So-long stupid Noodle Station!


New Member
I will miss the Noodle Station, as it is the first creative advance in WDW food since the demise of the beloved "Handwich"!!! :lol:

Disney Food Service needs to get on the ball and look at the changing food trends and population shifts. "Noodle"-type restaurants and "Chipotle"-type burrito places are all the rage in most large cities, yet is is nearly impossible to get either at WDW. This is an obvious reaction to the changing demographics in the US.

What great healthier and more delicious choices over standard theme park fare of burgers and hotdogs.

I think "Pirata" and "Noodletown" failed because the location, food quality, and operating hours were all misguided. In lots of other scenarios, they would have become two of the most popular places to eat in the parks.

Oh well...they'll get the quick buck from the "Temp Buffet", while buying more time to analyze their next move. Win/Win for Disney. But doesn't do much for the guests...


Good post! I completely agree. The quick-service options remind of the school cafeteria in high-school! Pizza, burger, fries. Not very exciting or healthy.


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't think $28-29 is a lot for a Disney buffet. We always go to Chef Mickey's at least twice a trip (it's our favorite :) ) and I believe the price is $28 there. So times that by 3 people and that's almost $100. It doesn't really phase us. Not because we're swimming in money but because it's Disney and that's how much good meals cost there. We budget ahead of time and since we've been there almost 30 times we know approximately how much it'll cost for meals our entire trip.

I think $30 is outragous for a buffet like that and wouldn't even think of eating there. If this is the case we can exepect it to end up like the noodles station, which was actually reasonable in price. You also forget one thing, Chef Mickey's is a character place. You pay more to have the characters come to your table, I haven't heard any mention of that for this one. $28 for Chef Mickey's is actually high when I find the food to be worse and at less selection than my local all you can eat bar (Which is less than $10 a plate). My point is Disney sure does have a high mark up, their food ain't that great. Disney's crazy if they expect people to pay that much for this. $20, maybe, but it still might have trouble attracting people given the place's history.


Well-Known Member
You are aware that there are few places nowadays where you can't easily find a burger and fries or Pizza? It may not be as cheap as here (although in some place cheaper), but it's not exotic. That's kind of a limited view of the world, no?

You keep throwing in Hot and Spicy. I never got to eat there - it was always closed. So I have no idea how theirs tasted. But noodles are not always hot and spicy. Noodles are pretty much a standard fare all over the world - Ramen, mac and cheese, Mein, Pad, Kluski - it's simple fare that can be infinitely varied by changing toppings, sauces, and broths.

And I was hoping you would draw a connection, but to clarify - the other thread is pages long about people who think Disney is just for kids, or think it is childish and simple-minded. Which I think is perfectly appropriate here. The food is simple minded. Yes they eventually decided to overdo the turkey legs. Yet it took them 20 years to do that, so no, I would not say they immediately respond to things like that.

If people were so interested in basic foods, then why are there such a growing number of fast casual restaurants in the area?


Well-Known Member

People from the UK don't come to WDW to find bangers'n mash and blood sausage...people don't come from Japan looking for Asian noodles.

There are many choices available at WDW besides burgers and chicken fingers, but they are on most of the menus because that's what a lot of people want to eat on vacation. It's funny that people keep saying "Oh, AMERICANS!" like international visitors are coming to WDW to find their native food (that they can eat EVERY DAY) in a fast food kiosk at WDW. We had an exchange student when I was in high school, and you know what the first thing he wanted was? A BURGER and MILKSHAKE.

So this argument that somehow international visitors demand their native food is BS, they are looking for American food. Again, the AVERAGE visitor, of which none of us who come to these boards are. Most people aren't around WDW long enough to get bored with food selection unless they are "fans".

By and large, people want comfort food on vacation, especially in fast-food settings. That's really what fast food is. People are on vacation, and they indulge in burgers and such that they don't always at home as well. That doesn't mean EVERYONE, but obviously it works for most people or a) Disney would change it (don't you see them taking INCESSANT surveys??) or b) people would stop going if it really, really bothered them as much as some people say.


It's not a native food argument. It's a healthier options argument. Yes, some guests want the typical American norm, but many do not want the unhealthy, grease-ridden food. Don't get me wrong, I adore WDW burgers (I get cravings). But, I know general thoughts, especially from parents, do not agree with this. Ask people at Guest Relations or greeters (and I speak from experience). Now, again, the Noodle Station didn't have quality. There is a reason fast food tends not to be healthy - it's expensive. However, that doesn't mean guests don't feel this way. In fact, I will almost guarantee you those surveys were what got us the Noodle Station in the first place.


Active Member
FWIW on the "who REALLY wants the burgers" debate, we were told on two separate tours that the reason why the Liberty Inn at the American Adventure (in Epcot) sells burgers is because of the demand from international visitors. Apparently an overhwelming majority of them come to WDW to get a stereotypically "American" vacation, and so they want to eat stereotypically "American" foods (i.e. lots 'n lotsa red meat! :lol: ) Don't ask me why they couldn't walk back to the Electric Umbrella...

Topic? ITA with the people in here who said that the Noodle Station failed because it went too "middle of the road" with its flavours. I get better noodles at home in my office tower's food court, and that's why I found the place so disappointing.

Most of the food offered at WDW is so good (to the poster who commented that WDW was losing market share because of its limited food choices: have you ventured outside the Magic Kingdom in the past 5 years?), that I have gotten some pretty high standards with respect to the choices I make while I am there... If it's not reasonably authentic, just plain good ol comfort food, or the kind of dessert calories were made for, then I ain't eatin' it!! :lol:

And I also agree with the wise posters who pointed out that the price is high on this buffet so that the people who are on the FDP can have some options if they haven't planned ahead. It never ceases to amaze me just how many people whine and complain to the nearest CM when they didn't plan ahead... Heck, if you're on day 2 of your first trip to the World, you start to figure out pretty quick that reservations are important, so you figure out how to make them (no different from trying to eat at popular restaurants back home). However, given the sheer volume of people who kvetch during free dining, this is a logical way to get them to get them to shut their pie holes while stuffing themselves!! Once again, the brilliance of Disney shines through!!! ;)


Well-Known Member
And I also agree with the wise posters who pointed out that the price is high on this buffet so that the people who are on the FDP can have some options if they haven't planned ahead. It never ceases to amaze me just how many people whine and complain to the nearest CM when they didn't plan ahead... Heck, if you're on day 2 of your first trip to the World, you start to figure out pretty quick that reservations are important, so you figure out how to make them (no different from trying to eat at popular restaurants back home). However, given the sheer volume of people who kvetch during free dining, this is a logical way to get them to get them to shut their pie holes while stuffing themselves!! Once again, the brilliance of Disney shines through!!! ;)

I work as a seater in a restaurant at the MK and I actually got YELLED at today by some woman complaining that ALL of the table service restaurants were booked.



New Member
However, there is a line between offering selections for differing tastes, and catering to a niche crowd.

For many years, Tomorrowland had a health food/vegetarian fast-food location. That's much more of a niche market than Asian food. I'll admit, as a kid, it would have been my last choice. But now I wish it was still open, I'd like to give it a try.



Not old, just vintage.
Wow. It never ceases to amaze me that a discussion about a buffet can turn into elementary school bickering.

I dont know how many more ways it can be said. The new buffett offerings are supposed to be too expenisve for people to actually pay for. The buffett is really only meant for FREE DDP guests. I will be in WDW in a matter of hours and have yet to be able to get enough ADRs to cover all the TS meals we are entitled to. I, for one, am happy Disney has done something to help me out. I will probably stop and eat at the Buffett in question because it will be one of the few places you can actually use a TS meal point. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Wow. It never ceases to amaze me that a discussion about a buffet can turn into elementary school bickering.

I dont know how many more ways it can be said. The new buffett offerings are supposed to be too expenisve for people to actually pay for. The buffett is really only meant for FREE DDP guests. I will be in WDW in a matter of hours and have yet to be able to get enough ADRs to cover all the TS meals we are entitled to. I, for one, am happy Disney has done something to help me out. I will probably stop and eat at the Buffett in question because it will be one of the few places you can actually use a TS meal point. :animwink:

Let us know how the food was....and take lots of pictures and stuff....:lookaroun
Have a great time! :D


Well-Known Member
For lunch, I shared a chicken wrap from Cosmic Rays with my daughter - she also had a hot bowl of veggie soup (yes, she LOVES it enough to have a bowl in 100 degree heat).

When we went to the Noodle Station later in the day, I had a teraki (sp?) chicken/rice bowl. It was pretty bland. My DD didn't like it, so she ran down to Casey's for a gigantic hot dog.

Cosmic Rays doesn't just serve hamburgers (which are great) and chicken strips. They also serve huge salads and wraps.

OR peoople can go to Columbia Harbour House for soup and sandwiches. So there are healthy choices to be had at WDW.


New Member
I work as a seater in a restaurant at the MK and I actually got YELLED at today by some woman complaining that ALL of the table service restaurants were booked.


We had to come to the aid of a seater at Le Cellier in June when some woman got upset that she couldn't walk in to eat there. She did mention that she called for an ADR two weeks prior and stated, "Where can't you get a reservation calling 2 weeks prior?" Ummmm....Walt Disney World....especially Le Cellier.

Hell....I was amazed I got into Le Cellier and Tony's by calling only 4 weeks prior.


Well-Known Member
OR peoople can go to Columbia Harbour House for soup and sandwiches. So there are healthy choices to be had at WDW.

There are also salads at Columbia Habor House. And one can also get carrots instead of fries with the other orders. So as you've mentioned, one can eat healthy stuff if one looks closely enough.



Well-Known Member
There are also salads at Columbia Habor House. And one can also get carrots instead of fries with the other orders. So as you've mentioned, one can eat healthy stuff if one looks closely enough.


Adding to your reply, one of my favorite meals from Columbia Harbour House is the LightHouse Sandwich: -Hummus with tomato and broccoli slaw. It's one of my "gotta haves".
I'm glad that the Tomorrowland Terrace Noodle Station is being replaced by the Cafe. I haven't eaten there during any of my trips, no matter what the dining area was called. It should be turned into another Disney burger joint!!!!

"We're no longer on vacation, we're on a quest for fun!!!"-Clark Griswold


Well-Known Member
We had to come to the aid of a seater at Le Cellier in June when some woman got upset that she couldn't walk in to eat there. She did mention that she called for an ADR two weeks prior and stated, "Where can't you get a reservation calling 2 weeks prior?" Ummmm....Walt Disney World....especially Le Cellier.

Hell....I was amazed I got into Le Cellier and Tony's by calling only 4 weeks prior.
most people dont wake up in the morning and say "heyyy i should go to wdw today, i hope there's seating at my favorite restaurant"
most people plan months in advance
why cant they just call for a reservation?

(oh and i hate that they are called reservations now, because its still NOT really a reservation...priority seating was a better thing to call it)


Well-Known Member
We had to come to the aid of a seater at Le Cellier in June when some woman got upset that she couldn't walk in to eat there. She did mention that she called for an ADR two weeks prior and stated, "Where can't you get a reservation calling 2 weeks prior?" Ummmm....Walt Disney World....especially Le Cellier.

Hell....I was amazed I got into Le Cellier and Tony's by calling only 4 weeks prior.

Heh, i got into Tony's on Christmas Day. Made ressies that morning. Damm cold that night.....


Well-Known Member
Heh, i got into Tony's on Christmas Day. Made ressies that morning. Damm cold that night.....

One time we were at MGM on New Year's Eve and made reservations the day of, and had no trouble getting into the Brown Derby. We had to wait that morning because we didn't know what park we were going to until that morning (It was on a Citrus Bowl trip, BTW).

And for our summer vacations we always get reservations no earlier than a day or two before we leave.


Well-Known Member
Was that before the DDP? I bet you'll have a different experience during the free dining plan days this fall. Good luck!

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