Say goodbye to ALL the clubs at PI.


New Member
After watching the Orlando Sentinel video a few posts above, it doesn't sound like he knows what the guests really want. "They want more shopping..." Really? I'm all for change and new restaurants, and don't really care about the dance clubs (although I have had some good times there!), but it sorta bothers me that he makes it seem like shopping is all the guests want.

What other stores could they put into PI to still give it that special Disney feeling? Don't they have enough stores already? (I honestly don't know, I know there are plenty there for me and I barely walk in half of them.) They already have a wide variety of stores in the Marketplace strictly for Disney souveniers. A Curl store and Hanes MakeYourOwnShirt doesn't cut it for that extra Disney creativity. (Btw, do they still have the shirts you can put your name on? I used to have one when I was little.)

It just seems now they're not giving it the creative aspect that they used to and that's what always set Disney apart for me. Sure, throw (hypothetically) an ESPN Zone or Dave & Busters in there...because Lord knows people don't have them in other cities! That's not what would make Downtown Disney special, or unique. Hopefully within the two years they figure something out to keep that Disney edge. (And move the AC :animwink:)

wow first post...and rambling. excellent.


An interesting side effect...

I was just thinking about this, and maybe I'm the only one, but I wonder if others will have this experience.

Normally, when I come to WDW, I like to have the complete "on property" experience.

I take Magical Express from the airport.

I stay in a Disney hotel.

I don't rent a car; I rely on Disney transportation for everything.

This means that I haven't been to Universal for years, not because I dislike Universal, but just because Disney has everything I want and it's more convenient not to have to rent a car.

But as a young, single professional, I usually vacation with friends, and we like going out to dance and let loose a bit in the evenings in a kid-free atmosphere. In the past, I've always gone to Pleasure Island for that. Once that's no longer an option, I'm suddenly (for the first time in years!) thinking about renting a car next time I visit WDW so that I can go off-property to find a place to hang out in the evenings.

Thing is, if I'm going to go to the trouble of renting a car, suddenly I'm thinking about all the other Orlando-area attractions I usually skip. Maybe I should spend a few of my vacation days at Universal; it's been a long time since I've been there. Maybe I'll check out some of the local restaurants, too, rather than paying Disney prices for food.

And come to think of it, the biggest reason I stay on property is convenience, but if I'm renting a car anyway, it sure is a lot cheaper to stay outside the gates...

One of the beauties of PI is that it fit perfectly into Disney's push to keep people on property for their entire stay. But take away the adult nighttime activities, and as evidenced by this thread, some people won't miss them, but others will, and those who will are going to start thinking about where to go instead, even if that means changing plans to no longer be dependent on Disney transit and amenities.

I kind of doubt that the number of us going off property would do much to offset the additional income from whatever establishments they're adding, especially if a lot of the PI frequenters were locals, but it occurred to me that it could be an unintended side effect.

-p.b. :cool:

P.S. And just to clarify, I don't mean any of the above as some kind of "threat" or "retribution" to Disney for taking away my favorite clubs. This isn't like, "Well if you're gonna do that then maybe I'll just go to Universal! So there!" Not at all. I'm still very much a Disney fan. But these were real thoughts going through my head; I've often thought of going off property for food, lodging, visiting other parks, etc., but staying on property is just so darn convenient. But I really like to have something kid-free to do in the evenings, and with PI gone, it just makes sense to me to rent a car, which prompted all these other thoughts.


Le Meh
Premium Member
After watching the Orlando Sentinel video a few posts above, it doesn't sound like he knows what the guests really want. "They want more shopping..." Really?

Yes, we need about sixteen more places that we can go buy the same stuff that we can get at the hundreds of other gift shops on property. :brick:


ok I am a long time reader and not a big poster here but this announcement is absolutely 100% tottaly crazy, stupid, a HUGE mistake and absolutely laughable to a very sad point. I will be writing the Disney board as well as directly to Ms. Crofton, Mr. Lansberry as well as the Director Emeritus Roy Disney.

I just watched Kevin Lansberry's video on the Orlando Sentinal website and it is an absolute joke.
First of all this guy needs to be fired on the spot! Meg Crofton I was hoping for good things from you and your team you wanted to assemble after I now see the direction you are going for WDW you need to be fired along with all of your pencil pushing non creative yahoos that think they know what is going on!

Questions I would love to ask these people.
Mr. Lansberry in what single brain celled idea did you ever get the idea people want more shopping at Downtown Disney? ok I would agree that I would like to see more DISNEY shopping there. I am not talking about a Harley Davidson shop, or a cigar shop or a Hoypoloi for a 500 vase to collect dust if you wanted to buy anything there. Nor do I want to see a clearance store of last years movie items that you couldnt sell in the theme parks. I dont want to see a sad excuse for a store that actually had a good idea in it of a pet store in downtown Disney that was never marketed correctly. You are right people do want to see more Disney shopping look at how packed the World of Disney store is. People do not want to see other companies coming in and taking over the very spot where the true roots of Disney truly are in creativity and doing things better than anyone else. Mr. Lansberry I would love to know when you took these surveys? did you happen to take them from 3 -6 PM during a Florida rain storm when families did not want to stay in the parks and they wanted to go to downtown Disney and Pleasure Island was open to kids but nothing is open? People here have had avery valid point in that kids should have NEVER been allowed on the Island Disney created this problem and this is DIsney's answer to it is to close Pleasure Island. I have a fantastic idea buy the land and building where the Dixie Stampede used to be and put all of your inept, inadequate, crazy, pencil pushing ideas there and leave Pleasure Island alone!!!! In additon to my comments earlier you say people want more shopping what about the 300,000 to 500,000 of shopping coming to the western beltway expansion? Is half a million sq feet not enough shopping for you and your mall mentality? To people not understanding the size we are talking about here this will help you put it into perspective. The World of Disney store in downtown Disney is 50,000 sq feet. Yes folks this will mean an additional 10 World of Disney stores retail space as well as more do you really think we need more than that?

There has been talk that Disney is closing the clubs because they want more family entertainment. So American idol is going to draw the crowds that Disney is hoping for? I personally think this crowd and attraction needs to go to Universal. This to me as you will see addressed later to Ms. Crofton is exactly what I am talking about? Disney taking ideas from other networks and bringing them to Disney. What happened to Disney having these great ideas on their own and not having to borrow them for some short lived hype?

In Mr. Lansberry's video he says that adults are going to have plenty of other entertainment in downtown Disney including Bongos, House of Blues and Raglan Road. Imagine this none of them are Disney!!!!! Then Disney is going to remodel Fultons Crab House and Portobello is getting a new menu ooo the excitement is just amazing!!! Mr. Lanberry you never answered the question what are you going to do for the people that do not have kids or want time away from their kids in an adultish type atmosphere with a Disney quality idea to it?

There is also talk of a balloon going in at Downtown Disney why is that going there what ever happened to the Boardwalk? Wouldn't that fit better theme wise in a board walk carnival atmosephere there then in downtown Disney?

Ms. Crofton. My questions for you are.
What are you doing to Walt Disney World? First of all you sell two golf courses so Four season can come in and build condos, single family homes and fractional home ownership properties on it because you could not work out a deal with Bonnet Creek developers and now the Hilton and the Waldorf Astoria are building 1500 hotel rooms there which by the way will be a great view driving by on Disney property. Yes there are going to keep some of the Osprey golf course but is that going to be open to Disney people or is that just basically now gone? I am a huge golf fan and Disney was always great with all the golf courses 99 holes to be exact now you are going to have the Palm, Magnolia and Oak Trail along with Lake Buena Vista golf courses. Palm and Mag are always full for 85% of the year and you cant get a tee time so are you going to replace the 36 lost holes are are you just selling/leasing off Disney property to ensure you get a bigger bonus this year?
Second you also have the western way expansion that has been talked about for a while. in the company's words:

On the western edge of the resort, Disney is planning a mixed-use retail, dining and lodging district just outside Walt Disney World Resort’s western entrance. Early development plans include:
  • 4,000 - 5,000 low- to mid-rise valued-priced lodging units
  • 300,000 - 500,000 square feet of commercial space, including restaurants, shopping and small-scale entertainment
I posted a question to Mr. Lansberry earlier and I will post the same to you.
Is half a million sq feet not enough shopping for you and your pencil pushing staff that thinks people want more shopping in Downtown Disney?
You are also adding 4 to 5000 value priced lodging units yet you still have parts of Classic years rotting in plain view site of guests now. Ms. Crofton and board of Disney Directors what happened to Disney actually building and branding ideas of their own? The Disney MAGIC you so passionately market is now becoming just a glimmer of its former glory. How many "Dreams" things can it have? I am now starting to think that the only "Dreams" that people are going to have is of Disney in its yesteryear glory of when it was spectacular and not when it is nothing more than a collection of second rate ideas overmarketed, overhyped and extremely underdelivered. Disney has always been a company that would over deliver on everything and that is Disney from the attractions to the service to the Disney brand that used to mean something. Now it is becoming a brand where everything is made somewhere else and nothing by Americans and the quality of the merchandise is now becoming lackluster.
So my question for you is very simple what are you doing to the Disney brand and to the Disney company?

for information sake Ms. Crofton I am not a website poster that does not affect your bottom line let me assure you that I am. My wife and I are annual passholders (we spend more in pins, figurines, food and recreation than anyone without any benefits does), Vacation club members in two different resorts, have been on the Disney cruise line 6 times. We have brought both of our families to Disney for a total of 22 adults, 8 children for a total of over 65 hotel room nights not staying on our vacation club. What does this all mean well doing some quick figures for your pencil pushers it comes out to approx 93,600 that our family has spent not including t shirts, pins and souvs just at the Disney World Resort. Mind you this does not include what my wife and I have spent with the Disney company on our Vacation club, cruises or special event ticket items that we have been a part too. Did I forget to mention that I am also a stockholder in Disney. Let the grass roots campaigns start!!!

Thanks all for letting me rant and rave and feel free to comment on my opinions. I would like to see what people think of the information.


New Member
are we sure those are correct email addresses? I know my disney one has my middle initial in it, and I think most other ones I've seen do as well. Personally I don't care much about PI closing and won't be emailing, but just wanted to make sure people don't waste their time emailing wrong addresses. I could see someone just assuming that these were their addresses but not knowing about the middle initial thing?? Just a thought though? :shrug:

They are correct. My friend who works for Disney looked them up for me.


New Member
I figured it out

I think I figured out why the Adventurers Club is closing....

I think after all this time of the fans of the place saying "I wish I could get a shirt or something here", Disney took it to mean they wanted a store there instead of the chance to buy something with the Club's logo on it.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Ms. Crofton. My questions for you are.
What are you doing to Walt Disney World?
Don`t ask poor Meg. She`s the puppet who thought she was on the same stage on October 1st that Card Walker had opened EPCOT Center on in 1982. The stage she was one wasn`t built until 1993.


Well-Known Member
It's very simple.

Why worry about the hassles of building, staffing, etc. When you can simply lease the space out and collect a rent check and a % of the sales?

For anyone who doubts this, go visit Disneyland and there "Downtown Disney" that is the model for what PI will be.

Frankly, I'd rather they turn it into a shopping mall. It was getting to painful to look around and what PI could have become VS what it was, because there was no creative vision left.


New Member
Don`t ask poor Meg. She`s the puppet who thought she was on the same stage on October 1st that Card Walker had opened EPCOT Center on in 1982. The stage she was one wasn`t built until 1993.

Where was this? I thought only Erin was on the fountain stage, but not sure if you're talking about a different time.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about what's actually coming in. Since PI has been lacking for awhile now maybe what actually is added could be great - I'm hoping it's less of the shopping and more restaurants/clubs like Raglan.
I am getting a little tired of Disney justifiying their decisions on the "public". It was the "public" who thought Alien Encounter was too scary so rip it apart and put in one of the worst attractions in disney history. It was the "public" who doesnt care about Mr. Toad so lets put in Pooh which is subpar compared to the other Pooh rides in the other Magic Kingdoms. And now its the "public" that wants more shopping so lets close down Pleasure Island and make it "We need more money Island."

Disney stop blaming the public and take responsibility for the poor decisions you have made. I remember reading so many horror stories about how Disneyland was being left to rot and now I am starting to get that impression of WDW. Poor decisions, lack of direction in management and blaming the consumer do not add up to a very happy world. :fork:


New Member
Where was this? I thought only Erin was on the fountain stage, but not sure if you're talking about a different time.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about what's actually coming in. Since PI has been lacking for awhile now maybe what actually is added could be great - I'm hoping it's less of the shopping and more restaurants/clubs like Raglan.

I'm sorry but why do we need more places like Raglan? I was just there at the beginning of June and both the food and the service was subpar. Just an example--I asked the server a fairly simple question about the wine I ordered and he said he'd find out and come back but he never did. There is nothing "special" at all about Raglan--it's just another type of chain restaurant. The only good thing is that's the only place that the server didn't give us issues about the dining plan and he didn't remind us 3-4 times that gratuity was not included in the plan. (I just think the guy plain didn't care).

While I'm glad I got to see the Adventurer's Club before it closed there is a part of me that wishes I did not. Had I not gone then I would not know what I was missing. My 17 year old son had a rant here when I told him it was closing. We had such a blast in there! We agreed that next time the first day we arrive we'd go again. Too bad that wont happen.

And anyone on here who is saying that AC is not "full of Disney imagination" they are welcome to their opinions but I totally disagree. The AC is major in innovation and imagination. Plus this is one place where they really staffed the place right. All of the players there were fantastic. Maybe it takes one drink to really get "into" what's going on at the AC but it is a BAR for goodness sakes! All I know is that after a few drinks I wished I never had to leave! By the by, my son was sober and he loved it.

C'est la vie.



When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
They must of given the survey to Dis members. The majority of them are happy it will be more retail and dining. :brick::mad:
Yeah, the majority of them IME are killjoys


New Member
I like the balloon idea, but I certainly don't think we need more shoping. DTD is going to be a blob of shopping venues other than the 3 differently kind of themed sections it is today. I will never have gotten to experience the Adventurers Club.:(

But can someone help me on something... I hate how WDW is selling off their property for small districts of housing or shoping ect. (this was mentioned earlier in the thread)
Does anyone have a map of where they have sold off land or of what is all the future plans? I don't like what management is up to...

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