Thanks GoofGoof...i agree fully with what you are saying here. You sparked my memory with your comments, and i dimly remember a while back when this topic was touched on and your comments then. We both agree it would be a nice plus, and you are spot on regarding Universal*s upcoming onslaught.
A *loyalty program* could spur additonal spending, and this is what WDW is trying to do these days more then ever with it*s Guests. It seems a no-brainer to add one to the program, but perhaps it is being held back until the basic NextGen system is up and running and FULLY capable of doing what is being planned for it. It would be easy to add on a *loyalty program* in the future i would think, if not during this early stage.
Some of the aspects could be something simple like virtual coupons for those Guests who are tracked as having been active in the shopping department.
Another could be to have a small discount offered to what seems to be a Guests favorite, or most visited, table service/higher end dining establishment on property.
Of course the obvious ones are *special* discounts on perhaps a 3/4 day Park ticket, 5/6 day, or even a 7/8 day. Package offers could also be catered to those who are tracked for being yearly or more frequent visitors to the Parks.
There are multiple ways this could be manipulated, and multiple ways it could be worked to provide additional income for Disney. Lots of creative room there to try out different deals, discounts, and perhaps even small giveaways that would provide a business proven initiative to increase sales. The possibilities are endless in regards to what could be offered in such a program.
Like the old saying goes, * You can attract more bees with honey then with vinegar*.
Dish out a little *honey* to frequent visiting, non-Passholder Guests and watch the hive that is the Disney bank account grow. Keep passing out the *vinegar* and watch the concept wither on the vine and die...or more then likely, just re-plant themselves elsewhere off-property ( like at Sea World or Uni ! )
It would seem a Disney Parks *loyalty program* would be a great way to entice those jaded regulars or *Worldphilles* like myself to be coaxed into maybe deciding to spend for some Merch we might have otherwise overlooked, or inspire a impromptu additional restaurant visit that might have otherwise not have happened.
Seems to me like instant added money into the bank for Disney, so the big question is :
Why not ?
Some might feel that bringing more discounts to WDW would not be a good thing in some respects.
We all know what happened a couple of years after the *Free Dining Offers* started.
Quality went down the drain somewhat in the food offerings and choices to be had, particularly at the once better TS locations.
I do not see a *loyalty program* becoming such a issue however in such negative respects, as it is something only those who regularly visit would be able to take advantage of.
It would truly be a *reward* initiative for those who visit yearly, or more often.
So it seems like a win/win situation for both Worldphille and Disney.
Think frequent flyer miles at WDW....*visit five times in five years and get a free/discounted whatever on your next visit!*