So my husband informs me that I'm sick!!


New Member
I'm not disputing that at all. I enjoy Disney, so I obviously see nothing wrong or ungodly with going there and having a good time. And I don't disagree that there is alot of good religious symbolism there.

The point that I was making is that ANYTHING can be "bad" if it becomes an idol in one's life. Even things that are, in and of themselves, neither good not bad, or even things which are good, in and of themselves. But we were just talking in Sunday School class yesterday how any of these things can be bad if they become a God in our life, ie, become the focus of all our attention and thoughts and take over the spot that God should have in our life.

And like I said, I'm preaching to myself just as much as I am to the OP. Because I, too, find myself dwelling too much on WDW and letting it be the focus of all my thoughts, attention and affections. And that's bad. That's idolotry. I find myself having to remind myself that God should be my focus, not WDW. Not that WDW is bad in any way...just that is should not be the focus of my life. :wave:

I'm sorry, but religious topics should be kept in the "Chit Chat" forum or some other Christian website. This thread was started about Disney obsession, not Disney obsession that is interfering with loving God. Most of us don't come here to hear a sermon or to be told how much we are negelecting God by loving Disney.



Active Member
you should have stopped right there :lol:

in your humble opinion of course. :wave:

and this is why im jealous of my neighbor harry. do you think we could have an intervention on sam and get her to budget 2 times a year :D

Maybe we could carpool and cut some of the expenses....


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but religious topics should be kept in the "Chit Chat" forum or some other Christian website. This thread was started about Disney obsession, not Disney obsession that is interfering with loving God. Most of us don't come here to hear a sermon or to be told how much we are negelecting God by loving Disney.


Like I said...the OP started this thread about Disney obsession, as you say, but she asked our opinion. She asked "is this bad". So apparently, she was seeking our input and I gave her mine. I gave her my opinion and explained my reasoning. Agree with it or not...that's up to you. But I simply gave her my opinion, which she asked for. :wave:
Wow, Mrs. Flanders. Lighten up a little.
The Lord loveth a good theme park.

Not that I am encouraging others to poke at people's beliefs (not saying you were), but I'll tell ya, this made me laugh out loud!!!

By the way....My name is Kiera and my husband secretly put some Disney in a drink I had once, and now I, too am a Disnoid.

Mrs. funny:lol:.


Active Member
I totally love disney and when I talk about it I do sound obsessed, but there could be worse things to be obsessed about. While I'm obsessed, it doesn't mean that it stops me from doing other things and having a life outside Disney, even though most people looking from the outside in couldn't see it that way.

I love planning my trip and while I don't plan it down to the mil-second, I'm never let down by a trip. I don't allow things to bother me and interefer with me having a good time. We go loosely by a plan and have a few key things we want to hit and all the rest is gravy. If you are seriously let down after the trip, there may be deeper issues involved. I know most folks are a little let down when the trip is over, but it is more like, gee it's over already feeling.

God and Disney are two separate things, one can't be compared as being more important than the other, imo.


Active Member
If God is omnipresent (everywhere) doesn't that mean that God is present in Disney theme parks as well? There is a yoga expression "namaste" which basically means "the divinity in me acknowledges the divinity in you." I carry this philosophy with me everywhere. That's why I enjoy meeting people from all over the world as I spend my days in the Disney parks. As Walt might say, "'It's a small world after all!"

Back to the original point of the thread, this is why I'm not worried about my love of Disney parks being a "sickness." It's part of the wonderful life that I've been blessed with, just as my family, my home, my pets and my garden are. And all those blessings, including having a great time vacationing at WDW, are from the Source of all things.


Well-Known Member
If God is omnipresent (everywhere) doesn't that mean that God is present in Disney theme parks as well? There is a yoga expression "namaste" which basically means "the divinity in me acknowledges the divinity in you." I carry this philosophy with me everywhere. That's why I enjoy meeting people from all over the world as I spend my days in the Disney parks. As Walt might say, "'It's a small world after all!"

Back to the original point of the thread, this is why I'm not worried about my love of Disney parks being a "sickness." It's part of the wonderful life that I've been blessed with, just as my family, my home, my pets and my garden are. And all those blessings, including having a great time vacationing at WDW, are from the Source of all things.
Great post Harry!


Well-Known Member
I totally love disney and when I talk about it I do sound obsessed, but there I love planning my trip and while I don't plan it down to the mil-second, I'm never let down by a trip. I don't allow things to bother me and interefer with me having a good time. We go loosely by a plan and have a few key things we want to hit and all the rest is gravy.

I have much to learn from you,then. LOL My wife says I'm like a drill sargent when we're down there. :ROFLOL: I have my agenda of what I want to do and if anything unforseen comes up to threaten that, I get majorly upset. I'm trying to be less and forsake my commando ways, but old habits are hard to break. :brick:

If you are seriously let down after the trip, there may be deeper issues involved. I know most folks are a little let down when the trip is over, but it is more like, gee it's over already feeling.

I never said I get majorly let down or anything. But part of it is the normal letdown that you all feel when the trip is finally over and it's time to head back to reality. And I think part of it is the letdown of knowing that I just spent so many months obsessing over something and planning all these details and looking forward to it, and now it's over just like that, and nothing left to do but look at pictures and wonder when the next trip is going to be. LOL


Active Member
If God is omnipresent (everywhere) doesn't that mean that God is present in Disney theme parks as well? There is a yoga expression "namaste" which basically means "the divinity in me acknowledges the divinity in you." I carry this philosophy with me everywhere. That's why I enjoy meeting people from all over the world as I spend my days in the Disney parks. As Walt might say, "'It's a small world after all!"

Back to the original point of the thread, this is why I'm not worried about my love of Disney parks being a "sickness." It's part of the wonderful life that I've been blessed with, just as my family, my home, my pets and my garden are. And all those blessings, including having a great time vacationing at WDW, are from the Source of all things.

Loved this.


Active Member
I have much to learn from you,then. LOL My wife says I'm like a drill sargent when we're down there. :ROFLOL: I have my agenda of what I want to do and if anything unforseen comes up to threaten that, I get majorly upset. I'm trying to be less and forsake my commando ways, but old habits are hard to break. :brick:

I never said I get majorly let down or anything. But part of it is the normal letdown that you all feel when the trip is finally over and it's time to head back to reality. And I think part of it is the letdown of knowing that I just spent so many months obsessing over something and planning all these details and looking forward to it, and now it's over just like that, and nothing left to do but look at pictures and wonder when the next trip is going to be. LOL

You definitely need to loosen up a bit, going commando only makes everyone crazy, go with the philosophy that "hey we come down often enough, so if it doesn't happen this trip, then it will be the next one. I know it will be a hard habit to break, but it will make you feel better when you do get the monkey off your back :) .

Okay, so not majorly let down. Don't focus about how much obsessing you did before the trip for the planning, that's just all part of the fun and process. That's how I view it and after the trip don't even think about that anymore, I just look forward to seeing the photo's and remembering the good times we were having and what we were doing that day and any funny stories. The next trip can just be around the corner sometimes it can happen when you least expect it, special rates, free dining, whatever, but come to these boards in the meantime and enjoy and commune with others in the same situation, it helps.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Harry, I like your approach...a lot. I think you can find "magic" anywhere at any time just by appreciating all you have. :)

As for the problem of feeling let down after so much planning, you're all free to try my approach: Don't plan anything. :lookaroun

I seriously think I would hate doing Disney with an itenerary. I love just walking around and doing whatever I feel like at the moment. It's liberating. :cool: :shrug:


Liker of Things
Premium Member
My trips are better then I expect once I get there...I get all excited planning and setting everything up and wanting it to be the BEST vacation ever and every time it is better then before.....I am never letdown at all...and my expectations are always more then fullfilled

Me too. In my case, I went to EPCOT and MK all the time when I was in high school. Now, I am far away and even though I think about WDW from time to time it doesn't dominate my every thought. Thus, when I finally get there a big chunk of my brain goes - "THIS PLACE IS FRIGGIN' AWESOME!" and I realize that I had forgotten the sheer amount of mind numbing pleasure that Disney style sensory overload can induce.

shoppingnut said:
You definitely need to loosen up a bit, going commando only makes everyone crazy, go with the philosophy that "hey we come down often enough, so if it doesn't happen this trip, then it will be the next one. I know it will be a hard habit to break, but it will make you feel better when you do get the monkey off your back :) .

Wilt Dasney said:
I seriously think I would hate doing Disney with an itenerary. I love just walking around and doing whatever I feel like at the moment. It's liberating. :cool: :shrug:

I agree with both of you. Though I do some planning (since I considered the WDW vacation expert on both sides of the family), I also leave time to walk around and randomly do stuff. I also make sure everyone knows we can change plans when they look they're not gonna work out for some reason.


Active Member
Harry, I like your approach...a lot. I think you can find "magic" anywhere at any time just by appreciating all you have. :)

As for the problem of feeling let down after so much planning, you're all free to try my approach: Don't plan anything. :lookaroun

I seriously think I would hate doing Disney with an itenerary. I love just walking around and doing whatever I feel like at the moment. It's liberating. :cool: :shrug:

We plan which parks we will be in at mealtime, so we can make dining reservations. And we take note of which parks have extended hours. But other than that, we pretty much plan on being spontaneous.


Well-Known Member
Harry, I like your approach...a lot. I think you can find "magic" anywhere at any time just by appreciating all you have. :)

As for the problem of feeling let down after so much planning, you're all free to try my approach: Don't plan anything. :lookaroun

I seriously think I would hate doing Disney with an itenerary. I love just walking around and doing whatever I feel like at the moment. It's liberating. :cool: :shrug:
I agree with you BJ - the best trips DH and I have had have been ones where we just hopped the first bus that came and went to whatever park it went to. However, when you're with a group or with kids, you do have to have more of a plan or you'll have some pretty unhappy campers!


Well-Known Member
We plan which parks we will be in at mealtime, so we can make dining reservations. And we take note of which parks have extended hours. But other than that, we pretty much plan on being spontaneous.
Sometimes you meet the nicest people that way! :kiss:

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