Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
Let me just ask you guys who regularly use this thread. The thread will always be moderated to the terms of use guidelines. Would you like off topic posts to be removed?

No. Because sometimes those posts lead to very interesting discussions. Everything somehow circles back to disney. This thread is over 500 pages long. Not all of it is Disney. It's a great source of news and info related to the mouse but also like a chat forum for us adults who unfortunately have to work for a living and not have time to sit in an actual chat room and wait for the people they like hearing from to join. That was so 1998 and I'm glad we've moved past that.
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Well-Known Member
I am not trying to put 74 down or even challenge his knowledge of what is happening at Disney, but, in the case of this thread, now 11226 posts long, it started out as I have some information, but I will have to take the time to figure out how I want to say it, so stay tuned. And when he did return it was to basically say either something that was already common knowledge or he didn't have the confirmation yet, so he couldn't reveal anything. OK, I have no problem with that. If you cannot be sure then don't say anything, but, also don't keep coming on and complaining about the topic derailing when there never was a topic to begin with. And those topics that did come up quickly ran their course and things wandered off. You could easily retitle this thread "Whatever comes to mind", much like the famous, sometimes, occasionally, WDW1974 musings.


Premium Member
Let me just ask you guys who regularly use this thread. The thread will always be moderated to the terms of use guidelines. Would you like off topic posts to be removed?

There is the 'get a room!!' Theory which is when some tangent has gotten so consuming it deserves to be split off into its own topic. I'd much prefer that to the mass delete theory of moderation. Then the peers can pressure people to that place as well verse argue that posts should be deleted

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
Of course, making Epcot spirits-free on weekends would hurt revenue and, as we've come to expect from the current corporate Disney regime, it's always money first. :greedy:

For anything to change, I'm thinking it's going to take an incident of some sort going down that gets national media attention the way the GAC abuse did. In the meantime, they'll sit back and count the money while the frontline CMs deal with masses of out-of-control inebriated guests every weekend. Until something happens involving someone who can't be bought off, it's going to continue.


Premium Member
For anything to change, I'm thinking it's going to take an incident of some sort going down that gets national media attention the way the GAC abuse did. In the meantime, they'll sit back and count the money while the frontline CMs deal with masses of out-of-control inebriated guests every weekend. Until something happens involving someone who can't be bought off, it's going to continue.

Probably will take something like a brawl plus stabbing...


Well-Known Member
There's a huge gap between hating Avatar and recognizing that, record-breaking box office aside, it didn't enter the pop culture zeitgeist in a way other movies have.

I'm certainly not saying it's the greatest movie of all time - far from it - but to say that Avatar hasn't permeated the pop culture zeitgeist to a degree that most movies never do would be inaccurate:


How many movie franchises have national touring exhibitions in major museums? SW, certainly. Potter, yep. Disney movies & memorabilia, often. Avatar is something well-known enough that its brand will be a recognizable draw for millions. It will do just fine at DAK.


Well-Known Member
Uh so uh yeah this has completely gotten weird....

With that said though I feel like I can relate to @WDW1974 in several ways through Internet "propaganda" so to speak. For years I was never allowed to talk about certain things but my career changed and allowed me to pretty much share some insight on projects from a resort that I have a history with. A resort that up until the boy who lived moved in most here hadn't a care in the world about.

I personally have numerous sources who work in all fields within the biz along with a few who used too that share the real good stuff. On top of that I also have many I've never met, never seen, or in any way that I've been affiliated with. All of this adds up to an insane amount of emails, private messages, texts, and even phone calls or face to face meetings within the parks. Now once you take into consideration all of the clues that are given DAILY it's my turn to put them together and come up with a compelling argument to present to readers about a "concept" that may or may not happen. Someone like Spirit, Teebin, @Disneyhead'71, @Lee ,@marni1971 , or even myself are given data about projects during the design and pitch phase. So that means things are subject to change, expand, get shelved for a few years while other needs of the biz are handled, and yes even cancelled. Seems like a lot huh...

Well that's my point. I don't think a lot of people realize how hard it is or how time consuming it is to put all the puzzle pieces together, or to come up with a compelling argument about the future. No one can predict the future. But once something doesn't pan out as is or even worse never does, some people are up in arms screaming witch witch, hang them! It's also usually the same people who never contribute info or meaning conversation, always think they can do a better job with said programs, budgets, and business profiles. Those people are the ones who trash threads, kill imagination, and deter the building blocks of great conversation. Listen I understand the internet and opinions so if that's your response shelve it. I'm merely pointing out that 99.9% of people who read these boards have no idea of what it's really like in those imaginative or creative jobs. And I'm not defending Spirit either! He's a grown man and can handle his business, I mean just look at the last few pages of this crap he has to cycle through every evening. I merely pointing out that until you really know, I mean as in your doing it or even posting for those who actually do it, have an open mind and be respectful. Cause I guarantee once your actually doing it you will have respect for those that have and still do work their tail off to provide you the reader or rider with the best possible info and experience possible. Sorry for the rant in somewhere I shouldn't rant, you can now resume your bashing of those who can simply pack up and leave you empty handed at anytime...

It's not as easy as you think...


Well-Known Member
I will go start another thread about Food & Wine Festival being Drunkytown.

Heh. Drunkytown. Won't you take me to? DRUNKYTOWN?


Well-Known Member
well...now that you mention it...does "footings" ring a bell?

I read it on the internet...it MUST be true.
I stand by my footings posts. And none of that came from me. I was merely sold on it and repeated it. I am still sold on it, unless some one can show proof of the contrary.


Well-Known Member
Beyond the sheer masses making it extremely difficult to maneuver, their daughters (ages 3 and 5) were trampled several times by adults that were too drunk to walk straight. They aroma of stale beer and putrid food reminded them of their worst days in college. The free use of profanity was overwhelming.

While I feel horrible for your friends, to blame Disney for this to me is ignorant. Their are those of us who enjoy food and wine fest responsibly, and the blame is solely on the individual. Adults with no self control, who over indulge, are the culprit here, plain and simple. If Disney is negligent in any area it is that they need a stricter policy when serving people, meaning if a person is too drunk to walk, they are too drunk to serve.

The Mom

Premium Member
I will go start another thread about Food & Wine Festival being Drunkytown.

Heh. Drunkytown. Won't you take me to? DRUNKYTOWN?

Thank you - all of them have been moved there and deleted here, so people can continue the discussion elsewhere.
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Well-Known Member
Someone mentioned there were DLR and TDL announcements at D23 this morning. I've been searching the net and on these boards for the news. Can't find it. Can someone help me find it? Please? Thanks!
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