New Member
I personally can't ride It's a Small World, because of a tramatic experience I had on that ride when I was around 10 years old.
While riding the ride, when I was 10, it broke down.. well the boats did. We were stuck listening to the song over and over and over and over and over again for about 30 mins. It absolutely felt like eternity, the song was forever etched in my mind. :brick:
When I went back in 2003 and brought my wife with me (her first trip) she wanted to ride. I reluctantly did so, obviously with my fingers crossed. Thankfully we made it without a breakdown. :sohappy:

When I went back in 2003 and brought my wife with me (her first trip) she wanted to ride. I reluctantly did so, obviously with my fingers crossed. Thankfully we made it without a breakdown. :sohappy: