Spirited Musings (Weekend Edition):
Even with 92 degree heat and humidity to match, Florida feels so much lighter this week. Oh, wait ...all those Disney bloggers and lifestylers are in SoCal desperately trying to prove they are significant life forms.
Seriously, how can D23 not be a slap in the face to fans? You largely pay a ridiculous fee to get a chance to wait in lines where you pay ridiculous prices for merchandise created to take advantage of your addiction (much that I'll likely see in Anaheim's Co D next month).
OK, no offense to Brandon Kleya (he seems like a nice enough fella even if he isn't significant enough to have ever been in my presence!), but boy did his answers or non-answers about Pandora to softballs lobbed by the lifestylers he tweets with really get on my nerves. No, Brandon, even my fanboi side doesn't want to play let,s pretend we took a trip to Pandora (obviously before our military committed genocide there) with you. If I'm playing with fanbois I would probably want to OBTAIN something.
So, Tony gets his window on MSUSA before he's dust. Yeah, I guess that account of what went down when he 'retired' was pretty damn accurate.
I was told that WDW deluxe resorts across the board are under 50% load levels this next week. Does anyone know where they would be sans free dining?
You know it is August when CMs lose their dining discounts but get in free to the water parks.
Can't believe it, but I am about to complain about DLR. What's up with these 10-7 week days and 9-10 weekends next month? Oh, yeah Michael Colglazier is the head guy now. I would never pay for such short operating days. Oh wait, I don't pay anyway.
I heard that this thread was being moderated a bit lighter in my absence. That just means I'll post one comment ripping our government and that will all change.
I know one of the deeper themes in this thread is how Disney is competing (or not competing) in the Central Florida Theme Park Wars, but does anyone in their right mind think this strategy is correct? That data mining and trip planning apps and MAGIC bands in any UNIverse beats investing a few billion dollars in actual product? It really is that simple, guys and gals and bronys. You invest and reinvest in your parks and keep the quality high and people flock to your products. Why has Disney forgotten it? They wrote the book on it. A book that has proven from Tokyo to up I-4 to be as true now as it was 20 years ago.
Yes, I did almost puke a bit when reading @
EPCOT Explorer 's tweets. And Merfie ...why the shots dude? I try and show you the love. I'd even go to bat for you here if you tried to make nice with Steve because I think you have solid info and a perspective worth hearing.
Seriously, if I didn,t have a life (which sadly involved a death this week) I'd have started a Most Inane D23 tweets thread here. Do these folks not realize the NSA is watching?
So, if I say Snowden is a hero and patriot does that suddenly stop the political chatter here?
Hey, bloggers, if you were one of 876 people who got to listen in on a Sherman and Mencken conference, don't lie to your audience and say you interviewed them when you didn't.
Very sad to see Roy Patrick being 'that Disney' for Iger and Co.
You think someone had to tell The Weatherman who Figment is? Me too. Do you think Tony Baxter wondered the same thing? Yeah, me too.
You gotta love idiot Miami Dolphins fans who think their team is Super Bowl bound after a preseason win over the Jacksonville Jags. Just Bless their hearts ...and the bloggers too.
So, with D23 winding down, when is the October announcement insanity starting?
Am I really booked on three MAGICal cruises now? If I had my spread sheet out then I'd be able to tell you.
wdwmagic put it best somewhere where he commented that the UNI model of just starting a project and then announcing it down the road beats Disney's strategy of constant hype and toying with fans for months or years that inevitably, and rightfully, leads to disappointment, disillusionment, and bitterness.
Just some musings as you sip your mint julep on a hot summer's night. Don't fret, I have a more meaty post coming tonight or tomorrow.