Rides you refuse to go on?


New Member
maxime29 said:
The water slides where you slide down your back. I did Humonga Cowabunga a while back, and it scraped my back up pretty good. I'm not afraid of heights like Summit Plummet, but I honestly don't want to get my back scraped up again.

I won't ride those slides either for past injury reasons, but I was injured in a slightly more, shall we say, uncomfortable place. I wish a back-scraping was all I got :dazzle:


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KYfriedPanda said:
I won't ride those slides either for past injury reasons, but I was injured in a slightly more, shall we say, uncomfortable place...

Like the backseat of a Volkswagon? :lol:


Well-Known Member
After 9 hours in a car driving to WDW, I refuse to ride Indy Speedway.
I have always hated rinding in ordinary elevators (got light headed) but my friends talked me into going on ToT. I loved it! I has cured me of my elevator troubles, :lol: ,now it is a Must Do every time.


New Member
Will normally try any rollercoaster but won't do....

I can handle any rollercoaster, on my December trip I did Fire and Ice, Hulk, Kraken, RNRC but the following rides could do me in for the rest of the day.

1. Body Wars (1 time), Star Tours (1 time), Mission Space (will never do) , any Motion Simulator.
2. Waterslides, Summitt Plummet, etc., too many scrapes from regular body slides. I could not imagine flying down one at 40 miles per hour.


New Member
I've such a delusional trust at Walt Disney World, I would get on any ride they have or ever build. With that being said I do have one exception. I agree with Maritimer on Summit Plummit. I went on a drop slide like that when I was younger. I was told to keep my legs and arms crossed for the entire drop. I will not go into much more detail because of this being a Disney forum, but just let's say I didn't listen and I regretted it (first reaction after ride:eek: immediately after first reaction :cry: ).
I used to hate freefall rides so ToT with its more than a freefall was a given "NO WAY!". But last summer I spent most of my time at Six Flags with friends and they convinced me to ride the Dungeon Drop, the freefall ride at Astroworld. I had ridden it once when I was a little kid and passed out. They ended up calling the medic and I spent 2 hours at first aid resting. So I never rode it again and my parents never made me. Of course friends are a different case. Peer Pressure will make you do a lot of crazy things but this one was for the best. I rode it and walked off thinking "that's not so bad, lets do it again." :) I kept riding it week after week and now its always the first ride to get me going in the morning. Its like drinking a bucket of expresso.

So this summer I get an invite to WDW and I get to thinking about the rides I haven't ridden and ToT comes to mind. And I actually found myself looking forward to it. It was the first ride we went on when we arrived at WDW. I was nervous and kept a tight hold on the handles. But after the first drop I was laughing like a madman having a great time. I got off, went to the gift shop and bought a special edition Stitch ToT pin to commemorate my first ride.

I wish I would have had a chance to ride it again but we had to pack all of WDW into 2 days. I got home and now I really look forward to my next chance to discover what lies beyond the Fifth Dimension. I think I have a new favorite :)


Well-Known Member
the rides that i refuse to go on are:
mission space( as im a whimp)
tower of terror- same reason as above
space mountain-ive never liked that ride
honey i shrunk the audience-!!!!!!
summit plummit- im a whimp
crush and gusher- not a strong swimmer, sadly

it may sound like a lot but all the other rides i have been on by myself and it was better than going on them with someone.

this is a not a ride i refuse to go on but the last time i was in magic kingdom i went on stitch and thought it was crap.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
:hurl: Did TOT twice, not again. MS, once, don't even want to think about. Teacups, Astro Orbiter, .............. lets just say that just watching those does it for me, rides that go around I have true problems with.:hurl: :hurl: :hurl: :)


Well-Known Member
MKCP 1985 said:
The worst/most unrideable ride in all of Walt Disney World for me is (drum roll, please):

EPCOT: Living With the Land - "Look, spinning vegetables! We make our own ketchup." :hurl:

I like "Living with the Land"! :lookaroun !

Actually, there really are not many WDW rides that I don't like in some way. I really like the variety -- fast and slow, thrilling and educational. And, hey, who can complain about the A/C in some of the shows, on a hot Florida day?!

I guess my only "really don't want to go on" ride would be the Kali River Rapids in Animal Kingdom, mostly because it is not unique to Disney. We have it here at King's Dominion and Busch Gardens Williamsburg (The Old Country). So, I consider it a waste of my vacation time. Not to mention the chaffing that can happen from walking around too long with wet clothes in the humidity. :lookaroun



I hate roller-coasters so I think for me it would have to be Rock an Roller Coaster at MGM but I did go on BTM and I wasn't too keen so probably won't be riding that again!


Well-Known Member
rides i refuse to go on...

- ToT (me no likee the falling elevator)
- Summit Plummet (way to high and fast for me)
- any of the really fast body slides
- Sounds Dangerous (once was enough on that one)
- RnRC would have been on this list, but since i rode it i love it! (the launch was the only thing that stopped me from riding it before)

rides i refuse to wait in line for...

- Peter Pan
- Buzz
- Space Mtn (unless i'm in the mood to listen to the queue music :lol: )
- HM
- Splash Mtn (i'll usually ride it regardless of a line :p )
- Star Tours
- Dumbo
- PoTC


New Member
ive never refused a ride in disney, i dont know why but i enjoy being terrified on some rides...Summit plummit was terrifying but i loved it, definitely doing it again next week. Mission space is kinda dull, i feel nothing on that ride. Tower of Terror is kinda tame too.

Tara Mae

New Member
I refuse to go on ever again:

Rockin' Roller Coaster, Stich's Great (Grand?) Escape, and Mission Space.

Now, not refusing, but I don't see the point in waiting 90+ minutes to get on a ride. That I will never do. I use fastpass for that. ;)

And, oh, until Bush gets out of Hall of Presidents, I won't go on that.


Like many people said, I would not refuse to go on any ride, I just won't waste time riding certain attractions. Some of these attractions include:

Stitch's Great Escape, Timekeeper, Hall of Presidents, Snow White's Scary Adventure, Playhouse Disney, Voyage of the Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast show, and Tom Sawyer Island

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