spaceship earth scorched!?


Well-Known Member
I Got It!

i cant believe how stupid i am!-not knowing what the black marks are.spending 4 years in the air force i should have known the could i have been soo dumb?-think about it ............................................................................


it was the after burners of the ufo spacecraft-when they entered our atmosphere they noticed it and thought it was a special landing area.

ok just kidding so you might want to leave that part out of any letters to al weiss.-lol:lol:


New Member
wedway71 said:
i cant believe how stupid i am!-not knowing what the black marks are.spending 4 years in the air force i should have known the could i have been soo dumb?-think about it ............................................................................


it was the after burners of the ufo spacecraft-when they entered our atmosphere they noticed it and thought it was a special landing area.

ok just kidding so you might want to leave that part out of any letters to al weiss.-lol:lol:
i got my letter in the mailbox!


Beta Return
Wow - this thread would put any detective show to shame!I've been reading all the theories, reviewing all the science fair projects, and saw the pics of the sphere. It seems likely that it would be lightning, since its just a small, condensed area. If there are indeed exhaust vents in the shell of this structure, I would think that they exit the sphere in more than just this one spot. I would also tend to think that they probably used several Air Handling Units to provide fresh air and A/C and others to provide exhaust, so that they didn't have to penetrate the shell of this sphere.

It also seems very likely that lightning would have hit the sphere since it is one giant lightning rod. We all know that electricity looks for the "path of least resistance" when finding it's way to the earth, or "ground". Of the commonly found elements, gold is the best conductor, then copper, then aluminum. Electrical wires are commonly made of copper for this reason, but aluminum is also used for cost savings (all power lines you see on the side of the road are aluminum). Thus, since they built a giant STEEL frame structure with an aluminum shell - there is no doubt in my mind that it has been hit, and will continue to be hit, by lightning.

However, the scorching confuses me - since that means something actually burnt. I'm led to believe that something other than the steel and aluminum caused the black marks - like perhaps some flammable material in the stars, or some insulation between the panels. The electricity itself would have simply travelled downward thru the aluminum rather than burning it. Of course, if the panels were indeed coated with a baked enamel paint (like most aluminum building materials) then perhaps it was the paint that burnt - which makes much more sense.

Ok, well, if you just want to skip my Term Paper above, my vote is for lightning :lol:


New Member
edwardtc said:
Wow - this thread would put any detective show to shame!I've been reading all the theories, reviewing all the science fair projects, and saw the pics of the sphere. It seems likely that it would be lightning, since its just a small, condensed area. If there are indeed exhaust vents in the shell of this structure, I would think that they exit the sphere in more than just this one spot. I would also tend to think that they probably used several Air Handling Units to provide fresh air and A/C and others to provide exhaust, so that they didn't have to penetrate the shell of this sphere.

It also seems very likely that lightning would have hit the sphere since it is one giant lightning rod. We all know that electricity looks for the "path of least resistance" when finding it's way to the earth, or "ground". Of the commonly found elements, gold is the best conductor, then copper, then aluminum. Electrical wires are commonly made of copper for this reason, but aluminum is also used for cost savings (all power lines you see on the side of the road are aluminum). Thus, since they built a giant STEEL frame structure with an aluminum shell - there is no doubt in my mind that it has been hit, and will continue to be hit, by lightning.

However, the scorching confuses me - since that means something actually burnt. I'm led to believe that something other than the steel and aluminum caused the black marks - like perhaps some flammable material in the stars, or some insulation between the panels. The electricity itself would have simply travelled downward thru the aluminum rather than burning it. Of course, if the panels were indeed coated with a baked enamel paint (like most aluminum building materials) then perhaps it was the paint that burnt - which makes much more sense.

Ok, well, if you just want to skip my Term Paper above, my vote is for lightning :lol:

send a letter too. it would help. your from IN that woul make 2 state down (FL & IN) and 48 to go:king:


New Member
i bet you're right about the lighting hitting something, I think it may have hit one of the stars and the star caught fire causing the burn marks. Because if it was just lighting hitting it wouldn't leave a burn mark, unless something melted or caught fire.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
djronnieb said:
i bet you're right about the lighting hitting something, I think it may have hit one of the stars and the star caught fire causing the burn marks. Because if it was just lighting hitting it wouldn't leave a burn mark, unless something melted or caught fire.
to bad it didnt take out and melt the whole wand.


wired said:
Sorry, Thrawn, electricity flows from neg to pos, so lightning doesn't strike from the ground up.....

Actually it does! Thrawn just got them the wrong way round, the clouds become positively charged and the eartg negatively.


Well-Known Member
It does not look like lightening to me. I think the area is too large but I could be wrong (no expert).

It looks to me like heat damage. Like if you held a heat source like lighter or even a hair dryer under something like paper, plastic, wood, etc. If you were not close enough to catch fire but enough for the heat be felt, over time (quick or slow) it couild cause discoloration (spelling?).

Just a quess...


I'm surprised there are this many people getting worked up about this. How many have actually seen it first hand? It isn't really noticable unless you're somewhere northwest of the sphere (you can see it from the bus stations, kinda) and looking up there.

I don't think it's anybody being negligent, rather it's just not all that visible. Considering the expense of bringing a crane in and getting someone up there who can clean it I can understand why they haven't done anything about it yet.

Don't get me wrong, SSE is an icon for the park and should be treated as such, I just don't think it's as bad IN PERSON as everyone is thinking (Nevermind what a zoom camera can do).


New Member
beanboon said:
I'm surprised there are this many people getting worked up about this. How many have actually seen it first hand? It isn't really noticable unless you're somewhere northwest of the sphere (you can see it from the bus stations, kinda) and looking up there.

I don't think it's anybody being negligent, rather it's just not all that visible. Considering the expense of bringing a crane in and getting someone up there who can clean it I can understand why they haven't done anything about it yet.

Don't get me wrong, SSE is an icon for the park and should be treated as such, I just don't think it's as bad IN PERSON as everyone is thinking (Nevermind what a zoom camera can do).

I saw it in person and you can see if from the ground..
needs to be fixed


Beta Return
marni1971 said:
Some of us still care as much as Disney used to.

I care too - and I'm sure they do - but as someone said, it will cost a lot of money to fix that little spot. They'll have to haul a crane in overnight, set up barricades like they did for the castle, investigate the actual problem, then either find replacement panels or ship those off to have them cleaned and/or re-painted (which is not as simple as rolling or spraying it on - it has to be baked on, and even then the colors won't match due to weathering on the rest of them).

My guess is that they already know about it - because I'm SURE that someone on their huge payroll has seen it, if a few people on a discussion board have seen it. Being as big as they are, and as much of an undertaking as this repair will be, I predict that the "ball is rolling" (pun intended) on this project, but that it will take some time before the fix happens.


Well-Known Member
i understand it can be very costly to keep wdw sparkling clean and well maintained.i feel disney does a great job keeping wdw almost perfect with its army or painters,carpenters,electricians,etc.i understand that most guests dont see or care about what us disney freaks might.

why fix such a little problem that most guests and cast members dont really care about??????

for one because its DISNEY-were not talking about 6 flags or the state fair.DISNEY is held to a higher standard and needs to not only meet guest expectations but also to exceed expectations.thats what makes DISNEY what is is. that is why hundreds of major companies come to disney to see how they operate.

anyone who works for disney who loves disney knows that disney service standards are based on THE SMALL THINGS-like no chipped paint and no bad show and this needs to be fixed .

if disney starts turning the other cheek for things like this well than the true magic of disney is lost.

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