Shookie Hates Walt Disney World

Only because I'm not there. ;)

So I did the PTR - I did the LTR - Now it's time for the ROTR (Regular Old Trip Report)
Lots of awesome trip reports around here many from the same time I was there so I will
try to keep this sweet and to the point without too much babble.....(that's going to be hard for me).

When: September 27th - October 4th

Who: Enzo Tina Avery Pace

On our way:

In the Air url=][/url]

Getting a little closer:

IMG_4408 url=][/url]

Everyone's first monorail ride when you fly into Orlando (for us that "we're there!" moment)

IMG_4416 url=][/url]

Doing my best to not get a speeding ticket at this point:

IMG_4423 url=][/url]

Not too many things beat this feeling:

IMG_4424 url=][/url]

First (and last) time at the CBR:


This supposedly speeds things up but never does...

IMG_4434 url=][/url]
CM made us some sweet birthday pins and for some reason an anniversary pin......she did such a good job I didn't have the heart to tell her...Our room was ready.


IMG_4438 url=][/url]

Even Sweeter:

IMG_4440 url=][/url]


Well-Known Member
Yay!!! Trip report :D

Funny about your buttons at check in. I swear they get a little button happy sometimes. Not really a bad thing, but I kind of felt odd last summer when DH and I got one of the wedding buttons - i.e. implying we're just married. Nice.

I know you said you didn't take video on this trip, but I'm impressed when people get video of trips period. So, the fact that you normally do is like WOW to me. Every trip I say I'm going to take video, but I don't.

I'm glad I'm really full right now b/c your food at Starring Rolls and your dinner at 'Ohana look awesome! Can't wait to read more!


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
Loving the report Shookie!! You have a gorgeous family. I think it might be federally mandated that teenagers don't smile when asked to do so by their parents, lol. Can't wait to read the rest.
Yeah Avery is pretty good about the smiling now..I think because she's in drama class and maybe going through an actress phase.? But Pace he won't do it just to SPITE me...sometimes though I catch SPITE of himself!


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
Oh my gosh, O'hana has WINGS??? IM SO GOING NEXT TIME!!!

You've got such a beautiful family and you totally are NOT sporting a "gut" in that pic....HAHAHA

Oh yeah...Love dem wings...You have to hit Ohana' -- much goodness.
Thanks! I'm telling you what I'm never wearing that shirt when it's hot least not at WDW when I'm eating 6 times what I normally do. ;)

Love the TR so far!
Thanks for reading! I'm hoping to knock it out in 8 days so I can get caught up on everyone else's not too mention just coming here and posting in other time to do both!


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
Yay!!! Trip report :D

Funny about your buttons at check in. I swear they get a little button happy sometimes. Not really a bad thing, but I kind of felt odd last summer when DH and I got one of the wedding buttons - i.e. implying we're just married. Nice.

I know you said you didn't take video on this trip, but I'm impressed when people get video of trips period. So, the fact that you normally do is like WOW to me. Every trip I say I'm going to take video, but I don't.

I'm glad I'm really full right now b/c your food at Starring Rolls and your dinner at 'Ohana look awesome! Can't wait to read more!

Yeah I've tapered off as the years have gone on..but I've always at least brought the camera to the parks with me. This year. No go.

Just married!?? Awesome...I gotta try that one sometime. I mean this CM went to town on my Birthday button too!! It had fireworks...mickeys..extra confetti my name in this crazy font.... it was ridiculous...
I just wanted to get started with our vaca and she's drawing her heart out!! LOL...Hey I shouldn't complain...that's one of those things that makes WDW special right?


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
Can't wait to read more! :)

I'm on board, ready for more tr.

Loving your trip report so far cant wait for the rest!

Thanks for reading guys!
With luck (and patience from my wife) I should have day 3 up tomorrow!

Imagine I didn't get a d*mn thing done around the house for 6 months planning for this trip..then we get back and I'm spending all my "honey do" time posting on the WDW geek boards!!!????

....ahh what's a Disney widow to do with me?

Patience there sweets...only 8 more solid days of posting and then I'll get to all that stuff you need me to do around the house...but then again I really should be planning our next trip.


Well-Known Member
Sweet! A Shookie TR!! Just what I need to chase away my post-WDW blues.

I looked for you every time I saw (or heard) any family that resembled you or sounded like they might be from New luck. Although I was expecting you and your family to look like the photos in the last TR...your wife's hair is shorter now! I read a little of your live trip report, but I was trying to go technology free as much as possible on this trip.

Loving the TR and the refusal to smile pics...wait until you see my 11 year old son's pictures...he takes refusal to smile to a whole new level! My 13 year old son was surprising willing to pose for pics this year and even smiled...what's up with that??

I keep looking in the background for our family...ha! Glad to hear you guys had a good time and that you booked the bounce back offer. We have kinda decided that we are done with WDW for a little while. The boys really want to travel to some different places and we would like to do some mission trips in the US. So, we said goodbye to WDW for a while.

I think the extreme heat made our trip disjointed as well....was it HOT or what??? We also had quite of bit of rain in the evenings. I decided this was a trip of excess...too hot, too crowded and too much food (if that's possible)! Back to your TR.....


Well-Known Member
Sweet! A Shookie TR!! Just what I need to chase away my post-WDW blues.

I looked for you every time I saw (or heard) any family that resembled you or sounded like they might be from New luck. Although I was expecting you and your family to look like the photos in the last TR...your wife's hair is shorter now! I read a little of your live trip report, but I was trying to go technology free as much as possible on this trip.

Loving the TR and the refusal to smile pics...wait until you see my 11 year old son's pictures...he takes refusal to smile to a whole new level! My 13 year old son was surprising willing to pose for pics this year and even smiled...what's up with that??

I keep looking in the background for our family...ha! Glad to hear you guys had a good time and that you booked the bounce back offer. We have kinda decided that we are done with WDW for a little while. The boys really want to travel to some different places and we would like to do some mission trips in the US. So, we said goodbye to WDW for a while.

I think the extreme heat made our trip disjointed as well....was it HOT or what??? We also had quite of bit of rain in the evenings. I decided this was a trip of excess...too hot, too crowded and too much food (if that's possible)! Back to your TR.....
Now, I can't wait to see your trip report :D


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
Sweet! A Shookie TR!! Just what I need to chase away my post-WDW blues.

I looked for you every time I saw (or heard) any family that resembled you or sounded like they might be from New luck. Although I was expecting you and your family to look like the photos in the last TR...your wife's hair is shorter now! I read a little of your live trip report, but I was trying to go technology free as much as possible on this trip.

Loving the TR and the refusal to smile pics...wait until you see my 11 year old son's pictures...he takes refusal to smile to a whole new level! My 13 year old son was surprising willing to pose for pics this year and even smiled...what's up with that??

I keep looking in the background for our family...ha! Glad to hear you guys had a good time and that you booked the bounce back offer. We have kinda decided that we are done with WDW for a little while. The boys really want to travel to some different places and we would like to do some mission trips in the US. So, we said goodbye to WDW for a while.

I think the extreme heat made our trip disjointed as well....was it HOT or what??? We also had quite of bit of rain in the evenings. I decided this was a trip of excess...too hot, too crowded and too much food (if that's possible)! Back to your TR.....

Hey Minn..Sorry we didn't catch each other however I did run into a couple o' WDWmagic folks on the way.
Should come up in the TR later.

I'm actually from CT but I'm a guinea so I probably got a little a Jersey in me somewhere.; )

Can't wait to see your report and I will looking for us in your pics as well.
Sorry that you guys are done for a while. We've said that before but always end up back there for some unknown reason ;)!

I can tell you this though - it most likely will NOT be in September.
As you mentioned the amazing heat and sporadic rain were a little too much. The crowds were not that bad and seemed to be on par with May but combined with the heat I think it made them seem worse.


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
Hey Shookie,just a quickie.Your pics are awesome.What camera did you use ? The vacation sounds awesome.:)
Thanks Hatter..I'll get you the model name when I get home..It's an old 8 megapixel point and shoot -at the time highly rated in that price range for the P&S types.
However I will tell you that some of my pics (unsure which ones) were taken with my IPhone.


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
So Saturday and Sunday were our Universal days. Anyone with aversions to non-Disney related information and pictures please turn your heads! ;)
Uni will never take the place of WDW but I will tell you this last year and this year we took 2 days out to visit and it’s been money well spent. We started going for WWoHP but we’ve found the rest of the park
And US to be very enjoyable as well. Enough talk here’s some pics.

First much? Just like our WDW days we make a point to be there for Rope Drop – the only way to fly!




The flight of the Hippogriff is a tame (but very fun) little coaster – For HP fans It’s best selling points are it has great Hagrid related theming and OUTSTANDING views of Hogwarts and Hogsmead. No good pics of the ride itself (weird year I said) but this my daughter in dreamland enjoying a ride with Buckbeak.


Now you think she looks happy here? A complete Harry Potter \ book nerd floating around in the middle of one of her favorite fantasy worlds?

Well a few minutes later she met her musical hero right in the middle of Hogsmeade. How the fantasy fangirl world didn't implode in on itself because of this event - I don't know. Here is Avery with Hayley Williams singer of Paramore:

More about this in my LTR...needless to say it was an amazing moment for my daughter and very Ying moment that the Yang came calling about later ;) (also in my LTR).

I’m going to be honest here…I look forward to this just as much as I look forward to riding FJ. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that for right now -It’s at the very top of my Food and Beverage list for any trip to Orlando. I speak only of the Frozen variety! Now without further ado..


Ok AGAIN strange trip for us. Wanted to keep this TR to mostly pictures but I’m realizing I haven’t much of interest to provide in that department either…but d*mn it -- I started this TR and I’m going to finish it!!!! Sleep through it if you must!! IoA…my daughter has all the super hero pics..I only got a villan pic…notice my finger making an appearance in both pictures…...this I know was my my son would say....What a newb!!!


We also visited US but I haven't a pic from this day for some reason...wth???

Time to head back to the magic bubble for the evening – We found this. 20% off photopass. Pretty sweet.

Like I mentioned before they thought it was our anniversary for some reason.

We had ADRs at California Grill – this is one of the ADRs we running crazy late for. Made it in time for the grace period…but we were NEVER late for ADRs…totally off our game. Here are some pics from our evening..sorry they’re mostly dark.
Delicious Sierra Nevada IPA while waiting for our table

Sushi for Avery and I:

Sushi for Pace:

Goat Cheese Ravioli for Tina:

One of the best Filet’s I’ve ever had in my life:

Delicious sweets:





Unfortunately something about this meal made Avery sick ..(plenty on this in my LTR and I’ll touch on it next as well) FYI -- I don’t think anything was was more the fact that she ate like crazy and fast… understand she attacked this Sushi like she had a vendetta against it…..ate her entire filet, polished off her dessert and then ate a candy bar back at the room. Good god.

Ok so that’s day 3 ! Hopefully day 4 tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
How the bleep did I miss that a ROTR had been started? FOR SHAME! Loving it so far... even the shot up your nostrils which is just lovely. Luckily I ate 4 hours ago so no worries. And may I just say, I've now set a goal for myself to attempt to eat goldfish crackers with chopsticks.


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
How the bleep did I miss that a ROTR had been started? FOR SHAME! Loving it so far... even the shot up your nostrils which is just lovely. Luckily I ate 4 hours ago so no worries. And may I just say, I've now set a goal for myself to attempt to eat goldfish crackers with chopsticks.

LMAO!!! kidding I should of had a warning to look away..God I'm sorry about that..I just have to keep proving I was there with my wonderful family (most of the time those bad angle 'selfies' are the only way. Unfotunately me proving I was there is coming at the cost of everyone's well being that is nice enough to read this TR.

As far as the chopsticks..the ones in this pic were my son using the "cheaters" so don't bust your chops trying to impress Mr. Miyagi. ;)


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
how flipping awesome , she got to meet hayley ..... i bet she couldt speak after words ;) , i know i would have been!, awersome report so far!
Yeah she was falling apart afterwards. Amazingly she held her sh*t together while walking up to her and talking to her and only said "I'm freaking out" 3 times.


Well-Known Member
OMG goat cheese ravioli!!! Bellisimo!!!!!! That Ms Tina has great taste!!!! Sushi .... yuck!! (sorry!!!) Poor Avery, maybe the heat didnt set well?? Poor thing, bless her heart!! NOTHING is worse than being sick on vacation. A few trips ago, Ron got sick a day after we arrived, and it was PURE H-E- double hockey sticks.


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
OMG goat cheese ravioli!!! Bellisimo!!!!!! That Ms Tina has great taste!!!! Sushi .... yuck!! (sorry!!!) Poor Avery, maybe the heat didnt set well?? Poor thing, bless her heart!! NOTHING is worse than being sick on vacation. A few trips ago, Ron got sick a day after we arrived, and it was PURE H-E- double hockey sticks.
I tell Tina she has great taste all the time, although it's not usually in reference to food choices.
Yeah being sick on vaca is right up there on the "things that s*ck" list.
I'll tell you I didn't like sushi for the longest time. I couldn't get why people loved it so much...I felt like i was missing i kept trying it and trying it..I finally acquired a I'm loving me some sushi.
Now that I think of it did I really need ANOTHER hunk of food to like??

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