Shookie Hates Walt Disney World

Only because I'm not there. ;)

So I did the PTR - I did the LTR - Now it's time for the ROTR (Regular Old Trip Report)
Lots of awesome trip reports around here many from the same time I was there so I will
try to keep this sweet and to the point without too much babble.....(that's going to be hard for me).

When: September 27th - October 4th

Who: Enzo Tina Avery Pace

On our way:

In the Air url=][/url]

Getting a little closer:

IMG_4408 url=][/url]

Everyone's first monorail ride when you fly into Orlando (for us that "we're there!" moment)

IMG_4416 url=][/url]

Doing my best to not get a speeding ticket at this point:

IMG_4423 url=][/url]

Not too many things beat this feeling:

IMG_4424 url=][/url]

First (and last) time at the CBR:


This supposedly speeds things up but never does...

IMG_4434 url=][/url]
CM made us some sweet birthday pins and for some reason an anniversary pin......she did such a good job I didn't have the heart to tell her...Our room was ready.


IMG_4438 url=][/url]

Even Sweeter:

IMG_4440 url=][/url]


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
Man I have got to stop wearing the Hawaiin shirts ! I know I've put on a few pounds over the years but aye carumba !! And I always get the Porterhouse. Tell Pace he's not the only one who has a hard time smiling. I rarely can smile on command. Usually it's only when trying on funny hats. Awesome report bud.
Please you're a fine looking young man! Hawaiian shirts aren't photo friendly - notice I'm wearing very SLIMMING black! ;)
Funny that you say that about the funny hats..the ONLY other picture I have of Pace smiling is where he's wearing sorcerer mickey hat with the ears!


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
Day 8
Our last day. more bittersweet feeling…just bitter…LOL. Just kidding..we’re still in WDW so no matter how bad I might be feeling about leaving it doesn’t compare to being gone.
We had a 6:40PM flight…so we slept in….
We got up super early and packed all our last minute stuff up….including these guys:

With our bags packed we made our walk (or in the case of CBR blahh.. drive) of shame to the Airline check in bright and early. The good thing about doing it so early was we didn’t run into any of those obnoxious “ Yeah!!!! I’m just starting my vacation” jerks getting off the DME or in the lobby.
Once we got that task out of the way we slinked back to our rooms to pick up the kids and get our day started.
On the agenda – MK and DTD!
Even if the MK hadn’t been our last day tradition we would have had to come back because of this:

Pace was hooked and Avery was very interested in continuing their missions!
We were there for EMH so the firehouse wasn’t open yet…so we stopped for something “small” to eat……. The epic Main Street Bakery Cinnamon Bun! :

My daughter got one of these chocolate filled goodies:

IMG_5428 by vpferro, on Flickr
Notice that I used the @Crush Dude! POV style camera work for that shot!!
Time to kick some villainous butt


I have to say the way they integrated these into the park is really something. The sound system and overall effects were pretty d*mn good as well. Overall I was very impressed.
We hadn’t done the Jungle Cruise in a few trips so we made a point to stop by:

That’s the jungle behind those two giant heads.
I hadn’t mentioned this before but Pace became obsessed with getting Oswald ears. Well unbeknownst to me they were not easy to get…also outside of my realm of knowledge was that Big Top Souveniers opened up for the first time while we were there and they had them. No need to wonder why I was being called a “Newb” all week. I mean I spend every waking on this site for 8 months straight and I don’t know these things??? WEIRD TRIP.
Anyway my point was Pace was convinced this was a hidden Oswlad..LOL.

Look at that face he’s making…WTH?
Just chilling in the MK

Time for one of my favorite things to do in all the World ride the TTA with the family four-pack
Pace took this picture taking opportunity to show off his SOTMK cards

Alright time to wrap this game up and say good bye to the MK but not before stopping here:

For one of these:

One last shot at the MK....having some ice cream on MSUSA! Look at Pace..

We stopped at DTD for some last minute shopping and to grab some sandwiches from EoS for our plane flight home

We got home about an hour and half later than expected as we were stuck on the runway for about an hour but we made it home safe and sound and we introduced the pooch to her new friend:


So that’s it.
As usual - It was an amazing trip.
My favorite meal was Yachtsman (Cali Grill pulled a close second)
The rides I was most impressed with this time out were
Space Mountain: Right from the first time riding it this trip it felt like the lighting and sound effects had been plussed (the CM said they had added some LED) when he heard me rant and raving after getting off the ride. I don’t know if I was imagining things or how much truth there was to what the CM said, but I loved it none the less.
Star Tours: They made some nice improvements with the overall look of the queue and a fantastic job with the 3D! the different sequences just sent the reridabilty of this attraction through the roof! All around fun!
Lots of first this year:
MNSSHP- Great time and probably would do it again. (It didn’t get a fair shake because of the weather).
CBR – Never again. The kids didn’t want to stay here from the beginning and I hate to say it ---but they were right. It just didn’t do it for us. No harm no foul - we were in Disney and that’s all that matters.
SotMC- As recently mentioned this was a huge hit with the kids ( I had fun too) we can’t wait to do this again.

Another first we went a little over budget and bought and spent more on souvenirs than we ever have.
Once we get everything set and laid out I will take some pics and show you guys what we got. For now I’m calling this TR a wrap! I can’t wait to get caught up on everyone else’s reports and just spending some time chatting with everyone around here again.

Thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
Great TR! I really enjoyed reading it. I hope my kids can get along that well when they are older. They are 9, 7, and 4 now and someone is always picking on someone else! What part of CBR were you in? We honeymooned there back in 1998 and really enjoyed it. We were in Jamaica which is right across the bridge from the pool and food which I think made it tolerable. I am going back in December with our 4 yo and staying in a pirate room. I'm a little worried about the resort being so big and getting around with him, but we'll see.


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
Great TR! I really enjoyed reading it. I hope my kids can get along that well when they are older. They are 9, 7, and 4 now and someone is always picking on someone else! What part of CBR were you in? We honeymooned there back in 1998 and really enjoyed it. We were in Jamaica which is right across the bridge from the pool and food which I think made it tolerable. I am going back in December with our 4 yo and staying in a pirate room. I'm a little worried about the resort being so big and getting around with him, but we'll see.
Thanks for reading! 3 kids is tough, someone is always getting left out of something... just like the difference between 1 and 2 kids, there is always a new dynamic. Parenting...I wouldn't wish it on anyone! ;)

You know..I don't fault anyone their love for this resort and you probably have fond memories attached to it because of your Honeymoon - I have to say that has something to do with our love of POFQ that's the resort my wife and I frequented when we were dating and it's where we took the kids the first couple of years so it holds a special place for us.
CBR just didn't do it for us and we have no nostalgia associated with it so it ended up being a miss. Although I will say if the Pirate rooms had bigger beds we would have been ALLLLL over that! :)


Well-Known Member

Great report! Thanks for taking the time and effort! Some highlights for me -

* Loved the Avenger's costumes! very cool.

* 22 oz Mousehead w/ Filet. Man that looks good!

* Loved Pace's immitation of Avery - definitely something my kids would do.

* Nice to see the pics of the kids laughing and smiling together!

* Mr. Toad T-shirt - awesome!

* Bad, bad Mickey mail.

* You convinced me to put Yatchman's on my list for next trip!

* SotMK - I think my kids ( and me ) would enjoy this.

* LOL @ the hidden "Oswald".

Looks like you have a great family and had a great time. It really reminded my of our last trip - thanks for that!


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster

Great report! Thanks for taking the time and effort! Some highlights for me -

* Loved the Avenger's costumes! very cool.

* 22 oz Mousehead w/ Filet. Man that looks good!

* Loved Pace's immitation of Avery - definitely something my kids would do.

* Nice to see the pics of the kids laughing and smiling together!

* Mr. Toad T-shirt - awesome!

* Bad, bad Mickey mail.

* You convinced me to put Yatchman's on my list for next trip!

* SotMK - I think my kids ( and me ) would enjoy this.

* LOL @ the hidden "Oswald".

Looks like you have a great family and had a great time. It really reminded my of our last trip - thanks for that!

Fractal - Thanks for reading, thanks for the compliments and I'm glad you enjoyed.

I can't say enough good things about the meal at Yachtsman. We had a great time the first year we went and I have to say they completely out did themselves this last trip (which was no easy task) . Please plan it on your next trip and let me know what you think.

SotMK - The amount of fun we had doing this really surprised me. I knew it would be cool, but definitely surpassed my expectations.

FYI - He was seeing Oswald everywhere....Never got those Oswald ears. He came back and ordered Epic Mickey from game stop because they give the Oswald ears with a preorder.
Although according to him this is a "fail" because we didn't get them in the parks.
Man I have got to stop wearing the Hawaiin shirts ! I know I've put on a few pounds over the years but aye carumba !! And I always get the Porterhouse. Tell Pace he's not the only one who has a hard time smiling. I rarely can smile on command. Usually it's only when trying on funny hats. Awesome report bud.
Aw, my dad has the same shirt, it's precious!

Great TR! We have a lot of the same ADRs for our December trip, can't wait!

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
Hey Enzo, just catching up on the rest of your report after having my computer fixed/restored, as many have already stated, great read start to end.....despite my appearance :D Defenitely hope our paths cross again. It was great meeting you and the family.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Wow, I was in Epcot on Oct 1 too, sorry I didn't see you!!

That was some serious lack of smiling your son did throughout the trip. :)

Aaaaannnndddd...since I just read the whole report from start to finish, did I miss the promised photo of whatever it was you bought at Art of Disney?? ;)

Finally--always go in May. It's the best time. :D (we usually go in May each year for our anniversary)

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
Loved the report Shookie! Hey, you tell that son of yours that when he gets his smile on, it's really something special

I totally agree with you about CBR....been there over that. I went there a few times when I was forced to by my mean, punishing parents who refused to take us back to the Polynesian, citing something stupid about the cost.

I'll tell you, we go in September every year and I have never seen as much rain (even close) as we did this year. Obscene amounts of rain. It poured for every MNSSHP.

You have an awesome family and it looks like you all had a great time. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. Oh, your food pictures rocked!


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
Hey Enzo, just catching up on the rest of your report after having my computer fixed/restored, as many have already stated, great read start to end.....despite my appearance :D Defenitely hope our paths cross again. It was great meeting you and the family.
Thanks brother! I know you're having fun in the World right now! JEALOUS!! Hope you're having a great time.


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
Thank you for sharing your report, I've really enjoyed it all!
Your daughter has fantastic taste in t shirts! :)
Thanks - She LOVES her t-shirts! Takes after her dad in that department...I've got boxes, and boxes of concert t's I need to have one of those quilts made someday. ;)


We need time for things to happen.
Original Poster
Wow, I was in Epcot on Oct 1 too, sorry I didn't see you!!

That was some serious lack of smiling your son did throughout the trip. :)

Aaaaannnndddd...since I just read the whole report from start to finish, did I miss the promised photo of whatever it was you bought at Art of Disney?? ;)

Finally--always go in May. It's the best time. :D (we usually go in May each year for our anniversary)

The kid actually has a nice smile, I does it on purpose I'm sure of it.

Yes -May is our favorite time of year (and also our anniversary too), but it looks like we're back in September next year again, can't afford to get back for May.

Those pics are coming riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight up! I just finally got everything laid out and took some pics...


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