Ride videos!!!!


New Member
well, i have my stereo hooked up to my PC thru the audio in jack on the sound card - and then i use a simple audio recording/editing program to record and then trim the tracks. i know theres better programs out there, like sound forge and such - but i think they turn out just fine this way. a few pops and clicks here and there, but not bad at all in my opinion.


New Member
those pops and clicks are nice reminds me of the way it was growing up before these fancy CD's lol yes I have a few LP's and 45's of Disney hmmm I might have to look into this. But so far everything requires me to get new equipment:veryconfu


New Member
here are even MORE mp3's today, courtesy of orlpassholder once again:

<a href="ftp://wdwmagic:media@">america - days of 76</a>
<a href="ftp://wdwmagic:media@">american adventure - full ride</a>
<a href="ftp://wdwmagic:media@">world of motion - master</a>

for those of you with 56k connections, be warned - the american adventure - full ride mp3 clocks in at around 40MB and the world of motion master is a bit over 12.5MB

but they're definately worth it :)

(and now, off to lunch)


Well-Known Member
*steps in*

It is possible to remove the pops n stuff from the recordings..I'll test it to make sure its "easy"...but I am almost positive its a 2 step process... As soon as I get a chance to DL one of the tracks, I'll let you know if it works ;)


Premium Member
Sonic Foundry Vegas Audio has a filter for removing Audio Pops, as does SoundForge. Its incredibly easy to use, and is pretty much auto-pilot.

Of course, while it reduces pops, it also seems to reduce the dynamic range of the recording, and hacks off a lot of the top end response.

I personally think its best to leave LP recordings as they are.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
Sonic Foundry Vegas Audio has a filter for removing Audio Pops, as does SoundForge. Its incredibly easy to use, and is pretty much auto-pilot.

Of course, while it reduces pops, it also seems to reduce the dynamic range of the recording, and hacks off a lot of the top end response.

I personally think its best to leave LP recordings as they are.

Well..LoL...Im anti sound forge (industry reasons)..I use Wavelab which is a bit less "automatic" but makes the quality of the recording thta much better...but I havnt done it in a long time so Id have to test it...


Premium Member
Have you tried Sounic Foundry Vegas? I like their stuff. Vegas Video is pretty neat - and is a good Adobe Premiere alternative. Seems particularly good at handling WMV files.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
Have you tried Sounic Foundry Vegas? I like their stuff. Vegas Video is pretty neat - and is a good Adobe Premiere alternative. Seems particularly good at handling WMV files.

Never touched it...I have heard good things about it tho..It is one of many program on my "to do" list....


Well-Known Member
Hey...I just thought of something (took me long enough)..

Popkid...how much space are you willing to "share" on your server...the reason I am asking is that I have over 6 gigs of Disney MP3s..and I have been trying to set up a "trading" post for over a year now....

Obviously Im not about to upload ALL 6 gigs of my stuff (56k) but perhaps if your space allows..I can upload maybe one or two a day and get a nice collection going ;)


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by NowInc

Well..LoL...Im anti sound forge (industry reasons)..I use Wavelab which is a bit less "automatic" but makes the quality of the recording thta much better...but I havnt done it in a long time so Id have to test it...

OOOOO I am anti that program...and Acid....sheese...its like anybody can be a hack audio engineer these days..No Creativity or brain needed...Too automated...and corrects the levels and blends....when it should not. I am a heavy user of SAW Plus.... and I like ProTools as well.


New Member
Well, I'm still having problems downloading. Both on my mac and windows computer, none of the files work for me. I can't see if I have a problem watching the files because they don't even start downloading. I've tried AOL, and when I use that, it asks me where I want to save the file, and I put in on my desktop. Then the file transfer window comes up for about 10 seconds, and then closes, leaving no trace of the file on my computer. When I try it with Internet explorer, it starts downloading, and then I get an error message. If I go to propertys, it tells me that I couldn't get acess to the FTP server. can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong, or does this thing just not like me?


New Member
woofboy111, have you tried right clicking on the links and then choosing 'save target as'? make sure to ONLY use the links from the post that lists all of the files, the old links are no longer good

or, try and download an ftp client such as wsftp pro, or cute ftp.

login using the following:

username: wdwmagic
password: media


hopefully that will help!

if not, let me know - maybe there's something else we can try

ps - what type of internet connection are you using? and what version and browser type?


As far as FTP'ing in.. could woofboy111 be accessing his connection through a proxy server? I work for a web hosting company. We have clients that are unable to get to things from time to time and more often that not they are using AOL to connect online. It seems AOL rotates IP addresses while you are connected to them. I had a problem with this and a client when he was trying to use our webmail. I discovered from the company's site for the mail server we use that AOL changes IP addresses in mid connection and the webmail is not setup to compensate for that. I don't know anything about the FTP server that Popkid is using, but I am sure it is using the standard port 21. Maybe AOL blocks port 21 on their firewall? That would stop woofboy111 from getting access.

I'd download and install CuteFTP and try the more direct connect method described.

Or woofboy111.. on your Windows machine, after you connect to your provider, open a DOS command prompt and type in at the prompt:

Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
(C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.

Connected to
220 music music music by G6 FTP Server ready ...
User ( wdwmagic
331 Password required for wdwmagic.
230 User wdwmagic logged in.
ftp> dir
200 Port command successful.
150 Opening data connection for directory list.
drwxr-xr-x   1 ftp      ftp            0 Feb 13 10:31 audio
drwxr-xr-x   1 ftp      ftp            0 Feb 13 10:38 uploadz
drwxr-xr-x   1 ftp      ftp            0 Feb 13 10:27 video
226 File sent ok.
ftp: 185 bytes received in 0.01Seconds 18.50Kbytes/sec.

See if you get the same results.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12

OOOOO I am anti that program...and Acid....sheese...its like anybody can be a hack audio engineer these days..No Creativity or brain needed...Too automated...and corrects the levels and blends....when it should not. I am a heavy user of SAW Plus.... and I like ProTools as well.

Mmmm..Protools ;)

I agree with you DMC..I put a lot of effort into doing my audio stuff and everytime I see someone using "acid", "Sound forge", "Fruityloops", "ReBirth" etc...it just gets me sooo ...grrr



It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by NowInc

Mmmm..Protools ;)

I agree with you DMC..I put a lot of effort into doing my audio stuff and everytime I see someone using "acid", "Sound forge", "Fruityloops", "ReBirth" etc...it just gets me sooo ...grrr


I thought I was the only one that is somewhat bitter toward those products;) I am not bashing anyone who uses those programs... shure, ...if you are a newbie to that sort of thing...heck...I say go for it....it is eaiser and not too techie...so its good for those that do not know much about that stuff...and thats about it...:)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12

I thought I was the only one that is somewhat bitter toward those products;) I am not bashing anyone who uses those programs... shure, ...if you are a newbie to that sort of thing...heck...I say go for it....it is eaiser and not too techie...so its good for those that do not know much about that stuff...and thats about it...:)


Well..everything that comes out of those programs sound exactly the same...so its not like its "original"


New Member
Well, finally, I got the files to download. It involved going over to a friends house, and downloading the files there (they have AOL too, don't know why this doesn't like me). Then, I have to email them to my email address, and it works!!!

Keep on posting...Thanks!!!!


New Member
Originally posted by popkid
and now, onto the new downloads.... here are mp3's from the pirates of the caribbean LP. you gotta love the narrator on this...

<a href="ftp://wdwmagic:media@">01 - yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me (ahoy there)</a>
<a href="ftp://wdwmagic:media@">02 - dead mens cove</a>
<a href="ftp://wdwmagic:media@">03 - no fear have ye</a>
<a href="ftp://wdwmagic:media@">04 - sound of adventure</a>
<a href="ftp://wdwmagic:media@">05 - sack the town</a>
<a href="ftp://wdwmagic:media@">06 - local wench auction</a>
<a href="ftp://wdwmagic:media@">07 - musical trio</a>
<a href="ftp://wdwmagic:media@">08 - sailing along</a>
<a href="ftp://wdwmagic:media@">09 - yo ho yo ho (good sailing)</a>

still wondering if anyone knows how many attraction specific LP's disney released - as i'd like to get hold of any i don't already have...

well, enjoy the mp3's

I hope I'm not being too much of a bother for you with this, but just letting you know, track 2 (DEAD MANS COVE) doesn't work. Now that I have a way to download, I hope I'm not bothering anybody by posting the links that don't work.

If it's not too much trouble for you, can you try reposting this link?


New Member
hey woofboy111,

glad you were finally able to download! thanks for letting me know about the busted link - it was another classic typo in the link, but all is fixed and you should be able to get that last track. let me know if you have any problems

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