

New Member
Maybe she was German. :lookaroun

Or from New Jersey.

I had a confrontation with a woman who was exiting a theatre in EPCOT. There were some pretty steep steps and I was looking down so I wouldn't trip, and this woman behind me starts yelling. She said I was keeping her from joining her child who was up ahead. I had no idea which child was hers or why they were separated in the first place. When the crowd exited the theater we were all in a bunch, but I was obviously the evil one and responsible for the separation. Hoo boy.....


i had my best "back off" move last trip. There was a little boy behind me spraying me with his mister and stepping on my heels. Now i tried to be nice and asked him and his mother to stop, but it didn't work. So i passed some gas right into his face. :drevil: He backed off pretty quick. It may not be a nice thing to do, but it sure worked.


New Member
I had my best "back off" move last trip. There was a little boy behind me spraying me with his mister and stepping on my heels. Now I tried to be nice and asked him and his mother to stop, but it didn't work. So I passed some gas right into his face. :drevil: He backed off pretty quick. It may not be a nice thing to do, but it sure worked.

I was thinking the same thing, but was afraid to suggest it. :eek::sohappy:


New Member
I committed an incident of possible rudeness at a play area one day. My DD, who was then 2, was playing on a little snail statue on the ground which was clearly intended for young children or babies. An older boy (maybe 4 or 5?) kept coming over and trying to push her off. I didn't interfere at first because I try to let the kids work things out, but the third time he came over he pushed her all the way off and she fell. I admit it - I snapped and went over to the boy and yelled quite loudly, "Hey! Don't do that!" His mom came over and I immediately apologized because it was not my place to yell at her child like that (it was really loud because I was momma bear angry at this point). She actually said I was perfectly right to yell at him as he was being naughty and she proceeded to take him out of the area for some "discipline." I still felt badly though. I guess sometimes telling people how you really feel doesn't make you feel much better. Then again, maybe that is only when it is a 4 year old :lookaroun:eek:


Well-Known Member
If people cut past you, you just make them uncomfortable. When you are behind someone it it easy to do. You stand close to them and take a deep breath now and again and blow it at the back of their head. You have an occasion step on their heel.

I don't these sort of things too often, only when someone truly gets me peeved. I dont let people bug me too much. I expect it from them.
People in general are a-wholes.:drevil: If you get upset then they win.


Well-Known Member
Or from New Jersey.

I am confused now... Being from NJ I guess I should just stop my bad habit of stopping the line cutters from getting in front of us and idiots saving pool chairs all morning. I guess on my next trip, I will just pull my kids along to the front of the lines as I say I am from NJ and all of us act idiotic and rude.

Way to paint with that broad brush... there are rude folks from everywhere. Take a look nearby... one can't be too far!!!


Well-Known Member
Shows like Jersey Shore don't help any.

That being said, don't take these things so harshly, most things being said here are light hearted.
That's SO ridiculous! I wouldn't have moved off that chair! I bet that woman still feels like she was right, too. :fork:

I was in the MK last Wednesday, and came across some rude people. Mostly in the form of larger groups trying to cut in line at Pirates. You know how wide the queue is, right? Well, 2 different groups (one of teenagers and another a large Hispanic family) kept trying to sneak by us at every turn. My parents were just going to let them go, but not me! :ROFLOL: I made my parents help me form a barrier, and I took the side they were trying to get by on. I'm a tall girl, and they were NOT getting by me. Well, a few already had, but I was not letting the rest through. They even pushed me a bit, but I made myself as big as possible and pushed back, while giving them the evil eye. finally the ones who had cut already slunk back when they realized the others weren't making it. It was too crowded for me to put up with that stuff. I wasn't letting these idiots make my family be in line one minute more than we were supposed to be. And for two totally separate groups to be attempting to cut in front of us at the same time... my head almost exploded! :hammer:

Last Wed. the 31st? We were there that day too!! I am pretty sure we may have dealt with the same people, I was in a line with my 3 kids, and they kept trying to skip us!! My youngest is 2 and sometimes a slow walker, and I guess that bothered them. I just let him take his time, and they got annoyed, they kept pushing their kids into mine, and kept "accidentally" hitting me with this monster bag they had. I just tried to enjoy the time with my kids but, those people were really trying to make it hard!!


Well-Known Member
That is sooo rude! Im stubborn and would not have moved. :ROFLOL:

I think its rude when people in electric wheelchairs beep at you. An excuse me would be nicer! :mad:

Okay, this one sparked a response from me. lol I am not a small guy, so I have to say that ahead of time. I can stand to lose weight.
You know what REALLY bothers me about some people in those electric carts or chairs? (whatever they are.) BUT, nothing bugs me more than these massive hunks of humanity who are hundreds of pounds overweight who get these carts so they don't have to walk and do this. My feeling is these carts are for folks with legitimate health concerns, not those who are gravitationally challenged. How Rude? I mean seriously, of all the people in the parks who need to walk it's them. Save the chairs for people with health concerns.

Again, I am an overweight person.
(probably gonna regret this post :lookaroun)


Well-Known Member
Similar to the OP we had such an incident last year. I was raging.

At the POR pool at the shallow part - furthest one from the slide - there are two lines of seats. This family had a few seats in the front row. We were in the row behind and friends of ours in the seats at the back under the trees.

Well this family left the pool deck area taking all belongings and towels with them. The family next to them took a couple seats and our friends came down to take another couple, and brought another seat down to join up.

Some time later, a good half hour at least, we look out the pool to hear lynn shouting us over and here the woman from the family there who left, had come back moving the belongings of our friends on to other seats replacing them with their own. The 5 of us got out the pool in an instant. The woman said that they had been here since 8am and they were their seats - we had reserved these. They also gave some line about paying lots of money to come here and we got here early for these seats and they are ours.

I pointed out that " you can't 'reserve' seats and if you clear everythiing from your seat leaving no belongings then anyone can take those seats. Going by what your saying if you leave, take everything with you and come back the seat is still yours? In which case, as we have been coming here for two weeks, every year, since 1996 - I think those seats you'll find, going by your rules are ours! And also, you've spent a lot of money? You don't think we have? Tickets, hotel, food, drink, insurance and all the rest, plus flights from Scotland doesn't come cheap! And you say you've paid a lot of money - I bet you over the years we've paid more than you! Those seats shoud be ours, but that aside you cannot touch the belongings of someone else!

Another family had just left so there were seats for our friends, but had their not, and even still, we really should have gone and spoke to the lifeguards.

The family then brought more seats down blocking off a path as well as taking additional seats by the toddler's paddling pool and switchnig between them.
I have never seen anything like it. And another appauling lack of manners came on the same trip!

We were waiting for a bus to EPCOT at the East Depot. We had been there a good 20 minutes when a DD/TL bus pulled in just in front of our EPCOT bus. Well, we were in line with the doors and stood back to allow passengers to alight and as we went to board this school group with teacher who got off the DD/TL bus just walked straight on as we went to step on.

Well, I couldn't believe it. They could clearly see we were waiting to get on but ignored us and went straight on. I made a couple of comments such as 'nope, don't mind us, on you go, after you, you first, we were here first but on you go'. Now, we got on, but had it not been the case I would have said to the driver. All the kids and the teacher had school branded t-shirts on, and took the details to get in touch and let the school how their pupils and teacher's behaviour let their school down, sadly I lost the bit of paper. Me and my mum both said to them when we came on it a sad lack of manners but they just said they didn't notice us - I hardly think so.

Got to say I am a very laid back, and very toerant person but when there is some injustice with a lack of manners such as the incidents above, or when people come in at the last minute trying to get in front of yuo when waiting for a parade / fireworks, or stop in the middle of a row at a show then I do find myself making my feelings known, usually with a hint of sarcasm.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
The most irritating story I have about rude people at Disney (and it still bugs me a bit when I think about it):

Dateline Magic Kingdom. The year is 2002. A much younger and less assertive Wilt Dasney has just moved to WDW to begin his 5-month College Program. He decides to take in a parade, and settles in an unoccupied spot near the rope.

Suddenly from behind comes an annoyed voice: "Excuse me. ExCUSE me!" The tone is not friendly. Behind him young Wilt sees a woman with a camcorder. She is at least 5 feet away. "You're in my way, so..." the woman vocalizes while making the "shoo" motion with her hand. Not wishing to cause a scene, young Wilt moves along to another spot.

Suddenly from behind comes another voice! "Oh, don't come stand in front of ME." It's the woman's mother! Or perhaps mother-in-law...again camping several feet behind the rope and insisting that the area in front of her remain clear! Again young Wilt dutifully complies before finally settling in for the parade.

Anyway, it was only later that I realized how ridiculous they were being, by insisting that the entire viewing area directly in front of them stay unobstructed because they didn't want to come up to the rope. :hammer:
How wabout the people who have someone stand in line and then wave them up, gotta love em.

I'm against ACTUAL cutting and forcing through the line, but sometimes my family will go in line for a ride and I have to use the restroom and meet them at the ride. It doesn't bother me when a group of six people are in line and their son gets in line with them .

But, one time at Disneyland we were really bad, it was a 3 hour line for NEMO Submarine Voyage, so while we waited we would send two of the five of us to get food, do a ride, get fastpasses. But no one cared, because everyone in line was doing it.

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