Spirited News & Observations II -- NGE/Baxter

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
Much of what Disney does damages the U.S. economy and it's largely driven by how senior management influences supposedly independent executive compensation committees to organize pay packages. They arrange packages to offer quick returns, something Wall Street is obsessed with, rather than looking at long term value. Wall Street's volatility is driven largely by its fixation with the quick buck. Entire nations are held financially hostage as a result of this shortsighted thinking.

Historically, CEO-to-worker compensation was about 20-to-1. Beginning in the 1980s, this ratio began to change. In the last 20 years, it's increased dramatically and is approaching 300-to-1. The ratio hasn't been this lopsided since the days of the Robber Barons.

It would be a bit different if corporations "shared" the wealth with those who are doing the vast majority of the work. Instead, worker pay is squeezed by corporations such as Disney, even as they report record profits. Meanwhile, senior executives at those same companies collect double-digit pay increases.

Productivity of typical U.S. workers reach record levels yet the fruits of their labors are being distributed to only a select few.

Disney (yet again) has record profits, Iger receives a 20% compensation increase, and then Disney announces layoffs of those actually performing the work. Large numbers collect unemployment from the government while those remaining are required to work even harder to retain their jobs. That's not good for the economy or for families.

Modern economies grow through innovation. Instead of innovating, Iger buys IP created at other companies while terminating those responsible for innovation within his own company. He raises prices 6-to-8% while holding employee pay to less than 3%. These price increases are crushing for the average American family.

Taken as a whole, these trends do not bode well for the economic future of this country.

This is one of many ticking time bombs in the economy. Watch us rebound to near pre 2007 levels and get hit by a massive downturn again in 2025ish.


Well-Known Member
The girls I know don't have cooties. I demand they show me their papers, first! :)

What opinions are you seeking? I love Tony Baxter as a creative and someone who gets Disney and have said so many times, even though at many times he can (and has) acted like a petulant child. I think I like Joe more than many, but I have had a chance to know him a bit. I think Joe is much better at the big picture stuff (like the vision for DAK) than creating compelling content that is reliable (like EE).

As to the guys you listed, I don't like Fitz at all. Personal reasons, which I won't go into. But creatively he is fine when working with film and scripting shows. When he is in charge, well ... his very large weaknesses show.

Eric came up as Fitz's protege. I think he has some talent. He was lead designer of BB, which some say is the best water park anywhere. But Eric's total body of work doesn't add up in any way, shape or form to him being portfolio leader for three of the four WDW parks. Not at all.

Hey, Tim, your tie isn't straight and it's driving me crazy. Have you never been in front of a camera before?

Thanks for the input, as for the last line - I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


Well-Known Member
I would rather see Kathleen Kennedy or Stacey Snyder considering their ties to the movie business. I don't know how good or bad they'd be for $DIS particularly animation and P&R though. That you would certainly know better than me, so perhaps your opinion is desired on this topic.
Don't know enough about Stacey Snider to comment on how she would effect Anim/P&R, I do know a fair bit about Kathleen Kennedy and its very encouraging. First, she's a big animation fan. I'm not just talking about American animation, but animation as an art form; certainly a greater vote of confidence than Bob "Franchise" Iger. She was the executive producer on Marjane Satrapi's film "Persepolis" and helped to bring that film to American audiences. She also has been working with Pixar to localize Studio Ghibli films for Western audiences (Ponyo and From Up on Poppy Hill). I'd guess that Kathleen is interested in utilizing Disney's market prowess and deep talent bench to do more creatively risky films as well as bringing foreign films to American audiences.

BTW bob, if you built a really great dark ride in the Japan pavillion starring Totoro, watch how fast that plush sells.

~~~Quality is the best business plan.~~~


Premium Member
It is also a very good and entertaining read.

I think the guy takes the artistic freedom a bit too far.. swinging things to the dramatic vs factual in his retelling of the stories. He comes clean in the epilogue of the book in admitting his retelling of the stories is more a 'piecing of things together' vs a literal retelling. That turned me off a bit and hinders how much you can really quote people verbatim... but I doubt it altered the end message much. It just makes it hard to know what people actually said or was hersay.. or worse.. 'inbetweening'.


Well-Known Member
But Michael Eisner might also think that the MK deserves E-ticket attractions of the quality of Splash Mountain.

Or he might think it deserves a temporary solution like Mickeys Birthday Toontown Starland Land.

(BTW, why exactly is Splash Mountain in Frontierland?)


OV 104
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Well-Known Member
I really don't know how we all missed this, especially me:


I do have comments, just no time. But I will say the story is a bit misleading as I didn't say (and won't) that UNI will have a third park open by 2018. I don't believe that. Working on one? You betcha!

Good thing this guy doesn't run Uni. They just spent some money, why not rest on your laurels for awhile? Because business growth does not happen without reinvestment, PERIOD. You will peak and then decline until reinvestment is made, so SMART businesses reinvest constantly to maintain an upward trajectory. Uni wants to take the crown in Florida, and WDW is leaving it wide open. They're smart to take advantage of WDW's weakness as a "mature investment."


Well-Known Member
Good thing this guy doesn't run Uni. They just spent some money, why not rest on your laurels for awhile? Because business growth does not happen without reinvestment, PERIOD. You will peak and then decline until reinvestment is made, so SMART businesses reinvest constantly to maintain an upward trajectory. Uni wants to take the crown in Florida, and WDW is leaving it wide open. They're smart to take advantage of WDW's weakness as a "mature investment."
Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. When my business opponent shows weakness, it's time to pounce before they catch on to what's happening.

Of course, considering how slow WDW management is to act, it doesn't take much pouncing.;)

WDW is starting to remind me of the Detroit auto industry of the 1970s and 1980s.:eek:

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