space mountain lawsuit


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyWonders07
yeah I know u didn't say he was a bad guy, but now I have to agree with you on that second part about the company being run. True, I think Walt Disney would be very disappointed in the way the company is run...looks to me like they need someone like Walt to take over...

Eisner was hired to save the company.. He changed it while doing that too :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by BenS
Yes, but if some jack@$$ was throwing things, it's not Disney's fault. They don't have tractor beams to stop falling objects. Some people sue just because they're mad, and not because they actually want justice. Just a bit of thread drift, but I heard that someone sued Disney because a brick fell out of Cinderalla Castle and hit them on the head. Pop quiz, where's the problem there?

There are no Bricks in the castle. it has a precast concreat core and concreat stuco was applied to create the illusion of stone on the castle


New Member
Originally posted by SirNimajneb
Space Moutain will close down very soon for a few days.

Nets will be installed...

That seems like the only way to fix this problem, without including the cash settlement Disney will give this guy.

Well one thing to keep in mind is that the incedent occured in September of 98, so that was four and a half years ago, This should have happened already if they are going to do it at all


New Member
lol that's exactly right, isn't it made out of steel as well? (duh me for the structure it has 2 be) I remember standing in line at MK to see some characters and since it was taking so long the cast member started doing a pop quiz with the crowd and one of the questions he asked was "How many bricks are on Cinderella's Castle?" Strangely enough, nobody knew but me and when I shouted out the answer I think he was a bit taken aback because he thought he was going to fool everyone. But not me! hehehe...:lol:


Account Suspended
Originally posted by figmentmom
Merlin, my intention was certainly not to be insensitive. I agree that this man was injured, and probably through no fault of his own. The tragic DL accident you refer to was, I believe, caused by Disney's failure to properly inspect and maintain the ride. I don't think this incident qualifies as the same type of negligence. Regardless, I still would bet that Disney will settle, and quietly.

And I wasn't comparing these two incidents on the basis of the CAUSE, as you seem to assume. Rather, I was pointing out that Disney never seems to want to accept responsibility for accidents in their own parks...even when it IS clearly negligence on their part.

By the way, the calls for federal legislation that were brought about by the Columbia incident (as referenced in the article that was posted above), was strenuously fought by Disney. They have been adamently opposed to having state and federal safety inspectors checking out their parks. That's gotta make you wonder.


Well-Known Member
I think that we can argue this one forever...there will never be a winner. That doctor will never be able to practice again. Disney's image is once again tarnished. Disney is responsible for creating a SAFE environment for it's visitors. This costs money and cuts into profits (you have to keep the stockholders happy and that hasen't happened lately). I love Walt just as much as the next person, but if you dig a little you will find out he wasn't the sweet man that was presented to the media. He was difficult to work with, moody (aren't most creative people). Do I think he would be disappointed with the business today? YES, but he was a businessman and he would deal with it. I will continue to go to WDW and ride all of my favorite rides and try out the new ones, but I will also keep my eyes open (like I always do) to try and ensure the saftey of my family and myself.


New Member
this is starting to be pointless and stupid and it's creating arguments, it's also making Walt Disney World look like a hazard zone, and it's not. Why don't you start looking at other parks and stop just picking on Disney. I'm sure Six Flags parks aren't perfect. I was at a Six Flags once and the people and staff there were moody, mean, and the park was dirty and un-clean. Disney World has it's faults, but other theme parks are MUCH worse. Look at Disney, it's surpasses all others in safetly and cleanliness AND friendliness.:animwink:


Account Suspended
Originally posted by DisneyWonders07
Look at Disney, it's surpasses all others in safetly and cleanliness AND friendliness.:animwink:

I agree with you about cleanliness and friendliness, but what data do you have to back up your claim that Disney "surpasses all others in safety"? Do you? Or are you just blurting that out when it really is just an assumption?


New Member
Well look at how other rides are run in other parks, some rides I've seen in other parks are ready to fall apart. Disney's always improving the way it runs things, besides the fact of the economy being down in the dumps. Since I've been to Disney World about 11 times in the past 9 years, nothing has happened to me nor have I seen anyone get injured on a ride. I went to another park once, and a few days later on the news there were reports of a man that almost fell off one of the roller coasters there. Although don't think I'm saying that Disney is perfect either, every park should have regular check-ups on it's safety. Maybe Disney faltered on this once or twice, but that certainly doesn't mean they are a hazard zone, which some people are making it out to be. In my opinion, Disney the best place on Earth, and I'd recommend to anyone to go there. If Disney has proof that an object didn't fall on his head, then I'm pretty sure they are not lying, nobody is stupid enough to do that. So some how, some way, they will settle this case, and in a few days, months, whatever, we will completely forget about this stupid topic and move on. Also, everyone including me might know the whole story, maybe there's more to it that's confidential. So basically, we are all making stupid assumptions and rumors that may not exactly be true. And I stand by what I say, Disney is the best of all, nothing can beat it. Why do you think millions of people go to Walt Disney World every year instead of going to someplace else? Because it is the best. My best friend and I have a theory, Walt Disney World is like the boulder, the rest around it are mere pebbles. Disney is the best and will always be the best, no matter what people say. It is the most magical place on Earth, and will always be that way, period.:D


Active Member
What really makes me angry about this is they consider closing a ride after an icident like this . This world has become soooo greedy .I surely can understand the injury , im glad he is ok, BUT please dont junp form the sky way just because you know you can!!!! I fear that lots of rides will be closed due to stupid acts.

I also wanted to state , If any of us go to any event where thousands of people are there is some higher risk of being injured. I went to the movies once and someone through something that hit me in the back of the head , but I didnt go sueing the theatre????? Whats wrong with people?? TOO bad we cant see him caught on tape!!!!! John:hammer:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SKYWAY 4 ME
What really makes me angry about this is they consider closing a ride after an icident like this . This world has become soooo greedy .I surely can understand the injury , im glad he is ok, BUT please dont junp form the sky way just because you know you can!!!! I fear that lots of rides will be closed due to stupid acts.

I also wanted to state , If any of us go to any event where thousands of people are there is some higher risk of being injured. I went to the movies once and someone through something that hit me in the back of the head , but I didnt go sueing the theatre????? Whats wrong with people?? TOO bad we cant see him caught on tape!!!!! John:hammer:

Not even close to understanding the situation or the article.:rolleyes: Geez.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by DisneyWonders07
Well look at how other rides are run in other parks, some rides I've seen in other parks are ready to fall apart. Disney's always improving the way it runs things, besides the fact of the economy being down in the dumps. Since I've been to Disney World about 11 times in the past 9 years, nothing has happened to me nor have I seen anyone get injured on a ride. I went to another park once, and a few days later on the news there were reports of a man that almost fell off one of the roller coasters there. Although don't think I'm saying that Disney is perfect either, every park should have regular check-ups on it's safety. Maybe Disney faltered on this once or twice, but that certainly doesn't mean they are a hazard zone, which some people are making it out to be. In my opinion, Disney the best place on Earth, and I'd recommend to anyone to go there. If Disney has proof that an object didn't fall on his head, then I'm pretty sure they are not lying, nobody is stupid enough to do that. So some how, some way, they will settle this case, and in a few days, months, whatever, we will completely forget about this stupid topic and move on. Also, everyone including me might know the whole story, maybe there's more to it that's confidential. So basically, we are all making stupid assumptions and rumors that may not exactly be true. And I stand by what I say, Disney is the best of all, nothing can beat it. Why do you think millions of people go to Walt Disney World every year instead of going to someplace else? Because it is the best. My best friend and I have a theory, Walt Disney World is like the boulder, the rest around it are mere pebbles. Disney is the best and will always be the best, no matter what people say. It is the most magical place on Earth, and will always be that way, period.:D

What statistics have you seen that show Disney is more safe than other parks?


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Main Street USA
Not even close to understanding the situation or the article.:rolleyes: Geez.

LOL! Agreed!! How dare that guy get hit in the head with a falling object like that? What on earth was he thinking???


Well-Known Member
Thanks MainStreet :) You've kept me from flipping out so far. Btw- I must add that this man is NOT ok. That is the entire point behind the lawsuit.


New Member
Originally posted by Merlin
What statistics have you seen that show Disney is more safe than other parks?

well what statistics have you seen that shows Disney is worse than other parks? If Disney was worse, then millions of people wouldn't be going to Walt Disney World, now would they? And, of course, millions of people still want to go to Disney World, thus Disney must be pretty safe. Not to be rude or anything, but you sound to me like you are saying that Disney World sucks.


Active Member
He didnt die !!!!!did he? So the circumstances are fair I would say ! GEEZ , someone always has to be negative, let start trying to be positive here . J



Active Member
Originally posted by DisneyWonders07
I hope you don't mean that I'm being negative, I'm trying to defend Disney from people who say it sucks, because it doesn't.:animwink:

No not all , I just am generally speaking about the neg post here toward disney .

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