<<Are you ignorant enough to believe that hard work is enough for people to get where they should be in life?
Ummmm, yeah I guess so as it has always worked before>>
No, it hasn't. Fome some, sure it has.
But as a blanket statement, it's just ignorant hyperbole. Something you have proven to be quite adept at.
I would never suggest people shouldn't work hard. But it is very simplistic to suggest hard work will lead to success.
<<As to the military, people shouldn't have to put their lives on the line (or become trained killers) far away from their families in order to make a decent week's pay. If someone wants to join the military that's fine. But putting that out there as an option if the job market sucks (as it does now) is crazy.
It's not for everyone but it has brought millions highly successful carrers. Obviouly it's not for you. >>
Agreed. I never said anything differently. I have friends with family in the military. My best childhood friend ended a long career with the Navy and now works for major aerospace corp.
<<Take your mock indignation and stick it in your bag of assorted insults.
Say what?>>
Don't act daft. You hurl names and labels and accusations and then play dumb ...
<<We have a class of slave labor in this country today ... the simplest definition would be people who work 40-plus hours a week for a non-living wage. These people who have no choice but to work horrible jobs for little pay with no chance of advancing or improving themselves.
I didn't know that once you work for someone you then can't go work for somebody else. That must be a new rule I am not aware of.>>
Guess what? For many people there are no other options. And that was the case even in the great years of the dot.com boom of the 90s. The poorest amongst us don't have the ability to simply walk away ... that's why it's called the cycle of poverty.
<<You have no clue what you are talking about. But I'll give you this, you're the best at what you do.
See below
But I am really tired of you misrepresenting my views/opinions/statements to fit your own agenda.
You are mad because you can't believe someone is challanging your world view................obviously>>
Uhm ... no. I am not 'mad' at all. I am tired of your crap, JT. And you know it.
You would be welcome to challenge my world view, although you don't know it because I haven't put it on a Disney fan forum. But you can challenge anything I write ... it's labeling me and misreprsenting my views and opinions I have an issue with. You know it and persist because you think you're getting a rise out of me.
<<I am not a 'liberal' not that there is anything wrong with that term anymore than there is with 'conservative'.
I never called you a liberal :shrug:>>
You said I have a 'liberal anti-capitalist' agenda. You wanna backtrack on that? And you called me a 'Commie' on another thread recently.
<<I have always been a big fan of capitalism too. But capitalism as it is practiced in this country has clearly been proven to be a fraud. So, yeah, if you are a proponent of Big Business and love giving tax money to prop up billion dollar companies that engaged in very bad at best (unethical or illegal at worst) practices all the while blaming it on individuals buying big houses or nice TVs, yeah, I am anti-capitalist.
As I thought :lookaroun>>
Yes. And you're an apologist for Big Business I guess.
<<I am more concerned with Joe Average and small business people than I am with AIG, Northern Trust Capital, Lehman Bros, Citi, BoA etc ...
...While you constantly insinuate how superior you are to the average Joe. You also call the average joe out for not recognizing how WDW is "walmarted". By the way, the average joe goes to walmart voluntarily.>>
See, this is what I am talking about. It's bull plain and simple. I never insinuate that I am better than anyone. The average tourist to WDW certainly doesn't see things like most of us here do ... it doesn't make them stupid or lower life forms.
And I have stated countless times that many of the 'average joes' do indeed see parks that are dirty and neglected, crappy merchandise, overpriced food etc ... they just don't tend to post on forums like this.
As for people going to WalMart, they do because of price, especially now. But many shoppers ARE ignorant to the fact that WalMart can offer such savings because of their predatory tactics that put others out of business, cost Americans jobs and lower the quality of living for all.
<<I clearly don't bore you because you can't help but respond to my posts and even invoke me in threads I am not even taking part in ... and your smarmy act is very tired.
Again I am one of the few willing to counter your anti Disney rants. You seem to prefer people just sit at your feet and agree. >>
I don't care whether people on an online forum agree with me, disagree with me or are on the fence so long as they can intelligently make a point. You can't. You just engage in tactics designed to put the focus on me and not what I write. Again, it's tiresome.
Here's an idea ... why don't you go get a degree ... or join the military.
I have done and been highly achieved at everything I suggest. It works and I have lived it so I know it works. I am more experienced and have traveled extensively (including many years overseas) for private sector work. So I do know of what I speak. And I know what the "average Joe" needs to do because I am the average Joe and have overcome more obstacles than you even know exists. Furthermore, I am a history buff and have learned that the chicken littles are always the most vocal during economic down times. If the economy is left alone it always rebounds. Always! As will the average Joes. :wave:
I have my doubts about what you've achieved, but that's really neither nere nor there. It doesn't matter what has happened to you. My point is you can't take one person's experience and extrapolate it to the masses.
I couldn't care less about what you've overcome because it has no place in this discussion anymore than what I or anyone else has.
As to your point about the economy rebounding if left alone, I agree. The problem is the government hasn't left it alone ... it's meddled for years ... not regulated things when it should have ... and now is socializing Wall Street.
Will it rebound? Sure ... at some point. But to say it's been left alone when trillions of taxpayer dollars are propping up companies that should have collapsed (and many that should have CEOs in cells awaiting trial) is complete and utter BS.
And before you blame Obama for the mess, realize this started long before two months ago.