space mountain lawsuit


Well-Known Member
Not all people use their common sense no matter how smart they are. I myself tend to be very quiet on these kind of rides...just trying to make it thru. I'm more of a quiet ride in the park kind of girl.


New Member
I have ridden this ride so many times, I cannont count it easily. He must have done something to get himself hit.

In the imortal words of Scar, "I'm surrounded by itiots!"


New Member
Originally posted by BRER STITCH
OK..lets all stop beating around the bush and say it:

The guy was obviously whacked upside the head and carried around to all the park attractions in an unconscious state...ala...."Weekend at Bernies."

When our "Weekend at Mickey's" guy wakes up after his "trip to outter space", he and his friends think it would be a hoot to get some quick cash out of Disney to pay for their room service bill at the Grand Floridian. The friends who had been carrying him begin laughing so hard that they drop him on his head in the parking lot on the way to the security office.


::cue circus music::

::fade out::

End of story.

You KNOW you wanted that!

:lol: :p :lol: :p :lol: :p

Okay, I'll bite...that was HYSTERICAL!!!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FourFourSeven
Okay, obviously we don't know all the facts, but here's what we do know:

1) The guy, a doctor is pretty well off (he stayed at the Grand Floridian)

2) He was, indeed, unconscious when the ride ended, due to some sort of blunt force.

3) It strikes me as very unlikely that an educated, 42-year-old doctor with kids would stand on a roller coaster.

4) Objects were found on the floor of the coaster that day

5) Other people have been hit by objects on Space Mountain before.

6) He's clearly suffered by this - he can't practice medicine any more, and has had years of pain and permanent damage

Does this mean that he didn't stand up? We, of course, don't know. But I'm surprised people here are automatically calling him a liar, or saying they "stick with Disney no matter what."

1. maybe someone paid for him to stay at the GF (his father is buying him a home in Orlando. Maybe Daddy Warbucks foot the bill).
2. I think his wife beat the crap out of him on the ride.
3. You obviously don't understand the effects of testosterone. Example: "Hey, you wuss, I bet you couldn't stand up on this coaster." "Watch this and see." 42 year old men are capable of very stupid things.
4. Objects are found everyday. Heck, I lost a camera on the thing one time. What are the odds that he got hit right on the spot that would cause this "massive" injury?
5. And other people haven't tried to sue Disney because they had been hit by something. Seems like a nice apology and some sort of giveback by Disney would be more than enough (unless you are unconcious).
6. Who is to say that the guy didn't have problems before he rode the ride and he devised a scheme to look like he suffered an accident on the ride? Don't put it past people.

And don't forget--Disney said they have proof. Wait until it hits the courts. And why has it taken the guy almost 5 years to file suit against them if it happened in 1998?

Obviously, I don't believe him. But he'll probably get some $$$ of Disney. Shameful.


Well-Known Member
When you ride a roller coaster, Disney's or anyone else's, you are taking an "assumed risk" - in other words, you are agreeing that stuff happens that isn't always anyone's fault, and can't be reasonably prevented. That "assumed risk" includes the family riding in another car who brings along the video camera even when they've been asked to secure all loose items, or leave them behind. Of course, you are also assuming that Disney, or whatever company built and monitors the ride, has designed it properly and maintained it properly. All of that said, it sounds to me (and I am no lawyer!) like this man was the victim of an unfortunate accident. If he stood up, he must bear at least part of the responsibility for what happened to him. If he was an innocent victim, again, it was an accident. I believe Disney will settle, and settle quietly; it happened on their property, and they will want no more publicity.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by figmentmom
I believe Disney will settle, and settle quietly; it happened on their property, and they will want no more publicity.

Exactly. If they went to court and lost, it would make them look VERY bad, so they will probably, as usual, agree to pay millions outside of's quite unfortunate...drains our E-Ride fund...


New Member
If a big honkin camera battery or whatever hits this dude in the head isn't likely to take visible evidence of the impact with it? Wouldn't X-rays of this mans skull be conducive with a falling object which I'm sure makes a very different fracture than if this guy stood up.


Well-Known Member
x rays or Cat scans and mris don't tell you how the fracture occured just that there is one. A broken bone is a broken bone. I do agree that if he hit his head on the infrastructure the injury MIGHT have been more massive...but you never know.


New Member
I remember a similar case like this that happened at WDW...I think it was like a year after Animal Kingdom opened, a little girl twisted her wrist or something on the Kilimanjaro Safaris and the family of the little girl sued Disney. Disney WON the case and something like the family was accused of lying occured as a result and the family was banned from coming to Walt Disney World. Personally, I would wanna go back to Walt Disney World even if I fell off the ride just so ya know...Oh yeah about that guy who's suing now as well in this topic, I think he's a crock and lying because he knows he will get some money out of it. Here's that guy=>:hammer: hehe


Account Suspended
Originally posted by JRead
but exactly how the bone is broken should be indicative of the particular cause of the injury

You've been watching way too much "CSI"! That only works on dead bodies. And even then it's not all that conclusive. On living people, where the healing process begins almost immediately, it's not quite that simple. It's not like some forensics scientist can look at the injury with some high-tech instrument and say, "This looks like it was caused by a Sony Camcorder battery, model 360V".


New Member
I don't like to be a part of controversial threads but I have to....I have tried all day to not respond but I just have to say it.

I would never say I would be on Disney's side no matter what. Disney is a corporation. Not God. They are in business to make money and that is their bottom line. Do they have some wonderful people working there? Yes they do, but Eisner and his head honchos are all about money.

If Disney knew things were falling out of cars, they should have been responsible to put up nets or do whatever they needed to, they didn't, that makes them responsible. They should have settled this quietly years ago.

Don't even try to say you take a risk every time you ride a coaster. It has been proven that it is much safer to ride a thrill ride that a car or plane. You take a risk every time you ride a car to work.

A week ago I was at Disney and this time I spend alot of time talking to employees. They are just like anyone else, most of them can't wait to get home. They work at Disney because they have great benefits and for some there is a special magic. I witnessed an employee being told he would leave at 10:30 pm and come back at 6:30 am and this was at 9:45 pm. What if he had plans?

I love Disney parks and the feeling I get walking down Main Street when I see the castle...but come on, it's just a corporation...that is in the business of entertaining people and doing a good job of spin.


New Member
Well yeah, but you do take a risk at basically everything you do in life. There's nothing that you don't take a risk for. Yes some ppl in Disney are just there for the money like the head honchos, but don't forget, I'm sure Walt Disney wasn't in it all for the money, he wouldn't have created the Disney company if he hadn't cared for the people that he would be creating so much joy for. Walt Disney was the one that started it all, and I believe (even though he's long gone) that he will always be the biggest head honcho of Disney, because he was a loving and kind person, who just wanted to make families happy.:)


Account Suspended
Originally posted by KathyG/poohbear
I don't like to be a part of controversial threads but I have to....I have tried all day to not respond but I just have to say it.

I would never say I would be on Disney's side no matter what. Disney is a corporation. Not God. They are in business to make money and that is their bottom line. Do they have some wonderful people working there? Yes they do, but Eisner and his head honchos are all about money.

If Disney knew things were falling out of cars, they should have been responsible to put up nets or do whatever they needed to, they didn't, that makes them responsible. They should have settled this quietly years ago.

Don't even try to say you take a risk every time you ride a coaster. It has been proven that it is much safer to ride a thrill ride that a car or plane. You take a risk every time you ride a car to work.

A week ago I was at Disney and this time I spend alot of time talking to employees. They are just like anyone else, most of them can't wait to get home. They work at Disney because they have great benefits and for some there is a special magic. I witnessed an employee being told he would leave at 10:30 pm and come back at 6:30 am and this was at 9:45 pm. What if he had plans?

I love Disney parks and the feeling I get walking down Main Street when I see the castle...but come on, it's just a corporation...that is in the business of entertaining people and doing a good job of spin.

Well said!!! I used to work for Disney (and many of the those posting on these boards are either current or former Disney employees). And I can tell you that as much as I still love Disney itself, the company is not the most ethical one around. The fact that Disney is even fighting this guy infuriates me! This reminds me of the situation at DL several years ago where some people were seriously injured (one mortally) by a cleat that had come loose from the Sailing Ship Columbia. In that situation, Disney was simply being cheap in their maintenance and that's what caused the accident. But they actually had the gall to state it was the fault of the Cast Member who had been injured in the accident.

And by the way, the person who said, "Any time you ride a rollercoaster, you're taking a risk", was being incredibly insensitive. You'd fit in perfectly on the Disney Board of Directors.
To some people, it seems impossible for Disney to do any wrong, it's obviously always the guest's fault. Was it the guest's fault in this case at Disneyland? (Taken from

In a tragic Christmas Eve accident, one Disneyland cast member and two guests were injured (one fatally) when a rope used to secure the sailing ship Columbia as it docked on the Rivers of America tore loose the metal cleat to which it was attached. The cleat sailed through air and struck the heads of two guests who were waiting to board the ship, Luan Phi Dawson, 33, of Duvall, Washington, and his wife, Lieu Thuy Vuong, 43. Dawson was declared brain dead two days later and died when his life support system was disconnected.
This accident resulted in the first guest death in Disneyland's history that was not attributable to any negligence on the part of the guest -- the accident was the result of a combination of insufficiently rigorous ride maintenance and an insufficiently experienced supervisor's assuming an attraction operator's role -- and prompted a movement for greater government oversight of theme park operations and safety procedures.

It wouldn't surprise me if some people said this tragic accident was not Disney's fault either.

I'm not saying that the Space Mountain incident was definitely the fault of Disney - maybe the guy did stand up. But what I'm saying is that it's possible that it was partially Disney's fault, and, at least from the evidence we've seen, it seems more likely that the accident was at least partially due to Disney negligence than the guy.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Merlin

And by the way, the person who said, "Any time you ride a rollercoaster, you're taking a risk", was being incredibly insensitive. You'd fit in perfectly on the Disney Board of Directors. [/B]

Merlin, my intention was certainly not to be insensitive. I agree that this man was injured, and probably through no fault of his own. The tragic DL accident you refer to was, I believe, caused by Disney's failure to properly inspect and maintain the ride. I don't think this incident qualifies as the same type of negligence. Regardless, I still would bet that Disney will settle, and quietly.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member

This discussion is absolutely ridiculous.

Those of you who keep insisting that this guy stood up should read the article more carefully. Disney Imagineers themselves openly stated that there is more than enough sufficient space above the ride, that even if someone stood up, they wouldn't come close.

It is so completely obvious that this guy was hit by a falling object, and it certainly isn't his fault. Disney KNEW that things like this could happen. They admitted that they had happened THREE times before and did ABSOLUTELY nothing to prevent it from happening again. Disney is at fault here. Bottom line.


New Member
Originally posted by KathyG/poohbear
Just a post note....I never said Walt Disney is a bad guy. I don't think the corporation is being ran the way he would want it.

yeah I know u didn't say he was a bad guy, but now I have to agree with you on that second part about the company being run. True, I think Walt Disney would be very disappointed in the way the company is run...looks to me like they need someone like Walt to take over...

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