Darth Sidious
Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
Much of what Disney does damages the U.S. economy and it's largely driven by how senior management influences supposedly independent executive compensation committees to organize pay packages. They arrange packages to offer quick returns, something Wall Street is obsessed with, rather than looking at long term value. Wall Street's volatility is driven largely by its fixation with the quick buck. Entire nations are held financially hostage as a result of this shortsighted thinking.
Historically, CEO-to-worker compensation was about 20-to-1. Beginning in the 1980s, this ratio began to change. In the last 20 years, it's increased dramatically and is approaching 300-to-1. The ratio hasn't been this lopsided since the days of the Robber Barons.
It would be a bit different if corporations "shared" the wealth with those who are doing the vast majority of the work. Instead, worker pay is squeezed by corporations such as Disney, even as they report record profits. Meanwhile, senior executives at those same companies collect double-digit pay increases.
Productivity of typical U.S. workers reach record levels yet the fruits of their labors are being distributed to only a select few.
Disney (yet again) has record profits, Iger receives a 20% compensation increase, and then Disney announces layoffs of those actually performing the work. Large numbers collect unemployment from the government while those remaining are required to work even harder to retain their jobs. That's not good for the economy or for families.
Modern economies grow through innovation. Instead of innovating, Iger buys IP created at other companies while terminating those responsible for innovation within his own company. He raises prices 6-to-8% while holding employee pay to less than 3%. These price increases are crushing for the average American family.
Taken as a whole, these trends do not bode well for the economic future of this country.
This is one of many ticking time bombs in the economy. Watch us rebound to near pre 2007 levels and get hit by a massive downturn again in 2025ish.