I thought, along with a lot of the rest of us, that you already were on sabbatical. Perhaps if we talked about something interesting instead of the dribble that's has been discussed into the ground, there would be more interaction. Is everyone running out of legitimate stuff to about?
It could be the calm before the storm as everyone waits for the roll out of NextGen. Because other then that it is pretty much business as usual at what appears to be a grouping of enormously successful theme parks. What's to say other than "Wow, look at those crowds!"

Imagine what it would be like if they ran it properly!
Over the last few months I've realized the price increases are outpacing my desire to care anymore how the place is run. Any conceivable metric the management uses to quantify the success of the parks has to be off the charts. They have no need to change anything. They get bonuses this year for this year's performance. Does it really matter that Epcot is in its current state when park attendance (such as last week) forces the company to stop letting people in the gates mid-day? THEY COUDLN'T HOLD ANY MORE PAYING CUSTOMERS IN THEIR GIGANTIC PARKS. It is like the scene from Blow where Johnny Depp and his partner and trying to find places in the house to pile money because it is already stacked to the ceiling. The financial model is working too well right now to change it. And everyone on here complaining about it to each other is just wasting their time and energy because no one with TWDC cares to change anything right now while they swim in giant vaults of cash.
We can complain all we want to the company, about the company, about management, it literally doesn't matter. Lets all threaten them that we will not get annual passes next year, we will go to Universal instead, we will not eat at their restaurants or grace them with our patronage......they literally couldn't fit any more people safely into the parks last week. They could raise prices by 25% this year on every single item they sell..rooms, tickets, dole whips......it doesn't matter, they will still have to stop allowing people into the parks on certain days.
They might build 1 ride for Avatar, they might build none, it does not matter. FastPasses for COP, sure why not. $35 tshirt? Fine, I'll buy 4. The New Fantasyland looks really good but doesn't have much substance? That is a shame but did you notice WE CLOSED THE GATES TODAY BECAUSE WE ARE FULL.
I could go on and on but the end result will be the same. I'm tired of complaining. I'm tired of having my passion for a great vacation held financially hostage by the company I've loved for so long. And in the absence of caring too little to complain there is nothing to fill the void to post anymore. I'm certainly not seeing a bunch of positives with the wristbands and price increases to yack about. I've never been to Universal before so this summer I'm taking my family and staying onsite. And exploring Orlando and SeaWorld and the other things it has to offer. We've seen the Magic Kingdom SO MANY times now. We've ridden It's a Small World probably 100 times so I doubt ride 101 will bring back the magic. I can't mask my boredom with the rides with the appreciation of the nostalgia they offer when they are just falling apart and breaking down constantly. The only thing that brings back the magic at this point are new and incredible rides to experience for the first time. So the ETA on anything like that appears to be 2017 or 2018 at the earliest and I'm not even sure what it will be. Again though, this is a ME problem not a THEY problem because for every me they lose there will be 50 tourists coming in to fill my place.
So that is why I think it has been quiet around here. I want to talk about new things at WDW but there isn't much to talk about. I don't care about why so and so will be a good manager or a bad manager, they will all get swallowed in the giant pool of profits anyway. Our collective passion to own a piece of the magic or visit or buy trinkets is what really manages the company and as long as the passion is there then nothing is going to change.
It was more fun to be a fan when the company stood for something besides profits.