I didn't mean that Frozen wouldn't be a good fit, I just think Soarin fits extra well. A ride about flying over the world is a good fit in an adventurey-explorey kind of park.
I'm really not opposed to either, and I appologize for not wording that part very clearly.

Yes, I am obsessed with the g. I know you are just poking fun at me but I will try to explain, because I am obsessed, and it does bother me.
It's like if, for example, a certain language never pronounces s with a z sound. So then Disney just spells their name as "Dizney" in that country/region to avoid pronunciation issues. Would you be fine with that?
Rather than having people learn the correct name and the correct pronunciation, they're going a different route that hurts the brand and leads to more confusion in the end.
The same is true for Soarin'. Yes, am I a bit obsessed over one letter? Sure. So this is the end of my g-rants... for now.