Rides you refuse to go on?


New Member
The only ride that I absolutely refuse to go on is Body Wars. When I was little, I remember being on it and being absolutely terrified that someone was going to get in a little ship and travel through me. For awhile afterwards, my grandfather told me that everytime I had a tummy ache, I was convinced that there was a ship in me and I wanted to go to the doctor to have it removed.
So, now, I just avoid it on principle.


Well-Known Member
I'll try almost anything once, but if it makes me motion-sick, it's on the "never again" list! :lol: Currently at the top of that list are Mission:Space, the teacups, Body Wars, and Star Tours. Interestingly enough, Space Mountain, Big Thunder, and Dinosaur don't bother me a bit (go figure). I have to be really in the mood and strong of stomach to ride Rock'n'Roller Coaster and ToT, but they're doable on a good day. ;)
The only ride I ever actually refused to go on was Alien Encounter, which I kinda regret now. Although I admit, I wouldn't be caught dead in Playhouse Disney, cuz it would make me wanna :brick: :hurl: :hammer:

There are rides I've done that I wouldn't do again:
Living with the Land...(Ok, I get it. You grow vegetables upside down and its amazing. Here's a cookie.)
Sounds Dangerous...(I regret doing it once, nevermind doing it again)
Dumbo, Magic Carpets, etc..(Maybe when I was 5, but not anymore)
Star Tours...(maybe after some major updating; the ride just seems a little behind the times at this point)


New Member
NONE!!! i go on everything!!! but it wasnt always like that. I used to be scared of Space Mountain and Alien Encounter. Good thing i did AE when i had the chance.


New Member
Scooter said:
How come when Black people (and eminem and the artist formally known as Vanilla Ice) speak words to music it's called Rap...and when Jug blowin Hillbilly Bears do it it's called Bluegrass? :lol:

I'm just kidding people..chill!

Yes, this show was around long before Rap was created.
As you can tell, I'm just not a big fan of this show.
If those bears decide to do some rap and breakdancing, then I might be tempted to watch the show. Maybe they could become the Magic Kingdom Hip Hop Hillbillies.


Well-Known Member
I love Winnie the Pooh, but I don't think I'll ever go on his Fantasyland ride. After all, that big meanie bear made Mr. Toad homeless (that was my favorite ride as a child)! :( I know Mr. Toad can still be reached at his California address, but I miss seeing him in WDW.


New Member
The only one I refuse to ride is Tower of Terror. I'm just not there yet. I'd prefer not to ride Mission Space either (and haven't yet), but I might be willing to under the right persuasion. I love everything else!

Edit: I also won't ride Body Wars again.



Premium Member
The water slides where you slide down your back. I did Humonga Cowabunga a while back, and it scraped my back up pretty good. I'm not afraid of heights like Summit Plummet, but I honestly don't want to get my back scraped up again.
Ive done TOT years ago, and wont do it again, cant deal with the falling factor!

And havent done RNRC yet, but it is officially the last coaster I havent done yet in Orlando...Just very unsure of the 0-60 in 2 seconds factor!


New Member
As long as I'm in Disney, I'll go on any ride (as long as someone will go with me!). If I was making the itinerary, however, I'd probably pass up some of the Fantasyland rides for reasons already stated (long wait, little pay out). As much as I complain about the Hall of Presidents, though--I could never give up my WDW nap!

American Adventure is another story... I'm getting a little misty-eyed just thinking about it... "America, spread your golden wings..."


New Member
Epcot82Guy said:
I also have to defend my Living with the Land. Only original ride that still is operating pretty much as it did when it opened. A lot to get out of it if people listen (to the land - bad pun, I know).

I like Living With the Land too. Of course, I 'm an avid vegetable gardener, so it's right up my alley.

I don't know if there's anything I just refuse to go on, but probably the closest would be the Teacups. I've never been on it, but not to say I wouldn't in the future.


Active Member
MKCP 1985 said:
The worst/most unrideable ride in all of Walt Disney World for me is (drum roll, please):

EPCOT: Living With the Land - "Look, spinning vegetables! We make our own ketchup." :hurl:
Hahaha. My mom hates that one too. I love Living With the Land. I just find it nice and relaxing. :wave:


Active Member
I will not get on Kali River Rapids. I just can't stand being drenched, and after watching the soaked people getting off that ride, that convinced me. There's nothing worse than walking around all day with soggy sneakers. (where everytime you step it's squish slop squish slop) I can take mild water, but it looks like if I rode KRR, I'd have to go back to the hotel and change into some dry clothes.

But other than that I'll ride anything if the line's short. I'm not picky.

Edited for spelling.

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