I am just about to place you on my ignore list, which I've never done to anyone. I may agree with you much of the time, but I feel you are extremely disingenuous on datamining and NGE and while it isn't my job to tell people to read between the lines, that's exactly what needs to be done when dealing with someone who always wants to defend a corporation.
The police and local authorities are protecting me from my idiot neighbor (not that I have one, thankfully). See, in the USA, individuals have to follow rules and regulations and laws. Corporations basically make up what they will and won't do unless the big, bad, evil government (I could take people's angst so much easier if they were protesting in the streets against the Patriot Act, the TSA or the Wall Street bailout) FORCES them to do so.
The fact you bring up civil court verdicts is laughable. An individual going up against a corporate entitity has virtually no chance at any semblance of justice. But you'd blame them ... you sound like the type that believes Wall Street didn't cause the economic collapse with its Ponzi like structure and selling of derivatives and credit default swaps and other BS 'products', but that people buying $600,000 homes when they could only afford $200,000 homes did.
No, I have. You just chose to ignore it because it doesn't fit your pro-business bias. ... I said that ALL cruise ships that make port in the USA should have to be regulated by this country and follow standards that are set out by maritime safety experts that aren't part of the cruise lobby. ... I'm sorry, but I just don't trust officials in the Bahamas as much as our own.
I'm glad you are so quick to brush aside civil claims as largely stupid. I guess people never get damaged due to the negligance and avarice of others and corporations and should just 'butch up and deal with it' ... I'm sure that's exactly what you'd do if you were in their shoes. It shows so clearly in your personality here.
For Wall Street and Big Business it absolutely would!