RnRc Contract End?


Well-Known Member
[/b]Tell me about it, that would be awful besides...If they did it the would probably put the music screens in that place to your left just before loading...and that would be horrid!

There's no way to do offboard selection, that' wouldn't be feasible at all. If they were to do it, it'd have to be a series of buttons on the headrest that you are told beforehand represents the track that you wnat to hear.

Combined with the fact that people would be choosing their track instead of stowing belongings and lowering restraints, it'd be a huge hassle for turnaround times.


Well-Known Member
There's no way to do offboard selection, that' wouldn't be feasible at all. If they were to do it, it'd have to be a series of buttons on the headrest that you are told beforehand represents the track that you wnat to hear.

Combined with the fact that people would be choosing their track instead of stowing belongings and lowering restraints, it'd be a huge hassle for turnaround times.

Yeah you're right, I think if Aerosmith does Opt out than they should just call it RRC without anything else and have it just be generic rock songs...


Well-Known Member
No, I really would be suprised, because of all the points that have already been mentioned in this thread.

Rumors like this emerge because people always think the worst possible scenario when they hear a contract is ending, without realizing that Aerosmith probably signed a 10 year contract, and would gladly sign another 10 year contract, since hey, having your own roller coaster at WDW is a lot of exposure!

What about all the high schoolers, college students, and young adults who come to DHS ONLY for RnRc and ToT?

What about all the companies that pay BIG BUCKS to rent out Rock 'n' Rollercoaster for a convention?

Yes, it would still be the same roller coaster, but the Hannah Montana theme would be a HUGE turn-off for the vast majority of RnRc's riders.

Would disney really do this? I mean, Im not a fan of either Aerosmith and def. not a Hannah Montanah, Jonas Brother, HSM, or any of the other mediocre "talent" that the disney channel comes up with now adays. More than anything I wish disney would do what another poster said, have you pick a sountrack you want to hear, and with that option hopefully you could turn the noise off if you choose. But I dont think disney would want to waste time chaning this over to some HM, or JB, or HSM crap, when these are just fads that will wash away in a few years. Like I said, Im no Aerosmith fan by any means, but I can tell from how old those guys are, that they have been here for awhile and arent going anywhere anytime soon. So why would disney replace them with some disney channel crap, that they will have to change a few years down the road when all of the fad goes away.
If they would let you choose your own track then wouldn't that ruin the whole story of the ride? :shrug: You are listening to the concert on the radio during the ride, and audience don't get to pick what song band opens with in real life. Thats just my opinion because if they did do that then they would have to do away with the story they have now which I think fits well.


Maybe they could use AIG (The Gettaway with American taxpayer dollars). The opening could be the brass just coming back from a lavish vacation only to rush back to the bank (congress) to get more money in a hurry. We are invited along for the ride.


Active Member
Give us some options to choose what we want to listen to, as has been previously posted. Throw in a couple of lame Hanna Montana/Jonas Brothers songs for the younger set, but give the rest of us options, too. I like the mention of Queen in the previous poster's reply, as well as maybe ELO, Genesis, The Cars (get the tie-in?), and yes even hair bands for those who want them. I'm sure there are many other great choices out there; let the Imagineers put their creativity to work.
This is actually being built as we speak, as someone has already posted, at Universal Studios Orlando. I've already taken a survey on songs to be used, and they are good.


Well-Known Member
While not a huge fan of Aerosmith, I really hope WDI doesn't take some of the suggestions for replacement bands found here. Nickleback, Matchbox 20, Def Leppard, ELO, Linkin Park, The Cars?????? Are you people serious?? You want to replace a Hall of Fame act that has been around for nearly 4 decades with post-grunge crap rock, 80's hair bands, or new age??? Van Halen and Queen are the only suggestions that even remotely fit the current theme, or have more than two songs that a wide range of ages could even identify.

If Aerosmith does not renew its contract, I would much rather see (1) another hard/classic rock band to take it's place, or, (2) re-theme the ride to an exploration of rock and roll and the origins, influences, etc. The only real problem I could foresee is the licensing costs. For (1) a band like The Who, Queen, Rolling Stones, or more contemporary, Van Halen or maybe U2. OR for option (2) explore the influences and origins. Chuck Barry, Elvis, The Beatles. Now of course, to get some of these acts, or their music would probably cost Disney way more money than they would be willing to spend, but I think these would all be much better than any 'tween act.

To keep the ride's current theming to a "rock and roll" music coaster, they absolutely have to use a legendary, world-class rock and roll act. As many others have said, they would be seriously excluding a large portion of their customer base if themed to any of the 'tween acts. No way you would see a group of people without any children, over the age of say, 22, waiting in line to ride a JB, HM, or HSM ride.

I do not think Disney would make such a mistake. If anything, they would create an attraction based on one of the franchises that would be geared towards the target demographic, not re-theme an extremely popular attraction with a wide demographic to cater to the 'tweeners. And as EE said, they would get so many complaints about their daughter being too short to go on her favorites characters (yes Hannah Montana and her real-life counterpart, Miley Cyrus, are in fact face characters for the world to see) attraction.


Active Member
It's not going to happen, but U2 is about the only sensible choice...

...for a replacement. Isn't that what Jim Hill claimed in the Unofficial Guide was Disney's original choice for the attraction, in any event? As I recall, he claimed U2 wanted too much dough, so Disney went with a cut-rate contract, signing Aerosmith.

But who doesn't like U2? No one I know. Some people like them, others love them, some worship the ground they walk on, but I can't remember ever even once hearing someone say, "U2? If I never heard another one of their songs, it would be too soon."

Add into their musical success the generally acceptable content of their lyrics and the themes of their songs (more family-friendly, at least, than Steven Tyler's mind) and the fairly politically neutral, "up with the world" public antics of Bono, and you have a HUGE, hard-rocking musical celebrity set up perfectly in the innocuous and safe environment of Disney. It couldn't make more sense.

Of course, we now see Disney cutting expenses every conceivable way, so it's never going to happen...


Well-Known Member
No, I really would be suprised, because of all the points that have already been mentioned in this thread.

Rumors like this emerge because people always think the worst possible scenario when they hear a contract is ending, without realizing that Aerosmith probably signed a 10 year contract, and would gladly sign another 10 year contract, since hey, having your own roller coaster at WDW is a lot of exposure!

What about all the high schoolers, college students, and young adults who come to DHS ONLY for RnRc and ToT?

What about all the companies that pay BIG BUCKS to rent out Rock 'n' Rollercoaster for a convention?

Yes, it would still be the same roller coaster, but the Hannah Montana theme would be a HUGE turn-off for the vast majority of RnRc's riders.

I agree in full, Disney is not the brightest company, but they're not THAT stupid. Also, lets look at it the other way around, how many 10 year old girls would want to ride a giant, launched, inverting coaster in the dark? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
There's no way to do offboard selection, that' wouldn't be feasible at all. If they were to do it, it'd have to be a series of buttons on the headrest that you are told beforehand represents the track that you wnat to hear.

Combined with the fact that people would be choosing their track instead of stowing belongings and lowering restraints, it'd be a huge hassle for turnaround times.
There's always the option of selecting it after load and before launch. During high-capacity times, you wait a good 30 seconds to over a minute to start the launch countdown. It would be feasible to have the selection onboard during that time. If one wasn't selected, the system would pick a random track. During the slower times with less limos, the launch countdown starts very quickly. It wouldn't be that hard to program in a pause while waiting to launch to allow for selection.

Of course this would require a major audio upgrade to each of the 6 limos on top of the total switchover for the rest of the attraction. I think Disney would probably go with the "faster and cheaper" turnover if they ever take out Aerosmith (which I don't think they wil).


Well-Known Member
Oh, it's not going to be Hanna Montana. That's a joke we made up when the ride was down for refurb last year and everyone asked why. A few people believed us until we told them it was a standard refurb.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying the HM thing is a good idea, but it's totally something Disney would do. Aerosmith seems way too inappropriate, and quite honestly, they just don't fit the park at all. I would almost rather see a generic ride OR a track selection while launch is counting down. It's devastinig to think that Disney's too cheap, while their ticket prices rise.


Premium Member
This is actually being built as we speak, as someone has already posted, at Universal Studios Orlando. I've already taken a survey on songs to be used, and they are good.

Not only that, but Universal Japan already has a "Choose your own music" option on their Hollywood Dream coaster, but it's only 4-5 selections and just one button to press


Well-Known Member
I personally hate to see the Aerosmith contract end, but I could see them going the way that Universal is with their coaster. Making it just a generic rock theme and giving you the option to choose one of like 4 different songs to play on your radio while you race to the concert.

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