Say goodbye to ALL the clubs at PI.


Active Member
I like the balloon idea, but I certainly don't think we need more shoping. DTD is going to be a blob of shopping venues other than the 3 differently kind of themed sections it is today. I will never have gotten to experience the Adventurers Club.:(

But can someone help me on something... I hate how WDW is selling off their property for small districts of housing or shoping ect. (this was mentioned earlier in the thread)
Does anyone have a map of where they have sold off land or of what is all the future plans? I don't like what management is up to...

Land being such a great asset, I would tend to agree. I am sure they still have plenty of room to grow.


I am getting a little tired of Disney justifiying their decisions on the "public". It was the "public" who thought Alien Encounter was too scary so rip it apart and put in one of the worst attractions in disney history. It was the "public" who doesnt care about Mr. Toad so lets put in Pooh which is subpar compared to the other Pooh rides in the other Magic Kingdoms. And now its the "public" that wants more shopping so lets close down Pleasure Island and make it "We need more money Island."

One off-topic note:

I totally agree with your point here, but I do want to say that WDW's Pooh is (in my opinion) far superior to Disneyland's Pooh. And, even though I still miss Mr. Toad, if it weren't for the nostalgia factor (which is, admittedly, great), I'd probably prefer Pooh, as it's a better-designed attraction with more immersive elements and special effects. Mr. Toad, with its cardboard-cutout scenes, would likely have been criticized as "Disney going cheap" if it had been built for the first time today.

I do still miss it, though.

By contrast, replacing Pleasure Island with generic retail outlets is sad for more than just the nostalgia factor; it definitely represents a downgrade in terms of Disney innovation.

Do you suppose that Disney will add bus transportation to Universal City Walk? :drevil: :D :ROFLOL:

Now that would keep me on property!

That... and if Universal would build a dance club with a giant rotating floor, cool lighting effects on the walls, people dressed as human mirror balls, and mist shooting in from the ceiling.

...and end the night with:

-p.b. :cool:


if Universal would build a dance club with a giant rotating floor, cool lighting effects on the walls, people dressed as human mirror balls, and mist shooting in from the ceiling.

...and end the night with:

-p.b. :cool:

Go to Universal jump in the De lorean set the date for 80's and then you can be in clubs like Mannequins every night. After all that's where that club belongs, as much as a liked it the place was dated beyond belief with the cheesy decor and rotating dance floor.


Well-Known Member
Maybe Universal can do something with this now at IOA:



New Member
I loved Kevin Lansberry's most smart @$$ comment the most that he gave to Orlando Attractions Mag in the video interview where he said something to the effect of "Well yeah, they can all be rebuilt in theory but for now I am running the idea of anyone seeing the club post Sept. 27th into the ground." when he was asked if Adventurers Club would be brought back in another form or somewhere else.


New Member
The thugs and punks win

Finally all the thugs, punks and wannabe gangstas have won. Disney must be making this decision at least in part, if not all because of that element. I will never forget my first time at PI back in 1995. It was so fun to be able to do so many different clubs all in one place. No more rotating dance floor. No more cold air blasts. No more severe hangovers.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Where was this? I thought only Erin was on the fountain stage, but not sure if you're talking about a different time..
I stand corrected - `twas indeed Erin Wallace. Too much night working on my part.

There again, Meg dosn`t exactly have a stellar record.


Go to Universal jump in the De lorean set the date for 80's and then you can be in clubs like Mannequins every night. After all that's where that club belongs, as much as a liked it the place was dated beyond belief with the cheesy decor and rotating dance floor.

No way - Mannequins was way more 90s than 80s, and I liked it like that. Now Wonders of Life... that was 80s.

But I disagree that Mannequins was dated anyway. Certainly, it represented a rarity here in the US. There are precious few smoke-free places to dance in that kind of immersive environment in this country. And it was nice to have one as part of my Disney vacation.

-p.b. :cool:


Active Member
I like AC....I go there often.....but if you really think it is the pinnacle of creativity, comedy, and greatness, you have very low standards.

Not exactly, but realistically, anything that is being planned for Pleasure Island is highly unlikely to be creative, comedic, or great.


Well-Known Member
No way - Mannequins was way more 90s than 80s, and I liked it like that. Now Wonders of Life... that was 80s.

As I told someone else, PI as a whole has recently been the nightclub version of WoL: dead and outdated.

The only way Disney could have prevented this from happening would have been to keep the island highly themed and constantly updated. They didn't do either.

That's why the Mouse needs to focus on being itself (timeless entertainment) instead of trying to be cool every time pop culture changes (Tiki Room Under New Management).

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
As I told someone else, PI as a whole has recently been the nightclub version of WoL: dead and outdated.

The only way Disney could have prevented this from happening would have been to keep the island highly themed and constantly updated. They didn't do either.

That's why the Mouse needs to focus on being itself (timeless entertainment) instead of trying to be cool every time pop culture changes (Tiki Room Under New Management).

Perfectly said...


Well-Known Member
The majority of them also have sparkly signatures laden with cr@p. I wouldn't put too much stock in their opinions.

This is funny and sadly true. As long as some people focus only on the pixie dust aspect of Disney, they'll miss everything else.

About the only thing Eisner had right was that Disney needed to diversify in order to be successful; but he misunderstood what "Disney" really meant to the public.

Let's briefly take a look at Walt's business by the time he died:
• Zorro
• MMC, including the Adv. of Spin and Marty, Hardy Boys, etc.
• True-Life Adventures
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Swiss Family Robinson, The gy Dog, Mary Poppins, and other live-action films
• TV specials ranging from Disneyland to the Wonderful World of Color, all of which featured various programs
• An educational division
• A wide array of animated features, only three of which were actually fairy tales
• A massive library of animated shorts that featured characters with personalities. Mickey didn't just smile all the time.
• Disneyland, in which only Fantasyland was laden with characters
• Plans for E.P.C.O.T. (the Florida Project)
• Constant innovations from his Imagineers—so many, in fact, that companies begged him to construct their pavilions at the 1964 World's Fair

Disney has never only been about pixie dust. That's the result of marketing departments that don't really know their product.

And the company wonders why their reputation can't progress past children and tweens.

Did Knee

Active Member
The long slide downhill

Pleasure Island has been on a long downhill slide. First they got rid of the diversity in the place by removing the Country bar (excuse me for forgetting it's name). About the same time the midway stuff disappeared. Then the Pleasure Island Jazz company closed. I like Raglan Road alot (I have ressies there for September), but I wish it could have been opened in addition to the Jazz club and not instead of. As for the AC...It is by far my favorite bar that I have ever known. I am going to the world September 14th for a week.....At least I will have to have one last Kungaloosh before this bar, this dear old friend.....dies.


Well-Known Member
They must of given the survey to Dis members. The majority of them are happy it will be more retail and dining. :brick::mad:

Yeah that is because they are all 40 year old women with nothing else to do but plan where they are going to eat and spend their husbands money at Disney.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
As I told someone else, PI as a whole has recently been the nightclub version of WoL: dead and outdated.

The only way Disney could have prevented this from happening would have been to keep the island highly themed and constantly updated. They didn't do either.(change)

That's why the Mouse needs to focus on being itself (timeless entertainment) instead of trying to be cool every time pop culture changes (Tiki Room Under New Management).(don't change)

Change/Don't Change

What are you trying to say?


New Member
I have to chime in with most of you on how disgusted I am with Disney for this decision. I am local to Orlando and vist PI all the time, sometimes to do the clubs, and sometimes just to visit the CW. I never really got into the AC but I support everyone who does.

With all the room on the property, is Dinsey unable to open a new version of PI somehwere so they can have DTD for even more "dining and retail"? I really agree that I hate the idea of just adding more non disney owned restaurants and stores and can only walk into Dinsney stores and see the same stuff so many times. It just seems like they are really going to alienate a large demographic and force people to go off property for nightime entertainment. You can only sit in a resort bar for so long and if you want some entertainment, personally, a bar is not going to do it. I agree with Polarboi that Disney is going to start losing a lot more people to either travelling off property or even staying off property. Once someone starts taking a cab or renting a car to go somewhere "adult", they will start to see other parts of Orlando including other restaurants, supermarkets, clothing stores, entertainment, etc, all of which are not as expensive as Disney. If they are trying to keep everyone's money wtihin the property, this is a huge mistake. As gas prices increase, people want to save money, not spend even more. People are probably paying a lot to visit Disney, if there's a chance to save a little by eating and traveling off property, I know I would take it! Why not plan something to open, build it, and then make the decision to close? Why not close some here and there without turning the island into a ghost town while they figure out what to do next? I've seen money spent VERY recently on the island which means one hand is not talking to the other. The decision to close was not made overnight.

Since I have become a Disney fan, I can only remember one large area being shut down and that was River Country (i'm sure there were more). To me Disney could still use another water park since the ones they have are always packed during the summer. Orlando still has Wet N Wild and now Aquatica. I know RC had other issues, but why close before something to replace is completed? They are going to lose to other areas just as they did with the water park issue.

Disney had so many opportunities to improve the island and keep it going. It was an extremely popular area for tourists and locals, especially before the turnstiles were remvoed. I hoped that the money put into the island was a positive sign but obviously not. Disney charged more to get in than City Walk and has kids all over the place when adults are trying to have a good time. I know plenty of locals who love to visit regularly. If you're a local, it's a good deal to just have an AP, the cost to get in isn't really an issue. What are adults supposed to do now? If Disney isn't just for kids, prove it! Adults dont want to sit in a restaurant EVERY night or a bar if they want to socialize. The parks may be open later with EMH however thats only good for resort guests and while adults may love the parks, not everyone wants to be in them morning, noon, and night.

While I would like to think positive that Disney has something up their sleeve, i'm not too hopefull after seeing some of the more recent changes. I obviously don't expect them to lose money on any area, however, some smarter moves may have saved this place, even if in another location.

Bottom line Disney, think about what you are doing! Give adults a place to visit that isn't as chaotic and unsafe as downtown Orlando. You have plenty of property to build something seperate and affordable for adults, use it wisely before you start losing more than you thought you were losing with PI!

We need to start a petition for all of PI as well!!


Well-Known Member
With all the room on the property, is Dinsey unable to open a new version of PI somehwere so they can have DTD for even more "dining and retail"?

Apparently, Walt Disney World has run out of property. There's no more space left to expand, so they have to go in and tear down existing stuff to build new shops and restaurants.

Walt should have bought more land.

All kidding aside, as I still stand by my opinion that Pleasure Island was a cross between a college keg party and a bad wedding reception, I couldn't help but cringe while watching the YouTube interview with Kevin Lansberry. He may be a very nice guy at home, but in all of the press releases and that video interview he comes off as a semi-slimy, mindless corporate drone babbling on with the latest buzzwords and approved "Talking Points". That kind of crafted language doesn't fool anyone, and it makes you seem untrustworthy.

Kevin Lansberry just looks like a low-level executive drone blabbing out the latest corporate psycho-babble and slimy buzzwords, with the perfectly maintained pin lanyard as the ultimate "I'm personable and fun!" creepy accesory.

Disney should train its lower level executives who are going to address the public to speak better and to use the corporate approved language in such a way that it at least sounds halfway believable and reasonable. Mr. Lansberry needs some more practice. Desperately.

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