Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
Marvel/DC perhaps, though I don't see 7 bombing unless it is in Phantom Menace territory...

I don't see 2015 being a bloodbath. SW sells and so does Marvel. Plus you have Pirates and Jerry Bruckheimer Cinderella... I can't see that being a bomb largely in part due to cultural fimiliarity. Lone Ranger was not familiar with all demos.


Well-Known Member
And this is another wrinkle. Senator Markey is now a junior senator (w/ 99 fellow senators ahead of him in the seniority list), but in the majority party. But this issue could come back. Could result in the Weatherman and the gang dragged up to the hill. Required to answer uncomfortable questions UNDER OATH from a variety of lawmakers of various backgrounds and agendas. The whole program gets put under the spotlight. And they decide to modify COPPA to re-protect *all* 13 year olds...
Could happen. Very unlikely. Can't you see the headline: "senate plays in fantasyland while main streets USA still searches for a job". Neither side wants that.

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
Tinfoil hats ...when no one can come up with an intellectual answer to very serious concerns.

Facial recognition cameras and software at WDW??!!!! Never ...

Our government asked Disney for advisory post-911 in facial recognition tech.


Well-Known Member
Matt I agree with you on substance but I think the reason most of us here have a problem with it is that it is that atleast I feel there is a part of the innocence that has been taking away. NGE is much more personal. When we visit WDW we visit to escape the outside world. Disney has chosen to bring a portion of it in.

Are we being naive? I don't think so. We were marketed a certain product and now the product has been changed. What I will agree with you is....if you don't like it....don't go. It really is that simple. The problem with that as you well know the majority of people don't care.....until it directly affects them. The MM+ is a plan to make you hostage on their property....you know it and I know it. Some people are opposed to the program, some don't care.
Don't necessarily disagree with this.

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
For the sake of discussion, let's say Disney came clean. And I don't mean the hand-waving "Terms and Conditions" clean, which covers just about anything imaginable without specifying a single thing. I mean really truthful with its paying customers. "Here's how we closely will track you, here's the information we will collect about you, here's how we intend to use it."

Do you believe that would have a significant impact on WDW business?

Depends, it might but when the proverbial s@&$ hit the fan for Google, most people were unphased. Does that make it right? Not necessarily but a lot of people ignore it when they enjoy the product or don't believe the actions effect their lives significantly. When the government does it, people get more in arms because of politics, governments authority (you choose where you do business but not with the gov) and of course our wonderful media. It's very complex how people handle similar scenarios.

Big C 73

Well-Known Member
Don't necessarily disagree with this.

I agree with your non disagreement. I like things to be personalized, and I somewhat like Magic Bands on the interactive and planning level. The problem I have with the whole investment is that I do not want it to be to personalized, or a.k.a. "In my business". Like them calling you by your name, that's great it makes me feel special, but on the other hand it feels a bit intruding and creepy. Guest enjoy to be friendly and open up in such a magical place, but when do you start feeling invaded on, watched, and numbered?
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A new friend of mine is having insane troubles with her magicband. She's spent a lot of time with guest relations.

So I completely agree with you.

There has also been rumors and photo evidence on Twitter of the MM+ Tests interfering with the current Fastpass System. It at one point resulted in the ability of guests to insert any type of card with a magnetic strip into the Fastpass machine, to receive a Fastpass

Voice of Disney sanity

Well-Known Member
Ah, yes but they have been doing that for many years in way more detail the NSA will ever have the ability to do. So why is it all of a sudden a privacy issue. Hasn't it always been? Just because we didn't expect it nor know about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Even now that I know, I don't care. I don't see how that knowledge is harmful to me. All I ever ask is don't have a camera in the bathroom or bridal suite. :oops:

Yes as if the magic bands will actually monitor your movements more than the zillions of cameras that have been doing that at WDW for 15+ years. Yep they saw you pick your nose on splash mountain...yep they saw saw you french kiss your woman on Peter pans flight. and YES they saw you spit off the skyway.

THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO PRIVACY ALREADY AT WDW except bathrooms and inside your holtel room (IF YOU CLOSE THE CURTAINS)


Well-Known Member
Arewethereyet! said:
Matt I agree with you on substance but I think the reason most of us here have a problem with it is that it is that atleast I feel there is a part of the innocence that has been taking away. NGE is much more personal. When we visit WDW we visit to escape the outside world. Disney has chosen to bring a portion of it in.

Are we being naive? I don't think so. We were marketed a certain product and now the product has been changed. What I will agree with you is....if you don't like it....don't go. It really is that simple. The problem with that as you well know the majority of people don't care.....until it directly affects them. The MM+ is a plan to make you hostage on their property....you know it and I know it. Some people are opposed to the program, some don't care.
I don't for a minute think that it isn't a loss of innocence to some people, but, and this must by my age here, where have you all been. This has been going on for years and years.

It started pretty much when the first security systems were introduced and has just evolved from there. If people at this point are "losing their innocence" then they haven't been paying attention for quite a while. The idea that we are being watched is of no concern, or shouldn't be anymore. It has been a part of life for a long while. Did everyone think that those little dark grey bubbles in the ceilings of retail stores were the places that they stored balloons?

So, it is a given that information has been collected and in one way or the other, collated and stored for the last 50 years. That's not important, what is important is what is being done with that information. Back when none of us realized that it was happening, at least on a conscience level, it was very dangerous. We didn't know to ask questions. Now we do, it is way less dangerous then before. I don't care if they can now tell that those that stay in luxury resorts tend to buy more Mickey plush's or use the bathroom closest to Haunted Mansion or tend to eat salads instead of greasy hamburgers. I don't know, what we are afraid of? Is it that all the information will be turned over to the KGB or perhaps McDonalds encouraging them to carry a larger variety of salads? The only people that have a genuine use for that information is Disney and, as I said before, they may be dumb, but they aren't stupid enough to tell the competition what their guests are doing or buying. Hell, they won't even tell us, their fan base, what they are doing or planning. That would or could give competition a competitive advantage without the cost of actually obtaining it. It is not in their best interest to tell the enemy the locations of troop movements. Just makes no logical sense at all.
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Premium Member
In all this discussion of privacy I haven't seen much discussion of something WDW1974 said in his first post:

"During part of my stay, I got a very close up view of some of the gizmos Disney is using (all Apple tech, silent prayer at the cult of Jobs) for NGE and even was allowed (no, I doubt Georgie will be happy when he reads this) to test the tech and see for myself just how much information will truly be at CMs fingertips. Simply put, a troubling amount."

This is what would concern me, collecting data is one thing, but the bigger issue is who gets access to that data once it's collected.


Premium Member
Yes as if the magic bands will actually monitor your movements more than the zillions of cameras that have been doing that at WDW for 15+ years. Yep they saw you pick your nose on splash mountain...yep they saw saw you french kiss your woman on Peter pans flight. and YES they saw you spit off the skyway.

THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO PRIVACY ALREADY AT WDW except bathrooms and inside your holtel room (IF YOU CLOSE THE CURTAINS)

There is a big difference between recording a crowd, and recording a list of individuals. The technology alters the type of info collected and alters the ease at which the actions of individuals are interpreted... At scale


Premium Member
In all this discussion of privacy I haven't seen much discussion of something WDW1974 said in his first post:

"During part of my stay, I got a very close up view of some of the gizmos Disney is using (all Apple tech, silent prayer at the cult of Jobs) for NGE and even was allowed (no, I doubt Georgie will be happy when he reads this) to test the tech and see for myself just how much information will truly be at CMs fingertips. Simply put, a troubling amount."

This is what would concern me, collecting data is one thing, but the bigger issue is who gets access to that data once it's collected.

I would be interested in a little more info on this too.
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