Rude CM's


Well-Known Member
My wife and I celebrated our 20th anniversary at WDW back in May. We did not encounter any what I would consider rude CM's, but there were several who went out of their way to make this a special trip for us. These are the ones that we like to remember.


Well-Known Member
sublimesting, you just can't win today can you? hahahahaha well anyways, I got a few laughs, thanks!
If I found out a CM had secretly put Mickey stickers on my back I would be jumping up and down like a school girl once I found out, but hey that's just me! :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
To everyone, I was being sarcastic, it was actually our most magical moment.

Now, if I could just get an apology from the four idiots posing as Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy that AMBUSHED me in Animal Kingdom and forced my poor wife and me to take a bunch of pictures I would be much happier. Like I want pictures taken with a bunch of "cartoons" when I am trying to enjoy a quiet stroll in Camp Minnie Mickey....

Oh, and to the maid that keeps "making animals" out of my towels......! It is way harder to get a good lather when things are knotted up like that. I have to call housekeeping....I mean, "mousekeeping":brick:, to exchange towels every night.


In all seriousness... in my 10 years going to WDW I have never met a rude CM. I have met many that went out their way to make my trip special though!
If I did meet one that wasn't full of pixie dust, I would chalk it up to dealing with the many rude guests that I have encountered on every single trip. :animwink:


New Member
Oh, and to the maid that keeps "making animals" out of my towels......! It is way harder to get a good lather when things are knotted up like that. I have to call housekeeping....I mean, "mousekeeping":brick:, to exchange towels every night.


I will admit, slightly ashamed, that I did have a 'moment' when a CM at the beginning of the line for Primevilwhirl (sp?) told/measured my DS that he was tall enough to ride. Then after standing in line we had the CM that was assisting in boarding measure/tell us he was not. DS was quiet upset and I was not happy as well. I did make the suggestion that they should get the two measuring sticks together and 'calibrate' them so they would be the same. Not that big a deal but to this day he can still remember that.


Well-Known Member
As a CM who works at attractions that have height requirements, I can honestly say I have seen everything parents will try and do to get their kids to be as tall or taller. There was one guy who's son was an inch or two too short (the sister/daughter was tall enough). After letting them know this I wandered away to answer another guests question. After returning, the same guy asked me to measure his son again, this time with his sisters sandals on!!!! He made it but I couldn't let the kid in because he (the father) was trying to cheat the system. If he didn't make it the first time, why would I let him in the second with thicker shoes on?? After being called all sorts of names, rude included, he said he was going to go to Guest relations and report me for not letting his son on. As he left, I said to be sure to tell them the whole story about him putting his daughters sandals on his son to make him tall enough! It made me laugh to be honest.

You tell me: Who was the rude one, me or him?

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
- Giving guests intentionally incorrect information simply because the guest asked a question that the CM deemed "stupid" (in some cases, I've seen those CMs come and post on this website as though they are proud of what they did).
This is one of my pet peeves! :fork:

If you work at WDW, or are an internet dweep, then you know that the Jungle Cruise is not a Disney Cruise ship and that Spiderman is over at Universal. The casual visitor might not know this. People - paying guests no less - do not need to be 'punished' for asking silly questions.
In all too many places, wisecracking at customers who ask 'stupid questions' seems to be the norm. Please, let WDW be exempt from this.

Telling people off for not knowing basic Disney stuff is not only infuriatingly rude, but also a sign of incompetent castmembership. Below is how one ought to answer to the infamous question: "What time is the 3:00 parade?"

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
You tell me: Who was the rude one, me or him?
Of course this father's actions were inapropriate.

I think we al agree that WDW guests are far ruder to CM's than vice versa. In fact, I wish Disney would throw more people out of their parks. Or at least confront guests about inappropriate behaviour.

None of that however, absolves CM's from trying to maintain standards in turn. Customers are not a single mass of people. Anybody who works with a lot of customers, whether in a shop, a restaurant, or a theme park, will quickly learn that out of a thousand customers, two hundred are insufferable brats, fifty are animals, and five are completely psychotic or even dangerous. It's like that. :shrug:

That still leaves a vast majority of people who deserve proper treatment, and who'll show due respect to CM's in return. :animwink:


New Member
The rudest situation I've ever encountered is a situation between my SIL and a CM...and the rude one was my SIL.

After leaving a shop on Main Street, my SIL proceeds to go off about they way the cashier spoke to her (I didn't hear anything rude, but then again I was too busy helping my niece pick up jelly beans that had just been spilt on the floor. While outside, my SIL proceeds to use every curse word under the sun - at the top of her lungs - while I tell her to calm down and watch her mouth.

Some higher-up CM happened to walk by and wanted to know what was wrong. I told her everything was fine; my SIL said no it wasn't.

Long story short, the CM paid for our dinner that night at CP and gave us all fast passes to Peter Pan (she asked my niece her fav ride).

I'm sure that the CM knew that my SIL was just one of those "people you can never truly please and are a complete pain in the rear w/ complaints about everything" (anyone with much xp working with the public can), she went out of her way to try and make things as right as possible.

Kudos to CMs and how well they deal with situations, that with all due respect, they shouldn't have to deal with. :)


Well-Known Member
This is one of my pet peeves! :fork:

If you work at WDW, or are an internet dweep, then you know that the Jungle Cruise is not a Disney Cruise ship and that Spiderman is over at Universal. The casual visitor might not know this. People - paying guests no less - do not need to be 'punished' for asking silly questions.
In all too many places, wisecracking at customers who ask 'stupid questions' seems to be the norm. Please, let WDW be exempt from this.

Telling people off for not knowing basic Disney stuff is not only infuriatingly rude, but also a sign of incompetent castmembership. Below is how one ought to answer to the infamous question: "What time is the 3:00 parade?"

That was one heck of an article to explain that one should be kind in regards to answering a stupid question because the guest is so excited and it is such a magical event. People always leave their brains at home on vacation, sadly but no one should tell off a guest unless they deserve it. Simply answering 3:00 though should be apprpriate I think.


New Member
Personally... I've been to disney probably just as many times as the next guy on this site... (a lot)

i've never encountered a rude CM... not once...

however, I've definitely more than once seen numerous CMs who were quite kind, and went extremely out of their way to help guests and be helpful...

so... I imagine there will be a rude CM here or there (and not likely the person is rude... but just that, there is not one person in this world who has never been rude... so... it happens)

but for every "rude cm" there's probably 4 or 5 kind ones... and likely that one who was "rude" was having a rough day (because it's a human being... not a Disney-bred animatronic made to be perfect) is likely to be one of those "out of there way kind" CMs the next day...

People here bashing CMs... are you posting while at your job??? if you are... well, GET BACK TO WORK!!! YOU'RE NOT DOING YOUR JOB!!! Why do you expect perfection from a CM when you're employer's money is being used for you to complain on message boards???

Also... who here hasn't made a rude, or... not so kind comment to a co-worker, or a friend... or a family member... because they just were having a rough day and someone rubbed them the wrong way...

these CMs deal with a million people a day and stand on their feet for numerous continuous hours a day... and so they get rubbed the wrong way all day long... and then if it one point they slip up and act Human (rather than disney-bred animatronic perfect) who the heck are you, or I, to point that out and complain???

Obviously it's also human nature to be offended by a rude comment, and to want to complain... that's fine... but I think it's entirely unfair to actually bash a CM or to want to have a CM fired or something for a slip-up...

There'd be no CMs anywhere if that was the case...

(sorry i wanted to speak my peace... i am not a CM though, so feel free to bash me :D)


I have come in contact with over 2,364 CM's over the years and only one was ever less than courteous. That is much less than .1% a pretty good average for the CM's. Then again, I'm pretty easy going and don't get upset when things do not always go my way. My guess is that when some people say that a CM was rude they should look at the situation from a different perspective.


Active Member
This thread has given me some good laughs (specially the towels-2-animals post).

Any of the 'rude' CM moments I've witnessed (very few; count on one hand) were preceded by rude guests. I get a bit peeved when I'm treated rudely at work and couldn't imagine having to stay cheery.

Hat's off to CM's trying to keep the magic alive. Short of being assaulted, let's all get along.

Yes, I have rose colored lenses in my spectacles.


Well, I have to say in the 15 trips I've made to WDW, I've never really experienced an utterly "rude" CM. Sure, there are some not playing their role quite as well as others, but I think Disney, by far, does a much more superior job involving their employees to treat, interact and to 'have fun' with the guests than any other amusement/theme park I have been too. I mean, this is Disney we are talking about here, so people should have a high expectations going into the parks.

Plus, its not worth it, to me anyway, to let one bad experience ruin an entire vacation. I'd much rather focus on the CM's that go out of their way to make it fun, magical and rememorable rather than the ones who don't.

But, on the flip side- I'm sure of the millions of people that visit each year, someone is bound to have a CM 'snap', etc. However, as mentioned in previous responses, how many "rude and snapping" guests do the CM's have to put up with. Many people I have seen down there have the attitude that they are first and deserve everything (pushing us and other families aside) and then THEY are the ones who call the CMs rude for simply doing their job. Some people always seem to have a chip on their shoulder, despite being in the happiest place on earth.

To sum it up- your vacation is what you make it! You can either enjoy it and make the most of it or dwell on a bad experience and ruin it.... but that is simply my opinion.


New Member
Only one time while we were getting our seats for Fantasmic. I had vip tickets for five of us and the lady taking the tickets was giving me a hard time because she didnt think my older daughter was part of our group (she is bi-racial and noticably darker then the rest of our family). She kept asking my daughter for her ticket and I kept saying I gave all five tickets and the cm insisted I didnt. Another cm came over and told the other cm to leave and took care of us to say the least.......after the show he escorted us to guest relations to notify them of what happen. Weeks later I received a phone call from someone at Disney they wanted to know what make a long story short Disney sent me 10 hopper tickets for my next visit.


New Member
I think that sometimes CM's take the brunt of it because they have to be the bearers of 'bad' news.

Like telling guests that the bridge near the castle is now closed due to the imminent start of a parade and thus the guests will have to go around another way.
The guests can become very temporarilly agitated and may say some remark that later, upon reflection, they wish they hadn't said.

The guest really wasn't directing it at the CM but at the situation; however, the CM was the object of the moment.

Let's all be kind to CM's.


New Member
What makes a CM "snap"

As a former CM with an 18 month contract I have had my fair share of experiences - both good and bad (mostly good) - with guests and out of all the bad experiences I was rude once.

Let me preface the "rude" story by telling you that I worked at the Woodcart in the Canadian Pavilion and as you can see by my signature have had my fair share of questions about Canada, some of which I found entertaining because it illustrated how little some Americans know about their "neighbours to the north" and some comments were just downright rude

Some questions/comments I have heard are:
  • Do you know my aunt, she lives in Canada, it's a white house with green shutters (this is an adult...not a child)
  • You must be enjoying the sunlight we have in the States - I understand you only get sunlight one day a year
  • What makes you so look like a real person to me
  • Do you want me to talk slower, I heard you Canadians weren't too smart
  • Wow, they put all the ugly people in the Canadian pavilion didn't they
  • You Canadians are just a bunch of sissies and it sickens me that we have to fight wars to give you idiots your freedom
  • Why should Canada be given a're not even a real country, your just the losers who couldn't make it in the States
I could go on...and on...and on...with the comments I heard but one day I "snapped" at a guest.

Two men (around 40's...not that it matters but just to show they weren't teens or anything) came up while we were closed for Illuminations and started asking questions about Canada but I could tell they were just being stupid. Things like "Do you live in an you have a dog sled...say about" (which by the way we pronounce as A-BOAT not A-BOOT (which most Americans think) or A-BOWT (which is how it sounds to me when Americans pronounce it)

Then they started getting ruder...asking if I have brothers and sisters ( I have a sister) and then they asked if she was also my cousin or my aunt because they heard we're all inbred "up there".

I just let it go and said, "nope, just my sister and I've never heard of "inbred" that must be an American term I'm not familiar with" (that wasn't the rude part...just me being stupid along with them)

Then they started being a little nicer, i thought that since I got a little sarcastic back to them that they thought I was cool enough to let their comments go and we started having a real conversation.

They told me why they were visiting (visiting an old friend) and asked if my family got to visit me while I was here.

I said that my sister and mother were coming next month and I was really looking forward to it. They asked about my father (ie whay he wasn't visiting) and I told them that my father passed away last year, which is something i generally wouldn't talk about at work but we were having a good conversation for a few minutes so I felt OK telling them.

Then one of them said, (and it pains me to type this) "Let me guess, he committed suicide because he daughter is such an idiot"

Then they laughed and laughed and slapped each other on the back and congratulated themselves for tricking me into thinking that we were actually having a real conversation.

So...(and this is me being rude here)...I said, "I could lose millions of brain cells and still not be as stupid as either one of you, you both obviously have Mommy issues and just because (pointing to one) your mother is a crackhead and (pointing to the other) your mother is a hooker there's no need to take it out on me."

Keep in mind all this conversation was going on during Illuminations so no one heard me say this but them.

They went to guest services at some point and made a complaint about me (my only one) and I had to explain to my manager through tears what happened. Since I had 4 positive comments by guests in my file she wasn't too hard on me.

So you want to know what makes a CM snap...there ya go


Original Poster
seeing as I started the thread i'll tell of my experience.

Day one of our trip ws to MK, and first stop was the emporium to check out the merchandise, got the "por favor...." T shirt.

Shop was empty so when myself and the Mrs went to pay the CM (Dora A) was very chatty, then asked were we on our own, to which we said yes, then she really kicked off!

Asked why we'd no kids? said we could adopt if the wife had troubles, or could get a surrogate mother who'd be willing for the right money!

I was livid and was about to tell her to F**k off, she gave us back our change and wished us a magical day.

So we promptly reported her, probably nothing will be done about it, but she's lucky I never started on her


Well-Known Member
As a former CM with an 18 month contract I have had my fair share of experiences - both good and bad (mostly good) - with guests and out of all the bad experiences I was rude once.
...So you want to know what makes a CM snap...there ya go

Good story. I'm so sorry that that happened to you.

Generally from what I've seen myself at WDW, and what I've heard, CMs deserve better treatment from guests. This is a good example why.


New Member
Some questions/comments I have heard are:
  • Do you know my aunt, she lives in Canada, it's a white house with green shutters (this is an adult...not a child)
  • You must be enjoying the sunlight we have in the States - I understand you only get sunlight one day a year
  • What makes you so look like a real person to me
  • Do you want me to talk slower, I heard you Canadians weren't too smart
  • Wow, they put all the ugly people in the Canadian pavilion didn't they
  • You Canadians are just a bunch of sissies and it sickens me that we have to fight wars to give you idiots your freedom
  • Why should Canada be given a're not even a real country, your just the losers who couldn't make it in the States
Sorry for all the stupid comments.
I don't understand why people have to deliberately say anything along those lines. Why would you want to harass a person working a sales cart?

BTW, I have learned this: Canadians do not eat Canadian bacon. :lol:

Hang in there, eh.


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