Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...


Well-Known Member
I didn't really mean for my tongue-in-cheek ECV commentary to help spin off into a thread derailment. However, I am wondering when park design is going to start to include ECV charging stations. In addition to finding iPhone/device chargers in any open electrical outlet you can find these days, I am starting to see more of the ECV's in halls of restaurants plugged into wall outlets to recharge. We aren't going to see these going away anytime soon. Neither will the BMW size strollers be going away. It seems like storage for these items needs to start being considered in the development of a new area. Short of developing a cart check/vertical storage system for these things, I'm not entirely sure how to clear the scourge of walkway clogging stroller parking. Seeing 60 minute waits for IASW today, I can only assume that stroller parking area (a mess on a good day) must be an incredible mess today.


Well-Known Member
Not to sidetrack this thread into an ECV debate but I have to comment. I don't know a single person in their right mind who aspired to this physical state purposely. Oftentimes the weight is secondary to health issues that prevent a person from being able to exercise. Like a lady I worked with several years back. She was overweight & miserable because at 45 years old she had such debilitating arthritis that her joints could not handle physical exercise. Most days she had a hard enough time navigating life in constant pain of varying levels. Her docs wanted her to have surgical intervention for the weight to relieve the stress on her joints yet her insurance would not pay for what they deemed unnecessary surgery. A single mother of 3 couldn't pay for such out of pocket.

I know there's plenty who have no business using ECVs out of laziness. But lets not lose sensitivity and humanity to those who have no choice other than stay home. If that were your mother or father, friend or loved one, you'd not deny them the experience of fulfilling a dream. Lets remember not to cast judgement on those we don't know personally, and let karma sort out the abusers. I personally wouldn't cast judgement because I wouldnt want karma bring me a big, miserable lesson.

I'm all for medical documentation for ECVs & wheelchairs. I think it'd be a nightmare to suddenly start enforcing but I suppose you'd have to start somewhere.
Sweetpee, you're right. My comment was rather inappropriate. I don't know that guy's situation. And I was basing my comment off of ONE individual that I ran into at the MK. Or should I say, she ran into me...several times. She was riding her scooter down a crowded sidewalk on Main Street (while the street was basically empty) and bumping people out of her way on her way to the smokers section near Tony's. After she got there she ran her scooter into several people as she did her 27 point turn backing her scooter next to the ash tray (where people were already standing). She didn't say "excuse me" or try to be polite in ANY way. She then lit her cigerette without removing her oxygen nose thing. I backed away so that I wouldn't get killed when she exploded.
But me being a 49 year old smoker, I am probably not 10 years out from walking the parks dragging my own oxygen tank. I really should have been more sensitive here with my comments.


Well-Known Member
I didn't really mean for my tongue-in-cheek ECV commentary to help spin off into a thread derailment. However, I am wondering when park design is going to start to include ECV charging stations. In addition to finding iPhone/device chargers in any open electrical outlet you can find these days, I am starting to see more of the ECV's in halls of restaurants plugged into wall outlets to recharge. We aren't going to see these going away anytime soon. Neither will the BMW size strollers be going away. It seems like storage for these items needs to start being considered in the development of a new area. Short of developing a cart check/vertical storage system for these things, I'm not entirely sure how to clear the scourge of walkway clogging stroller parking. Seeing 60 minute waits for IASW today, I can only assume that stroller parking area (a mess on a good day) must be an incredible mess today.
Disneyland doesnt rent the double wides and their normal strollers are smaller than WDW, so there is something that can be done.


Well-Known Member
Disneyland doesnt rent the double wides and their normal strollers are smaller than WDW, so there is something that can be done.

The stroller and ECV problem at DLR has always seemed a lot less than WDW. I wish WDW still only rented the smaller strollers. But it is more the monster private strollers that double as mobile luggage racks at WDW that drive me crazy. It seems like I am seeing more doublewide strollers for families with one child and the other side is their mobile locker.


Well-Known Member
ENOUGH with the ECV debate. It has been hashed out countless times. This is a very interesting thread, with lots of pertinant information in it. And we are being dragged down into the gutter by this ECV garbage again.

Amazing how these threads always seem to get de-railed.

Agreed. Where's the Spirit with some more of his juicy little tidbits for us??? He's keeeellin' me with all this waiting.... :p


Well-Known Member
This guys handicap is pretty obvious. And did I ever say he is representative of the ECV using demo? But they aren't called "fat people chairs" for nothing.

So you know that for a fact. You personally know that person? Or you have some incredible psychic abilityto see medical conditions through pictures on the internet? I know many medical conditions that cause you to gain weight like that, making it worse, they're not able to move around. And the people you're insulting (gleefully) might *might* just have something going on with them that's not visible to the naked (or psychic) eye. Too bad if that doesn't meet your criteria on who should use one. Being understanding is soooo overrated, isn't it?

My father uses one because of a kidney condition. And guess what? I've heard people saying on this very board how they enjoy making snide comments to people like that, because, in their estimation, they're just lazy and fat. If I heard that... To quote Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction: "It would be worth that person doing it just so I could catch them doing it."


Well-Known Member
I'd expect you see less strollers, too.

It's true. The difference in the sheer number of strollers between WDW and Universal is staggering. I feel like so much prime real estate for aesthetics, especially at Magic Kingdom, has been relegated to stroller parking. It really takes away from the majesty of an area like the Castle Courtyard when smack dab behind the castle is a parking lot for strollers. It's ridiculous. And what irks me even more are the number of parents who are so damn lazy and don't want to parent that they let their 6, 7, or even 10 year olds sit in these things. They've got legs, make them use them. And surprise surprise they'll sleep through the night when they get back to the resort.


Well-Known Member
So you know that for a fact. You personally know that person? Or you have some incredible psychic abilityto see medical conditions through pictures on the internet? I know many medical conditions that cause you to gain weight like that, making it worse, they're not able to move around. And the people you're insulting (gleefully) might *might* just have something going on with them that's not visible to the naked (or psychic) eye. Too bad if that doesn't meet your criteria on who should use one. Being understanding is soooo overrated, isn't it?

My father uses one because of a kidney condition. And guess what? I've heard people saying on this very board how they enjoy making snide comments to people like that, because, in their estimation, they're just lazy and fat. If I heard that... To quote Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction: "It would be worth that person doing it just so I could catch them doing it."

No, I don't know that guy. I did a mea culpa 6 posts above yours where I said that my comments were inappropriate. And I do apologize that I offended people. And I will once again state that I should be more sensitive when posting.

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
Not to sidetrack this thread into an ECV debate but I have to comment. I don't know a single person in their right mind who aspired to this physical state purposely. Oftentimes the weight is secondary to health issues that prevent a person from being able to exercise. Like a lady I worked with several years back. She was overweight & miserable because at 45 years old she had such debilitating arthritis that her joints could not handle physical exercise. Most days she had a hard enough time navigating life in constant pain of varying levels. Her docs wanted her to have surgical intervention for the weight to relieve the stress on her joints yet her insurance would not pay for what they deemed unnecessary surgery. A single mother of 3 couldn't pay for such out of pocket.
I have a solution for her problem! Tell her to go on a strict diet and eat less. She won't have to pay for surgical intervention and she'll save money because she won't have to purchase as much food. Her arthritic pain levels will be reduced with the weight reduction and that will enable her to exercise again!

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
No, I don't know that guy. I did a mea culpa 6 posts above yours where I said that my comments were inappropriate. And I do apologize that I offended people. And I will once again state that I should be more sensitive when posting.
Honestly, you should probably take the picture down too... I mean, I doubt that guy visits the site, but let's say he may be a member here... You think he likes seeing his picture plastered on a Disney fan site and receiving vile comments from the so-called mature Disney fans? (and people wonder why I say Disney fans are vile creatures... look at the comments directed toward that picture and people in ECVs in general, disgusting)... Put yourself in that man's shoes... Would you want your picture, or a picture of your family member who may be in an ECV to be plastered online and made fun of?? Karma is a ... many Disney fans are in for some very stressful and unhappy futures...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I may have not gotten my thoughts on Tron Track out, so here they are:

It's an improvement over Test Track, but it's no WoM. In my unscientific Spirited research it would seem if you have boy parts you tend to like it a whole lot more than if you have girl parts. The entire ride is the same, they've just made it full of projections and black light and put you in a Tron-like enviornment. There really are no props. Just kewl lighting and pulsing music.

As to how the design process works, well, I can't say. Tron Track is as reliable as TT was, so the first time we rode it had just been down for 20-30 minutes and none of the interactive aspects were working. The second time, we were in FP and didn't realize that the only thing you get to design is the basic body design. In other words, unless you wait in Stand By or design a car and walk off with the card (blank, purposely done for money so people wouldn't walk off with a nice TT freebie) and bring it back on a future visit (not that I know anyone who would EVER do that!), there is no interactive aspect.

Overall, I love the freshenining up of the pavilion and how it looks. I love they finally figured that pumping in 'new car smell' to the ride might be smart. It's an improvement, no doubt. And as a friend and I discussed recently, Tron Track really would fit if Disney were building an EPCOT in 2012. It has enough fun mixed with education mixed with interaction.

I certainly would rather ride it now while TT 1.0 was something I could skip for two years of visits and not really care.

That said, like its predecessor, it isn't nearly worth the wait times that it is getting.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
On another subject, but hey, it's my thread and I'll go off on tangents if I want to (@Eddie Sotto does and both of us share the fact that we've not been Imagineers this century too!):D ... but saw that they announced the first 'Limited Time Magic' events.

I am not happy.

The one event I cared about seeing at DL is the Golden Horseshoe Review tribute show at DL and when is it scheduled? From next week until Feb. 4th. They also haven't explained how tickets will be distributed, but I am 99% sure I won't get to see it because I can't get to Anaheim in the next month and, if I could, I wouldn't without a guarantee that I'd see a show or two. This is going to just pull the APers in during what is generally one of the slowest months of the year in Anaheim, but at least @flynnibus will get to see the show!

But at least it's something real, something quality, something money is being spent on.

Turn around and look at the first WDW event. It's a character New Year's dance party for children in Tomorrowland ... in other words, it's the same thing they have at MVMCP. I'm sure it will be a hit with the Orlando Lifestylers. Hell, maybe the Disney Parks Blog can hold a special meet and give out cookies and cocoa.

What a difference a coast makes.


Well-Known Member
I have a solution for her problem! Tell her to go on a strict diet and eat less. She won't have to pay for surgical intervention and she'll save money because she won't have to purchase as much food. Her arthritic pain levels will be reduced with the weight reduction and that will enable her to exercise again!
That's a great idea...until you consider that she may have a thyroid condition that causes her to gain weight regardless of what she eats, because she simply isn't burning calories at a reasonable rate (and, as stated, she can't exercise). When the doctors look into it, they realize that she has a 'benign' growth on her thyroid that might be a contributing factor...but they refuse to operate on it because of the potential damage that might be done to neighboring passages and airways.

I'm all for a medical certification policy being implemented at WDW. But until that happens, I don't think any of us have the right to judge someone based solely on their outer appearance. Judge them if they act entitled (such as when they assume that their ECV gives them the right to use every single fastpass line) or when they almost run you over, but please don't give someone the death state or make a vicious comment about them simply because they look 'lazy'.

When I see someone in an ECV, I simply feel happy that I'm able to enjoy the parks on my own two feet.


Well-Known Member
Only in America does someone get special treatment because they have eaten themselves into handicapped.

I know I will be scorned for this, but NO ONE gets like that without some other problem that causes it. Just the distribution of fat, in this case is not regular white trash overeating. But let's be quick to judge people.

I'm not saying that there aren't a fair number of people that get too fat to be able to easily get around a place like WDW, but this is extreme and it, in all likelihood has extreme reasons. Believe what you want, but I'm not buying it, at least in this case.

This is coming from a person that is overweight but do the parks on foot always. I even had a serious leg injury a few years back and before it happened I was supposed to go to WDW with my Daughter. She suggested that I get a scooter, but having spent time on the boards I knew that I would be judged as just another fat, lazy, useless person by the superior crowd I would encounter. I decided not to go that trip. A mistake I will never make again, because whatever the need, it is no ones business other than my own.


Well-Known Member
I may have not gotten my thoughts on Tron Track out, so here they are:

It's an improvement over Test Track, but it's no WoM. In my unscientific Spirited research it would seem if you have boy parts you tend to like it a whole lot more than if you have girl parts. The entire ride is the same, they've just made it full of projections and black light and put you in a Tron-like enviornment. There really are no props. Just kewl lighting and pulsing music.

Oddly, it is also one of those where the prop seem to look better on video than in person. I thought a lot of the effects looked cheesy when actually on the ride.

As to how the design process works, well, I can't say. Tron Track is as reliable as TT was, so the first time we rode it had just been down for 20-30 minutes and none of the interactive aspects were working. The second time, we were in FP and didn't realize that the only thing you get to design is the basic body design. In other words, unless you wait in Stand By or design a car and walk off with the card (blank, purposely done for money so people wouldn't walk off with a nice TT freebie) and bring it back on a future visit (not that I know anyone who would EVER do that!), there is no interactive aspect.
I kind of had the impression that the reason for blank cards is that they will be going away over time. I'm sure these will end up being integrated into NextGen RFIDs. I did the single rider and it seemed like something was really missing from the process. Just not a lot of options to choose from. The standby line was over an hour and I did not want to wait in it to see if there was more. The ride screens never even worked to show any of the sim vehicles for my car. Most of the riders didn't even realize they were suppose to scan the card at the boarding area. I think the theming was ok but it lacks any coherent purpose. I never saw the point of anything that was going on. I actually prefer the theming of TT1.0 over 2.0 but the 2.0 ride is more visually interesting. Seemed like a push on the plus and minuses to me.


Well-Known Member
On another subject, but hey, it's my thread and I'll go off on tangents if I want to (@Eddie Sotto does and both of us share the fact that we've not been Imagineers this century too!):D ... but saw that they announced the first 'Limited Time Magic' events.

I am not happy.

The one event I cared about seeing at DL is the Golden Horseshoe Review tribute show at DL and when is it scheduled? From next week until Feb. 4th. They also haven't explained how tickets will be distributed, but I am 99% sure I won't get to see it because I can't get to Anaheim in the next month and, if I could, I wouldn't without a guarantee that I'd see a show or two. This is going to just pull the APers in during what is generally one of the slowest months of the year in Anaheim, but at least @flynnibus will get to see the show!

But at least it's something real, something quality, something money is being spent on.

Turn around and look at the first WDW event. It's a character New Year's dance party for children in Tomorrowland ... in other words, it's the same thing they have at MVMCP. I'm sure it will be a hit with the Orlando Lifestylers. Hell, maybe the Disney Parks Blog can hold a special meet and give out cookies and cocoa.

What a difference a coast makes.

I made my comment in the other thread that it is more like take the worst thing PI ever did plus Club 626 and then make it all for kids. I think I would rather be strapped into IASW for 12 hours straight. No interest at all. I too wish i could make it DL. I really suspect that DL events will be superior to WDW events most of the time. It doesn't even look like TDO put any effort into this first one.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Makes you wonder if entertainment told marketing they have an embarrassment of a facility with a laughable history that needs using.

Didn't this conversation crop up about a year ago to discuss the 2012 campaign? Deja vu.

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