Spirited News & Observations II -- NGE/Baxter


I apparently in a streak of madness that I can't quite recall may have booked another DCL voyage for Fall 2014.
Dammit. :(
I can't help but think that I should have 'offed' the photographer before he could talk ...
My bad...
... but @Lee will be my official taster as you can never be too careful.
All chocolates submitted for tasting must be in their original, unwrapped condition and must include a "key" as to which chocolate is which.
Fair warning...I don't like coconut, so those are going straight into the trash.


Well-Known Member
And here's news that may be more rumour, but it's about food and we all like that:


An Orlando Business Journal article, solely citing to a Daily City post ... based exclusively on a MAGICal thread here on this board! Daily City even saw fit to repeat my comment on a 3-year lease being somewhat short even (I assume) without knowing my qualifications to make such a statement.

The echo chamber defined...


Well-Known Member
What do you think they'll have to spend in O-Town when people realize what UNI and SW have been doing all these years?

As to China, I wish the MK were half as well run as HKDL. It beats MK on all the basics and in the not too distant future will at least equal it in attractions too.
What is the ownership structure of the Chinese parks (HK and Shanghai). Who operates them?


Well-Known Member
What is the ownership structure of the Chinese parks (HK and Shanghai). Who operates them?
Hongkong International Theme Parks owns and operates the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and is a joint venture between the Government of Hong Kong and The Walt Disney Company. Originally Disney only owned 43%, but that stake was increased to 48% as part of the deals regarding the ongoing expansion.

I do not think the joint venture for the Shanghai Disney Resort has been named yet, but it is between the Shanghai Shendi Group, which is a state-owned company, and The Walt Disney Company. The ownership structure will follow the 57-43 split that was originally in place regarding Hong Kong.


Well-Known Member
Hongkong International Theme Parks owns and operates the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and is a joint venture between the Government of Hong Kong and The Walt Disney Company. Originally Disney only owned 43%, but that stake was increased to 48% as part of the deals regarding the ongoing expansion.

I do not think the joint venture for the Shanghai Disney Resort has been named yet, but it is between the Shanghai Shendi Group, which is a state-owned company, and The Walt Disney Company. The ownership structure will follow the 57-43 split that was originally in place regarding Hong Kong.
I was wondering because they said Meg Crofton becomes the President in change of DLR, WDW, and DLP. I knew TDL was the only Disney park that Disney had no ownership interest in, so I was wondering why the Chinese parks weren't included in Crofton's group.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering because they said Meg Crofton becomes the President in change of DLR, WDW, and DLP. I knew TDL was the only Disney park that Disney had no ownership interest in, so I was wondering why the Chinese parks weren't included in Crofton's group.
I think the Chinese would prefer it if anyone from TDO stay away from their parks.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering because they said Meg Crofton becomes the President in change of DLR, WDW, and DLP. I knew TDL was the only Disney park that Disney had no ownership interest in, so I was wondering why the Chinese parks weren't included in Crofton's group.
Despite Disney's minority ownership in Euro Disney SCA, the nature of an SCA structure effectively gives Disney control of the Company. That is how people like Jay Rasulo and George Kalogridis can be moved between Walt Disney Parks and Resorts and Euro Disney SCA. This is not the case with the Asian deals where the involved governments do get a say in decisions while operations are handled by Disney. Especially after the way Disney screwed Hong Kong with the initial build out of Hong Kong Disneyland, there is no way the respective governments will just let Disney call the shots.


Well-Known Member
The little bit I know of it is that is is being built by a joint venture between Shamrock Holdings (a Disney subsidiary) and Israel's largest movie theater conglomerate. It is said to be really small but will include Disney rides.
Shamrock Holdings is not a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. It is the asset management and investment company for Roy E. Disney's family.

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