Seas with Nemo & Friends Broken Effects


Park History nut
Premium Member
Sigh....once upon a time there was a cool notion called show quality control.

Once upon a time....

Oh so true... the things that`d make a show go 101 for qualities sake. Not any more. It really hit me when SGE was allowed to operate with neither laser cannon shooting. An integral part of the plot and they were allowing guests in...

There again, this is the place that kept an A100 AA frozen and clearly on show to use the theatre for meet and greet. :fork:
Just came back from Epcot today (10/11). I didn't see any major tears in the jelly fish scene, but there were a few smaller holes (some seems to have been sewn back together). And of course the angler fish is still broken but lit up.

I know...big news!


Well-Known Member
Sigh....once upon a time there was a cool notion called show quality control.

Once upon a time....


You are really living in the past.

Show hasn't been important at WDW in over a decade.

It's the WalMarting effect ... magical.


New Member
Original Poster
The real shame is that I hear there is no budget for improvements to existing Epcot attractions, they are still haggling over budgets for Imagination and waiting to see how the economy goes before putting any huge budget into something. But I think we can all agree, Epcot is in desperate need of an E ticket, or at least a good D ticket.
Wonders of Life is going to be a multi-purpose venue for a long time and I think Ellen is going within the next couple of years, and it just puts so much pressure on Test Track and Mission Space.

But as I said, the sad thing about Seas, there is no budget for improvements to a ride that only really just opened. What could happen when it goes down for a refurb is maybe take out the arm completely and add in a static scene as is there now, or maybe another screen.
I mean the jellyfish not working is unforgivable!! That is the simplest effect ever and no reason for it to be broken, the same with Chum. I think the pavilion suffers from not having a sponsor maybe?

And breath....rant over...:)


Well-Known Member
Maybe we should form "The Broken Effects Ranters Society"

Our motto:
"We'd be crying, but that effect's not working right now."


Well-Known Member
There are several effects issues that don't work in WDW. The Yeti, Carnotaurus, Angler Fish, Chum, etc. I know just recently the suit of arms in Haunted Mansion saw movement for the first time in years as a result of the refurbishment. Does Disneyland have the same effects problems? My understanding is their park ops people (Save Rasulo) "get it".


New Member
Original Poster
Maybe we should form "The Broken Effects Ranters Society"

Our motto:
"We'd be crying, but that effect's not working right now."

I think we need an SQS blog, I volunteer myself, however I'm a complicated animatronic and am broken at the moment!

Don't even start me off on the crash scene in Test Track! ;)


Well-Known Member
Let's face it. The Seas with Nemo and Friends is nothing but a cheap, tacked-on "plussing" refurbishment of the former Living Seas and not a true real new attraction. The entire cheap design and appearance makes it clear that this was never designed from the beginning on but added much later. The jellyfishes for example are soo cheap, they are not disney but more like a county fair ride. The angler fish was nice, in fact it was the only good part of an less than thrilling..what? C-Ticket? And the management is not very caring for an attraction that was no big hit anyway. I love Finding Nemo but this beautiful movie should be honored in a true E-Ticket attraction.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Let's face it. Thing Seas with Nemo and Friends is nothing but a cheap, tacked-on "plussing" refurbishment of the former Living Seas and not a true real new attraction. The entire cheap design and appearance makes it clear that this was never designed from the beginning on but added much later. The jellyfishes for example are soo cheap, they are not disney but more like a county fair ride. The angler fish was nice, in fact it was the only good part of an less than thrilling..what? C-Ticket? And the management is not very caring for an attraction that was no big hit anyway. I love Finding Nemo but this beautiful movie should be honored in a true E-Ticket attraction.

....In MK.


Or AK.

Not EPCOT.....

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
....In MK.


Or AK.

Not EPCOT.....

To be honest, I really think a Nemo integrated Living Seas could have worked. The problem is WDI went too much with the cute, whimsical aspect instead of the more serious, educational approach, and as a result, Nemo took over. There was definitely a chance for a nice balance between the two, a way to revitalize The Living Seas by bringing in Nemo while at the same time not letting Nemo swim wild and transform the pavilion completely.

Instead of balance, what we got was a complete disregard to the original purpose and ideals behind The Living Seas and EPCOT Center, reducing what was once a very informative, inspiring, and futuristic pavilion into what is essentially a Fantasyland style ride and play area.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I really think a Nemo integrated Living Seas could have worked. The problem is WDI went too much with the cute, whimsical aspect instead of the more serious, educational approach, and as a result, Nemo took over. There was definitely a chance for a nice balance between the two, a way to revitalize The Living Seas by bringing in Nemo while at the same time not letting Nemo swim wild and transform the pavilion completely.

Instead of balance, what we got was a complete disregard to the original purpose and ideals behind The Living Seas and EPCOT Center, reducing what was once a very informative, inspiring, and futuristic pavilion into what is essentially a Fantasyland style ride and play area.

Frankly...I agree with everything you just said! There.

Besides, we all know that the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage is the REAL attraction!

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Frankly...I agree with everything you just said! There.

Besides, we all know that the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage is the REAL attraction!

Why, I'm glad you agree with me. It makes things so much easier, doesn't it? :D :lol:

And don't even mention the subs. They get a great Nemo themed attraction utilizing one of the Disney's most classic experiences, and we literally get a playground. :hammer:


Park History nut
Premium Member
Instead of balance, what we got was a complete disregard to the original purpose and ideals behind The Living Seas and EPCOT Center, reducing what was once a very informative, inspiring, and futuristic pavilion into what is essentially a Fantasyland style ride and play area.
Sadly this happened to the entire park over a decade ago. What we got with Seas was the best to be hoped for - the alternatives were a shuttered ride, gutted preshow and stagnating pavilion, or worse another private events building.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Sadly this happened to the entire park over a decade ago. What we got with Seas was the best to be hoped for - the alternatives were a shuttered ride, gutted preshow and stagnating pavilion, or worse another private events building.

Unfortunately, you speak the truth... :(

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