I'm one of the people who regularly <likes> many a post of yours. This does not necessarily mean I agree with (all of) its content. Sometimes you're funny (when you're relaxed and don't mistake a Disney discussion for WWIII

), sometimes you show good insight or even old-fashioned clear mindedness.
I can appreciate a good argument without agreeing to it. Apart from that, I haven't waded in because the last few pages have been all over the place, there really are not two sides pitted against each other. It's all been a lot of tiny observations, accountancy sidetracks, misunderstandings, mini-frustrations, personal animosities and friendships. The very untangable nature of it all is why I have abstained, never mind picked sides. Mostly though, I disagree with all of you!
I can try though! Erm...prudent accountancy factors in depreciation as a real cost. (Despite it being forever prone to creative accountaneering). Which makes UNI's numbers look a bit bleak indeed.
So there, help from the sidelines! Sixty posts after the fact!