Say goodbye to ALL the clubs at PI.


New Member
I wish, oh I wish, that George Carlin was still alive and would comment on this thread - I'm pretty sure he could sum up the situation pretty well... :)


Active Member
The sky is falling the sky is falling. I have been to pleasure Island Numerous times. I have had a great time, why, because when I go out and indulge in a few adult beverages I liked going to Pleasure Island because, to be frank, it was relatively dead. Good for me.. Not good for business. I am surprised it lasted as long as it did. And think Pleasure Island will never reach the age of 21


New Member
This is probably why they are closing it..... PI has been the local hotspot and parents were dropping off their teens to walk around and just cause havoc. Ive been there at night and it can get scary, also people can get very drunk and wander into marketplace etc I think its a good for them to close PI, it was turning into City Walk and thats a road Disney does not want to cross. ....

This may have been the thinking behind the closings, or at least part of it, the part that caused the final decision.
Wasn't Pleasure Island attracting a certain amount of local riff raff?



Active Member
Okay, change the wording in my post from "other places to get drunk" to "other places to drink". In either case, the meaning and sentiment is the same...


It just seemed like the implication from a great many of the posts was that everyone at PI was a stumbling drunk. That simply is not the case. I know that is not quite what you said. I quoted yours randomly. Nothing personal.

PI has been a part of our vacations to Disney. No, not the sole reason, but one of the many. It is nice when you do not have kids (ours are in college) to have a place were they are not the focul point. When we are at the parks we realize that it is family time all the way. It just seems that when you do want to go and blow off some steam or just unwind. That it is better to do that in a "mostly" adult enviroment. I would think that this would be preferable to everyone drinking in the hotels until 2am. (I know the hotel bars are not open that late. Yet another reason for a place like pleasure isalnd)


Well-Known Member
I agree to an extent. I think it is important to give feed back though. It may have some sway on the final product. If everyone sends in letters saying that they love the AC and they are upset that it is going away. It might resonate enough with someone to give them reason to make sure that this is not going to totally alienate the loyal fan base.
Absolutely. I was more or less speaking about the extreme opinions. I have never liked extremists, no matter whose side they are on.

There are many legitimate questions to ask. Were there too many troublemakers going there? I do not know. It is possible that a few bad apples spoiled the bunch. It is kind of like what I said before. It is great that you can go to WS and sample spirits from around the world. Most people do this responsibly. However, there always seems to be that one guy who had too many frozen GM's who is stumbling over a stroller.

Did it fit with the family theme of WDW? Again, maybe not. However, it seems feasable to have one small place where adults can go.

It also seems that AC could fit in somewhere. It was a unique experience that many of us enjoyed. That has always been my measuring stick when judging anything at WDW. Can I experience this any where else? It is largely my reason for not liking the west side that much. I can see a movie or go to a Virgin megastore anywhere.

In the end I can even understand some people resonding in an emotional and irrational way. I am pretty sure that if they closed HM my opinion about it would not exactly be well thought out. If it was a special place for some then I am truly sorry for you.


Well-Known Member
It just seemed like the implication from a great many of the posts was that everyone at PI was a stumbling drunk. That simply is not the case. I know that is not quite what you said. I quoted yours randomly. Nothing personal.

Not every one, but a lot. I did resist saying "the drunks will find a better place", see, I was trying to be nice. :)

I agree with many here, the mistake was when they opened up the gate. When suddenly all the irresponsible parents of the world could bring junior along in a stroller to a bar to drink and think it was "okay because it's Disney!"



Well-Known Member
Why is no one mentioning the fact that those clubs never have any patrons? The last few times I've visited the world and decided to go to PI, it was a waste of money. We'd walk into Mannequins and it was always completely dead, unless it was gay night, which I had no interest in partaking in. Motion was all the teens and the rest of the clubs were just empty. Once Disney let the teens in, the local adults considered it a "lame" party place. If your 21, you don't want to be hanging out somewhere that 18 yr olds are.

You're right. PI has been dying for years.

The rumor has been that the Adventurers Club is going to be re-made even bigger and better. So why not focus on the positive, rather than assuming Disney is just going to close it down never to re-open it?

Still very much up in the air, so I'm not holding my breath. I hope it's true though, as it would blend very well into the new concept.

Lastly, theres also the chance that Disney is going to open up a fresh new club and just have one really nice, large club. Maybe they could do a club with a couple floors and have different styles of music on each floor.

Nope. Not a chance. Disney's done with mainstream nightclubs...officially...:p (a word that almost means nothing in a large corporation)


Well-Known Member
While the fact that PI is closing upsets me a bit, the writing was on the wall. From what I've heard from CMs I used to work with the low attendance levels at PI in the post-911 world are what really killed PI. They pulled out the rug on the entertainment, etc. which led to the removal of the turnstiles. I can live in a non-PI world.

That said, to close the Adventurer's Club is really a shame. It was quirky and unique and seemingly could stand as an attraction on its own outside of the PI universe. There is really nothing like it out there anywhere. Joe Rhode nailed it with this club, the TRUE BEST KEPT DISNEY SECRET. When I discribe it to people, the best I can come up with is interactive improv with a storyline, but brilliant.

If they can charge what they do for DisneyQuest and get people to pay it, they could find some way to monetize the AC if they really wanted to. Think about it. You're getting people to pay to come into a place where they can come in and pay for drinks (most of which are at a crazy markup, as they are most places). Even a place like Jellyrolls (which is underrated and will probably be my successor to the AC, I guess) can make it charging just a ten dollar cover to watch their performers for an entire night, the AC could survive, and even thrive if actually promoted as a stand alone attraction.

You don't want drunks around? Two-drink maximum. Most people who go to PI aren't going there to get ripped. There are cheaper and more effective places to do that (including the hess station across the street; 4 16oz cans for $2.89:dazzle:). What most AC fans are going for is the interaction that comes from feeling that you're in on the joke. Most first-time visitors take awhile to get into the rhythm, but once they do, hilarity ensues.

I am 25 and have been to the AC more than 40 times, usually 2 or 3 times per trip and about once a week when I was a CP. I will miss it should it disapear, and I would accept it being a part of Night Kingdom - better than nothing. (Though at that price - ouch. And I feel alot of the repeat humor and off the cuff jokes and innuendo would be lost...)

What we need to do if we want to save the AC is to write letters. Emails can be deleted with the flick of a key. Letters need to be manually opened, and read. If someone feels up to writing a form letter, with a place for personal details to be added of course, that we could print out and mail in - we could possibly make some difference. I don't know about a peanut-like gimmick like Jericho fans did, but something to that effect shouldn't be discounted. If someone is up to writing such a letter, hopefully someone more eloquant than I, let me know. If not I may take a stab at it and arm myself with a book of stamps.

aenima0311 on aim


Well-Known Member
From what I've heard from CMs I used to work with the low attendance levels at PI in the post-911 world ...

Attendance is no different now than it was before 9/11. That has no bearing on anything at all. It was certainly down in 2002, but it has climbed back up to pre-9/11 levels and has been there for 3-4 years.

I would argue, though, that removing the turnstiles and refusing to update many of the clubs to cater to today's audiences (not 1991's) are what finally did PI in. It was immensely popular for its first 8-12 years. Then the popularity faded. Something was missing, people were still willing to go, though, assuming it met their wants/needs.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you guys ever trust Disney? Your all obviously huge fans of their work otherwise you wouldn't be on a message board regarding them, so why not trust them to make the right decisions, rather than jumping to conclusions of how they are going to screw everything up?

I've trusted Disney. It's resulted in both good (PotC and HM updates) and not-so-good (Pooh play place, Stitch's Great Escape). There are other things that started well, but have diminished (Yeti in constant "B mode"). As of late, it has really come down to a crapshoot when Disney starts messing with things.

The rumor has been that the Adventurers Club is going to be re-made even bigger and better. So why not focus on the positive, rather than assuming Disney is just going to close it down never to re-open it?

Cost for a PI ticket: ~$25
Probable cost for "Night Kingdom" (where an AC "quasai-replacement" is rumored to be): $300+

Paying 10 times as much or more for access isn't going to fly for a vast majority of Adventurer's Club fans. "Night Kingdom" is rumored to be a high-end experience, meant to cater to people with cash to burn, or as a once-in-a-lifetime experience for people more towards the middle of the road financially. It isn't in the vein of the current AC, where people can unwind after a day at the parks on multiple nights of their trip.

I am getting ahead of myself though, because nothing, NOTHING is certain regarding "Night Kingdom" (despite what a certain Disney blogger might say). Not that it will even be built, nor if it will include anything comparable to the Adventurer's Club. In fact, in Ricky's interview with Kevin Lansberry, VP of DtD, he states that he hasn't heard of any planned replacement for AC. The only thing we're sure of right now is that our beloved club is going away.


Well-Known Member
I would argue, though, that removing the turnstiles and refusing to update many of the clubs to cater to today's audiences (not 1991's) are what finally did PI in. It was immensely popular for its first 8-12 years. Then the popularity faded. Something was missing, people were still willing to go, though, assuming it met their wants/needs.

Today's club culture is very different from when PI opened. I don't know if Disney could pull it off and remain "Disney" enough.


Well-Known Member
Today's club culture is very different from when PI opened. I don't know if Disney could pull it off and remain "Disney" enough.

I feel like they absolutely could. I mean Mannequins and Motion aren't very "Disney." I mean just stepping in most of those clubs made you feel like you were stepping back in time twenty years.

I could buy them closing most of the venues. That would even make sense. However to close down all the locations in favor of family friendly restaurants/bars is just inane. There should be places that cater towards adults, convention guests and others that would desire something more adult oriented. Otherwise, they will just be headed off property to do just that.

They need to create one or two clubs/bars that are 21+, that cater to today's audience by offering a club atmosphere, with amenities that today's club-goers enjoy.


Well-Known Member
For me, one of the appeals of WDW is the broad array of high quality entertainment offered. The options just got reduced. Very sad.

You nailed it on the head. What are adults supposed to do at night at WDW. Sit in there hotel rooms and bother no one. You know other people besides families go to WDW. Now they have pretty much killed off their main place for nighttime entertainment. You know they go after the convention business and weddings, exactly where are these people going to go now to have a good time. Once again, surprise surprise, we have a short sighted decision by mgmt at WDW. You know so many things have improved in this company since Iger took over but one of those things is not WDW. TDR seems to be in good hands now but WDW continues to be run by a bunch of accountants and marketing people who seem to have no clue what their guests need. What are they gonna say to all the adults now who do come there and spend alot money when they ask what is there to do at night. Well, you could go eat at a restaurant or go see a movie or La Nouba. And when they ask hey do you have some sort of nightclub complex like Universal has, what are they gonna tell them, Oh we used too but we tore it down cause guests only want more dining and shopping that they can get anywhere. Yes, PI was a shell of its former self but it is still better than whatever lame ______ crap they are gonna put in.


New Member
Depressing news for a lot of adult WDW fans. I was unable to experience PI, so therefore, I'm indifferent on the matter. Does anyone here have any memories about their PI experiences they would like to reflect on?

dont really remember, but it was a damn good time;-)

lol i got in for free so for me to go was just like going out any where else, except better. i think they charged like $50 to get in, which i think is kinda high. come to think of it, i think most people that go there are off the clock cast members getting in for free. maybe there not making enough money...?


New Member
I feel like they absolutely could. I mean Mannequins and Motion aren't very "Disney." I mean just stepping in most of those clubs made you feel like you were stepping back in time twenty years.

I could buy them closing most of the venues. That would even make sense. However to close down all the locations in favor of family friendly restaurants/bars is just inane. There should be places that cater towards adults, convention guests and others that would desire something more adult oriented. Otherwise, they will just be headed off property to do just that.

They need to create one or two clubs/bars that are 21+, that cater to today's audience by offering a club atmosphere, with amenities that today's club-goers enjoy.

theres jellyrolls at the boardwalk, and the dance club


Well-Known Member
Both are VERY far out of the way for most people unless you are staying at the Y & B clubs or Boardwalk itself. I havent been into Atlantic Dance so I cant comment there however Jellyrolls has always been packed when I was there. Too much so to be comfortable for me. I do prefer more of a dance type of venue. Well it looks like Ill be renting a car to explore more adult entertainment at night in Central Florida. Backstage Lounge here I come!!!! Belle


Well-Known Member
Closing P.I. IN 2008 relates to the closing of Mr. Toad in the 90's

We will be talking about this for years to come!



Why is noone mentioning the fact that those clubs never have any patrons? The last few times I've visited the world and decided to go to PI, it was a waste of money. We'd walk into Mannequins and it was always completely dead, unless it was gay night, which I had no interest in partaking in. Motion was all the teens and the rest of the clubs were just empty. Once Disney let the teens in, the local adults considered it a "lame" party place. If your 21, you don't want to be hanging out somewhere that 18 yr olds are.

Why don't you guys ever trust Disney? Your all obviously huge fans of their work otherwise you wouldn't be on a message board regarding them, so why not trust them to make the right decisions, rather than jumping to conclusions of how they are going to screw everything up?

The rumor has been that the Adventurers Club is going to be re-made even bigger and better. So why not focus on the positive, rather than assuming Disney is just going to close it down never to re-open it?

I think we'd all agree that Raglan Road is definitely a positive addition to DTD, so if they were to find more entertaining venues like that, with different styles and motifs of course, whats wrong with that?

Lastly, theres also the chance that Disney is going to open up a fresh new club and just have one really nice, large club. Maybe they could do a club with a couple floors and have different styles of music on each floor.

Think positive, it isn't always negative.

Nice post :D


Well-Known Member
Locals haven't been going to Disney in awhile

I've never been to PI, but I do hink this mass closure is a bit over the top anyway. Why does disney feel it needs to take away EVERYTHING that could possibly attract Orlando/Florida locals to the Resort. Just because it is a vacation destination does NOT mean that they need to strip away everything that is geared toward or at least welcoming to the local population. We're reading in this thread that some local people don't even want to go to WDW if this area is removed. I'm guessing that a point will be reached when Disney loses a good chunk of local loyalty, if it hasn't happened already. I know Kevin Yee is a joke, but who knows what will happen to WDW attendance in the coming months. If attendance does go down, Disney would need local people to help offset the drop. As of now, Disney is still stripping away everything that could be attractive to someone who ISN'T blindly spending money on vacation. How does that make sense? In other words, I don't think it's wise for them to mess with their neighbors too much.

Locals haven't been going to downtown disney in years, that is why they are doing this. When PI first opened, locals didn't have anywhere to go for nightlife and it served that need with a $25 cover and $7 drink specials - Church Street was still catering to tourist at the time. PI killed Church Street, which opened the door for downtown to open up to the locals with it's free to $5 covers and $2 drink specials. Locals would never go to PI again. Something else that happened during that time is that UCF went from being a commuter school with 22,000 students to the 6th largest university in the U.S. approaching 50,000 students now. Downtown Orlando is where all the college kids go religiously (UCF / Rollins / Full Sail / Valencia Community College). Disney has opened up Rix Lounge ( for those that still want a nightclub on property (make your reservations for the Coronado Springs resort) and the theme parks are having more after-hours nights (ex: Pirate & Princess) to keep guest entertained. I like the previous post suggesting opening up Epcot after 10pm for the PI crowd.

For others looking for a PI alternative to what it looked like back in the 90's, that is safer than Downtown Disney in it's current form:

Wall Street Plaza (8 bars in one location):

For improv comedy, go see the group where Wayne Brady got his start:

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