Spaceship Earth reopening reports


Well-Known Member
While I can respect those that critique the disney parks almost up to the most minute detail(and yea, I know that minute details are what makes disney disney)but, alot of times its like, get over it. I mean, I understand if someone has been going since the 70s when they feel that WDI or the parks had a certain glow about them as far as attractions and details or whatever, Alot of times they see their beloved parks/attractions slowly lose the appeal that made them so great back then. But it gets annoying sometimes, its like if you can really notice that certain trees dont match an area because this area looks 2000ish and the trees look 80ish or whatever I dont see much fulfillment in going.

While I can see why alot of people dont like SSE descent, where you're basically watching a one expression face(yours) on a craptastic unproportional body for like what maybe 2 or 3 minutes. I actually enjoy the new SSE for what it is. Yea, I do like the previous version, and if I could mesh the two and pick and choose the best parts of both then I would(Now that would be a cool interactive ride lol) But overall, I think its nice. And like some people have said on here, most people that walk through the turnstyles everyday do too. Yea, they are the average maybe once in a lifetime guests, but thats where the big bucks come on for disney anyway.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I happily remember the "it's not done yet..." discussions with people screaming blue murder that they couldn't possibly "fix" the disaster that was the new SSE before it officially opened. Gee, they improved it in the time frame they originally allotted themselves. What a shocker!

Maybe, just maybe, Disney actually knows what they're doing? Everything comes down to a famous quote: [paraphrased for effect]

You can please some of the people all the time and
You can please all of the people some of the time, but
You can't please all of the people all of the time.

Attracting hundreds of thousands of people to their parks and making a handsome profit for decades doesn't appear to be proof enough that the company operates efficiently and actually are good at what they do? :rolleyes:

Simply put: DS12 and I rode it several times last week and enjoyed the experience every single time. Seems to me like SSE turned out just fine.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Soooo.... getting back on topic now everyone had made new friends around here.....

anychance of a nightvision video of the descent? When enhanced, that one photo shows a whole lot of unlit and unused superstructure that wasn`t there last summer.


Premium Member
I happily remember the "it's not done yet..." discussions with people screaming blue murder that they couldn't possibly "fix" the disaster that was the new SSE before it officially opened. Gee, they improved it in the time frame they originally allotted themselves. What a shocker!

Maybe, just maybe, Disney actually knows what they're doing? Everything comes down to a famous quote: [paraphrased for effect]

You can please some of the people all the time and
You can please all of the people some of the time, but
You can't please all of the people all of the time.

Attracting hundreds of thousands of people to their parks and making a handsome profit for decades doesn't appear to be proof enough that the company operates efficiently and actually are good at what they do? :rolleyes:

Simply put: DS12 and I rode it several times last week and enjoyed the experience every single time. Seems to me like SSE turned out just fine.

Disney sux. Just accept it. :(

*goes to Six Flags*


Well-Known Member
I happily remember the "it's not done yet..." discussions with people screaming blue murder that they couldn't possibly "fix" the disaster that was the new SSE before it officially opened. Gee, they improved it in the time frame they originally allotted themselves. What a shocker!

Maybe, just maybe, Disney actually knows what they're doing? Everything comes down to a famous quote: [paraphrased for effect]

You can please some of the people all the time and
You can please all of the people some of the time, but
You can't please all of the people all of the time.

Attracting hundreds of thousands of people to their parks and making a handsome profit for decades doesn't appear to be proof enough that the company operates efficiently and actually are good at what they do? :rolleyes:

Simply put: DS12 and I rode it several times last week and enjoyed the experience every single time. Seems to me like SSE turned out just fine.

I wouldn't say it is "fixed". However it IS much improved. I believe they will continue to improve it as they have done with the HM.
My fiance and I went on the new SSE for the first time last night and really enjoyed it. The updates on the ascent we're wonderful (and we did have the burning rome smell, although it was not as strong as I had remembered). The descent wasn't bad, we liked the mirrored LED effects and the glowing panels we're OK... I didn't notice the unfinished look or chicken wire that I had read about here. I do agree I wish there were something more on the way down... there was a lot more to look at on the old version... this almost seemed like a cheap way out. The video gave us a chuckle (although it didn't take my picture, maybe because I had my had on? I wasn't really paying attention), but at the same time it almost felt out of place on the ride.

Overall, we really did like the updated version. My fiance (who does not read these boards, or any others that I know of) did make the assessment that the end of the ride wasn't that great and that the old one was better, so from someone who loves Disney but isn't maybe as fanatic as the people here... the ending did not go unnoticed.


Well-Known Member
Soooo.... getting back on topic now everyone had made new friends around here.....

anychance of a nightvision video of the descent? When enhanced, that one photo shows a whole lot of unlit and unused superstructure that wasn`t there last summer.

Any chance you are coming back to EPCOT any time soon? Who could do a better video than you? ;)


Oh Meyla Weyla
I can not wait to see what you laughed so hard at Laura..:lol:

Well that seems fairly easy to do..
I will be sure to give my opinion on the ending when I go in 2 weeks..

You should meet me there Merf and we can ride together..:animwink:

You should both meet me there to ride... I dunno... say maybe March 1st around 9amish



Well-Known Member
About the "triangles" it does seem that Disney is trying to give us something else to enjoy during the descent. The descent at its core has always been about nice visuals with the main focus being on great music (Tomorrow's Child and the beautiful 94 Finale score). It did seem that the new SSE theme song was a bit louder in that video than in other videos I've seen. That's a big plus. The new visuals are a big plus. I don't care how minor they are. It seems they are improving the finale and that's what matters. It might just seem to be little tirangles and music to some, but that's all I am really looking for in a SSE finale. The rest of you can enjoy seeing your picture on esurance cartoons and that's fine, but I hope they continue to plus the ending for those that could care less about what is on the screen.


Well-Known Member
I have just uploaded a video of the new animation that has replaced the trivia quiz.

The trivia didn't even allow you to answer the questions, and frankly, I don't need to be quizzed to ensure I was paying attention during the attraction. I answered the questions necessary for my animation rather quickly, and had to stare at nothingness or lame trivia for much longer than the people behind me.

It's a simple change, but I like the new animation much better than the lame trivia (at least the animation "feels" like Epcot to me, if that makes any sense).


Well-Known Member
That really makes me mad actually. I certainly hope the people who keep saying the ending stinks are not people who have only ridden it alone. Of COURSE it would not be as fun when you're riding alone. That's not a fair assessment. You have to ride it with a friend or family member to fully enjoy it. It's like the difference between riding Buzz Lightyear alone or with someone else you can compete with.

Actually, I prefer riding Buzz alone. It allows better control for higher scores. :-)


The attraction was never finished during the soft preview, but many of the Guest complaints were based on malfunctioning software, and the missing scenery as a result of that. I wrote about this on either page 5 or 6.


Active Member
the kiosks to send home your future)

The two seemingly added parts not part of the original plans are the kiosks to send home your future (which aren't up and running yet)

The kiosks have been part of the Project Tomorrow plan for quite some time... I had that confirmed for me back during my preview of the project a while ago...

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Well, I won't make a final decision until I ride it myself, but those triangles look cool and, overall, are an improvement. While it's nice to see Disney add something to the descent, it still doesn't really "wow" me, and I hope they continue to add/tweak things over the coming weeks. However, I'm glad there is at least something else to look at instead of just a video.

:confused: Question: Is the future video on the ride still the same flash type animation? The reason I ask is because there was some thought that they were only temporary and might be changed.

Also, just an added thought, instead of putting your face in the ride video, why not put them up on the triangles instead? Seeing your face suspended above you along with your fellow riders would look better than what is there now. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Wow you're awfully pompous.

Some dedicated fans actually like the ending, me included.

I like how you group Disney guests into 2 categories:

1. The elite superfans...the ones who notice every time a plant is moved or paint is peeling. The ones who complain about every little thing that changes at Disney because the changes are ruining your ideal 1980's versions of the parks. But again, you are mightier fans than the rest of us.

2. The "average Joes"...the ignorant little people who enjoy being at Disney and soak up the magic. The ones who see change and progress as something positive. The ones who don't obsess over things that don't matter because they're too caught up in the fun.

And of course the elite fans are so much more important and valuable to the WDC than the dumb old average Joe's right? :rolleyes:

I think what you fail to realize is that Disney cares more about their "average" customers than about the small percentage of whiney miserable ones that hate everything they do.
Great post! :wave:

Oh, and those "average joes"... yeah, they spend the most and garner the highest percentage of turnstyle clicks. Wonder who is more important to Disney? Not those elitists, the average joes. The irony is sweet. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Great post! :wave:

Oh, and those "average joes"... yeah, they spend the most and garner the highest percentage of turnstyle clicks. Wonder who is more important to Disney? Not those elitists, the average joes. The irony is sweet. :lol:

Yep those "average joes" allow Disney to make more and more cash while offering the customer less and less. Ironic indeed! :hammer:

By the way, the "super fans" on this website are the first to offer praise when Disney gets something right. So don't be so disingenuous.


Well-Known Member
Disneyland's updated Jungle Cruise is amazing. The pirahna effect is really cool, and has no screen technology or projections.

And, go back and look at good quality videos of JII. It was a very well done ride, as was Horizons. Yes, parts would be outdated, but they were well done rides. Better then JIYI or JIIwF or Pooh or any of the newer rides we've gotten lately.

What is wrong with using screen technology? I don't know if you see it or not but Disney is moving way ahead with this "Living Character Initiative". This is something that Walt would have done years and years ago if he had lived on. He wanted life-like AA's and he made them, but they were always lacking the ability to take that next step and actually conversate with the guest. These "screen" attractions ( Monsters, Crush, etc. ) are just the beginning of a larger endeavor. Kids should be able to come to Disney World and talk to Mickey, Nemo or Crush and get a response. This is the future of theme parks! You have to crawl before you can walk and right now Disney is crawling. Making those first moves to change the way guests interact with characters at theme parks. Be thankful that they are taking risks and moving ahead. Walt Disney himself said:

"We don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

The screen technology has already given way to something else. A Mr. Potato Head AA in front of TSM that will be interacting with guests in real time. Would anyone say that Philharmagic is not a great Disney attraction? Great 3D, scent and water effects, throw in an omnimover system and you've got the makings of a classic attraction in TSM.

I don't know why all the complaints about the screens and projections? There's not even that many. They've done Crush, MILF and now TSM. Theres just as many rollercoasters, dark rides, 3D movies and every other category. I think Monsters Inc is fantastic and TSM looks like its going to be great as well, so I don't see any problem with it.

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