space mountain lawsuit


Active Member
Its pretty bad that someone would drop all that stuff from the ride, be it a video camera or something cheap. But anyway if you can't hold on to a camera, don't try it! I'm gonna record some coasters next time I go, and I WILL hold on to the camera for the whole ride.


New Member
Disney will settle on this one...if only to get it out of the limelight.

To those who suggest lockers: I don't really think that a coaster reaching a top speed of 28 mph necessitates leaving your belonging in a locker. Perhaps people should just stop doing irresponsible things like trying to tape the ride if they can't hold onto the camera. Disney should not be held responsible for the pure stupidity of some of its guests.


Originally posted by FourFourSeven
Okay, obviously we don't know all the facts, but here's what we do know:

1) The guy, a doctor is pretty well off (he stayed at the Grand Floridian)

2) He was, indeed, unconscious when the ride ended, due to some sort of blunt force.

3) It strikes me as very unlikely that an educated, 42-year-old doctor with kids would stand on a roller coaster.

4) Objects were found on the floor of the coaster that day

5) Other people have been hit by objects on Space Mountain before.

6) He's clearly suffered by this - he can't practice medicine any more, and has had years of pain and permanent damage

Does this mean that he didn't stand up? We, of course, don't know. But I'm surprised people here are automatically calling him a liar, or saying they "stick with Disney no matter what."

Yes, but if some jack@$$ was throwing things, it's not Disney's fault. They don't have tractor beams to stop falling objects. Some people sue just because they're mad, and not because they actually want justice. Just a bit of thread drift, but I heard that someone sued Disney because a brick fell out of Cinderalla Castle and hit them on the head. Pop quiz, where's the problem there?
Originally posted by BenS
Yes, but if some jack@$$ was throwing things, it's not Disney's fault.

By your example, if Disney put real rifles with real bullets in the Frontierland Shooting Gallery, and someone decides to shoot other people there, Disney is not at all at fault.

On Space Mountain, if there has been a repeated occurrence of objects falling, either by people throwing them (you think somebody threw a camera?), or by accident, Disney, as the operator of the attraction, needs to address it. I can't imagine how they would NOT be at least partially at fault.


Originally posted by BenS
Yes, but if some jack@$$ was throwing things, it's not Disney's fault. They don't have tractor beams to stop falling objects. Some people sue just because they're mad, and not because they actually want justice. Just a bit of thread drift, but I heard that someone sued Disney because a brick fell out of Cinderalla Castle and hit them on the head. Pop quiz, where's the problem there?

Castle is not made of Brick.



Well-Known Member
Space Moutain will close down very soon for a few days.

Nets will be installed...

That seems like the only way to fix this problem, without including the cash settlement Disney will give this guy.


Well-Known Member
I think Disney will settle just to make this all go away. It costs lot to go to trial...and they have already spent quite a bit to prepare this case. No one wants to go to trial. It would be much better to settle this now than to prolong it further in the courts. ( we will never know what really happened, but they should make sure that nothing like this will happen again.) Remember this case has been going on for 4 years already! Rich, poor , smart or dumb no one is going to win.


Well-Known Member
well, I wasn't there so I can't do more than speculate but I wouldn't assume anything here..for the doctor or for disney. But I think a price limit should be set for lawsuits. I live in Madison County Illinois and we were just recognized by Wall Street Journal as having the "most giving judges & juries" for class action lawsuits and personal injury the long run it costs everyone.

I think if they are going to pay they should pay him a set amount..what type of doctor was he? What was his annual income? How long does the average Venzualin (spl?) Doctor work? 60yrs old -65 yrs old? Pay him according to those one should become a multimillionaire at the expense of others.

For anyone to assume that this man was ultra wealthy because of where he was staying or for how long his holiday was is unfair to Disney. First off he could have been saving for a long time to take that holiday, he could (like many) have a Credit Card w/a high limit, he could have gotten a great deal at get the idea..we shouldn't just jump to conclusions...but lets hope for what is fair for all involved. (and thats you and me folks...big lawsuits= increase prices overall!)

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Look, I'm a "Disney can do no wrong" kinda guy, as much as anyone else, in fact. BUT, this guy deserves some type of compensation for what has happened to him.

He goes on a Disney World attraction, and at the end, he is unconcious, with a large bump on his head. What's the most likely thing that happened? Well, falling object, probably from another guest.

So, who is at fault? Disney is. Space Mountain is their attraction, on their property. This man was knocked UNCONCIOUS by something inside. Disney openly states that items are found on the floor every night, which means they know full well that this is a danger, and have yet to do anything about it. That right there settles it in my mind.

I'm afraid Disney will be paying for this one.


Well-Known Member
Ok here's what I don't get....

once the object was falling...The DR would have had to come in contact with the object at full speed...for it to cause that much impact...

now....I've been shot in the head with a puck...smack in the forehead...not even a concusion...sp???:veryconfu ... I have thick bones...but still...

It said the man was hit in the the frontal lope...therefore the forehead area...I thought???

The only way he could have been hit there....
looking up..and a direct fall from the object...
or the car came into the falling object...

*** If the object were to come directly to his forehead...his head would have obsorbed the force of impact...causing the object to fall within inches of his body...especially if he was moving in a foreward motion...hence the object would fall inside of the car***


even if so...they were small objects....well not small...but's not like a wheel fell on him....

I don't believe an object could have caused that serious of a blow...I know it was glass...and a battery...but look at your CAM battery...

now obviously I'm not saying he delibrately stood up...
What if one of those objects were his...say the candel...
lets say it accidentally fell to the side on a turn...he then tried to look over the side of the car...
isn't possible that he hit his head on the side structure..and not the above???
I mean for $20 bucks a pop..I may have popped my head over the side...

Just my theroy....


New Member
Originally posted by disneydudette
Ok here's what I don't get....

once the object was falling...The DR would have had to come in contact with the object at full speed...for it to cause that much impact...

now....I've been shot in the head with a puck...smack in the forehead...not even a concusion...sp???:veryconfu ... I have thick bones...but still...

It said the man was hit in the the frontal lope...therefore the forehead area...I thought???

The only way he could have been hit there....
looking up..and a direct fall from the object...
or the car came into the falling object...

*** If the object were to come directly to his forehead...his head would have obsorbed the force of impact...causing the object to fall within inches of his body...especially if he was moving in a foreward motion...hence the object would fall inside of the car***


even if so...they were small objects....well not small...but's not like a wheel fell on him....

I don't believe an object could have caused that serious of a blow...I know it was glass...and a battery...but look at your CAM battery...

now obviously I'm not saying he delibrately stood up...
What if one of those objects were his...say the candel...
lets say it accidentally fell to the side on a turn...he then tried to look over the side of the car...
isn't possible that he hit his head on the side structure..and not the above???
I mean for $20 bucks a pop..I may have popped my head over the side...

Just my theroy....

In assuming that it would fall at his feet you're assuming fairly simple vectors. This is what they teach in most physics classes. Unfortunately, in the real world, the vectors aren't that simple. You got an object falling from a moving vehicle that likely has some angular momentum, given the track layout, hitting another moving object. This allows for deflection depending on the angles involved. Wildly more complicated then undergraduate physics problems. All things being equal, it's actually pretty amazing when this sort of accident does occur.

Could he have hit his head on a support beam? Unlikely, I doubt that the Imagineers would allow for that close of tolerances. Plus, hitting a fixed object like a beam at 28 mph would be extremely messy at the least, deadly at the worst.

Bottom line, Disney should spend the money and put up nets. They are common enough at other parks for one reason, to provide an extra measure of protection. Even one injury is too many when it can be prevented this easily. IMHO.


Well-Known Member
OK..lets all stop beating around the bush and say it:

The guy was obviously whacked upside the head and carried around to all the park attractions in an unconscious state...ala...."Weekend at Bernies."

When our "Weekend at Mickey's" guy wakes up after his "trip to outter space", he and his friends think it would be a hoot to get some quick cash out of Disney to pay for their room service bill at the Grand Floridian. The friends who had been carrying him begin laughing so hard that they drop him on his head in the parking lot on the way to the security office.


::cue circus music::

::fade out::

End of story.

You KNOW you wanted that!

:lol: :p :lol: :p :lol: :p


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneydentist
Bottom line, Disney should spend the money and put up nets. They are common enough at other parks for one reason, to provide an extra measure of protection. Even one injury is too many when it can be prevented this easily. IMHO.

Very true. Disney will undoubtedly pay millions for this--if they spent a few thousand to put up some black nets right under all of the track, this would not happen would be worth it to prevent a multi-million dollar lawsuit like this.


Well-Known Member
the frontal lobe extends slightly farther than the forehead. (also on the top of his head.) I agree that a collision with any structure may have caused more of an injury, but we don't know. I just hope for everyone's sake this is resolved soon. ( i agree with caps on lawsuits>>being in the medical field) As I said before I really don't think anyone will come out a winner in this.
this is one of the risk that you are taking when you ride coasters. i personaly think that disney should give him some money and then make improvements. Unfortunately it cant work out that way probaly.


Well-Known Member
Hi all Happy Valentine's Day.... On the thread subject, I am positive that I heard in Sept of 1998 that someone had stood up on Space Mountain and was killed doing that. I certainly would buy that.
As far as this guy, I feel badly for him and his family, but I dont see how Disney could have prevented other people from just being careless or stupid. As previously stated I think that Disney will settle out of court. Belle


New Member
Well being a doctor the guy must be pretty smart, so he could've used his common sense not to stand up on the ride...then again, being smart means that he knows how to get his way and how to lie about things. although maybe something did fall on his head or something. here's another question, when did he get knocked out on the ride? not all of the ride is in the dark, so I'm sure his wife would have seen a giant piece of metal drop on his head. if it was in the dark like I think it was, it wouldn't have been seen, but there probably was some noises coming from him and the object when it hit him in the head, so either the background music was too loud, or his wife is deaf. that's just my view on this...:rolleyes:

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