So my husband informs me that I'm sick!!


Well-Known Member
I'm a 46 year old business type who doesn't gamble, drink very much, or hang out in bars. I am totally obsessed with all things Disney, and have been since I was 6 years old. My whole family chuckles about it, but gets swept up in the "ripples", and enjoys every minute of it. They have all told me though, that if I wasn't around that it wouldn't be the same and that their memories of Disney involve their relationships with me. That it is part of our family and that it means "Dad" as much as it means Disney. My 18 year old honors student wears ears every year, and has Bambi hanging in her room. My son is doing a CP program. My 14 year old can sing the COP song. My wife collects pins. But in the end, they associate it with their family and our traditions. So when they call me obsessed, they say it with love and affection. Disney has meant a lot to our family and to me. So does that sound like a "sickness" to you? It sounds like I have raised healthy and happy kids in the shadow of the mouse.

I could sure do a lot worse. May there never be a cure.


Active Member
I think I get more sick day by day. eBay doesn't make things easier. I'm considering going to WDW for a day somethime this week, just for a fix.

I suggest my fellow sickies with iTunes search for the song "Disney Freak" - it'll help you know that you're not alone :)


New Member
He's probably heard 'The Fishing Song' on the radio.

The words go like this:

"Well I love her
But I love to fish
I spend all day out on this lake
And h--- is all I catch
Today she met me at the door
Said I would have to choose
If I hit that fishin' hole today
She'd be packin' all her things
And she'd be gone by noon

Well I'm gonna miss her

Yeah, I'm gonna miss her
Oh, lookie there, I've got a bite"


You could substitute WDW for the fishing parts.

:lol: :lol:

living dead!

New Member
i am also addicted!

my girlfriend, my friends, and even my own family tells me I am insane when it comes to the World. but, ya know what? IT FEELS GOOD!


Well-Known Member
Not trying to go all "preachy" or turn this into a religious discussion, but since you asked, I guess my answer would be that yes, this level of obsession is bad. And I will be the first to admit that as I point the finger at you, I have four more pointing back at me, because I catch myself doing the same thing.

From my Christian perspective, I believe we are supposed to have our thoughts focused on God and let everything else fall behind that. To be so obsessed with Disney that it occupies your thoughts constantly is idolotry, if you really want to get technical. Like I said, I'm not just picking on you, because I find myself doing the same thing that you do. And I have to try to make a conscious effort not to let Disney be my focus in life. I enjoy Disney and don't see anything wrong with loving the place. But it IS wrong to let it become the God of one's life.


New Member
Not trying to go all "preachy" or turn this into a religious discussion, but since you asked, I guess my answer would be that yes, this level of obsession is bad. And I will be the first to admit that as I point the finger at you, I have four more pointing back at me, because I catch myself doing the same thing.

From my Christian perspective, I believe we are supposed to have our thoughts focused on God and let everything else fall behind that. To be so obsessed with Disney that it occupies your thoughts constantly is idolotry, if you really want to get technical. Like I said, I'm not just picking on you, because I find myself doing the same thing that you do. And I have to try to make a conscious effort not to let Disney be my focus in life. I enjoy Disney and don't see anything wrong with loving the place. But it IS wrong to let it become the God of one's life.

Wow, Mrs. Flanders. Lighten up a little.
The Lord loveth a good theme park.

We recently studied "The Gospel According to Disney: Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust" in our adult Sunday school class. It was very good and pointed out a lot of religious symbolism and values in the Disney stories and movies. Walt apparently put a lot of his personal values and beliefs into the Disney productions.

Here's a link to the book.

This one is also good, "The Gospel According to Disney: Christian Values in the Early Animated Classics" :

Vaya con Dios.


Well-Known Member
Wow, Mrs. Flanders. Lighten up a little.
The Lord loveth a good theme park.

We recently studied "The Gospel According to Disney: Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust" in our adult Sunday school class. It was very good and pointed out a lot of religious symbolism and values in the Disney stories and movies. Walt apparently put a lot of his personal values and beliefs into the Disney productions.:)

I'm not disputing that at all. I enjoy Disney, so I obviously see nothing wrong or ungodly with going there and having a good time. And I don't disagree that there is alot of good religious symbolism there.

The point that I was making is that ANYTHING can be "bad" if it becomes an idol in one's life. Even things that are, in and of themselves, neither good not bad, or even things which are good, in and of themselves. But we were just talking in Sunday School class yesterday how any of these things can be bad if they become a God in our life, ie, become the focus of all our attention and thoughts and take over the spot that God should have in our life.

And like I said, I'm preaching to myself just as much as I am to the OP. Because I, too, find myself dwelling too much on WDW and letting it be the focus of all my thoughts, attention and affections. And that's bad. That's idolotry. I find myself having to remind myself that God should be my focus, not WDW. Not that WDW is bad in any way...just that is should not be the focus of my life. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Yes... yes I have a problem. But may I never be cured.


P.S.: Can we please, PLEASE keep the God things off the boards?? Thanks!!

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
If you're spending your whole life fixated on a place that you spend a few weeks at out of the year, you're missing out on all the cool experiences and places you can encounter every day.

I like Disney World a lot, but I think I'd drive myself nuts if I spent all my time thinking about when I was going to get to go back. Same as with anything else. I enjoy it when I'm there and make the best of where I am the rest of the time. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
If you're spending your whole life fixated on a place that you spend a few weeks at out of the year, you're missing out on all the cool experiences and places you can encounter every day.

I like Disney World a lot, but I think I'd drive myself nuts if I spent all my time thinking about when I was going to get to go back. Same as with anything else. I enjoy it when I'm there and make the best of where I am the rest of the time. :shrug:

I think you got it about right in my opinion!

But I do go when I get a chance!:)

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