News Smoking locations updated at the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
I had issues a few times on our trip> I hadn't been to the parks in a few years due to our kids being babies.... when I took my family up one of my favorite little side trails in AK, I was surprised to have been duped into a smoker's corral. There wasn't even a sign until haflway up the path too. It was gross.


Well-Known Member
Then I have to ask: what is the point of vaping unless there's some other psychoactive drug in the mix?

Beats me. I'm not really sure. I think just the overall ... habit of doing it? It of itself becomes an addiction? Maybe something in the flavors we don't know about? LOL. I know a lot of people who vape and they just say "I love the flavors". I don't get it. Or some aren't aware they are getting nicotine maybe?

I also think some like "smoking" so if they've stopped smoking cigarettes, they don't want the nicotine, so they vape and enjoy the flavors ... I assume. It's just replacing one habit for another, without the chemicals and nicotine I guess.


Well-Known Member
Beats me. I'm not really sure. I think just the overall ... habit of doing it? It of itself becomes an addiction? Maybe something in the flavors we don't know about? LOL. I know a lot of people who vape and they just say "I love the flavors". I don't get it. Or some aren't aware they are getting nicotine maybe?

I also think some like "smoking" so if they've stopped smoking cigarettes, they don't want the nicotine, so they vape and enjoy the flavors ... I assume. It's just replacing one habit for another, without the chemicals and nicotine I guess.
I know some folks who quit smoking and have found that switching to vaping and gradually cutting down on the amount of nicotine in their liquid until they switch to non-nicotine liquid helps them. Folks who weren't/aren't smokers who always have used the non-nicotine liquid I guess like the taste and the experience? I don't know.


Well-Known Member
I had issues a few times on our trip> I hadn't been to the parks in a few years due to our kids being babies.... when I took my family up one of my favorite little side trails in AK, I was surprised to have been duped into a smoker's corral. There wasn't even a sign until haflway up the path too. It was gross.
It sounds like you found "Cancer Row." I agree 100% that this was a definite mistake. This location is actually a relocated smoking section that used to be between Africa and Pandora. My family and I used to eat in the surrounding area (Harambe Market, etc.) and now we cannot for this very reason. Moreover, if you want to avoid it and go to Asia you have to leave Africa through the main entrance and go through Discovery Island; a path that is at least three times the length of Cancer Row. It is a main thoroughfare. If anywhere, it should be away like where the meet and greet for Baloo and King Louie are.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with respectful smokers and vapers that stick to the designated areas and clean up after themselves. I know how hard it is to quit and I also know that some people just enjoy a smoke now and then.
I cannot stand the lazy ignorant smokers that think the world is their ashtray. Stop tossing your butts out of your car window or in the store parking lots. Littering is littering regardless of how large the piece of trash may be. I also hate the lazy scratch ticket losers. What makes you think it is OK to toss the losing tickets on the ground? Put them in the trash.




Well-Known Member
People also blatantly smoke joints like it's nothing (that's a fun smell while crammed in a group of a hundred people crossing the intersection). People literally stand there smoking in front of hotels that have "no smoking" signs :joyfull: (I visited New York last year). Now I'm going on a little rant ... lol (not personally geared towards you past this part)

Disney shouldn't ban it. It would only increase the problem. As a non-smoker/smoker, I think the locations of the sections have been a problem. It's gotten better. I felt like they did it on purpose, deliberately putting them in the way of guests. They weren't convenient or out of the way locations at all.

Despite it being unhealthy, it's still legal and Disney has a right to offer smoking locations. They want those guests in their parks too ;) Why force them to leave? Should we all just quit and be healthy? Of course :) But that's not a reality. People are hooked. Guests from out of the country still smoke, it's not nearly as looked down upon or shamed.

I don't understand the shaming. You (not you personally; just saying in general) can have your feelings, but shaming someone isn't what you should be doing.

I'm a very sympathetic smoker because I was also a non-smoker (and yes I am currently working on stopping; I'm someone who declared *I'm NEVER smoking* and here I am). I'm torn on the vaping, I say if someone goes to a quiet corner and does it, who cares? I understand the rules (but not all vape has nicotine, another FYI), but why force vapers to have to inhale the hundreds of other chemicals in cigarettes?. Even I get annoyed seeing them do it anywhere. But I get it. I'm not "into" vaping. I think the large clouds are obnoxious. But I'd never tell someone how awful they are for doing it and why they should stop, regardless of my own feelings. We have to let people live their lives (as long as they're equally respectful). I'm respectful of my smoking. Many aren't.

And also a newsflash. Most smokers can't really smell it on themselves anymore. It's shocking how bad it smells yet I rarely even notice it. But when I stop? It's totally awful. So I get it.

I'm someone who hides their cigarette in the car if I happen to pull up next to someone on a motorcycle or even an open window next to me. Yes, I'm rare in that (and maybe it's weird, LOL, but no one else is asking to have my smoke in their face - and yeah, I could close the window ...). I also don't light up in front of those in my life who don't smoke. I also know it's hard for many to understand the addiction when you don't have it. But, hey, sugar is also an addiction, lol.

You have a valid point about those who vape. I think it would be better for them to have a separate area away from the smokers as their "vaping area". As some of those people are trying to quit. I think it is hard to find places in the park that are out of the way of the masses, but still not too remote that would discourage smokers from walking there.


Well-Known Member
I know some folks who quit smoking and have found that switching to vaping and gradually cutting down on the amount of nicotine in their liquid until they switch to non-nicotine liquid helps them. Folks who weren't/aren't smokers who always have used the non-nicotine liquid I guess like the taste and the experience? I don't know.
Ding... Ding... Ding.... we have a winner. If you are using vaping to quit cigarettes you start out with a nicotine content about equal with smoking a cigarette. Over time you decrease the amount of nicotine until you are at zero. From that point on it is just to continue to psychologically convince yourself that you are still going through all the motions without actually doing the harm. There are some people that use the large vapor process that emits a cloud of vapor smoke that would equal some small sized storm clouds, but, that is to further make it seem like you are still supplying you body with essential ingredients that make you not have any nicotine cravings. Of course, there are also some that continue the nicotine because they are still hooked on it. Here, however, is the little kicker that most people do not know about Nicotine is the substance that is habit forming. What does the actual physical harm is the TAR that is in the burning leaves. Nicotine is not the real culprit in the cancer thing, it is the tar. So if you come into contact with a vape situation, even involving nicotine if you aren't directly placing it in you body, but, instead are putting in minor amounts mixed with the atmosphere, it will do you no harm.

When I used the system, I was using it initially in the same degree as when I smoked cigarettes. With the backing down of the nicotine I slowly, without even thinking about it, before I knew it I was leaving home without the vaper and was fine. I argued for a separate place for vapers, because, as someone stated before there is a physical habit (nicotine) and a mental habit (the actual physical act of smoking). Keeping away from nicotine goes a long way to making it a permanent solution. I guess we don't really know what the long range problems might be with vaping, but, so far it seems to be a very safe alternative when done in a reasonable way. And I will vouch for it's effectiveness at smoking cessation. But, throw those people that are trying hard to quit into a group of cigarette smokers and you have a strong likelihood of going back to the cancer sticks again, which just is counter-intuitive to wanting people to quit.
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Well-Known Member
Except the tobacco companies aren’t telling you what the other ingredients in the vaping liquid is for the most part. Most of them are composed largely of propylene glycol aka antifreeze which in high amounts is toxic to the kidneys.

However, if you are vaping anything that has a buttery note in its flavor, odds are you are inhaling diacetyl a chemical that is known to cause bronchiolitis obliteratens aka popcorn lung an irreversible rapidly fatal lung disease. Tobacco companies are actively lobbying to not have to disclose their ingredients in vape fluid and have their product not be regulated by FDA and there have yet to be any scientific studies about long term risks associated with vaping. It’s hard to not believe these companies are repeating their strategy from the 1960s.
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Well-Known Member
Sigh.... I'm 66. Yes, I smoke. I ALWAYS use DSL's, both in Parks, and at Hotels....
I don't want to offend anyone. Being old, I'll die soon enough.

But I do not wish to die in someone's idea of a "camp" :(. Please - just give us a known location - for all of us?
I hate offending anyone.... but I do have a right to live out my life, as I have chosen it....

Please - just give me a location that does move every 48 hours... one that MDE actually KNOWS about. This allows me to minimize what others perceive as evil incarnate, stick to the rules, enjoy WDW (as everyone should), and simply die off, as everyone will....

All personal opinion - I'm not necessarily right, no one else is necessarily wrong.


Well-Known Member
Working at Disney, I don’t know how many times I had to direct people to please smoke in the designated areas and have their argument be that it was “Too far away.”

One guest got really upset because it was, as he pronounced it, “Daaaaaah-scriminatory” for making people walk so far away. I just apologized and said that that was where’s it is. He wasn’t happy and went out saying how Disney was discriminating against smokers.

“Where is the Designated Smoking Area.”
Which from my location was the hardest place to give directions too from that position. And after providing the directions it always had one of three responses:

1. “Thanks!
2. “Ehh sounds too far away.” *Gives up their need to smoke and walks away*
3. “That is ridiculous!” “Disney hates smokers!” “Oh? Is there a place I can smoke and not get caught ....” oooorrr “Nevermind” *Goes and smokes behind the bushes only for me to catch them (from the smell) and reinforce the rules in a my less apologetic tone* (Happened 2-3 times.)

I had no problem telling a guest to please relocate to the DSA as a lot of times it was just foreigners from different countries where there are few smoking laws. Some people simply needed to be informed and didn’t know better. But sometimes I get that one guest that thought I was infringing on their Disney Vacation and their “rights” if I requested they stop and refrain from smoking outside those areas.

So to be completely honest as long as Disney keeps those smoking areas it makes it easier on CMs. It allows us to provide that alternative that Disney is so keen towards us answering with to avoid saying no. At first I thought “Disney should remove them!” by the end of my CP I was okay with their existence as long as they lessened backlash and provided us a answer other than “Sorry smoking is banned.” Its just a better solution and alternative than the extreme. I can’t imagine how much worse it may have been with it being banned.

I’m glad it got moved, the path was difficult to understand with verbal directions and “too far away.” Most people gave up and found a place to hide to smoke. My only complaint is from the sounds of it, they removed the “quiet area” intended for autistic kids. Yet, it was rarely used as such and often had smokers camping there anyways. The solution is significantly better. More likely to have smokers smoke in the appropriated area.
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Active Member
They should centralize all the smoking areas in one indoor, air-conditioned spot with negative pressure ventilation and a massive filter-scrubber to emit clean air from the roof. Et voila! Everybody's happy.
In the Navy on one of my ships, an aircraft carrier, we had 2 bathrooms designated as smoking heads (head is the Navy bathroom term) the walls were thick with tar and nicotine but it was the only place people could smoke on board mainly for fire safety. Worked out great and many quit due to the horrible conditions in those rooms. On my first ship people could smoke in the berthing compartment lounge and you could smell it in your bed all day and night. So I am all for minimizing the smoking areas.


Active Member
Have you also managed to notice the reduction in the number of smoking areas? The degree of difficulty in finding one and also the attitudes of people that are unharmed, but, somehow bent on controlling other peoples habits, good or bad? If you make it impossible to get to a safe place to have a smoke, you will not stop the habit or it's need. You will only see an increase in people just saying the hell with it and smoking wherever they happen to be. If one is going to wander around with the feeling of superiority because you are "smart" enough not to be a smoker, then at least try and be smart enough to know what will make the situation worse.

That creative mind that was lost, would currently be about 117 years old. I think that if he never touched a cigarette in his entire life, we would still be without him. Yet, this ugly, stupid, disgusting "smoker" created something that is still extremely successful a full half a century after his death regardless of the cause of it. What have you done in your smokeless life that would be this big?
Well you did say something right. Smart enough to not be a smoker. Unless someone set you down tied you up and forced you to start it was a choice. Just as all addictions start. Choices. Not too many people are forced to become addicts.


Active Member
Prove it! I've seen no absolute proof, just, well there's no other reason approach. Just saying I'm wrong, does not in any way mean I am wrong. Tell me what evidence you have that makes me wrong. There might be many things that I have just never seen. However, we all need scape goats so we come up with either it's gods will or it's someone's fault. BTW, it has to be more then some random oncology doctor saying that is why unless that doctor is also a scientist and has positive research. Otherwise it is just your opinion against my opinion.
It is pretty common knowledge now. Many studies available. A simple Google search will solve your lack of proof.


Active Member
Nobody. That's why it's an addiction, rather than a hobby. It can be extremely difficult to quit because your body is literally addicted to nicotine and it will drive you to satisfy that need. I know very few smokers who would choose to continue to smoke if they could quit with no side-effects or cravings. It's absolutely right to care and to want people to stop smoking. The best way to channel that, though, is to not shame those who still smoke and to understand and support those who are attempting to quit, because it is hard.
The best cure is dont start. Teach your children


Well-Known Member
Sigh.... I'm 66. Yes, I smoke. I ALWAYS use DSL's, both in Parks, and at Hotels....
I don't want to offend anyone. Being old, I'll die soon enough.

But I do not wish to die in someone's idea of a "camp" :(. Please - just give us a known location - for all of us?
I hate offending anyone.... but I do have a right to live out my life, as I have chosen it....

Please - just give me a location that does move every 48 hours... one that MDE actually KNOWS about. This allows me to minimize what others perceive as evil incarnate, stick to the rules, enjoy WDW (as everyone should), and simply die off, as everyone will....

All personal opinion - I'm not necessarily right, no one else is necessarily wrong.
IMO each park should have ONE fancy smoking section that’s off the beaten path providing chargers, water fountain, and benches. Each section should also have a path to clearly avoid going directly through the smoking section. It’s not that difficult TDO. Epcot might need two considering the boozing and the size.

It pleases both sides. We will always have smokers (I enjoy a puff time to time). And as long as the Europeans keep traveling here the way they do TDO will not completely remove them.

Oh and I agree with others, don’t smoke.

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