Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Well-Known Member
Was thinking the same thing about PotC 5... what's left in that franchise? I'm kind of bored with the Jack Sparrow series.

I think that's what must really be concerning the executives with The Lone Ranger, is Johnny Depp getting too stale in that type role? Personally, my kids watched the trailer for The Lone Ranger and were basically like it's Johnny Depp in character just like Captain Jack Sparrow and they were indifferent towards seeing the film. It just opened in the UK today and still has some more markets to go. The studio must be quite interested in the international feedback on Depp in that type of role for them to better gauge Pirates number cinco and how it will do at the box office.


Well-Known Member
1. Agree somehwat with what you wrote. But why does it always have to be "if you don't like well then just don't go"? It should not be that finite.

2. As far as speculation, sure no on here actually knows all the intracies of NGE but does anyone here really doubt the endgame. It's for profit data mining. Will there be benefits to the consumer, perhaps.

3. I just know that a healthy individual does not equate all of their success monetarily. There is the joy of family life, enjoying your professional life, etc. I somehow wish that businesses thought the same way.Not that the only thing that matters is profit but also creating something functional or beautiful or what ever else you can use to guage success, like remaining loyal to your consumers by creating ground breaking and innovative theme park attractions. Profit will surely come...

Have we gone down this road already...ya I think so. Sorry slow day here as a corporate slave...

Numbered your Q's and my A's for reference:

1. Because that's the way that company's receive a message.

2. It's a profit data mining project. So what? So is your credit card, your CVS/Walgreens card, your frequent diners card, and any other rewards style program you belong. Why aren't people outraged about those?

3. I don't disagree with all of that. The company will move to the result its consumers want if enough consumers do step 1.


Well-Known Member
I am in very strong disagreement with you on being untouchable. 2015 is going to be a bloodbath at the box office. I expect nearly every film on their list save for maybe Finding Dory to under perform.

2015 will be the first year where Iger's long-term vision of acquisitions line-up. Will people begin tiring of superhero films? Will Dory and POTC 5 ring hollow to the public as being produced only in hopes of taking one's money, quality or not? Will audiences embrace more Star Wars, or is that property tiring? I think 2015 is the first real test of what Iger has done with the company. There are several tent pole films from the other studios and there are still a finite number of film going customers. It's a heck of a lot of competition. We'll see where it goes and what happens.


Well-Known Member
Numbered your Q's and my A's for reference:

1. Because that's the way that company's receive a message.

2. It's a profit data mining project. So what? So is your credit card, your CVS/Walgreens card, your frequent diners card, and any other rewards style program you belong. Why aren't people outraged about those?

3. I don't disagree with all of that. The company will move to the result its consumers want if enough consumers do step 1.

Matt I agree with you on substance but I think the reason most of us here have a problem with it is that it is that atleast I feel there is a part of the innocence that has been taking away. NGE is much more personal. When we visit WDW we visit to escape the outside world. Disney has chosen to bring a portion of it in.

Are we being naive? I don't think so. We were marketed a certain product and now the product has been changed. What I will agree with you is....if you don't like it....don't go. It really is that simple. The problem with that as you well know the majority of people don't care.....until it directly affects them. The MM+ is a plan to make you hostage on their property....you know it and I know it. Some people are opposed to the program, some don't care.


OV 104
Premium Member
You're completely right. There's a difference between "no" and "significant" impact. In my second post, I should have used more consistent wording. I am sorry for that. You're also correct to suggest that we are just sharing opinions and I greatly respect yours.

Let's see if we can take the discussion one step further into the realm of slightly educated guessing to try to reach a common understanding of "significant impact".

Overwhelmingly, polls show the public dislikes being spied on. I'll pick on the Washington Post poll regarding the NSA's spying program as a starting point. About 70% of Americans don't like it. Just inventing random numbers now, let's guess only half of those (one-third) would feel the same way about Disney. Let's go further and guess that another half (one-sixth) would care enough to alter their plans, some by either not using MagicBands or by simply deciding to vacation somewhere else. I'm suggesting to you that the one-sixth altering their plans represents a "significant" impact on WDW business. But let's say even that's too high and cut it in half, to one-twelfth. That's roughly an 8% impact on business, which I'd consider to be significant. Even half that again would be significant; a 4% drop in WDW attendance would be bad. Consider that for a moment; all it takes is 1-in-25 to care in order to have a significant impact on WDW business.

Rhetorically and conversely, if Disney did fully disclose, how many would say, "Gee, I wasn't planning on going to Disney World but now that I know they are going to follow my every move, I'm changing my plans and booking a trip!"

Just imagine if the press got hold of it; if 60 Minutes did a piece on "Big Mickey Is Watching You."

All this is pure conjecture of course, because we know Disney has absolutely no intention of publicly divulging the true extent of their monitoring program. So we'll never know for sure. Just like the NSA.:D

We all understand that Disney doesn't fully disclose because they are aware that it would have an adverse effect on business. Being truthful with their paying customers is not the Disney Way, not when it affects the bottom line!

By the way, I travel rather frequently in Europe and know the public outrage there to the NSA's spying program far exceeds American concern. Considering WDW's reliance on EU tourism, the impact from overseas almost certainly would be greater.

Sorry in advance if I come off rather snippy in my post. It's just that, to me, it's obvious that Disney desperately doesn't want the public knowing its plans because disclosure would hurt business.

Your turn!:)

Here is what I will say. These tests are being rolled out in a manner that is unacceptable. Clearly they have no idea whatsoever how anything will communicate. Instead of looking at calculations and ensuring their code and hardware can handle this system they are carrying out on guests without the slightest idea how it will react. Kind of like a medical company testing on rats with zero idea what is going to happen. Extremely pathetic and laughable at the same time. That brings up the question where in code or hardware is this failing? Is it because they went on cheap with hardware? Are they ignoring advice of the professionals and wanting to rollout testing on their guests like rats? Those are the items I want to know. Crashing ticketing systems and tap to pay systems certainly hinders a guests vacation. A vacation they have paid good money for? Is this system so far gone that they are doing anything and everything to get some sort of results to present to the BoD. This is whole project is bone chilling as it progresses.


Premium Member
I love that the Imagineer was trying to be convincing that he actually went to Pandora to explore and consult with the locals...If I was Ricky, I would have asked a serious question "Are you not concerned that the animals of Pandora could potentially eat the Zebras on Kilimanjaro Safari?"

He should have asked if there are any plans to build a Disney park on Pandora.


Well-Known Member
Here is what I will say. These tests are being rolled out in a manner that is unacceptable. Clearly they have no idea whatsoever how anything will communicate. Instead of looking at calculations and ensuring their code and hardware can handle this system they are carrying out on guests without the slightest idea how it will react. Kind of like a medical company testing on rats with zero idea what is going to happen. Extremely pathetic and laughable at the same time. That brings up the question where in code or hardware is this failing? Is it because they went on cheap with hardware? Are they ignoring advice of the professionals and wanting to rollout testing on their guests like rats? Those are the items I want to know. Crashing ticketing systems and tap to pay systems certainly hinders a guests vacation. A vacation they have paid good money for? Is this system so far gone that they are doing anything and everything to get some sort of results to present to the BoD. This is whole project is bone chilling as it progresses.

A new friend of mine is having insane troubles with her magicband. She's spent a lot of time with guest relations.

So I completely agree with you.


OV 104
Premium Member
A new friend of mine is having insane troubles with her magicband. She's spent a lot of time with guest relations.

So I completely agree with you.

I cannot see whatever contractor that is carrying this out having a bright future. Disney is literally sinking their reputation by the minute. Whether nothing like this has ever been attempted or not is irrelevant. SO much of this needed to be done behind scenes rather than testing on guests and not knowing what the side affects will be. IF it MUST be tested on guests then offer something up as compensation for partaking in it. Free snacks, free day, free plush, whatever is needed to make up for the nonsense some guests are having to deal with.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Tinfoil hats ...when no one can come up with an intellectual answer to very serious concerns.

Facial recognition cameras and software at WDW??!!!! Never ...
Disney is very much showcasing facial recognition systems, in SSE. :bookworm:

To fuel your alarmism: Siemens is a big provider of homeland security / military applications of facial recognition technology. A major player / benefitter of the War on Terror and its paranoia security systems. (As befits a German industrial behemoth with the past of Siemens)
Paranoia / homeland security / airport systems is exactly what it is that Siemens showcases in EPCOT. In SSE's ride itself, and again in SSE's VIP lounge, where Siemens runs another facial recognition system, for defense contractors.

Going up into SSE? Smile! You're on camera! And the military is watching along!

Siemens, perhaps not coincidentally, moved into a EPCOT at the height of the War on Terror's paranoia. And picked as its central technology to showcase in the ride its facial recognition system. Which impresses all that military in the VIP lounge much more than any New Agey descent with real sets would have. From those ordinary servicemen from Shades of Green with free VIP lounge access to higher defense ups being courted with more private displays of security systems.

You are not describing a possible nefarious future in this thread, my dear Spirit. You are describing the past and the present. The world is more rotten even than you describe it here. ;)

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
Disney is very much showcasing facial recognition systems, in SSE. :bookworm:

To fuel your alarmism: Siemens is a big provider of homeland security / military applications of facial recognition technology. A major player / benefitter of the War on Terror and its paranoia security systems. (As befits a German industrial behemoth with the past of Siemens)
Paranoia / homeland security / airport systems is exactly what it is that Siemens showcases in EPCOT. In SSE's ride itself, and again in SSE's VIP lounge, where Siemens runs another facial recognition system, for defense contractors.

Going up into SSE? Smile! You're on camera! And the military is watching along!

Siemens, perhaps not coincidentally, moved into a EPCOT at the height of the War on Terror's paranoia. And picked as its central technology to showcase in the ride its facial recognition system. Which impresses all that military in the VIP lounge much more than any New Agey descent with real sets would have. From those ordinary servicemen from Shades of Green with free VIP lounge access to higher defense ups being courted with more private displays of security systems.

You are not describing a possible nefarious future in this thread, my dear Spirit. You are describing the past and the present. It's all even worse than you think. ;)

Thanks for the nightmares, Empress.



Premium Member
Here is what I will say. These tests are being rolled out in a manner that is unacceptable. Clearly they have no idea whatsoever how anything will communicate. Instead of looking at calculations and ensuring their code and hardware can handle this system they are carrying out on guests without the slightest idea how it will react. Kind of like a medical company testing on rats with zero idea what is going to happen. Extremely pathetic and laughable at the same time. That brings up the question where in code or hardware is this failing? Is it because they went on cheap with hardware? Are they ignoring advice of the professionals and wanting to rollout testing on their guests like rats? Those are the items I want to know. Crashing ticketing systems and tap to pay systems certainly hinders a guests vacation. A vacation they have paid good money for? Is this system so far gone that they are doing anything and everything to get some sort of results to present to the BoD. This is whole project is bone chilling as it progresses.

I wonder how many systems engineers are actually working this system. Doesn't seem like it has been given a systems approach. I have no desire to use it. Bad systems engineering costs lots of money. Are we going to need to start using this example along with things like Joint Strike Fighter in terms of systems engineering failures? At least the F-35 works...

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the nightmares, Empress.

Did you give Siemens your email adress to receive your free SSE ending video? :D

Siemens - that massive supplier of camera/facial recognition systems to airports and the US military and homeland security?

If so, then Siemens is in possession of your face (which it can recognise in airports and in Boston marathon crowds), coupled with your personal information (which it usually can derive from your email adress).
At least, in theory. I believe this is their sales pitch to defense contractors more than actual reality. Yet.


Le Meh
Premium Member
I like in the beginning when Ricky said "so it's been two years since we heard of the project" and the imagineer started looking around all nervously, praying he wouldn't say what progress have they made on the project
So.......how long was the cryo sleep in the movie for the trip to Pandora? Wasn't it something like five years? So in reality, that Imagineer is almost half way to Pandora........

If they are building a story, get the facts right.....

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
And this certainly could blow up in Disney's face. But if a public spout between the CEO of one of the world's most iconic companies, and a US Congressman, (now Senator) didn't get the news agency's attention then, I doubt it will now.

And this is another wrinkle. Senator Markey is now a junior senator (w/ 99 fellow senators ahead of him in the seniority list), but in the majority party. But this issue could come back. Could result in the Weatherman and the gang dragged up to the hill. Required to answer uncomfortable questions UNDER OATH from a variety of lawmakers of various backgrounds and agendas. The whole program gets put under the spotlight. And they decide to modify COPPA to re-protect *all* 13 year olds...
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