I don't know about the rest of you, but when I get the Disney "sickness" and spend months obsessing over the upcoming trip, I actually feel sort of a letdown once I get there. Don't get me wrong, I still have a good time and all. But there is a sense of...I dunno...discontent maybe. Maybe it's because you can picture this perfect vacation in your mind, but nothing can meet up to those perfect expectations. It's like the first Star Wars prequel when it came out. For years, people had this ideal in their mind of these awesome prequels. And once you set your expectations that high, you're almost bound to be letdown by the real thing when it finally comes out.
Same for me with a Disney trip. When I become obsessed with it and so excited about it for months, it's kind of a letdown when it finally gets here. Personally, I think (if it was possible, LOL) that I would enjoy my trips even more if I could set the plans in motion and then forget about it (except to the extent that I still have to plan along the way) until it's time to go and just enjoy life as it is in the meantime. Perhaps then, I could enjoy it to the fullest without that sense of "letdown" once I actually get there.