This isn't popular, but I'd rather them significantly raise standard "7AM - 12AM" admission for MK and thin the crowds out through pricing control.
All this is doing is making the crowds UNBEARABLE during the "Regular" times and probably not adding a lot, all things considered. I think Disney would be much better off dialing in the prices so the parks can be "at capacity" yet still enjoyable. If that's $200/day, so be it.
Long term, they need to double the size of MK and completely use the space available at all 4 parks. THEN and only when all 4 parks are maximized (not even close today) do you start focusing on a 5th Gate.
This is how they are dealing with other businesses performing poorly, relative to parks and relative to themselves in Y/Y comparisons.
Unfortunately, this is what you get when you've failed to expand and your parks are grossly overcrowded. You start selling "special experiences" that should be part of your standard offering because now you essentially have to pay for a experience at a park that isn't overrun with people.