Not that anyone out there has been holding their breath wondering what my take on all of this is, but here it is anyway. Keep in mind, these are just my humble thoughts; I am not a techie, business person, or investment banker. Just your average, middle-aged (hate that term) consumer who likes to go to WDW for vacation once a year.
Disney has a history of being on the cutting edge: Walt's animation process revolutionized film, bringing us all those wonderful classics we grew up with; Walt's dream of Disneyland and the development of animatronics revolutionized the entertainment industry and how we all spend our vacations. Now, I believe Disney is still trying to be on the cutting edge, but this time it is not directly being felt by all of us consumers - well, at least not in a good way. This time I believe they are trying to revolutionize the relationship between producer and consumer like never before. And, while others are racing to build rides, Disney is willing to take a temporary back seat to all of that in order to put their efforts into this, because they can see that if this works out the way they intend, it will pay off for them in a BIG way. Then, I am hoping that they will take some of that pay off, and put it back into the parks to put them back into the running. There have been posts throughout this forum suggesting that there won't be anything big in the parks for a few years, and that would make sense. It will take that long to see some of the monetary effects of Nex Gen - "data mining" and all.
How does this make me feel? Well, I guess I've always believed that "Big Brother"was watching anyway, and pretty much knows how many times I . . . well let's just say they know whether or not I need a coupon for Activia sent to my email!
Disney already knows where I live and has my credit card info on their website and has for years, and that's the biggie as far as I'm concerned. Does it really matter to me that they know when and how often I walk into one of their shops, how much time I spend there, and what I end up purchasing? Which rides I ride, shows I see, and which ones I don't? Maybe I'm naive, but it really doesn't bother me. Maybe that will help them see which attractions are keepers and which aren't. And as far as them selling my info to others in order to influence when and how I spend my money . . . well, I can only be influenced if I let it happen.