Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...


Think for yourselfer
Did I mention that Erin Youngs and TDO wants to do two Food and Wine Festivals because EPCOT is all about Food and Beverage sales now? And that Flower and Garden having food booths this year is sorta a beta-test?
I gots so much info that it is just like projectile vomiting of the O-Town theme park scene.

About Flower and Garden having food booths, how many booths are we talking? Are we looking at a scaled down F&W fest? If so, how scaled down?


Well-Known Member
Turn around and look at the first WDW event. It's a character New Year's dance party for children in Tomorrowland ... in other words, it's the same thing they have at MVMCP. I'm sure it will be a hit with the Orlando Lifestylers. Hell, maybe the Disney Parks Blog can hold a special meet and give out cookies and cocoa.

What a difference a coast makes.

It's a joke. It's as if at 10:00 this morning, marketing had an emergency meeting and started with "Oh crap - we have to announce something TODAY?" No thought, no creativity....it's not even special or available for "limited time". Like I said before - it almost seems purposefully bad on TDO's part. As if they are shooting the bird to corporate for making them work....


Well-Known Member
Honestly, you should probably take the picture down too... I mean, I doubt that guy visits the site, but let's say he may be a member here... You think he likes seeing his picture plastered on a Disney fan site and receiving vile comments from the so-called mature Disney fans? (and people wonder why I say Disney fans are vile creatures... look at the comments directed toward that picture and people in ECVs in general, disgusting)... Put yourself in that man's shoes... Would you want your picture, or a picture of your family member who may be in an ECV to be plastered online and made fun of?? Karma is a ... many Disney fans are in for some very stressful and unhappy futures...
I thought about removing the pic, but it had already been quoted so much that removing it would have been pointless. So that best I could do at that point is bow my head in shame and apologize and promise to try and be more sensitive in the future.


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I've done my part. I recently got the usual form letter reply via email from DVC after writing to say how much I love them, and then offered my true feelings. We wouldn't be back to WDW unless there was something new and different from what DL already has, and therefore we'd be going to DL from now on, and so they need to build more DVC villas for us to stay at in CA. Otherwise when there is no vacancies at the hotels, or villas I'll stay at HoJo's.

Why should they care?

You gave Disney at least $20,000 upfront. Now, would they like more money from you? Sure. But they're much more interested in selling more timeshares than making people that have them already happy.

I heard that at the recent DVC annual meeting they crowed about the fact all DVC resorts will be gaining triple sheeting on beds and how it's the industry standard. All I can say to that is they're only about a decade behind the industry in that.


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Lets take a farther step back. Try getting through the chokepoint at Mexico at 8pm. Try getting up or down MSUSA 1/2 hour before parade. Try getting near the hub between parade and Wishes. All of these are monumental because 20,000 people (or more) want to be on MSUSA for the parade & wishes and all you have to direct them are a bunch of college kids with a flashlight with no experience whatsoever on managing crowds, letalone common sense.

I've seen Reedy Creek EMS try to get through those crowds with a stretcher and its ugly because once again, the average Disney guest (see stereotype above) gets indignent because they're being inconvenienced... nevermind that someones life may be in danger in this case. But I've seen it and I've seen it first hand and honestly, if I'm RCES I want OCSO with me to get through those crowds.

You really want to improve guest traffic? Restrict what comes in. You want to bring a rolling cooler to feed 16 people in the park? Hell no. You want to bring in a stroller the size of a Prius? Hell no. Segway? You're kidding. Giant tripod to put in the middle of main street? Pfft, not with this attendance. You want to bring in a turbocharged ECV ("....I feel so much shame, all I can do is try to make myself feel a little better by flying to Disnelyland on the weekend.....") and you better have a doctors note. Large strollers and ECVs are a problem. You want to bring an ECV in, no problem as long as you have your paperwork in line from your doctor.

You simply cannot have crowds of 20-30 thousand people in such a small area without effective, trained crowd control. Considering the "flat" MK attendance is 47,000/day (source=TEA), its going to get worse. Of course, nothing is going to change until someone gets badly hurt in a very public way.

(Oh and in defense of the stereotype above was the nice gentleman who wanted to start a fistfight in the line for Les Miserables earlier today. Society itself seems to be reinforcing that stereotype one on its own.)

I realize my thread took off into an anti-ECV/stroller rant (and I'm against both, let's be blunt a vast majority of people who rent the ECVs are just plain fat and lazy and the same could be said of people who are pushing children who are pushing puberty around in double wides) ... but, yes, no one should be allowed to bring luggage, coolers (the soft kind as well), camera tripods (sorry, bloggers) and the type of backpack you might need if you were attempting to conquer Everest (the real one, not the Disney one with Disco Yeti!)

But better trained crowd control is absolutely a must. They do it at DL, with much smaller walkways. They do at TDL, with much larger crowds.

They'll do it at WDW after they have a stampede and a few people are killed. That's just the reality of it. Poor WDW Co, they just can't afford to hire a few hundred more $8 an hour CMs.


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I only got into Be Our Guest because of the Tables in Wonderland event night, where Tables members had first crack at ressies for that evening. The food was really good (its not Yachtsman or Citricos good) and it had a very high school cafeteria feel to it. For a restaurant where youre dropping about $75 a person, it needs to be quieter and have a dress code, IMO.

Dress codes?!?!?

At WDW?!??!


C'mon, you can show up at the California Grill wearing a Tink tank top with your hairy pits and multiple tats showing, reeking of the MK and they may stick you way off in a corner, but they won't turn you away.


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Good Lord, man! I think you're onto something! Best touring tip for our upcoming WDW day. And we can sing it ala Dory's "Just Keep Swimming"....Just keep drinking....which will make it so much easier to remember!

I used to do so. Start every MK visit at the Tambu Lounge at the Poly (so at least they made some $$$ of me parking there 'illegally' and all):rolleyes: ... but the place is now just a kiddie waiting area for 'Ohana. And I don't like to enjoy an adult beverage or three while surrounded by young children and bad parents. ... Now, it's the Territory Lounge or EPCOT first.


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Crowd control.... I've seen guests and friends nearly knocked over when Fantasmic! Opened in DHS. You know... Line up down Sunset and be ready to run down the gutter... After which the real push n shove starts. As well as the examples Dave gave above, remember the hub after Wishes and the MKs 40th? CMs unofficially officially abandoned it and any attempt at crowd control. It was a zoo. It was ugly. Guests on the lawns and flower beds. Pathways gridlocked. Liberty bridge just not moving in either direction. And the torch wavers retreated, seeing their managers hadn't planned for it and had no way of regaining control. Like a bad fire it was left to burn itself out.

Jump to Disneyland. Pre Fantasmic show #2. An army of torch wavers hold guests in Frontierland. Benches block short cuts. They divide walkways into one way areas. No silly tape on the floor. Slowly and surely they guide thousands of guests to the viewing area. Once there another army keeps walkways clear and moving. Like one CM every 20ft. Not one CM per walkway.

Yet by design the powers that be allow World Showcase to be blocked by carts, by new fencing that Intrudes into the Mexico promenade, by more and more Food and Wine shacks that also limit show viewing areas, by stroller parking against the lagoon railings.

Chalk and cheese.

Yep. ... THIS!!!


Active Member
Crowd control.... I've seen guests and friends nearly knocked over when Fantasmic! Opened in DHS. You know... Line up down Sunset and be ready to run down the gutter... After which the real push n shove starts. As well as the examples Dave gave above, remember the hub after Wishes and the MKs 40th? CMs unofficially officially abandoned it and any attempt at crowd control. It was a zoo. It was ugly. Guests on the lawns and flower beds. Pathways gridlocked. Liberty bridge just not moving in either direction. And the torch wavers retreated, seeing their managers hadn't planned for it and had no way of regaining control. Like a bad fire it was left to burn itself out.

Jump to Disneyland. Pre Fantasmic show #2. An army of torch wavers hold guests in Frontierland. Benches block short cuts. They divide walkways into one way areas. No silly tape on the floor. Slowly and surely they guide thousands of guests to the viewing area. Once there another army keeps walkways clear and moving. Like one CM every 20ft. Not one CM per walkway.

Yet by design the powers that be allow World Showcase to be blocked by carts, by new fencing that Intrudes into the Mexico promenade, by more and more Food and Wine shacks that also limit show viewing areas, by stroller parking against the lagoon railings.

Chalk and cheese.

As I mentioned earlier, the big difference in California is the tough laws which makes poor crowd control illegal.

Of course in Florida we have RCID - oh, wait a minute...


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Post of the week here, for sure. You're so dead-on. Every single time at the Magic Kingdom, my wife and I always say that they act as though they've never done this before, even though they do parade traffic flow nearly each and every night and have done so for most nights of 40 years. It's chaotic and downright dangerous. There's nothing like a bunch of obnoxious people nearly trampling your small children because they have no manners nor do they have any respect.

ECVs... My dad has two debilitating diseases and has a custom electric wheelchair, but chooses to only use it for long distances. He hates having to use it, but he has no choice due to his medical condition. All the meanwhile, you're constantly watching out for people running you over in the ECVs all because they are the "Wall-E" types that are too lazy to walk. And strollers, yup. How about not taking your running stroller to the park? Or do what my kids did when they were little, walk. They liked that. I have a two and a half year old that since about 16 months could care less about the stroller. We try to get him in it during vacation to have him relax and not get exhausted and then cranky from walking.... but he generally chooses to walk, and yes, it's a slim stroller, not a small tank sized one. :)

As for your Les Miserables experience noted above, it's like our trip to Target yesterday. These people are not in line, they have their cart facing horizontally by the end cap between two registers (yup, not in what most people consider a line formation) and are audibly complaining to each other about buying something and trying to decide whether they buy it or not. I pull our cart in line and they flip out.... Then the guy says that well, they weren't actually in the line, so we can go. Well isn't that nice? All the while they looked all ticked that I was going into line where, um, they weren't standing and they were doing us a favor. Sometimes I wonder why we even bother going out anymore. Welcome to our ed off America. Ugh, it stinks.

People have lost the basic ability to form lines. Forget WDW (although I love getting in a QSR line where they take orders on both sides and people are all on one side ... or standing to get in the parks when turnstiles have green arrows and no one is using them but 63 people are lined up at another) ... the 'California' line phenomenon has gone cross country. So you enter a fast food outlet with 3-4 registers and instead of people getting into lines, they form the giant blob and sorta hang back 5-6-7 feet from the counter and think they're in line or that it's first standing, first order taken. Crazy. I love watching as we head back to becoming monkeys again.


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Don't get me started on OLC. After the issues someone I know experienced last week I have no desire to go there. Yes, you will have a message inbound.

I saw said email and answer will be forthcoming, but nothing too bad (was a bit surprised by the TDS deal, never heard of that) ... but OLC runs the best Disney theme parks on Earth right now. Period.


Premium Member
As I mentioned earlier, the big difference in California is the tough laws which makes poor crowd control illegal.

Of course in Florida we have RCID - oh, wait a minute...

That 'excuse' for why DLR is better is utter and total crap. And something like RCID is completely irrelevant to such a discussion.

Do they not teach Civics in schools anymore? What is it with all the RCID stupidity in the last few weeks.


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It truly seems like the one thing that is considered the most important part of New Fantasyland is the restaurant - which I find extremely odd. I love good food and usually have many table service meals (preferably at the signature restaurants) while on vacation at WDW. But the restaurants to me are the icing on the cake - not the cake itself. That's the parks, the attractions! That's the reason why I travel across the Atlantic. A land that gives me a few possibly mediocre attractions (I haven't seen them yet, so still reserving judgement) and a restaurant does not excite me at all. Even though I do have a reservation at BoG for my next trip, being in Europe the time difference helps with booking a reservation at 6am EST.

Without having been, I'm still reasonably certain that BoG is, indeed, the best part of 'New Fantasyland' and that speaks volumes about Disney's priorities.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of food...did anyone notice that the Friar's Nook is open? Gotta love those seasonal treats! I can't wait to see what dust bunnies will collect at the Adventureland Verandah when the princesses move into Snow White's Shuttered Adventures.


Premium Member
Jump to Disneyland. Pre Fantasmic show #2. An army of torch wavers hold guests in Frontierland. Benches block short cuts. They divide walkways into one way areas. No silly tape on the floor. Slowly and surely they guide thousands of guests to the viewing area. Once there another army keeps walkways clear and moving. Like one CM every 20ft. Not one CM per walkway.

And it's still a madhouse. DLR is a bit more 'strict' in their enforcement because the crowding issue is virtually an every night issue for them not just when the crowds are super high. F! would choke the entire area if it weren't this way.. and the hub crowd control is a constant sore spot for people because of the one way traffic. The 'released' group into watch F! is only for a portion of the viewing area and is done to cope with the Wishes->F! rush I believe.

I think the main difference might be how far and wide DLR pulls it's CMs into 'parade' control vs WDW.


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Yes, that picture represents the majority of people who have to use those things. Yeah, I mean, God forbid people have medical issues that you can't visually see, that makes them have to get around with assistance.

I do NOT want this thread turned into yet another discussion on ECVs (would rather we talk about lifetime refillable mugs and how anyone who uses them will burn in Hell! ... need a devil smiley ... where is that?) ... but morbid obesity is certainly a medical condition, but it's also a self-inflicted one too and one that's becoming very politically incorrect to point out simple facts.

Beyond that, I'd wager that 85-90% of guests who are in EVCs truly do not need them. Not wanting to walk distances or wanting to get sore feet isn't a legit reason. But that's really all I wish to say about that.


Premium Member
The one event I cared about seeing at DL is the Golden Horseshoe Review tribute show at DL and when is it scheduled? From next week until Feb. 4th. They also haven't explained how tickets will be distributed, but I am 99% sure I won't get to see it because I can't get to Anaheim in the next month and, if I could, I wouldn't without a guarantee that I'd see a show or two. This is going to just pull the APers in during what is generally one of the slowest months of the year in Anaheim, but at least @flynnibus will get to see the show!

Alas I will miss it as well because it starts on the 10th. Instead I get 'three kings day' in BTR.. blech. They are just kicking me while down. I'm going just in between two discount periods. You can get discount tickets good through end of 2012.. and can get discount tickets that start on Jan7.. but anything in between is full price.

And AAA and travel agent discounts are like $5.. not even worth the taxi fare to go get them. I liked it better when disney gave discounts for buying electronic tickets.. but even that is gone now.


Well-Known Member
Haven't had a chance to read through this entire thread, and like most posters, I'm far too lazy, so I've only read the last few pages. A few scattered thoughts:

1) The ECV/stroller thing is always a hot-button issue because, on an individual level, it's impossible to know whether someone really "needs" one. You cannot tell simply by looking at someone. That said, I feel comfortable making high-level comments. You see fewer strollers and ECVs at Disneyland, and FAR fewer of both in Disneyland Paris. Part of the reason in Paris is because Europe, in general, isn't as accommodating to the disabled. But that doesn't explain away all of the difference. Another part is because people are generally more fit since they walk more frequently than Americans. I think it's undeniable that America has a problem with obesity, and I think it is undeniable that WDW has a problem with ECV abuse even beyond the disabled obese. There are plenty of solutions to the former issue, but I don't really think there's a good solution to the problem of ECVs at WDW, so complaining is really all we have. Just for the sake of clarity, I am not implying or stating that all people using ECVs are merely obese.

2) It's like a sick joke that "bling" days at WDW are countered with the Golden Horseshoe at Disneyland for Limited Time Magic. What's even more frustrating, for me personally, is that the Golden Horseshoe is probably the biggest draw for me, and I don't have sufficient notice to get out there.

3) Don't the sudden perks being handed to DVC members suggest that there's a satisfaction problem amongst members and that their collective voice matters? You can easily come to the conclusion that a discounted AP is all it takes to buy that group off, or you can conclude that Disney thinks it's all it takes to buy that group off. In reality, Disney could have a serious problem on its hands if this group grows increasingly dissatisfied. I'm not saying it will happen, but why else hand out those perks? Disney certainly isn't doing it out of benevolence.

4) @WDW1974 You had me at the other 'bans,' you lost me at tripods. ;) Probably from a personal perspective since I have a vested interest in them sticking around, but I've never been run into by a tripod, been honked at by a tripod, etc., by a tripod. People wandering around taking photos with their iPads are far more "dangerous" and irksome.

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