Ride videos!!!!


New Member
Two Worlds - One Family Tour

Another video coming to you from the incredible Animal Kingdom - Tarzan Rocks.

While this isn't one I rave about (unlike FotLK) I really think this one is nice. The inclusion of inline skates really gives this one a different feel from all the other shows. I applaud Disney for creating diversity amongst their shows.

It is a long show so the download will take some time, but well worth it.




Well-Known Member
Does anyone have the song Papillon by David Arkenstone?
I just heard it on my net radio and I'm eager to get a hold of a copy. hehehehe. It's the background music they play in FW. I'm not sure if it's the only one but it's one that really sticks out in my mind. :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyJedi

Don't worry about the 30-day trial. It keeps going and going and going after the 30 days. I have never paid for it.

I just got on the IRC for the first time Friday. Now I can't get on. The first messgae I got said I had to register. Now I get a message saying I've been "banned from this server: Enable IDENDT". If I go to the idendt section under connect, the box is checked. Any suggestions?



New Member
That is just a default response from IRC - ignore it.

I suggest you use the server that are listed in Bamboo's and Jedi's signatures. Just click on one of the numbers. I haven't had any problems with the above error since I started using those servers.

Jedi - we need to update the #Disney-Central website to include those servers - the RANDOM server setting always gives people that error message. Just something to keep in our minds during the re-design.



New Member
the website needs a HUGE update - i want to add screenshots of all the new vids, but with RU42, DISNEYJEDI, and bamboo uploading like crazy, i just can't keep up...

maybe i'll spend my lunch break today updating things...

oi vey...


New Member
Popkid - let me know if you want some help - I can go back and get screen captures of my clips - I'd probably wouldn't eb able to get to it till the weekend.

I will work on screen captures for future stuff.



New Member
Original Poster
Just want to thank RU42 (and everyone else, of course ;) )for your great videos!! Keep up the good work!!! Great stuff!!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
First - Thanks Hitogoroshi

Second - :sohappy: This is post #500 - not that that matters

Third - And now, the Magic Kingdom proudly presents, in a million points of musical light, the magic worlds of Disney... in SpectroMagic!

But hold on, this is the 1991 version! I am not sure how much has changed in the ride from the original, but here it is. (SpectroMagic left in 99 and returned in 01.)




New Member

For some reason, I can't download your list on the irc. It keeps stopping at 2.7 kb.:confused: Is there some other way to access the list besides @popkidwdw? Maybe e-mail or PM?


New Member
I would suggest double checking your settings. One of us could e-mail it to you, but if you are having problems downloading a 30k list, you aren't going to be able to download a 3-5meg MP3 or a 100meg video file.

The DCC settings are important. If those seem to be correct, please describe what is happening. Are you able to get any of the other lists?

Just wanting to help long term for you.

edit - One other thought, I believe you are using the #'s in Jedi/Bamboo's signatures, try a different number.



New Member
I've got tongoroa's list and themadman's. I've also downloaded dozens of audio files, including Dixie Landings BGM, which is over 26MB. It's only popkid's list I can't get for some reason. Is there some sort of setting I can change to receive the zip file or something?


New Member
And now for something you probably haven't seen

Here is a new one for almost all of you. DL had a show 4 or so years ago called Animazement. It was a stage show in the Fantasyland Theater (formerly Videopolis for you real old timers like me.)

The show brought different scenes to life from Disney movies - Little Mermain, Pocahontas, HUnchback, Hercules to just name a few.

Thought you might enjoy this old time production.




I just wanted to thank Bamboo and RU42 for all the great videos!! Oh Bamboo, if you are running out of ideas for videos...
I would love to see the Magic Kingdom Railroad!! Thanks again to everyone for all their great contributions!!



New Member
Originally posted by DisneyJedi
Bad news for the Disney commercial fans.. after May 5th I won't be able to rip/encode them from CBS2 in Los Angeles (from my sat dish) <clip> ( Long story short.. no more Disneyland commercials from this east coaster. :( RU.. can you be on the lookout for the exciting Disneyland commercials for us? :) I would always get lucky and they would record on my PVR when Survivor came on thursday.

Well, based on your suggestion I had my computer record all of Survivor. Well, it was like 3 minutes into the show and there was a Disney commercial - I got it.

SO...my quesiton to everyone is this: what TV shows usually have Disney commercials (DL or WDW); station and show would be helpful.


PS - Barb - thanks for the kind words!


If it was the Bank One commercial. I got that one already. Check out the (((commercials))) folder on Popkid. You should see


I've seen that one on the east coast channels too. The important ones to get (at least for us east coasters) are the ones that involve Disneyland. :) Hopefully I will catch some for Walt Disney World Orlando. I'm just used to watching California CBS, so I am going to miss that. I don't get the big deal over watching TV from other parts of the country. I know it has to do with local advertising, but so what I wasn't watching local ads on my local CBS station.. it's not like any would entice me to buy anything anyway. Besides my local channels here are obnoxious (large channel logos, weather indicators on the screen, insidious scrolling banners in the middle of shows). From my TV watching experience the LA and NY versions of our local networks are more pleasing to the eye and less distracting.


Well-Known Member
Here in FL..you cant flip channels for 15 minutes without coming across at least one disney commercial....if i had the time (and cable)..id rip them all


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyCP2000
Does anyone have the song Papillon by David Arkenstone?
I just heard it on my net radio and I'm eager to get a hold of a copy. hehehehe. It's the background music they play in FW. I'm not sure if it's the only one but it's one that really sticks out in my mind. :animwink:
I thought either I or someone else uploaded that a long time ago. Check the IRC, if not, PM me.

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