Spaceship Earth reopening reports


Well-Known Member
Obtuse: [inter alia] difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression.

Yep, I used the word I was looking for.

So which of my questions is difficult to understand or unclear? Maybe I can clarify it for you. They are all very direct uncomplicated questions. :shrug:

Oh and here is what my dictionary says "obtuse" is:

ob·tuse /əbˈtus, -ˈtyus/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[uhb-toos, -tyoos] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not sensitive or observant; dull.

Waiting patiently..........:snore:



Consider Touch Screens on Notice.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Would that be above or below Bears on the list?

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Obtuse: [inter alia] difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression.

Yep, I used the word I was looking for.
*Remembers the scene from ShawShank Redemption when Andy asks the Warden why he is being so Obtuse* Andy gets thrown in the hole and 14 yrs. later, I know the definition of obtuse. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
So which of my questions is difficult to understand or unclear? Maybe I can clarify it for you. They are all very direct uncomplicated questions. :shrug:

Oh and here is what my dictionary says "obtuse" is:

ob·tuse /əbˈtus, -ˈtyus/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[uhb-toos, -tyoos] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not sensitive or observant; dull.

Waiting patiently..........:snore:

.....and waiting and waiting....:snore:


Account Suspended
Monty - the majority of your argue is based on a lack of knowledge on your part. You simply werern't around to form an opinion.

That's quite convienient for WDW, but to be perfectly honest:


It's like saying that if the pyramids and greek temples were entirely torn down then by golly they were never great buildings, because we never got to see them, so the 711 on the corner is greater by comparison.

Yeah right. It's just not true.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
Monty - the majority of your argue is based on a lack of knowledge on your part. You simply werern't around to form an opinion.

That's quite convienient for WDW, but to be perfectly honest:


It's like saying that if the pyramids and greek temples were entirely torn down then by golly they were never great buildings, because we never got to see them, so the 711 on the corner is greater by comparison.

Yeah right. It's just not true.

I've been going to WDW since 1972 and I think the park has generally grown and gotten better. I haven't agreed with every change, but so what? I still have a great time when I'm their and LOTS of things get better all the time. This version of SSE is nice. I like it BETTER than the Jeremy Irons version, though I still wish that I could hear Walter Cronkite, but that's just me.
Last edited:


Premium Member
Is JII better now or originally?
How bout, Energy?
Are you saying you like the new version of 20K better?
How about SuperStarTV. Are you saying no show for several years is better?
Are you saying the Backlot tour is better now?
How about Sounds Dangerous, is it better than the original?
Is Wonders of Life improved now?
Are you saying Stitch is better than AE?

I could go on and on. I used to think people were being overly critical too but the more I looked at it the more I changed my mind.

*JII was my favorite ride back in the day, but it doesn't fit in the 21st century honestly and needed an update. With that said, I can't stand that Eric Idle guy and wish they'd have just done an update that included the Dreamfinder. I still like the ride though, as do my kids.

*I LOVE Ellen's Energy Adventure. The old Energy ride was SOOOO boring. Ellen cracks me up.

*20K - who cared? It was a really lame attraction. Something better will go there eventually. I'm patient.

*Superstar TV and Sounds Dangerous I've never cared about. I can take them or leave them.

*The Backlot Tour blows now. I'm with you on that. Used to be enjoyable and now it's terrible.

*Wonders of Life - never understood the attachment to that place. I found it utterly boring. Good riddance. Tear it down, put in something worth visiting!

*Stitch vs. AE - eh...wasn't a huge fan of either. I did like AE a bit better, but after 2-3 times visiting it I was over it.

Now what about:
Empty space vs. Expedition Everest?
Timekeeper vs. Monsters Inc?
Horizons vs. Misson:Space?
World of Motion vs. Test Track?
Hydrolators vs. Nemo?
Millionaire vs. Toy Story Mania?
Old Pirates vs. New Pirates?
Old HM vs. New HM?
Old Canada Show vs. New Canada Show?

and dare I say it....

Old SSE vs. New SSE?

I'm happy with those changes. Maybe I'm alone, but I'm happy with and excited with the direction Disney is headed.

Now if they'd just get rid of the frickin dining plan and meet and greets I'd have nothing to complain about. :lol:


Well-Known Member
*JII was my favorite ride back in the day, but it doesn't fit in the 21st century honestly and needed an update. With that said, I can't stand that Eric Idle guy and wish they'd have just done an update that included the Dreamfinder. I still like the ride though, as do my kids.

*I LOVE Ellen's Energy Adventure. The old Energy ride was SOOOO boring. Ellen cracks me up.

*20K - who cared? It was a really lame attraction. Something better will go there eventually. I'm patient.

*Superstar TV and Sounds Dangerous I've never cared about. I can take them or leave them.

*The Backlot Tour blows now. I'm with you on that. Used to be enjoyable and now it's terrible.

*Wonders of Life - never understood the attachment to that place. I found it utterly boring. Good riddance. Tear it down, put in something worth visiting!

*Stitch vs. AE - eh...wasn't a huge fan of either. I did like AE a bit better, but after 2-3 times visiting it I was over it.

Now what about:
Empty space vs. Expedition Everest?
Timekeeper vs. Monsters Inc?
Horizons vs. Misson:Space?
World of Motion vs. Test Track?
Hydrolators vs. Nemo?
Millionaire vs. Toy Story Mania?
Old Pirates vs. New Pirates?
Old HM vs. New HM?
Old Canada Show vs. New Canada Show?

and dare I say it....

Old SSE vs. New SSE?

I'm happy with those changes. Maybe I'm alone, but I'm happy with and excited with the direction Disney is headed.

Now if they'd just get rid of the frickin dining plan and meet and greets I'd have nothing to complain about. :lol:

Well reasoned and thoughtful. I was losing all hope for humanity but you have given us all a dose of optimism. Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Now what about:
Empty space vs. Expedition Everest?
Timekeeper vs. Monsters Inc?
Horizons vs. Misson:Space?
World of Motion vs. Test Track?
Hydrolators vs. Nemo?
Millionaire vs. Toy Story Mania?
Old Pirates vs. New Pirates?
Old HM vs. New HM?
Old Canada Show vs. New Canada Show?

and dare I say it....

Old SSE vs. New SSE?

I'll bite :):

Expedition Everest for sure
The Timekeeper in a landslide
Horizons, but Mission Space is certainly one of my favorites. Can't touch Horizons though.
Test Track by a notch. I like TT more than some, but WoM is underrated.
Seas With Nemo and Friends, but not by much
Toy Story Mania and it won't even be close
New Pirates
New Haunted Mansion
Old Canada show, but I must admit that I haven't seen the new film. The old was my favorite WS attraction though and can't be touched, IMO.
I also haven't personally been on the new SSE, but even with the great AA's I would have to give the edge to the 94 Irons version.


Well-Known Member
More new SSE rehab details....

The ascent tunnel has some new black arches you pass through. Very subtle, but it gives the tunnel more texture.

The new smokestacks across from the "Industrial Revolution" printing press are not even painted on--- they are just a shadow cast by a blue light (Why did it take them 25 years to put something on that blank wall? When they finally did, it was done with a piece of cardboard and a $3 lightbulb from Home Depot. So simple, yet effective.)

Maybe I never noticed this before, but the telephone poles above the operators glow very bright neon colors.

The most bizarre new change is that the man in the big computer room now has black hair instead of grey! During the final rehab, someone must have said "He needs to be younger", and they changed his wig!

I was pleased to see the video screen now turns on after you've passed through the blue light star field, so you can enjoy that amazing effect without being distracted by the video screen powering up.

I'd tell you about the new ceiling/triangles in he descent tunnel...except that I did not notice them tonight! Obviously I'm quite observant if I can spot a new wig on an animatronic. Yet I was so mezmerized seeing myself and my giggling 2-year-old on the video that I did not notice the new tunnel ceiling, which was obviously Disney's original intent. I think most people are so focused on the video they'll never see the new additions, but its good they're in place in case the video screens have a glitch.

Unfortunately, they probably needed to decorate more of the tunnel than they did. While I was on it tonight, the ride stopped just as the touchscreen questionaire began. We finished the questionaire and watched a good minute or two of the new cityscape animation before the ride vehicles got moving again. Once they did, we rode through about 30-45 seconds of completely dark surroundings before our custom video started. Normally during that stretch of track people are busy touching away at their screens. But since we were already done with it thanks to the E-stop, there was nothing
to look at until the video started playing. Of couse, this only happens if the ride completely stops, and only to those who have just passed through the blue stars where the questionaire begins. I'm sure its a rare occurrance, and it only affects a small number of riders.

The postshow globe was working tonight, but the images on the "circlevision" screens were apparently not. The same faces kept showing up on the animated bodies---the same ones Mousemerf had on his sneak preview photos a few days ago-- leading me to believe they were "stock" images.

As for the globe, about five or six riders' faces appear in small circles floating over an ocean. Then, one at a time, they quickly shrink and zoom into their home city before vanishing. But since the map is relatively small, it is not really clear that the faces are being connected to their hometowns. It just looks like a "swoosh" over the U.S. If I hadn't known ahead of time about the purpose of the globe, I never would have figured it out that the globe was showing where riders live.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Any chance you are coming back to EPCOT any time soon? Who could do a better video than you? ;)
Yep, but not soon enough. See ya`ll in July. Maybe the descent will be finished by then :D

Trying to steer things back on topic.... I`ve enhanced (again) the one `triangle` photo we have - thank you ;) - and I`m surprised at the scale of the structure of beams curving around the ride path. Very deliberate, very meaningful and symmetrical. Kind of reminds me of the Horizons Centuri Space stations being built. There`s a lot of triangle pannels, most not lit - those that are appear to be lit in a style to the edging of the rides entrance signs. And there`s an awful ammount of UV light too - far more than the `94 version - suggesting the pannels, the beams, or something else may be illuminated by it. Positive tweaking. Much like the HM Got for weeks after it reopened.

Those who wanted more its looks like they have it, those who didn`t still have their touch screens, those who didn`t care probably still don`t. We all have differing opinions. That`s being human. Can`t we try to accept, if not understand, differences of opinion? For once? Everyone`s right in their own eyes. Fine by me.

Did I just say that?

The Mom

Premium Member
.....and waiting and waiting....:snore:

You are both correct in your definition and usage of the word, and you are both wrong to get in an argument about it. :rolleyes:

BTW, I consulted three different dictionaries, each published about 50 years apart, and the 10th edition Merriam Webster Collegiate (1993) had BOTH definitions.

Now, I've done far more work editing this thread than I should have to do this early on a beautiful (at least here in NE FL) morning.

Cut out the arguing and snide remarks, or it will be locked or poofed. Thank you.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
You are both correct in your definition and usage of the word, and you are both wrong to get in an argument about it. :rolleyes:

BTW, I consulted three different dictionaries, each published about 50 years apart, and the 10th edition Merriam Webster Collegiate (1993) had BOTH definitions.

Now, I've done far more work editing this thread than I should have to do this early on a beautiful (at least here in NE FL) morning.

Cut out the arguing and snide remarks, or it will be locked or poofed. Thank you.
My apologies to you and others...

I bowed out seeing where it was going, but should have bowed out earlier. I certainly wouldn't want to further spoil your beautiful morning. :D


Active Member
*JII was my favorite ride back in the day, but it doesn't fit in the 21st century honestly and needed an update. With that said, I can't stand that Eric Idle guy and wish they'd have just done an update that included the Dreamfinder. I still like the ride though, as do my kids.

*I LOVE Ellen's Energy Adventure. The old Energy ride was SOOOO boring. Ellen cracks me up.

I want to see the original with updated information, special effects, visuals, and such, with an updated big bang sequence from the current show.

*20K - who cared? It was a really lame attraction. Something better will go there eventually. I'm patient.

I miss that ride so much. I don't think I'm the only one, either.

*Superstar TV and Sounds Dangerous I've never cared about. I can take them or leave them.

*The Backlot Tour blows now. I'm with you on that. Used to be enjoyable and now it's terrible.

You're right about that. It would be more tolerable if you didn't have to go through the pre-show. They needed to have developed it so that it could have grown into one much like the Tram Tour at Universal Studios Hollywood.

*Wonders of Life - never understood the attachment to that place. I found it utterly boring. Good riddance. Tear it down, put in something worth visiting!

It was good back in the decade that it was built for.

*Stitch vs. AE - eh...wasn't a huge fan of either. I did like AE a bit better, but after 2-3 times visiting it I was over it.[/color]

Although, personally, I'd take Mission to Mars over either. I've always wondered if they maybe should have put Mission: SPACE here, instead.

Now what about:
Empty space vs. Expedition Everest?
Timekeeper vs. Monsters Inc?
Horizons vs. Misson:Space?
World of Motion vs. Test Track?
Hydrolators vs. Nemo?
Millionaire vs. Toy Story Mania?
Old Pirates vs. New Pirates?
Old HM vs. New HM?
Old Canada Show vs. New Canada Show?

and dare I say it....

Old SSE vs. New SSE?

I'm happy with those changes. Maybe I'm alone, but I'm happy with and excited with the direction Disney is headed.

Now if they'd just get rid of the frickin dining plan and meet and greets I'd have nothing to complain about. :lol:

Now if they had just updated Horizons and World of Motion ala The Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, Spaceship Earth, etc., I'm sure they'd still be fairly popular. Yeah, they needed to do something with The Timekeeper, and I enjoy Monsters, Inc., even though its appropriateness in Tomorrowland is questionable, but that was just such a cool show (I'm a sucker for Circle-Vision, time travel, and Robin Williams). The Living Seas definitely needed to be updated, just not with cartoon fish (as awesome as the movie might be). And I'm assuming that I'll enjoy Toy Story Mania more than Millionaire, but they're kind of unfair to compare, having not been on it yet, and them being two completely different types of experiences. The Pirates and Mansion are no-brainers. O Canada is a mixed bag. Yes, the original show was outdated, but still very lovely, and the new one has its moments, but will become outdated way faster than the first version.

WDW Monorail

Well-Known Member
So when is the official handover date if it is known. Isn't HM still in WDI's hands?

My guess is that we won't see a completely finished SSE until 2 months from now.


Active Member
The ascent tunnel has some new black arches you pass through. Very subtle, but it gives the tunnel more texture.

The new smokestacks across from the "Industrial Revolution" printing press are not even painted on--- they are just a shadow cast by a blue light (Why did it take them 25 years to put something on that blank wall? When they finally did, it was done with a piece of cardboard and a $3 lightbulb from Home Depot. So simple, yet effective.)

Maybe I never noticed this before, but the telephone poles above the operators glow very bright neon colors.

The most bizarre new change is that the man in the big computer room now has black hair instead of grey! During the final rehab, someone must have said "He needs to be younger", and they changed his wig!

I was pleased to see the video screen now turns on after you've passed through the blue light star field, so you can enjoy that amazing effect without being distracted by the video screen powering up.

The postshow globe was working tonight, but the images on the "circlevision" screens were apparently not. The same faces kept showing up on the animated bodies---the same ones Mousemerf had on his sneak preview photos a few days ago-- leading me to believe they were "stock" images.

As for the globe, about five or six riders' faces appear in small circles floating over an ocean. Then, one at a time, they quickly shrink and zoom into their home city before vanishing. But since the map is relatively small, it is not really clear that the faces are being connected to their hometowns. It just looks like a "swoosh" over the U.S. If I hadn't known ahead of time about the purpose of the globe, I never would have figured it out that the globe was showing where riders live.

I noticed most of this, too, all nice additions. I had the same reaction to the glowing telephone lines, I am pretty sure that that's new. You said they glowed different colors? All I saw was green.

I did also notice that the music has been remixed in 180top and sounds much better, evoking more of the emotion associated with seeing the Earth in space. MAYBE even better than the score in that section from the Jeremy Irons version, I'm willing to admit. I also really like the music in the ascent tunnel, seems to evoke the feeling of launching on an exciting journey through time and space that fits with a kind of Spaceship Earth Control theme. I also like the Control narrator, the male voice. The music in the descent is just okay, but the rest of it throughout the ride is just bland and boring.

I concur with the opinion that the changes to the descent are an improvement from the soft opening, but doesn't really fix it. The triangular panels do create a better abstract kind of atmosphere, but doesn't really provide any interest if you stop.

The globe in Project Tomorrow is neat, although when my face popped up, I thought I was suddenly living in Greenland! And then I saw the subtle swoop down to Orlando. Same faces on the Semi-Circle-Vision.

I can't wait to see what improvements they make over the next few months. I also hope that they replace Nemo on the front of the guidemap with Spaceship Earth!

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