But this is the attitude of "Disney Fans" lately.. Take a carnival ride, toss in a CGI movie and WHAAA LAAA we have a wonderfully themed Disney standard attraction.. WHY??? Cause Disney made it... No matter how bad or mediocre it is...
are you refering to TSMM?
personally ive never seen MS at a carnaval, but if i did i would most def ride it. Just because it spins doesnt make it a carnaval ride, do you say the same thing about the mad hatters tea party, or the golden carousel? (whose ride systems could have been directly taken from a carnaval) Horizons had a story yes, but so does Mission Space and your failing to see that. Your just so blinded by your nastalsia for your previous ride that you fail to see the value in the new one. Maybe the ride isnt mediocre
In Horizons you sat in a ride vehical and moved around, same thing with nemo and friends (the reason why i said nemo and friends is b/c the vehicle system seams pretty close to alike to me, of course not the astetics, but just the vehicals and track).
Sit watch and hear a story is the past, sit, watch, and EXPERIENCE the story is the future.
Although I gotta admit the end seamed really rushed. Since they started over with the pavilion they could have made it much grander and closed out the story differently, BUT right now it's no different then space mountains ending. IMO i think they should have had a quick service resturant ATLEAST, i mean in the 4 pavs over there, there isnt one, but yet across the way they have two pavilions that do things right. A kiddy C ticket like astro orbitor and some sort of sit and watch A ticket would have been the perfect touch, sadly they fell short.