Some dining suggestions...


Well-Known Member
I just want some suggestions or ideas from you guys on where to eat...

My first request is where to eat after we arrive. We're staying at AS Music and we'll probably arrive (at the resort) around mid-afternoon. My parents and my brother are traveling with us as well. Now, I could hit the parks running but my parents may be a little "tired" after traveling - so I'm not sure what they'll be up to. We could seperate and do our own thing but I think the first evening we're going to want to be all together. Here's what I want... a counter service location that we can all enjoy for a late lunch/early supper. Thoughts, suggestions, ideas...

My second request is for one evening at Epcot. Hubby and I have a couple hours to ourself and we're dining at Le Cellier (yeah)! My parents do not have an ADR for that evening so they're taking the kiddos for us. (They will have eaten at Le Cellier that afternoon, actually!) Where should I send my parents with the kids? Here's what I want... a counter service (preferably in World Showcase) that both my parents could enjoy and get something for the kids too. Note, my parents are not "adventurous" eaters but would be open to suggestions. Also my kids aren't picky eaters, so I have that in my favor! Thoughts, suggestions, ideas...

Thanks everybody!:wave:


Naturally Grumpy
Let's see, for counter service, my personal preference would not be at a resort location...and if you don't want to use a park about DTD? Either Earl of Sandwich or Wolfgang Puck express might fit the bill. All other counter service is pretty much the same, so not really worth travelling to another resort.
Depending on your tiredness factor...possibly Hoop de do Review (although clearly not counter service)

Counter service in World Showcase....Fish and Chips in UK, Liberty Inn (US) has burgers, hot dogs, salad and chicken, Germany has hot dogs and wurst, modest Chinese menu at counter or generic Mexican at the Cantina de San Angel.

Back in FutureWorld, you have Electric Umbrella which is essentially the same as US, or Sunshine Seasons in the Land which may be a little adventurous as per your description.
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Missing my mind...
Premium Member
For the first night you could go to Trails End at FW. It's a buffet but not much more expensive than counter service. You would also get the added bonus of walking around FW and unwinding after a long day of traveling. If you were up for it you could also go to the nightly sing along and movie. I believe it starts around 7:30.
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New Member
My family's favorite counter service in World Showcase, hands down, is the Fish n Chips stand in England. The others are good, but we must frequent this stand an average of 3 times a trip. The portion is LARGE and we often split it.

If Epcot is your goal for that first day, the best counter service in Future World is the food court, Sunshine Seasons, inside the Land. That is the best variety you will find ANYWHERE. They range from the basics to more adventurous. Because it is a food court, you can see most of the items before you purchase, for those who are not so adventurous. As a less adventurous eater myself, I've found they are often willing to accommodate and substitute based on requests.

If you're going to DTD, I like Wolfgang Puck Express. I've heard great things about Earl of Sandwich and it's on my list for the next trip. Good luck!
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New Member
as for your first day- i would recommend Earl of Sandwich- it was the first thing that popped into my mind as soon as i read what you wanted. then you can stay and look around in DTD which always puts me in a "disney ready mood" :lol:
as for your world showcase-- i'd say germany is your best bet.. we love the pretzles, and brats!
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Well-Known Member
I just want some suggestions or ideas from you guys on where to eat...

My first request is where to eat after we arrive. We're staying at AS Music and we'll probably arrive (at the resort) around mid-afternoon. My parents and my brother are traveling with us as well. Now, I could hit the parks running but my parents may be a little "tired" after traveling - so I'm not sure what they'll be up to. We could seperate and do our own thing but I think the first evening we're going to want to be all together. Here's what I want... a counter service location that we can all enjoy for a late lunch/early supper. Thoughts, suggestions, ideas...
A yummy non-park counter service...try the Pepper Market at Coronado Springs! It has "real" food like steak and chicken. They charge a small service fee though. I really like the Riverside Mill at Port Orleans Riverside, too. Port Orleans French Quarter has the famous beignettes.:slurp:

My second request is for one evening at Epcot. Hubby and I have a couple hours to ourself and we're dining at Le Cellier (yeah)! My parents do not have an ADR for that evening so they're taking the kiddos for us. (They will have eaten at Le Cellier that afternoon, actually!) Where should I send my parents with the kids? Here's what I want... a counter service (preferably in World Showcase) that both my parents could enjoy and get something for the kids too. Note, my parents are not "adventurous" eaters but would be open to suggestions. Also my kids aren't picky eaters, so I have that in my favor! Thoughts, suggestions, ideas...

The Liberty Inn would be a safe counter service. It is in the American Pavillion. They have typical American fare. I don't know about the counter service in the United Kingdom. My aunt ate there and got very sick. The counter service in Morocco is not for someone who is not an adventurous eater. Norway has yummy pastries but the "real" food never looked too appealing.

Thanks everybody!:wave:

Have a great trip!
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I'd suggest going to the food court at the resort for your first meal. Just based on convienence mostly, it's right there in your resort plus being a food court there are a lot of options for everyone.

San Angel Inn is one of my favorite QSR locations but I'm a sucker for Mexican food.
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New Member
Epcot - Teppanyaki...

although it has a new name now doesn't it... Teppan Edo? Something like that...

oh geez... can someone help me out here? What's Teppanyaki called now?

Either way you absolutely cannot go wrong there... it's fantastic; plus it's great entertainment!
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New Member
Our favorite counter service in World Showcase is the Boulangerie Patisserie in France. They serve GREAT french foods plus pastries (to die for!) at a great price! Quiche, croissants, baguettes, cheese plates... YUM! Chocolate mousse, souffles, eclairs... can I go now! :)

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The food court at AS Music is pretty good. Nice variety and convenient. Have something fast and then unwind by the pool while the kids play Wii bowling on the portable screen.
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Well-Known Member
The actual food court at the resort isn't to bad, as was suggested. Or maybe used the voucher you get when you get your ticket package and go to Planet Hollywood and walk around downtown Disney.

I would say send you parents to the electric umbrella....lots of good choices and you have a great view.
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Active Member
For me on arrival day, I have and will be traveling with my Dad who is 79! We always check out the food court of whatever place we are staying at. Always find what you are looking for, no spend so much money on first day and you are usually so hungry that ALMOST anything will do.
As far as the kids and your parents, I would send them to one of two places....Whispering Canyon Cafe in the WL resort or DHS 50's Prime-Time Cafe. Two VERY fun places that are quite entertaining as well as have "comfort food" so that everyone will find something they like. If you are in Epcot, DHS is just a short boad ride away. Whispering Canyon will take a little longer to get to (take a bus to the MK and transfer to the boat launch to WL)
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Tweedle Adie

New Member
Another great counter service in DTD is Cooke's of Dublin, it is in Pleasure island and serves fish 'n' chips, chicken fingers 'n' chips, meat pies etc.

As far as epcot goes, I agree that the mexico counter service is great, as is the Liberty Inn if you are looking for American Fare.
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Well-Known Member
I just want some suggestions or ideas from you guys on where to eat...

My first request is where to eat after we arrive. We're staying at AS Music and we'll probably arrive (at the resort) around mid-afternoon. My parents and my brother are traveling with us as well. Now, I could hit the parks running but my parents may be a little "tired" after traveling - so I'm not sure what they'll be up to. We could seperate and do our own thing but I think the first evening we're going to want to be all together. Here's what I want... a counter service location that we can all enjoy for a late lunch/early supper. Thoughts, suggestions, ideas...

If your parents are tired and don't want to go "out" on the first day, then why not all eat at the AS food court. Then thouse who want to park it can go to the parks, and the others can go relax at the resort.

If you all want to go to the parks, then your first order of business is what park do you want to go to, After you decide THAT, then pick your QSFB location.

My second request is for one evening at Epcot. Hubby and I have a couple hours to ourself and we're dining at Le Cellier (yeah)! My parents do not have an ADR for that evening so they're taking the kiddos for us. (They will have eaten at Le Cellier that afternoon, actually!) Where should I send my parents with the kids? Here's what I want... a counter service (preferably in World Showcase) that both my parents could enjoy and get something for the kids too. Note, my parents are not "adventurous" eaters but would be open to suggestions. Also my kids aren't picky eaters, so I have that in my favor! Thoughts, suggestions, ideas...
Thanks everybody!:wave:

While there are many many many great places to eat in EPCOT, I have to agree with the poster who suggested Sunshine Seasons (food court in The Land). It's not in the WS, but it's not far from Le Cellier either. There will be something for everyone at Sunshine Seasons. If you really want them to eat in WS, then America is the "safest" bet. I personaly like the Tanginere Cafe, but then thats most likely not to your parents taste.

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Active Member
Either the food court at your resort if they are very tired or Trails End Buffeteria at FW. its very good and everyone can pick what they want to eat. As far as WS we just love the English fish and chips. we go there every time at least once......
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Active Member
I guess for the first night there if you do not want to eat at the hotel, then I would suggest Epcot at either Mexico or UK (Both of them are near the entrance to world showcase but at opposite ends so this way you will not have to walk to far if you are tired). I did not eat at the Mexico counter service the last time I went, but remember it having a nice selection for both adults and kids. Most kids or adults for that matter will eat a taco? And in UK, they have fish and chips which are great and kids will eat that assuming they like fish. Also they both have great "adult" beverage selections if you are so inclined (I know after a long day of traveling, I am looking for a beer or something by dinner time to help me relax a little). Also there are some nice shopping opportunities in both places and the kids will probably not be bored. Enjoy your trip. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks everybody for all your suggestions!:wave:

I like the idea of just getting something in our food court but would you believe I've never eaten (except for one breakfast) at the food court!?!:o I was there for 8 days and we always ate in the parks! So, how is the food in the food court, would it be alright? We're not that picky and I'm sure we'll be starving by the time we get there - so maybe the food court is not a bad idea! But if I can convince the folks to go out somewhere I may drag them to DTD and go to either Wolfgang Puck Express or Earl of Sandwich. You've all convinced me of that idea!

As for Epcot... I may send them to America to eat or Sunshine Seasons. I wanted something in WS but FW is not that far away! I think America may be the best bet with my parents b/c I wouldn't want to send them somewhere and they not like it. My dad is a really picky eater - and I never really realized it until I looked at the menus and tried to find a restaurant for them to eat at.

Again thanks everybody and if you have anything else to suggest... post away!:)
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Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
The food in the food court at ASMu is fine, but nothing more than that. You'll eat and feel like you ate in a mall food court, but paid a bit more. :shrug:

My favorite counter-service outside the parks is Pepper Market at Coronado Springs, right down the street from your hotel. The food is a notch better than the other food courts, but it does qualify is a little bit (not much, but a little) on the adventurous side. If neither of those two works for you, Earl of Sandwich at DTD is also pretty good.

For CS in Epcot, Sunshine Seasons has far and away the best and most interesting food, plus indoor seating. There are some adventurous things but also some pretty normal stuff, too. Liberty Tree in the American Adventure is just burgers and fries. Yakatori House in Japan is OK for basic Asian, and the Tangerine Cafe in Morocco is decent, but a bit on the adventurous side.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody for all your suggestions!:wave:

I like the idea of just getting something in our food court but would you believe I've never eaten (except for one breakfast) at the food court!?!:o I was there for 8 days and we always ate in the parks! So, how is the food in the food court, would it be alright? We're not that picky and I'm sure we'll be starving by the time we get there - so maybe the food court is not a bad idea! But if I can convince the folks to go out somewhere I may drag them to DTD and go to either Wolfgang Puck Express or Earl of Sandwich. You've all convinced me of that idea!

As for Epcot... I may send them to America to eat or Sunshine Seasons. I wanted something in WS but FW is not that far away! I think America may be the best bet with my parents b/c I wouldn't want to send them somewhere and they not like it. My dad is a really picky eater - and I never really realized it until I looked at the menus and tried to find a restaurant for them to eat at.

Again thanks everybody and if you have anything else to suggest... post away!:)

I don't know how picky your dad is, but for my tastes I would much rather go to Wolfgang Puck's Express if you are going to hoof it to DTD.

I would much rather have dinner off of a real plate, with real untensils, rather than out of a carboard basket on a plastic tray. Don't get me wrong, the sandwiches at EoS are excellent, and for lunch or walking around its great. But after a flight when maybe you want to relax over dinner, its not what I have in mind.

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Well-Known Member
I just want some suggestions or ideas from you guys on where to eat...

My first request is where to eat after we arrive. We're staying at AS Music and we'll probably arrive (at the resort) around mid-afternoon. My parents and my brother are traveling with us as well. Now, I could hit the parks running but my parents may be a little "tired" after traveling - so I'm not sure what they'll be up to. We could seperate and do our own thing but I think the first evening we're going to want to be all together. Here's what I want... a counter service location that we can all enjoy for a late lunch/early supper. Thoughts, suggestions, ideas...

My second request is for one evening at Epcot. Hubby and I have a couple hours to ourself and we're dining at Le Cellier (yeah)! My parents do not have an ADR for that evening so they're taking the kiddos for us. (They will have eaten at Le Cellier that afternoon, actually!) Where should I send my parents with the kids? Here's what I want... a counter service (preferably in World Showcase) that both my parents could enjoy and get something for the kids too. Note, my parents are not "adventurous" eaters but would be open to suggestions. Also my kids aren't picky eaters, so I have that in my favor! Thoughts, suggestions, ideas...

Thanks everybody!:wave:

I would suggest when you arrive to either eat at DTD as an option or maybe eating at one of the deluxe resorts. Artist Point is an excellent restaurant, and so Concourse Steakhouse. Beaches and Cream is a nice restaurant, but they take no ADRs so you maybe waiting for quite some time.

As for Epcot, Teppan Edo is wonderful; also Marrakesh is one of our favorites. Le Cellier is truly a wonderful dining experience. Coral Reef is very nice as well.
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