn't hold out any hope for a new CEO either. The Parks culture has changed, and it is clear which direction rolls in the money. Unless Iger's replacement is a massive Parks fan (he/she won't be), the Parks will continue in the same direction (IP-wise).

This is a difficult reality to swallow, but it is reality.

Reading this brought sad tears to my eyes.....


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
For some reason I'm finding myself more disgusted with the fact there will be Star Wars fireworks at Disneyland than the, very much inevitable at this point, destruction of Tower at DHS. At this rate, they might as well just bulldoze Sleeping Beauty Castle and build the Death Star. Freaking idiots, that's all they are. IDIOTS! :mad:

That castle shall remain untouched if I have to chain myself to it......

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Yeah, but here's the thing. Mass media in our country, not so long ago, was used as a tool to promote the health, welfare and yes-- even nurture the intellect of our nation's citizens. I believe that people will ultimately consume whatever media is placed before them.

If WDW stopped cutting corners, stopped making the easy cash grab, stopped lazily reaching out for low-hanging fruit, and put forth an ounce of honest effort truly worthy of its resources, they could bring EPCOT back to its roots in a heartbeat. They could inspire a whole new generation of dreamers and doers and make a ton of $$$ in the process.

It's an effort that would require responsible investment in real talent and imagination. But the rewards are there for the taking. EPCOT has always been special, always been unique.

Believing that all people want is the lowest-common denominator is to sell the capacity and potential of the human spirit woefully short. Putting faith in the intellect, curiosity and passion of the human spirit has the potential to reap untold rewards for the company, our nation, and the future of our planet.

Great post, and absolute truth.

I am quoting this in the hopes that others here will re-read these words.



Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
EXACTLY. I could not have said it better myself. I've tried to go with the flow and just ended up drowning. They're alienating the most loyal fans they have and they don't care. It's like how they fired Tony Baxter. They want yes men, not people of Walt's time. Not people like us. They want brand shills like Lou Mongello and those who treat him as some sort of god, who eat up everything Disney puts out. Who makes excuses for everything Disney puts out.

I know I was borderline defending all this a couple of weeks ago. And, like I said I'd do, I admit I was wrong. Can you blame me for trying to find a silver lining in all of this? It's just pure unadulterated bad choices. Everyone who was loyal to Walt is getting thrown overboard while the corporate zombies who will say "yes sir, right away sir" to Iger get higher and higher.

Don't believe Disney when they say they still care about Walt. If they did, they'd do things like Walt did. Not paint-by-number like in the 70s but by exemplifying Walt's outlook and attitude. Innovate. Excite. Make new things. Make original things. Bob Iger cares nothing about any of that. They'll put Walt's name on stuff knowing we'll buy it. That's manipulation if I've ever seen it and honestly that's sickening to me.

I realized they'd stopped caring about Walt and the company he built when I saw they'd dropped his first name from the logo for the Studios. That's like dropping the last M from MGM.


Well-Known Member
That castle shall remain untouched if I have to chain myself to it......
They will just flatten you....they don't care. Nobody will stand in the way of their money. It was said perfectly, they are idiots and I hope I can witness the crumble of the mess they made one day. I know that sounds awful and it is but I want to see everything backfire on them so badly that the shame would force them out of power....of course it will never happen but hey Disney has always been about dreaming


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't go so far as to say our mass media was ever quite so benevolent, especially given how much of it back in the day, just as now, was steeped in advertising culture, but I do agree with the sentiment that mass media back in the proverbial day at least seemed a bit more open to taking creative chances. I'll make an exception for TV: I don't watch many shows, but I fully recognize that we live in the golden era of fictional TV shows, but Hollywood is stuck in a "sequel/remake/reboot" rut and it's having an effect on a lot of other areas of pop culture, theme parks included.

However, I think that point almost makes @Virtual Toad 's point all the stronger; I adore original EPCOT Center, but there was plenty about it that wasn't quite the grand sweeping epic a lot of us wish we had today, when you consider how much of it was shaped by the sensibilities of corporate sponsors (Exxon and fossil fuels, GM and the focus on the family sedan, etc.) and at times shaped by the fact that Disney had spent way too much money already on it and had to skimp on a few ideas (e.g. the Sea Cabs in Living Seas not being that impressive, numerous World Showcase rides and pavilions getting shelved, The Land not being the bio-dome style masterpiece Baxter imagined, etc.).

, despite those limitations EPCOT Center was still a rousing success, incredibly unique, and still largely inspirational to a large segment of the Disney fanbase that as kids took joy in discovery and less in things like characters breakfasts (not that we disliked those or anything). What this means is that Disney doesn't need to make something that's akin to a college level course on marine biology to make The Living Seas interesting again; they simply need to go back to the concept of wanting to inspire while wanting people to have fun. It's not that hard to do, not with some of the creative minds they can tap into.


Well-Known Member
You don't remember Tony Baxter "retiring"? You don't remember John Lasseter dropping off the face of the earth after Cars Land opened? Love has no place in today's Disney. It's all about money.
Tony Baxter was the last former Disney CM that actually cared about the parks and attractions.

Thanks phoenicians

Well-Known Member
Well hopefully by this time next year more precisely D23, we will know wether our TOT is safe or not. I'd hope any announcement wether it be GOTG in Epcot or DHS (or neither!) will be announced then. Hopefully they're still leaning towards Epcot if those are the only two choices.

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