Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Well-Known Member
You may have just neglected to mention it, but Clyde and Seamore have a Christmas-themed show as well. It and the ice-skating show were the best ones that I saw. Just like Kuhio, I was really impressed by SeaWorld's decorations and festivities. Easily the best in the Orlando parks.

I thought they did - it's just not mentioned on the list of shows mentioned on SeaWorld's website, but if you go through their picture slideshow, it is mentioned - "Clyde & Seamore's Countdown to Christmas".


Well-Known Member
Sounds like Fox News propaganda

Due EXCLUSIVELY to my military experience, I have been heavily recruited by both of these agencies. That's not propaganda, it's fact. Just because it was reported by this media outlet or that doesn't make it less factual. Here's a tip; start reading. It's a much better source of news than any of the soundbite "journalism" that's spewed from cable news....any of them.


Well-Known Member
I definitely agree its doable for a lot less. I think the $7,000 number @PhotoDave219 was talking about is probably more of an average for a deluxe resort not during value season. Even with discounts or free dining a deluxe resort package for 4 for a week in the summer comes to $4,000 to $5,000 not including airfare or spending money.

I'm with you on it being doable for a once a year trip for some. I personally don't spend a lot on fancy clothes, electronics or cars (my Accord has 240,000+ miles and has been paid for for over 6 years now). Where I tend to spend more freely is on vacations. I don't fault others for spending on those other things, its just my preference so I don't think it's necessarily excessive to spend $3,700 on a vacation. $7,000 for a week at WDW seems excessive to me and I personally would not go into debt for a vacation. For me vacations are things you save for not things you pay off over the next 30 years. That's just me, and I know it isn't the American way so I'm probably the statistical outlier in the sample.

That's the number I've heard from vast members saying that $7000 is the cost for the average family of 4 to travel, stay & eat at the Walt Disney world resort

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
Congrats on slogging through all that. I skimmed a lot.

I knew someone would point out Luke didn't complete his training. But he went from neophyte to lifting darn near done. To the point where he could feasibly face Vader. And then her returns a short while later and Yoda tells him, nope you're a done. A Jedi you are. So for all intents and purposes, I'd say he completed the training. Yoda and Ben just liked to mess with him.
I think Yoda lied to him in RotJ. He was literally on his deathbed, and Luke wants him to go prancing through the forest doing more training? Eh, you're done, kid. Now leave me alone so I can de-materialize in peace.

It's true that he was moving rocks around and stuff, but what did his training truly accomplish in ESB? He got his hand chopped off and was left dangling from some kind of radio antenna three hundred trillion feet in the air. Against an opponent that wasn't trying to kill him. Vader's goals were to encase him in carbonite for the Emperor or to turn him to the Dark Side.


Well-Known Member
Last time we were at SeaWorld was Labor Day Weekend 2011, so did the 14 hour stint that day as well - got to see all the animals, all the shows, and ride all the rides. I think the main issue is that it doesn't really start with the Christmas shows till 5pm, although I guess that THE POLAR EXPRESS Experience runs all day? Still gives 6 hours to try to fit everything in (O Wondrous Night, Sea of Trees, Shamu® Christmas... Miracles, A Sesame Street Christmas, Winter Wonderland on Ice, Clyde & Seamore's Countdown to Christmas, Holiday Reflections: Fireworks and Fountain Finale), although we will probably be skipping the Sesame Street show as well , so hopefully it will be possible.
. . .
The "Shark's Underwater Grill Holiday Menu" also sounds interesting - do you have any idea what was on it?

I'm not sure what's offered at Shark's Underwater Grill... I haven't been able to find any menus/reviews of the holiday dinner online, either. The one holiday-themed food item I had was the s'mores cobbler from the Cafe de Mar. Really, really good -- but very rich and very sweet. Definitely one of those things you need to enjoy with milk.

The one thing that will definitely be different between last year and this year is the fact that Antarctica: Empire of the Penguin opened earlier this year. I suspect lines will still be long for the ride, so I'd try to go on it at the earliest opportunity, if you're interested. There's also a new food service location in Antarctica, so it might feature some kind of holiday-themed offering.

I didn't get to the park until the afternoon, so I don't know if the Polar Express runs all day. It's quite popular though, so I'm guessing it'll be open earlier in the day.

Looking back at last year's schedule, I think this is how I did the Christmas shows:

5:00 PM - Clyde & Seamore's Countdown to Christmas
6:00 PM - O Wondrous Night
7:15 PM - Sea of Trees
7:45 PM - Shamu Christmas Miracles
8:30 PM - Winter Wonderland on Ice
8:55 PM - Holiday Reflections

There was a 3:00 PM showing of Sesame Street Christmas, so I could have fit that one in too, if I'd been interested. Instead, I was doing Polar Express and some of the regular attractions around that time.

Some notes on the above: the timing is tight between Clyde & Seamore and O Wondrous Night. If you want to see both (and the schedule remains the same as last year), I'd try to sit near an exit aisle for Clyde & Seamore, and head over to the Wondrous Night theater as expeditiously as possible after the sea lion show ends. However, I thought the Wondrous Night show was probably the weakest production I saw there. It wasn't bad per se, but the tone of the show was all over the place, from reverential/religious to goofy and trying-too-hard-to-be-hip. Other than Sesame Street, it's probably the most skippable of the shows. I agree with TalkingHead -- Clyde & Seamore is great, and not to be missed.

The timing of the last couple of shows is a bit tight as well. That's because there was only one showing of Shamu, Winter Wonderland, and Holiday Reflections on the day I was there. I positioned myself on the bridge near Shamu Stadium for Sea of Trees, then headed over immediately after Sea of Trees ended. I also tried to sit near an exit aisle at Shamu Stadium, and then made a beeline for Bayside Stadium as soon as the Shamu show was over. You basically stay put for Holiday Reflections after Winter Wonderland ends, as the seats in Bayside Stadium give you a good view of the fireworks.

I'm sure you'll have a great time. I'd go again this year, but I think I'm going to be in Orlando before the Christmas festivities start.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what's offered at Shark's Underwater Grill... I haven't been able to find any menus/reviews of the holiday dinner online, either. The one holiday-themed food item I had was the s'mores cobbler from the Cafe de Mar. Really, really good -- but very rich and very sweet. Definitely one of those things you need to enjoy with milk.

The one thing that will definitely be different between last year and this year is the fact that Antarctica: Empire of the Penguin opened earlier this year. I suspect lines will still be long for the ride, so I'd try to go on it at the earliest opportunity, if you're interested. There's also a new food service location in Antarctica, so it might feature some kind of holiday-themed offering.

I didn't get to the park until the afternoon, so I don't know if the Polar Express runs all day. It's quite popular though, so I'm guessing it'll be open earlier in the day.

Looking back at last year's schedule, I think this is how I did the Christmas shows:

5:00 PM - Clyde & Seamore's Countdown to Christmas
6:00 PM - O Wondrous Night
7:15 PM - Sea of Trees
7:45 PM - Shamu Christmas Miracles
8:30 PM - Winter Wonderland on Ice
8:55 PM - Holiday Reflections

There was a 3:00 PM showing of Sesame Street Christmas, so I could have fit that one in too, if I'd been interested. Instead, I was doing Polar Express and some of the regular attractions around that time.

Some notes on the above: the timing is tight between Clyde & Seamore and O Wondrous Night. If you want to see both (and the schedule remains the same as last year), I'd try to sit near an exit aisle for Clyde & Seamore, and head over to the Wondrous Night theater as expeditiously as possible after the sea lion show ends. However, I thought the Wondrous Night show was probably the weakest production I saw there. It wasn't bad per se, but the tone of the show was all over the place, from reverential/religious to goofy and trying-too-hard-to-be-hip. Other than Sesame Street, it's probably the most skippable of the shows. I agree with TalkingHead -- Clyde & Seamore is great, and not to be missed.

The timing of the last couple of shows is a bit tight as well. That's because there was only one showing of Shamu, Winter Wonderland, and Holiday Reflections on the day I was there. I positioned myself on the bridge near Shamu Stadium for Sea of Trees, then headed over immediately after Sea of Trees ended. I also tried to sit near an exit aisle at Shamu Stadium, and then made a beeline for Bayside Stadium as soon as the Shamu show was over. You basically stay put for Holiday Reflections after Winter Wonderland ends, as the seats in Bayside Stadium give you a good view of the fireworks.

I'm sure you'll have a great time. I'd go again this year, but I think I'm going to be in Orlando before the Christmas festivities start.

Thanks for the info - I'll keep a copy of this post to read just before we go!

Looking at the times for last year, it would look like the following would be possible (leaving out A'Lure and One Ocean - we were not impressed with them last time around)

10:00:00 Blue Horizons®
12:30:00 Pets Ahoy®
13:45:00 Clyde and Seamore Take Pirate Island
15:00:00 A Sesame Street Christmas
17:00:00 Clyde and Seamore's Countdown to Christmas
18:00:00 O Wondrous Night
19:30:00 Sea of Trees
20:30:00 Waterfront Snow Flurries
21:30:00 Shamu® Christmas...Miracles
22:30:00 Winter Wonderland on Ice
22:55:00 Holiday Reflections: Fireworks and Fountain Finale
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Spirited Musings (Weekend Edition):

Even with 92 degree heat and humidity to match, Florida feels so much lighter this week. Oh, wait ...all those Disney bloggers and lifestylers are in SoCal desperately trying to prove they are significant life forms.

Seriously, how can D23 not be a slap in the face to fans? You largely pay a ridiculous fee to get a chance to wait in lines where you pay ridiculous prices for merchandise created to take advantage of your addiction (much that I'll likely see in Anaheim's Co D next month).

OK, no offense to Brandon Kleya (he seems like a nice enough fella even if he isn't significant enough to have ever been in my presence!), but boy did his answers or non-answers about Pandora to softballs lobbed by the lifestylers he tweets with really get on my nerves. No, Brandon, even my fanboi side doesn't want to play let,s pretend we took a trip to Pandora (obviously before our military committed genocide there) with you. If I'm playing with fanbois I would probably want to OBTAIN something.

So, Tony gets his window on MSUSA before he's dust. Yeah, I guess that account of what went down when he 'retired' was pretty damn accurate.

I was told that WDW deluxe resorts across the board are under 50% load levels this next week. Does anyone know where they would be sans free dining?

You know it is August when CMs lose their dining discounts but get in free to the water parks.

Can't believe it, but I am about to complain about DLR. What's up with these 10-7 week days and 9-10 weekends next month? Oh, yeah Michael Colglazier is the head guy now. I would never pay for such short operating days. Oh wait, I don't pay anyway.

I heard that this thread was being moderated a bit lighter in my absence. That just means I'll post one comment ripping our government and that will all change.

I know one of the deeper themes in this thread is how Disney is competing (or not competing) in the Central Florida Theme Park Wars, but does anyone in their right mind think this strategy is correct? That data mining and trip planning apps and MAGIC bands in any UNIverse beats investing a few billion dollars in actual product? It really is that simple, guys and gals and bronys. You invest and reinvest in your parks and keep the quality high and people flock to your products. Why has Disney forgotten it? They wrote the book on it. A book that has proven from Tokyo to up I-4 to be as true now as it was 20 years ago.

Yes, I did almost puke a bit when reading @EPCOT Explorer 's tweets. And Merfie ...why the shots dude? I try and show you the love. I'd even go to bat for you here if you tried to make nice with Steve because I think you have solid info and a perspective worth hearing.

Seriously, if I didn,t have a life (which sadly involved a death this week) I'd have started a Most Inane D23 tweets thread here. Do these folks not realize the NSA is watching?

So, if I say Snowden is a hero and patriot does that suddenly stop the political chatter here?

Hey, bloggers, if you were one of 876 people who got to listen in on a Sherman and Mencken conference, don't lie to your audience and say you interviewed them when you didn't.

Very sad to see Roy Patrick being 'that Disney' for Iger and Co.

You think someone had to tell The Weatherman who Figment is? Me too. Do you think Tony Baxter wondered the same thing? Yeah, me too.

You gotta love idiot Miami Dolphins fans who think their team is Super Bowl bound after a preseason win over the Jacksonville Jags. Just Bless their hearts ...and the bloggers too.

So, with D23 winding down, when is the October announcement insanity starting?

Am I really booked on three MAGICal cruises now? If I had my spread sheet out then I'd be able to tell you.

@wdwmagic put it best somewhere where he commented that the UNI model of just starting a project and then announcing it down the road beats Disney's strategy of constant hype and toying with fans for months or years that inevitably, and rightfully, leads to disappointment, disillusionment, and bitterness.

Just some musings as you sip your mint julep on a hot summer's night. Don't fret, I have a more meaty post coming tonight or tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I've not really read any of the expanded universe stuff, but didn't a fair amount of time (and a lot of events) pass during the period between ESB and ROTJ? There was a series of stories called Shadows of the Empire published via books, comics and other media that had a lot of content between those two movies as far as i'm aware. I don't know much about it or even if it's canon yet, but I'm guessing that there was still a gap of time between the events of the two movies. Either way allowing Luke to train himself and become stronger and wiser.

His skills in the force and combat as well as his patience seem to indicate he's learned a lot since his first battle with Vader. In ESB, Vader dominated their duel and probably wasn't even trying his hardest (the first round he was clearly toying with Luke and testing his power, probably was in the second round too). But in their final confrontation in ROTJ, Luke is able to hold his own against Vader and doesn't even appear to be struggling to do so anymore. Even before Vader finally provoked Luke into attacking with rage and hatred.

So yeah I think it's well within reason to assume Luke was far more powerful and skilled by the events of ROTJ. And regardless of Shadows of the Empire's status in the canon (or lack thereof), time still apparently passed between the movies and Luke's power still grew (I seriously doubt he just sat around twiddling his thumbs and didn't even try to improve his skills and focus). Not to mention his attitude changed dramatically, he acts much more patient and in control of situations than he did in ESB. He ran right into Vader's trap in ESB because of his impatience and fear of losing his friends. He lost that battle due to both incomplete training as well as his rash impatience.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Spirited Musings (Weekend Edition):
I was told that WDW deluxe resorts across the board are under 50% load levels this next week. Does anyone know where they would be sans free dining?

Yikes. Thats gotta worry the pencil pushers. And completely agree on all you D23 remarks. Its pretty hard to see how is NOT a huge ripoff at this point taking advantage of fan loyalty.

You gotta love idiot Miami Dolphins fans who think their team is Super Bowl bound after a preseason win over the Jacksonville Jags. Just Bless their hearts ...and the bloggers too.

Oh, I can't like this comment enough. This yearly spiritual renewal that the Dolphins are going anywhere is hilarious.

Just some musings as you sip your mint julep on a hot summer's night. Don't fret, I have a more meaty post coming tonight or tomorrow.

Bring it on! Thanks Spirit.

Responses above in bold underlines.


Well-Known Member
Can't believe it, but I am about to complain about DLR. What's up with these 10-7 week days and 9-10 weekends next month? Oh, yeah Michael Colglazier is the head guy now. I would never pay for such short operating days. Oh wait, I don't pay anyway.
Is Colglazier a reason Disneyland's Splash Mountain is starting to have serious and bad (pre-refurb WDW bad) animatronic problems? I'm worried that Disneyland's maintenance quality could take a nosedive if this becomes a trend, just like what happened to Animal Kingdom under his reign.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what's offered at Shark's Underwater Grill... I haven't been able to find any menus/reviews of the holiday dinner online, either. The one holiday-themed food item I had was the s'mores cobbler from the Cafe de Mar. Really, really good -- but very rich and very sweet. Definitely one of those things you need to enjoy with milk.

Tried the s'mores, too. Very rich is an understatement! Tasty, though. I think we ate at the Spice Mill, which I remember liking. They even had the inside of the restaurant decorated with Christmas trees, garland, and Christmas music. It was amazing how thoroughly the park was decorated.


Well-Known Member
OK, no offense to Brandon Kleya (he seems like a nice enough fella even if he isn't significant enough to have ever been in my presence!), but boy did his answers or non-answers about Pandora to softballs lobbed by the lifestylers he tweets with really get on my nerves. No, Brandon, even my fanboi side doesn't want to play let,s pretend we took a trip to Pandora (obviously before our military committed genocide there) with you. If I'm playing with fanbois I would probably want to OBTAIN something.

Talk about insulting the fans' intelligence! (Is that an oxymoron?)

That video was an absolute joke that proves the company has no respect for its fans. The Imagineer is asked what they've been doing since the project was announced two years ago and, like a delusional man-child, he points to a knife and boots and acts like they've been traveling to Pandora?!

It's a very real question -- it's looking like Avatar might open 5+ years after it was announced...WTH?

Ohhh, you've spent two years pretending you've been hanging out on the CGI planet. No wonder nothing of quality can get built in a reasonable time in Orlando!


Well-Known Member
Now that's puzzling. Don't conventionEARS want someplace to go at night? Right now there's nothing save the BoardWalk, which isn't much of an option unless you're staying at one of the Epcot resorts or have a car.

I just don't get it. I sure like CityWalk though! Rising Star is a blast.
I always just like a good lobby bar. Drink, walk to room, bed. Takes a lot of bad variables out of the equation.


Well-Known Member

WDW Jungle Cruise is getting a major refurb and re-named "The Jungle Crate Cruise"

Star Tours getting a new profile and name change to "Crate Tours"

AVATAR PLANS RELEASED! Guests will sit in a cubicle with memorabilia from a fake Pandora expedition.

Journey into Imagi-CRATEtion? Get ready! It's coming!

Oh...can't forget Mater and friends in Crateland. You will get to ride in real wooden crates pulled by characters from the film.

Crate Mountain...The Haunted Cratetion...Swiss Family Cratehouse...the list goes on...GOD I LOVE MAGIC!!!!!!!!

Now if the Crate was more like this, I might be sold... (man, I've somehow ended up with 2 Portal references in the last couple weeks here...)

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