Okay, this one sparked a response from me. lol I am not a small guy, so I have to say that ahead of time. I can stand to lose weight.
You know what REALLY bothers me about some people in those electric carts or chairs? (whatever they are.) BUT, nothing bugs me more than these massive hunks of humanity who are hundreds of pounds overweight who get these carts so they don't have to walk and do this. My feeling is these carts are for folks with legitimate health concerns, not those who are gravitationally challenged. How Rude? I mean seriously, of all the people in the parks who need to walk it's them. Save the chairs for people with health concerns.
Again, I am an overweight person.
(probably gonna regret this post :lookaroun)
This, this, this!!
Then when the bus pulls up at your hotel you have to wait while that walkable-but-overweight person WALKS onto the bus first. Then you have to stand in the 90 plus degree sun while the driver loads the cart for 10 minutes.:shrug: