Well-Known Member
Benjamin Franklin: “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”
Security makes me sick, I do not want to live everyday the rest of my life looking over my shoulder in fear.
Look what we surrendered so far, all these security checks, cameras everywhere and yet we are not safer and some look for ways to surrender even more freedom.
lol, not laughing at your feelings but it does kind of amaze me because we are a litigious society. Let something happen at Disney and watch how quickly someone sues. Disney has zero choice in doing security checks.
You don't have to live that way at all.
I have a fake knee, I know from now on when I go through airport the buzzer is going to go off and I'll get wand. Does it bother me?? not really, never had a problem with TSA, takes me an extra 10 minutes