So my husband informs me that I'm sick!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the rest of you, but when I get the Disney "sickness" and spend months obsessing over the upcoming trip, I actually feel sort of a letdown once I get there. Don't get me wrong, I still have a good time and all. But there is a sense of...I dunno...discontent maybe. Maybe it's because you can picture this perfect vacation in your mind, but nothing can meet up to those perfect expectations. It's like the first Star Wars prequel when it came out. For years, people had this ideal in their mind of these awesome prequels. And once you set your expectations that high, you're almost bound to be letdown by the real thing when it finally comes out.

Same for me with a Disney trip. When I become obsessed with it and so excited about it for months, it's kind of a letdown when it finally gets here. Personally, I think (if it was possible, LOL) that I would enjoy my trips even more if I could set the plans in motion and then forget about it (except to the extent that I still have to plan along the way) until it's time to go and just enjoy life as it is in the meantime. Perhaps then, I could enjoy it to the fullest without that sense of "letdown" once I actually get there.


New Member
I don't know about the rest of you, but when I get the Disney "sickness" and spend months obsessing over the upcoming trip, I actually feel sort of a letdown once I get there. Don't get me wrong, I still have a good time and all. But there is a sense of...I dunno...discontent maybe. Maybe it's because you can picture this perfect vacation in your mind, but nothing can meet up to those perfect expectations. It's like the first Star Wars prequel when it came out. For years, people had this ideal in their mind of these awesome prequels. And once you set your expectations that high, you're almost bound to be letdown by the real thing when it finally comes out.

Same for me with a Disney trip. When I become obsessed with it and so excited about it for months, it's kind of a letdown when it finally gets here. Personally, I think (if it was possible, LOL) that I would enjoy my trips even more if I could set the plans in motion and then forget about it (except to the extent that I still have to plan along the way) until it's time to go and just enjoy life as it is in the meantime. Perhaps then, I could enjoy it to the fullest without that sense of "letdown" once I actually get there.
i think maybe the reason for the letdown is the expectations you have on yourself such as im gonna do this im gonna do that but maybe you just cant do all that you think you can


Well-Known Member
i think maybe the reason for the letdown is the expectations you have on yourself such as im gonna do this im gonna do that but maybe you just cant do all that you think you can

I'm sure that's part of it. But I still think it's because when you spend months and months obsessing over a vacation which flies by so quickly once you get there, you can't help feeling letdown.


Well-Known Member
I love planning it almost as much as going. By the way, I am sick too!! I have been a little stressed here lately and one way for me to relieve some of it is to get on here and read and talk about Disney. I think that my friends and most of my family believe that I talk about Disney to much, but I don't care. My husband feels about Gatlinburg, like I feel about Disney. I wish there was some way to bring him over to the other side!!

I do understand the "let down" after the vacation is over. I am not sure how to handle this other than to get on here and read and talk about Disney.I have been scrapbooking our pictures too and it has been fun. For me, it keeps a little of the magic alive.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Not trying to go all "preachy" or turn this into a religious discussion, but since you asked, I guess my answer would be that yes, this level of obsession is bad. And I will be the first to admit that as I point the finger at you, I have four more pointing back at me, because I catch myself doing the same thing.

From my Christian perspective, I believe we are supposed to have our thoughts focused on God and let everything else fall behind that. To be so obsessed with Disney that it occupies your thoughts constantly is idolotry, if you really want to get technical. Like I said, I'm not just picking on you, because I find myself doing the same thing that you do. And I have to try to make a conscious effort not to let Disney be my focus in life. I enjoy Disney and don't see anything wrong with loving the place. But it IS wrong to let it become the God of one's life.

Sorry but christ has nothing to do with this.....I'm a catholic and all but ....disney is a good part our life...We work, pay the bills, kids are taken care of if disney is the rest of our be it.....I see absolutly nothing wrong with it............Have a magical day!!!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yes... yes I have a problem. But may I never be cured.


P.S.: Can we please, PLEASE keep the God things off the boards?? Thanks!!

I agree if I wanted to hear someone preach I'd be the good catholic and go to church.....To each is own opinion. I understand..but really it is a disney site...

58 more days till my obsession is fullfilled!!!


Active Member
Not trying to go all "preachy" or turn this into a religious discussion, but since you asked, I guess my answer would be that yes, this level of obsession is bad. And I will be the first to admit that as I point the finger at you, I have four more pointing back at me, because I catch myself doing the same thing.

From my Christian perspective, I believe we are supposed to have our thoughts focused on God and let everything else fall behind that. To be so obsessed with Disney that it occupies your thoughts constantly is idolotry, if you really want to get technical. Like I said, I'm not just picking on you, because I find myself doing the same thing that you do. And I have to try to make a conscious effort not to let Disney be my focus in life. I enjoy Disney and don't see anything wrong with loving the place. But it IS wrong to let it become the God of one's life.

Be "preachy" all you want :) That was good testament to our common faith. I agree with you all the way bro. Also, I will be with my wife and children at WDW Nov 3 -10th :sohappy:


Hi! I'm Lauren and I'm a Disneyholic. I've been sick for 32 years. I am happy to say I infect new people everyday. I love the medicine and don't want a cure!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Not trying to go all "preachy" or turn this into a religious discussion.......
you should have stopped right there :lol:

...But it IS wrong to let it become the God of one's life.
in your humble opinion of course. :wave:

Disney is my religion. I make my pilgrimage to WDW at least once a year, usually twice a year.
and this is why im jealous of my neighbor harry. do you think we could have an intervention on sam and get her to budget 2 times a year :D


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the rest of you, but when I get the Disney "sickness" and spend months obsessing over the upcoming trip, I actually feel sort of a letdown once I get there. Don't get me wrong, I still have a good time and all. But there is a sense of...I dunno...discontent maybe. Maybe it's because you can picture this perfect vacation in your mind, but nothing can meet up to those perfect expectations. It's like the first Star Wars prequel when it came out. For years, people had this ideal in their mind of these awesome prequels. And once you set your expectations that high, you're almost bound to be letdown by the real thing when it finally comes out.

Same for me with a Disney trip. When I become obsessed with it and so excited about it for months, it's kind of a letdown when it finally gets here. Personally, I think (if it was possible, LOL) that I would enjoy my trips even more if I could set the plans in motion and then forget about it (except to the extent that I still have to plan along the way) until it's time to go and just enjoy life as it is in the meantime. Perhaps then, I could enjoy it to the fullest without that sense of "letdown" once I actually get there.
My trips are better then I expect once I get there...I get all excited planning and setting everything up and wanting it to be the BEST vacation ever and every time it is better then before.....I am never letdown at all...and my expectations are always more then fullfilled..(sp):veryconfu

Sorry but christ has nothing to do with this.....I'm a catholic and all but ....disney is a good part our life...We work, pay the bills, kids are taken care of if disney is the rest of our be it.....I see absolutly nothing wrong with it............Have a magical day!!!!
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

I agree...:)

We are not neglecting our health or family or lives..we are adding to them by having Disney in it.

We are also sharing our "obsession" with the people in our lives.

My Family and Disney two favorite things..How can you go wrong?:shrug:


Craig & Lisa

Active Member
We have had 16 visits since 1997, sons were 1 1/2 and 4, even now after all these trips I can ask them, do you think after all this time you could be board with Disney. Without a second of thought they answer no. A neighbor, who asked our advise about WDW, has gone twice. Both times after she has thanked us left and right about how great their trip was, and can't wait till they go again. Even now less than 2 weeks after our last trip we are working on another trip for early Nov., which will be our third one this year. We go alot, I'll admit that, and some people might say that we are obsessed. So what! There are alot of places that we could go to in the world, as people have said. But I don't believe those places will leave us with a feeling that everybody here has felt everytime they have gone to WDW. I don't care what people say about us going so much, they have never gone or never planned out their trip the right way, or just didn't have an opened mind and was just looking for something to tear apart to make their point, and not admit their having a good time, if they don't go that means there's more room for us. :D Be proud of who you are, and ignore their comments, and plan you next trip without hesitation, and let the antisipation grow inside you and it will make your trip that much more fun. LONG LIVE THE AC!!!:animwink:

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